Balloon Expansion Chart

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _______________________ Period ________________

The Big Bang Theory - Balloon Expansion Lab

Materials Per Group

❑ Balloon

❑ String

❑ Ruler

❑ Marker



1. Using the marker, put 4 dots anywhere on your deflated balloon. Make sure they are scattered around the balloon.

2. Label the 4 dots: Home, A, B, and C.

3. Use your string to measure the distance between Home & A. Put the end of the string on Home and stretch the string to point A.

4. After you measure with your sting, without letting go of the string, put it against the centimeter side of your ruler to determine the distance in cm that you just measured.

5. Repeat step 3 and 4 for the distance between Home & B, and Home & C.

6. Blow one complete breath into the balloon and clip the balloon shut with your fingers.

7. Have a partner use the string to measure the distances between each dot again just like in steps 3-5. Remember to put your string against the centimeter side of your ruler to determine the distance.

8. Repeat step 7 to complete 3 trials. Deflate the balloon after each trial (NOT each distance)!

9. Find the average of the 3 trials for each distance. (Remember: to find average, add 3 trials together and divide answer by 3)

| |DISTANCE Home & A |DISTANCE Home & B |DISTANCE Home & C |

|Deflated |cm |cm |cm |

|Trial 1 |cm |cm |cm |

|Trial 2 |cm |cm |cm |

|Trial 3 |cm |cm |cm |

|Average |cm |cm |cm |


1. What did you observe as the ‘Universe’ expanded?



2. Your dots represent the galaxies of the universe. Explain how the balloon model explains the ‘Big Bang Theory’?



3. Did the galaxies near HOME or those further away from HOME appear to move the greatest distance?




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