Natural Options for ADHD Assessment and Treatment

Natural Options for ADHD Assessment and TreatmentADHD is estimated to affect 3-5% of school age children and is more common in boys than girls. Some common symptoms of this disorder include: inattention to details, difficulty sustaining attention during tasks and play, not listening when spoken to directly, not following through on tasks, fidgeting, leaving the classroom unexpectedly, blurting out answers, and difficulty taking turns (source: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders.) Although conventional medication works in many cases the options are fairly limited and can have significant side effects. Methylphenidate drugs (like Ritalin and Concerta) and amphetamine drugs like (Adderall and Dexedrine) are usually considered first line therapy. Other medications that are less frequently utilized include tricyclic antidepressants (like Nortryptyline and Elavil), SSRIs (like Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil), and alpha-2- agonists (like Clonidine.) Some common side effects of Adderall (one of the most frequently used psychostimulant medications) include: anorexia, insomnia, abdominal pain, headache, emotional lability, weight loss, nervousness, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, weakness, diarrhea, dizziness, palpitations, hypertension, tachycardia, tremor, constipation, visual disturbances, and tics. It is known that 10-30% of patients with ADHD can not tolerate, or do not respond well to, conventional medications. Many people are looking for safer options. Natural medications can offer some viable alternatives but they are best utilized under the supervision of a licensed naturopathic doctor (ND). The Naturopathic approach strives to address the root imbalances and improve overall physiological functioning. ADHD symptoms are probably influenced by multiple interacting factors such as: suboptimal nutrition, toxins, intestinal bacterial imbalances, food sensitivities, infections, compromised detoxification ability, and genetic predisposition. Lab testing and physical exams should be performed to elucidate any of the above contributing factors. This requires an “out of the box” investigation that is not typically taught in conventional medical schools. Once the underlying factors are deduced they can often be treated by dietary changes, detoxification therapies, nutritional supplements, and herbal supplements. A licensed naturopathic doctor can assist you with these therapies. Common nutrient deficiencies in patients with ADHD include: Omega 3 fatty acids, magnesium, zinc, iron and B vitamins. Various forms of nutrient testing can be used to detect deficiencies. It is also common for patients with ADHD to have a condition know as “leaky gut” where undigested food particles can slip into the blood stream and activate the immune system. The resultant food sensitivities can cause hyper-activation of the central nervous system due to a breakdown of the blood brain barrier. Toxins like heavy metals may also cause immune activation in the central nervous system, oxidation, and other problems. Recently there have been some interesting innovations in lab testing that help clinicians identify physiological roadblocks that contribute to ADHD symptoms. Urinary organic acid testing looks at the end products of metabolism and can help identify nutrient deficiencies, intestinal imbalances, and detoxification problems. Urinary/saliva neurotransmitter analysis is a very helpful test that can help identify excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter imbalances. Once imbalances in neurotransmitters are discovered they can be treated using natural substances including amino acids, theanine, 5-HTP, GABA, and herbal extracts. Neurotransmitter analysis can also be used to predict which people will have success with ADHD medications. It is a shame that this testing is not yet “mainstream” because it could prevent a lot of needless treatment failures. In summary, although ADHD drugs work for many patients there can be significant sided effects and frequent treatment failures. Optimal treatment of ADHD consists of a holistic approach that seeks to discover root imbalances and to help the body/mind regain optimal functioning. Bert Mathieson,ND,RD,LD,CDE is a naturopathic doctor who specializes in pediatrics and natural sports performance enhancement. He can be reached at New Hampshire Natural Health Clinic: 603-623-6800. ................

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