Bad Axe High School

BAD AXE PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUILDING REQUEST FORMRev. 12/2014INSTRUCTIONS TO COMPLETE: If requesting the use of a building/facility on a regular basis, such as weekly use, and for an extended period of time, please contact the Board of Education office at 269-9938.Form should be submitted at least 20 days prior to the requested plete all information and submit directly to the office of the building being requested.A copy will be returned once approved by the building principal, athletic director, and superintendent.No plans should be made until a signed copy has been returned to you.Bring the signed copy with you on the date of the activity.Building rental, custodial, and food service fees are listed below.If there is additional or less time than requested, please call (989) 269-9938 during the next business day to report any differences. Generally, technology support and services is not part of any rental agreement. However, special requests for services will be on an individual basis and cost considerations to the group. School functions, student activities, and other educational related activities will take precedence over non-school related activities. BUILDING RENTAL, CUSTODIAL, AND FOOD SERVICE FEESELEMENTARY SCHOOLGymnasium$30.00 for first 2-hour period $5.00 for each additional hourClassrooms$15.00 for first 2-hour period $3.00 for each additional hourMIDDLE SCHOOLLarge Gymnasium$50.00 for first 2-hour period $6.00 for each additional hourSmall Gymnasium$35.00 for first 2-hour period $6.00 for each additional hourCafeteria$20.00 for first 2-hour period $3.00 for each additional hourClassrooms $15.00 for first 2-hour period $3.00 for each additional hourHIGH SCHOOLGymnasium$60.00 for first 2-hour period $8.00 for each additional hourCafetorium$40.00 for first 2-hour period $6.00 for each additional hourClassrooms$15.00 for first 2-hour period $3.00 for each additional hourCUSTODIAL CHARGE$20.00 per hour regular time$30.00 per hour overtimeFOOD SERVICE CHARGE$18.00 per hour regular time$28.00 per hour overtimeOTHER FEESMicrophone/PA$10.00FACILITY USE RULES, GUIDELINES, AND RESTRICTIONSSchool facilities will be made available for community purposes, provided that such use does not infringe on the purpose of the property or interfere with the educational program of the school.The use of school facilities will not be granted for private social functions.Users must take reasonable steps to ensure orderly behavior and will be responsible for paying for all damage associated with their use of the facility or equipment. The user shall be fully responsible for all loss or damage to district property, including property of students and employees.The district reserves the right to request payment of estimated fees in advance.Use of tobacco is prohibited. All users are responsible for complying with this regulation.Alcoholic beverages and controlled substances are not permitted on district property at any time.Gambling of any kind is prohibited without a state license.Decorations are to be erected and taken down in a manner not destructive to district property.Requests for district-owned equipment are not included in the direct or indirect costs and shall be charged based on request and type of equipment.The use of any materials on floors or other parts of the building is strictly prohibited without specific approval in writing by the superintendent of schools.Uses of stages, furniture, and equipment must be arranged for in advance. Set-up and clean-up may be performed by members of the group using the facility. Additional custodial services required for work not done satisfactorily will be paid for by the group. Arrangements must be made with the administration for use of any special or extra equipment. Extra compensation paid employees for moving, operating, or supervising special or extra equipment will be charged to the group and must be paid within seven (7) business days after receipt of payment.Use during summer vacation, on holidays, or during other vacation periods shall not conflict with building cleaning and renovating programs and will depend on the availability of building service personnel for supervision.A district custodian shall be on duty whenever a facility is being used except as exempted by the superintendent. The custodian will render custodial assistance in handling furniture and equipment and will be responsible for seeing that the facility is left is good order after the activity is over. The custodian’s overtime, including clean-up time, will be charged at the current hourly rate (see rates) and must be paid within seven (7) business days after receipt of payment.Food service personnel shall be required when kitchen facilities are requested.Responsibility for enforcement of rules and regulations concerning use of district facilities rests with the user group and the site supervisor, and any infractions of the above regulations may be grounds for refusing to grant subsequent requests for the use of district facilities.Corridors and exits must be free of obstructions at all times. Members of audience or spectators must never stand or sit so they block exits, or aisleways.The district will not be responsible for any loss of valuables or personal property.Each group requesting the use of district facilities must indicate an individual, satisfactory to the administration, who will serve in a supervisory capacity during the use of the district facilities and who should be responsible for making payment if any.The custodian on duty is directed not to open the facility until the supervisor for the sponsoring group is on duty.The district reserves the right to demand sufficient time for full investigation, notice, and arrangements of all requests for the use of school facilities and reserves first claim to the use of its own property. Cancellations may be issued by the superintendent with or without due notice and without costs to the district for any loss of the cancellation. All approvals are to be granted with this understanding.The user will be permitted access to Bad Axe Public Schools and will agree to follow all the rules governing use of Bad Axe Public Schools and any specific guidelines or restrictions at the sole discretion of the school district. Locations used shall be subject to the Bad Axe Public School’s discretion and the user will be responsible for all expenses related to its presence at the school district.The user also agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Bad Axe Public Schools, its boards, employees, and representatives from any and all claims, actions, suits, judgments and expenses including claims, costs, attorney fees and damages in connection with the user’s negligence resulting in loss of life, bodily or personal injury, product liability claims and/or damage to property arising from or out of use by the user or its agents, members, partners, guests, associates or employees, or any portion of the school district. I, __________________________________________ acknowledge that I have received, read, and understand these rules and agree to abide by the rules, guidelines, and restrictions set forth by Bad Axe Public Schools.Activity/Event: ___________________________ Organization: _______________________Contact/Billing Person: _______________________Phone: ____________ Cell:_______________Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________Site Supervisor (if different than above): _________________________ Phone:_________________Mailing Address: ________________________________________________________Building Desired: ________________________Rooms Desired: __________________________________________________________(List All) ____________________________ ______________________________Date(s) Activity: _________________________Date of Set Up: ______________________ (If different from Activity Date)Time of Activity:Start Time: ___________ Time of Set Up: Start Time: _________ (If needed)End Time: ____________ End Time: _________Food Service Staff Needed: Yes_____ No_____*Note: Food Service Staff is required if kitchen equipment is needed. See Rental Fees.Custodial Staff Needed: Yes_____ No_____# of Tables: __________# of Chairs: __________*Note: Custodial Staff will provide requested tables and chairs, but will not assist with set up of them unless it is part of the rental fee. An additional fee may be assessed if custodial services are needed beyond reasonable cleanup of the event. Other Requested Needs or Equipment: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Representative Signature:Date:Below To Be Completed By School Officials OnlyApprovedCosts:Not ApprovedBuilding Rental: $________________________________________ __________Wages:$___________Building Principal Signature DateEquipment:$________________________________________ __________Total Cost:$___________Athletic Director Signature DateAcknowledged/Signed Rules/Restrictions:___________________________________________ ____________________ YES _____NOSuperintendent Signature DateCopies to: Bldg Principal _____ AD _____ Bldg Custodian _____ Bldg Secretary_____ Business Mgr_____ Group_____ ................

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