
Field Day is just around the corner so it is time to start finalizing plans and getting ready for this annual event. Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June. This year Field Day will be held on Saturday, June 28 at 1800 UTC (1300 CDT) to Sunday June 29 at 2100 UTC (1600 CDT).

According to the ARRL FD 2008 rules, the object of Field Day is to work as many stations as possible on any and all amateur bands (excluding the 60, 30, 17, and 12 meter bands) and in doing so to learn to operate in abnormal situations in less than optimal conditions. A premium is placed on developing skills to meet the challenges of emergency preparedness as well as to acquaint the general public with the capabilities of Amateur Radio.

We will again be operating as 2A NTX (two alpha, North Texas). We will be using two radio transceivers and hopefully a GOTA (Get-On-The-Air) station. A list of equipment that will be needed is listed below.

Originally I had been working on and planned for PACARC to set up at the Westwood Baptist Church, but that location did not pan out for our weekend deployment. The plan this year is to set up at a cabin on my family property on ACR 409 (see map). Directions to “The Place” are 1.) On Hwy 19 N go past the college approximately 2 miles to the first black top road on the right, ACR 408. Turn right and follow until the road intersects with ACR 403 and turn left. Go approximately 8/10 of a mile to ACR 409 and turn left. “The Place” is the first gate on the right. 2.) On North Link St. by the Country Club, continue north on ACR 403 for approximately 3 miles until you reach ACR 409. Turn left and then go to the first gate on the right.


PLACE: This cabin is a concrete block structure with a tin roof, patio, lights, and a ceiling fan. There is a full kitchen and a bathroom with a sink, shower and toilet. There is commercial electrical power available for fans, lights, computers and other needs we might have. There are plenty of tall pine and oak trees available for stringing antennas. If anyone wishes to bring a small camper or tent, that can be arranged so please let me know.

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SET UP: We should begin set-up at approximately 1000 CDT. That will give us three hours to have all radios and antennas put in place and ready to go by 1300 CDT. Right now there is no set plan to operate for the full 24 hour period or for even just a few hours. If enough folks are interested and wish to operate over night, then that can be done.

FOOD: The plans are for us to have a medium size charcoal grill available and everyone can bring their own meat (steaks, burgers, brats, pork chops, chicken etc.) and they can cook their food the way they want it. You can bring your own food condiments too if you wish. Plenty of drinks will be available as well as baked potatoes and all the fixin’s. If anyone is interested in being the Chairman of the Food Committee please let me know.


Club items

• HF transceivers (Icom, Kenwood, and Ten Tec)

• power supplies for the transceivers

• antennas & coax cable

• generator & trailer

• PACARC banner

• drinks

Personal items

• antennas & coax cable

• fans (box, personal or otherwise)

• lights/lamps

• power strips/extension cords

• folding tables (MUST have at least two)

• folding chairs

• ice chest/coolers

• lap top computers

• bug spray

• sun screen

If there are any questions or comments, or if anyone has any suggestions, please contact me at KB5YUE@. I look forward to this year’s Field Day and hope we are successful.


Tom Wardell KB5YUE

PACARC Vice President

Field Day Chairman


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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