S7L2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe how ...

S7L2. Obtain, evaluate, and communicate information to describe how cell

structures, cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems interact to maintain the

basic needs of organisms.

C. Construct an argument that systems of the body (Cardiovascular, Excretory, Digestive, Respiratory, Muscular, Nervous, and Immune) interact with one another to carry

out life processes.

Chapter 16 Lesson 2


Circulatory, Cardiovascular....same thing The HEART and BLOOD Page 566


What does the circulatory system do? How do the parts of the circulatory

system work together?

How does the circulatory system interact

with other body systems?

CIRCULATORY SYSTEM vocab Find definitions in glossary or Ch. 16/p. 567.

1. Atria: the two upper chambers of the heart through which blood enters 2. Ventricle: two lower chambers of the heart through which blood exits 3. Artery: large vessel that takes blood away from the heart 4. Vein: vessel that carries blood toward the heart 5. Capillaries: tiny blood vessels that deliver supplies to individual cells and

take away waste materials

Chapter 16 Lesson 1


Flow of blood through heart


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