Spiritual Energy

20-0105 Opening Our AttributesNotes of Atori Alo YansaJer 31:9 I am a father to Israel, and Ephraim is my firstborn. Birthright of a firstborn. A promise Christ would come thru Ephraim1 Sam. 17:12.. David's daddy Jesse, an EPHRATHITE, lived in Bethlehem-judah. and Rom. 1:3 says Jesus came thru that bloodline!Christ the head came the first time through Judah the sceptre, he will come through the body, the birthright holder Ephraim the second time. The redemption of God's people is a 2 part work. The breach in the kingdom will be healed. ~AAY~We know that Ephraim was a son of Joseph in Egypt from Azeneth, the queen of the land of pyramids. He received the blessing of Jacob as the firstborn. Joseph was one of the original 12 tribes and was removed and placed Ephraim and Manasseh in the tribes, sons of Joseph. Then later Levi was removed to become the keepers of the Tabernacle and that made the 12 again. The promise of the Messiah Child was first through Judah by Jacob. Then the hands of Jacob showed the collective entire body of promise through the Joseph ministry – Ephraim. We are not looking for Christ in Judah now, the lion, but we are looking for Christ in Ephraim, the blessing of Joseph by the hand of Jacob back in the earth! Taurus through Aquarius is the great return in the collective body. ~AAY~ Joseph’s wife was the final woman of procreation in Genesis wherein it shows us the move from darkness to light in the cycles of humanity. Azeneth was a beautiful picture of the merging female with the Joseph blessing and male/female became one. ~AAY~Walking home together on the red road of redemption. Let's stay side by side so we can help one another. My father was in the Bataan death march of WW2 and he told me they did their best to align side by side so they could hold one another up and live. If you know the Sequoia Tree it has shallow roots in the ground and in order for Sequoias to live they need a grove of them together and hold one another up in the storms. They can grow so tall and strong together. That is Us. ~AAY~If you are a master, be a master unto yourself and free all others. Then they will excel. This levels the playing field.Step away from the judgments and condemnation of others and look unto you, the author and finisher of your faith. Compete against nothing except what you are today. Continue forward in the progressing spiral to grow in spirituality and scientific understanding. ~AAY~A person's value and worth are increased when one stops reproducing replicas of someone else. We are Christ and are spiritually of value and worth through becoming our own creation of weakness to display our holistic person. We spilled the blood of the spoken word creation to become a clean humanity and made our physical creation worthy! Heaven and earth, worthy and of great value in the creation story of Us. ~AAY~When life and death are no longer learned from a book, but felt in our hearts, we understand our creation and purpose. We stepped into the unknown portions of ourselves and became not only the Christ, but the physical body of Christ. Our body is worthy, a portioned value of what we are collectively. We are not to be ashamed, condemned or looked upon as inferior. This exploits our humbleness and willingness to serve and esteem one another higher than our selves. ~AAY~In all that I have said, if you have not caught the humility, the character, the loving kindness, the willingness to give esteem to others, and the calmness to wait and be peaceful about all things, then you have sorely misinterpreted my words of life. These things are the keystone pieces of our revelation in love divine. ~AAY~20-0105 Opening Our AttributesNotes of Atori Alo Yansa ................

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