Periodic Table Notes: - MR. PORTER'S CHEMISTRY PAGES

Name: _____________________________

Periodic Table Notes:

Elements are arranged:

Vertically into _________________ and __________________.

Groups and families have _________________ __________________.

• Such as ___________________ ______________.

Horizontally into ______________________(Rows)

Properties ___________________ from left to right

Valence Electrons:

• Electrons in the ____________________ _____________ level

Used for _________________________.

Full set of valence electrons is _____________

- Octet rule ( we will discuss this in a future chapter)

GROUPS / FAMILIES and their properties

* _______________ Metals: Group 1

• Valence electron = ____________

• ____________, __________ colored metals

• Very _____________________!!!

• especially with ________________________

• Always combined with something else in nature (like in salt).

* __________________ _______________ _________________ Group 2

• Valence electrons = __________

• _____________ - ____________ Metals

• _____________________ reactive

• Many are found in rocks in the earth’s crust

* Transition Metals – Groups 3-12

• Valence electrons = ________

• Malleable – easily dented, hammered and rolled into _____________

• Ductile - ___________________ into wires

• ____________ are good ______________________ of electricity

* Inner transition metals: periods 6 and 7 (F block)

• __________________________

• __________________________

*Boron Group: group 13

• Valence electrons = ______________

• __________________

• Solids at room temp

* Carbon Group: group 14

• Valence Electrons = _________

• Solids at room temp

* Nitrogen Group: group 15

• Valence Electrons = ___________

• All solids at room temp except nitrogen

* _________________ group: group 16

• Valence Electrons = _______________

• All solids except Oxygen

* ____________________ group: group 17

• Valence Electrons = ___________

• Most are __________________________

• Fairly reactive

• Used as disinfectants

• Poor conductors

• Used in lights

* ________________ gases: group 18

• Are “________________”

• Valence Electrons = _________________

• They don’t generally lose or gain electrons

• ____________________________ (inert)

• Gases at room temperature

• Used in lights


• In a group by itself

• Valence Electrons = _____

• Very Reactive

• Has Properties of 2 families

Lewis Structures and electron dot diagrams

• Show valence electrons around the element’s _________________

• Can put at most _____ electrons next to each other

• To draw – place 1 electron at a time around the symbol in 4 locations (top, side, bottom, and other side) before doubling up until all valence e- are used.


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