Webquest: Neurotransmitters, Cravings, & Addiction

Webquest: Neurotransmitters, Cravings, & Addiction

Have you ever wondered why you crave chocolate or have to have your morning coffee? Have you ever wondered why you need that can of soda to keep awake during the day?

In this investigation you will explore the connection between addiction and neurotransmission to help answer the question why. You will take a look at how caffeine, as well as nicotine, alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine can affect neurotransmission in the human body.

The webquest is divided into three parts:

1. The Neuron

2. Is caffeine addictive?

3. Do drugs affect neuron transmission?

PART ONE: The Neuron

1. Go to

a. Find and record the definition for a neuron.

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2. Go to

a. Draw and label a neuron and its parts. Include: dendrites, cell body, nucleus, axon, pre-synaptic terminal

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b. Play “Build a Neuron”

3. Go to

a. Read about how a neuron carries messages through the action potential.

|Describe how the neuron works: |

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|List the process in steps. Number each step: |

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|Draw the process of a neuron carrying a message: |

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4. Go to

a. Read about how 2 neurons work together

5. Go to

a. Read about the synapse

|What is a synapse: |

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|Draw and label: the synapse between two neurons. Include: pre-synaptic neuron (on this neuron, label axon terminal, vesicles filled|

|with neurotransmitters) post-synaptic neuron (on this neuron, label dendrite with receptors and the cleft) |

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6. Go to

a. Read about how nerve communicate with one another

7. Go to

a. View “How Neurotransmission Works”

b. View “Neurotransmitter Action”

c. View “Neurons in Series”

|What is neurotransmission and what happens during it? |

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|Draw the process of neurotransmission, use arrows to illustrate the process. |

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8. Go to

a. Read about “Neurotransmitters”

b. Find and record the six “Small Molecule Neurotransmitter Substances”

|Name six small molecule neurotransmitter substances: |

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9. Go to

a. Read about the two parts of the nervous system

|The nervous system is made up of what two systems? |

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|What are the two parts of the central nervous system? |

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|What are the two parts of the peripheral nervous system? |

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|What is the somatic nervous system? |

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|What is the autonomic nervous system? |

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10. Go to

a. Find the chemical structure of caffeine and draw it below.

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11. Go to

a. Read about the chemical compound that is caffeine.

12. Go to

a. Read about how caffeine affects neurotransmission

13. Go to caffeine%3F

a. Read about how caffeine affects neurons

14. Go to

a. Read about how caffeine affects the synapse

|How does caffeine affect the central nervous system? |

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|Which neurotransmitter is affected by caffeine? |

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|How does caffeine affect this neurotransmitter? |

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|Is caffeine addictive? Why or why not? |

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15. Go to

a. Read about how various chemical compounds in chocolate affect the way we feel

|How does chocolate affect the way we feel? |

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16. Go to

a. Read “Addiction’s Path”

|Name two things you learned from this article. |

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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