Microsoft Word - State Farm Stadium Draft House Rules …

OverviewNRG Park places the utmost priority on the welfare of staff, clients (Licensees) and guests and is committed to the highest standards of health, safety and cleanliness at its facilities. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, NRG Park has implemented these COVID-19 Event Rules (the “COVID-19 Rules”) to provide a safe environment for hosting events in compliance with federal, state and local laws, regulations and guidelines (“Laws”). The Event Rules provide COVID-19 operational policies and protocols applicable to Licensee and its events during the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Rules supplement the NRG Park Rules and Regulations and are subject to change from time to time as needed to comply with applicable Laws.NRG Park Reopening PlanThe COVID-19 Rules are based on NRG Park’s Reopening Plan, which outlines the best practices being implemented at NRG Park and follows guidance from federal, state, and local governmental agencies and health authorities. The Reopening Plan is available to Licensee upon request, and generally requires Licensee to implement the following measures at its events at NRG Park:Social distancingHealth and temperature screeningEnhanced cleaning and disinfectionFace coveringsProtective measures (e.g. hand sanitizing stations, touchless payment options)Enhanced communication of health and safety measuresLicensee’s Event Operations Plan (Event Operations Plan)Prior to conducting an event at NRG Park, Licensee must submit an Event Operations Plan that demonstrates how Licensee will operate its event in compliance with the COVID-19 Rules and Laws. NRG Park staff will collaborate with Licensee in developing a customized Event Operations Plan to address COVID-19 risks associated with Licensee’s event. The Event Operations Plan shall include, but is not limited to the following:Event floor plansAttendance projectionsEvent scheduleSocial distancing plansPlans for tracking attendance for contact tracingSignage planPayment optionsHygiene and sanitization plans Plans to accommodate vulnerable/high-risk attendeesTicketing/Registration PlanGuest/Attendee communications planAdditional guidance regarding these requirements is provided in the sections below.COVID-19 Related Responsibilities for Planning and during EventIn preparation for Licensee’s event, Licensee shall:Review relevant federal, state and local regulatory agency policies and orders related to events, gatherings and travel, including those as issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), Harris County Public Health and the Houston Health Department.Discuss the COVID-19 Rules with NRG Park staff and develop the Event Operations Plan at least 30 days prior to the event, whenever possible.Ensure that its staff is properly trained and informed of the COVID-19 Rules.Ensure that its staff has necessary PPE while working at NRG Park and is trained in the proper use of such PPE.Designate a staff member(s) to serve as the COVID-19 point of contact (the “COVID-19 POC”) to monitor and respond to COVID-19 related situations and ensure other staff/attendees know how to contact the COVID-19 POC.Consider limiting event attendance to staff and attendees who live in the local area (e.g., city or county) to reduce risk of spreading the virus from areas with higher levels of COVID-19. If attendance is open to individuals from outside the community, inform attendees in advance so they can make an informed decision regarding their attendance.Consider development of a flexible refund policy for attendees who may become sick prior to the event.During event set-up and the event, Licensee shall:Work with NRG Park staff to maintain contact with local health authorities to ensure adherence to their most up-to-date ply with the most recent regulatory agency policies and orders.Confirm an on-duty staff member has been assigned the role of COVID-19 POC.Conduct daily health screenings (e.g., temperature and symptom checking) for staff and attendees, as appropriate.Monitor absenteeism of staff.Ensure staff and attendees have received communication about COVID-19 related policies in place at NRG Park.Work with NRG Park staff to ensure attendees have received communication regarding refund policies for illness.Ensure that all protocols developed in the Event Operations Plan are being implemented.Licensee Staff TrainingLicensee shall ensure that its staff is properly trained with regard to the COVID-19 Rules prior to the event. Individuals who do not comply with the COVID-19 Rules will not be permitted to enter or remain on NRG Park premises. Staff must understand that they are required to:Stay home when feeling ill, when exposed to COVID-19 (e.g. positive household member) or if diagnosed with a confirmed case of COVID-19.Notify the COVID-19 POC immediately if they suspect they have been in contact with someone who has COVID- 19.Abide by all health screening, social distancing, cleaning and disinfection, PPE and hygiene guidelines as specified in the COVID-19 Rules.Use PPE in the proper manner and at all times at while working at NRG Park.Increase hygiene practices by washing hands frequently, avoiding touching face and practicing good respiratory etiquette.Clean and disinfect all frequently touched personal items including cellphones, keys, etc.Avoid sharing any personal items with any others, and to the extent possible avoid communal use of materials, supplies or devices.Notify their supervisor if they are particularly vulnerable to COVID-19, according to the CDC, so the risk of working the event can be properly assessed prior accessing NRG Park.Social Distancing PlansSocial distancing guidelines implemented by Licensee for the event must be at least as restrictive as those required by Law at the time of the event and must be approved in advance by NRG Park. Licensee shall provide NRG Park with its plans for compliance with social distancing requirements, including without limitation, the following:Floor plans, set ups, seating manifests, and limitations on capacities Plans for the staging and movement of staff and attendees to eliminate lines and waiting areasStaggered times for ingress and egress to and from the event Use of social distancing markers such as tape and signageUse of online registration, ticket sales, and service ordersProhibitions on hand-shakes and other similar contact-based greetings, such as “high-fives”Methods of enforcing social distancing rules and rules on proper use of PPE Utilization of PPE, including physical barriers, for any circumstances where it is not possible to maintain social distancingWhen implementing social distancing measures, Licensee must continue to comply with all disability access laws. NRG Park may implement additional social distancing protocols as necessary.Health Screening for Staff and AttendeesLicensee’s staff and attendees will be subject to health screening procedures as recommended by local, state and federal regulatory agencies. Staff members are subject to health, travel, and/or?temperature?checks before accessing NRG Park.Staff should complete an online health screening questionnaire before leaving for work or upon arrival at NRG Park at an NRG Park designated location. Staff will have their temperature taken. If the staff member has a temperature of 100.4°or greater they will not be permitted to enter NRG Park or remain on the premises and should contact Licensee.Attendees are also subject to health screenings and may be subject to temperature screening as a condition of entry.Licensee should notify attendees of the health and travel screening requirements before arrival at the event.Signage should be posted?at the event entry informing?attendees?of the event specific health?and safety?requirements.Cleaning and Disinfecting Event SpaceLicensee’s event space must be cleaned in accordance with CDC guidelines and the NRG Park Environmental Hygiene Plan. Event-specific?cleaning?and disinfection plans will be implemented based on event requirements,?following?the guidelines below.?Regularly?clean and disinfect any frequently touched surfaces, such as doorknobs, elevator buttons, tables and chairs, vending machines, and any items that come into contact with staff and attendees.Clean and disinfect restrooms?before?the start of each event and hourly throughout the event.?Clean and disinfect any area used for dining before each use, including the disinfecting of tables, chairs, stalls, and countertops.??Clean and disinfect seating, including upholstered and fabric surfaces and seating areas before each use. Clean and disinfect meeting rooms and portable equipment before each use.??Clean and disinfect locker rooms, dressing rooms,?and other back of house areas before each use or change in the user group.?Clean and disinfect wheelchairs before each use.?Cleaning products used at NRG Park must meet EPA guidelines and be approved for use against viruses, bacteria and other pathogens.Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) & HygieneLicensee shall ensure that staff uses appropriate PPE.Staff and attendees are required to wear a face covering at all times inside NRG Park. Any exceptions to the face covering policy will be in accordance with Laws.Licensee shall each be responsible for procuring, maintaining and providing face coverings for its staff or attendees who may arrive at NRG Park without one or who lose their face covering while at the NRG Park.Staff should be encouraged to use hand sanitizer and/or to thoroughly wash hands frequently while at NRG Park.Gloves are mandatory for any staff who work with food, refill supplies or are required to clean or handle in any way any ‘high-touch’ surfaces. Gloves are not a replacement for hand-hygiene, hands should be washed regularly before and after gloves are worn.Disposal of refuse, including potentially infectious waste, must be disposed of in in accordance with CDC guidelines and local/state regulations.Contact Tracing/Attendance TrackingLicensee shall maintain a record of all of Licensee’s on-site staff including volunteers, contractors or other service providers.Licensee’s records must identify each individual’s name, phone number, email address, home address, organization, areas of work and work schedule.Licensee will conduct workplace?contact tracing?in the event a staff member that has been present at NRG Park tests positive for COVID-19.For ticketed events only, records for at least one person per group should be kept that include: name of attendee and contact munications with AttendeesLicensee will coordinate with NRG Park staff on the development of a public messaging plan for communicating all necessary COVID-19 related information to attendees, including public service announcements from local health authorities.Licensee will work with NRG Park to ensure there is sufficient signage at its event to communicate COVID-19 related information.Licensee will communicate to attendees that any individual who does not comply with the COVID-19 Rules will not be permitted to enter or remain on NRG Park premises.Enhanced Protective Measures/Touchless OptionsHand sanitizing stations should be made available throughout the event space.Licensee should encourage cashless points of sale for merchandise, food & beverage and parking.Registration and/or ticket sales should be conducted online using online registration or electronic ticketing when possible.Licensee should order services online and encourage exhibitors to order services online.Licensee should minimize deliveries to NRG Park. Deliveries must be coordinated with NRG Park security and contactless.Remedies for Violation of COVID-19 RulesIf Licensee or any of its staff or invitees violate the COVID-19 Rules, NRG Park staff will notify the COVID-19 POC of such noncompliance, and Licensee shall take immediate action to correct the noncompliance. If the noncompliance continues, NRG Park may exercise its right to: (i) revoke any noncompliant individual’s right to remain at the Facility, as provided in Section 2(c) of the License Agreement, or (ii) terminate the License Agreement for default under Sections 12(a) and (b) of the License Agreement for Licensee’s failure to immediately cure a breach which threat threatens the health, welfare, or safety of any person or property. ................

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