Mrs. Reynolds

NAME_____________________________________HR____________DATE_________________MAGNETISM & ELECTRICITY ENERGY UNIT PLAN8th Grade Science—Mrs. Reynolds**Many of videos come from Discovery Education which requires a subscription. Feel free to substitute other videos/materials.KNOWLEDGE LEVEL WORK*Indicates required activities.(Complete as many activities as necessary to be able to do each goal.) GOALS:A.Explain how object become magnetic & describe the structure of a magnet.B.Describe the interactions of like/unlike magnetic charges.pare & contrast permanent & temporary magnets (including electromagnets).*1.Launch Lab—What does magnetic mean? 2.Watch Introduction to Magnets video. Take notes. --Khan Academy ()--Bill Nye ()3.Reading Essentials WS—Magnetism. Answer the questions + highlight/underlinethe main ideas of each section + the important details for each main idea. 4.View Year 8—Magnetism glog. Watch the video clip + read/process the information given on the glog. Take notes over the information.() 5.Make illustrated vocab cards to study with for the terms: magnet, magnetic pole, magnetic force, ferromagnetic elements, temporary magnet, permanent magnet, magnetic domain. 6.Make a Vertical 3-tab Foldable to organize notes about magnetic poles, fields and domains. 7.Watch Electromagnets videos. Write 7 questions about it and answer them as completely as possible. --electromagnets () 8.Write an acrostic poem about magnetism. (See if you need help with what an acrostic poem is or how to write one.) *9.Magnets & Magnetism QuizGOALS:D.State and give examples of the law of electrical charges.E.Explain the difference between static & current electricity.F.Describe the basic construction/parts of a simple circuit.*1.Static Electricity Activity2.Make a small poster that explains & illustrates the difference between static and current electricity. 3.Watch Static Electricity & Charges video segments. Take notes. 4.Reading Essentials WS—Electricity. Answer the questions. 5.Write a poem or song about static electricity. Use the terms static electricity, charged, neutral, protons, electrons, conduction, induction, discharge. Note: All terms should relate specifically to static electricity. 6.View Static Electricity glog. Watch the video & complete all the activities. Take notes.()GOALS:G.Tell how parallel and series circuits are alike & how they are different.H.Describe electrical conductors & insulators + identify examples of each.*1.Is it a conductor or insulator? *2.Simple circuits activity. *3.Circuits activity4.Lesson Outline—Describing Circuits 5.Watch Circuits, Conductors & Insulators and Parallel & Series Circuits videos & take notes. 6.Make a word puzzle (MUST include terms & definitions) that reviews the terms: electric current, electric circuit, (electrical) source, (electrical) load, (electrical) path, (electrical) switch, series circuit, parallel circuit, (electrical) fuse, circuit breaker. (; Go to Teacher tab & find “Puzzle Maker”.) 7.View Electrical Circuits PowerPoint & take notes ()*8.Electricity QuizAPPLICATION & CRITICAL THINKING LEVEL WORK*Indicates required activities.*1.Electromagnet Investigation—How can the strength of an electromagnet be changed?--Lab Write-Up Form and Score Sheet are on the 8th Grade webpage.*2.Hand-Free Circuit Design Project ................

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