Cells - Biloxi Public School District

|term |definition or information |diagram or examples |

|Robert Hooke |English scientist |[pic] |

| |looked at a thin slice of cork (oak cork) through a compound |[pic] |

| |microscope | |

| |observed tiny, hollow, roomlike structures | |

| |called these structures 'cells' because they reminded him of | |

| |the rooms that monks lived in | |

| |only saw the outer walls (cell walls) because cork cells are | |

| |not alive | |

|Anton van Leeuwenhoek |Dutch fabric merchant and amateur scientist |[pic] |

| |looked at blood, rainwater, scrapings from teeth through a | |

| |simple microscope (1 lens) | |

| |observed living cells; called some 'animalcules' | |

| |some of the small 'animalcules' are now called bacteria | |

|prokaryotic |cells that do not have a nucleus |[pic] |

|(prokaryote) |lack membrane-bound organelles | |

| |in most cases unicellular; in rare cases, multicellular | |

| |circular DNA | |

| |bacteria | |

|eukaryotic |cells that have a nucleus |[pic] |

|(eukaryote) |linear DNA | |

| |animals, plants, protista, and some unicellular organisms | |

|autotrophic |producers---an organism that makes or synthesizes its own |[pic] |

|(autotroph) |food using photosynthesis | |

|heterotrophic |consumers---organisms that cannot make their own energy-rich |[pic] |

|(heterotroph) |molecules; they obtain energy by eating other organisms | |

|photosynthesis |Equation for Photosynthesis--- |[pic] |

| |(sunlight) | |

| |6CO2 + 6H2O → C6H12O6 + 6O2 | |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Photosynthetic organisms such as plants use light energy to | |

| |produce a carbohydrate (glucose). | |

| |process in which the energy in sunlight is stored in the | |

| |bonds of glucose for later use | |

| |Cellulose is the substance that makes up most of a plant's | |

| |cell walls. An increase in the cellulose is an increase in | |

| |plant size. | |

|cellular respiration |Equation for Cellular Respiration--- |[pic] |

| |(ATP) C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O+energy | |

| | | |

| |ATP (adenosine triphosphate) made in the mitochondria. | |

| |Organisms use oxygen to get energy from food, some of which | |

| |is released as heat. | |

| |If cellular respiration stopped, a cell would not have the | |

| |energy it needs to perform its functions. | |


organelles ( cells ( tissue ( organ ( organism

Plant and Animal Cells---

|Structures--- |Function-- |picture or diagram |

|cell membrane |thin, flexible outer covering of a cell |[pic] |

| |controls what enters and leaves the cell | |

| |nutrients and water enter and wastes leave the cell through the | |

| |cell membrane | |

|cytoplasm |thick, gel-like fluid |[pic] |

| |“cell-liquid” | |

| |cell organelles float in the cytoplasm | |

|nucleus (nuclei) |control center; “brain” |[pic] |

| |contains the cell’s genetic material; DNA, chromosomes, traits | |

| |chromosomes---genetic information of organisms | |

|nuclear membrane |surrounds the nucleus |[pic] |

| |thin structure that separates the nucleus from the rest of the | |

| |cell | |

|vacuole |used for storage |[pic] |

| |plant cells usually have one large vacuole that stores water and | |

| |other substances | |

| |vacuoles help support the plant | |

| |animal cells have smaller vacuoles that contain either food or | |

| |wastes | |

| |vacuoles in animals cells can be temporary | |

|Mitochondria |small organelles that break down sugar and release energy | |

|(mitochondrion) |“powerhouse” or energy source of the cell | |

| |process by which mitochondria release energy from sugar is called | |

| |cellular respiration | |

| |makes ATP (Adenosine triphosphate)---compound that cells use to | |

| |store and release energy | |

|endoplasmic reticulum |series of rough and smooth membranes that move materials around | |

| |the cell | |

| |proteins enter ER to be transported to other parts of the cell | |

|Golgi body |packages proteins and carbohydrates for export from the cell |[pic] |

|or |“post office” | |

|Golgi apparatus | | |

|ribosomes |synthesizes proteins for cell’s activities | |

| |some float freely while others are attached to ER |[pic] |

|cell wall |ONLY IN PLANTS |[pic] |

| |rigid structure that surrounds the cell membrane | |

| |supports plant cells and gives them their shape | |

| |mostly made of cellulose | |

|chloroplast |ONLY IN PLANTS | |

| |plant cell structure in which photosynthesis takes place | |

| |contain chlorophyll---a green pigment that absorbs light | |

| |chlorophyll---captures radiant energy from sunlight | |

|lysosomes |contains digestive enzymes that help break down nutrients for the | [pic][pic] |

| |cell | |

|nucleolus |inside the nucleus and contains RNA (ribonucleic acid) |[pic] |

|centrioles |helps organize cell division |[pic] |

Types of Cells---

|blood |in a liquid called plasma |[pic] [pic] |

| |bone marrow | |

| |RBC---receive oxygen from respiratory systems (lungs) and carries it | |

| |to organs and systems throughout the body | |

| |WBC---increase due to infections | |

|bone |produce molecules (usually proteins) that communicate with other cells|[pic] [pic] |

| | | |

|nerve |long and thin | |

| |carry and receive messages around the body | |

|muscle |movement |[pic] |

| | | |

| |[pic] | |

A tissue is a group of similar cells working together to perform a specific function.

Types of Tissues---

|epithelial |closely packed cells that cover body surfaces and line internal |[pic] |

| |structures | |

| |makes up the skin and the lining of the stomach | |

| |largest organ of body (skin) | |

|muscle |made up of cells that are able to shorten, or contract, to move | |

| |the body | |

| |cardiac---makes up the heart | |

| |smooth---found in many other parts of the body such as the stomach| |

| |and blood vessels | |

| |skeletal---contract and relax to produce movement of the body | |

|nervous |made of long, thin cells that carry messages around the body |[pic] |

| |makes up the brain and spinal cord | |

| |sends electrical signals through the body | |

|connective |made up of many kind of cells that support the body and hold it |[pic] |

| |together | |

| |bones, fat, cartilage, and blood joins, supports, protects, | |

| |insulates, nourishes, and cushions organs | |

|System |Functions |Organs/Major Structures |

|Skeletal |Supports and protects the body |Bones |

| |Protect organs |Ligaments: connects bones to bones |

| |Makes blood cells |Cartilage: provides cushion between the |

| |Gives the body the shape |bones |

| |Helps body to move |Red Marrow: makes blood |

|Muscular |Help the body move |Heart, diaphragm, biceps/triceps |

| | |Tendon: connects muscle to bones |

| |Two Types of Muscles: |Skeletal Muscles: attached to the bones and helps us move |

| |1. Voluntary Muscles: muscles you can control (Skeletal |Smooth Muscles: make up most of the organs of our body |

| |Muscles) |Cardiac Muscles: make up the heart |

| |2. Involuntary Muscles: muscles you cannot control (smooth | |

| |and cardiac muscles) | |

|Digestive |Breaks down food to make energy for the body |Esophagus: Long tube that connects the |

| | |mouth to the stomach. |

| |*Peristalsis: muscle movement that moves food through the | |

| |D.S |Small Intestine: where most digestion takes place and nutrients |

| | |are absorbed. |

| | | |

| | |Large Intestine: Takes water from the |

| | |undigested materials |

|Circulatory |Carries O2, CO2, food, waste, disease fighting cells, & |Heart: main organ of CS that pumps blood to all parts of the |

| |hormones through the body |body |

| | |Artery: thickest blood vessel that carry blood high in oxygen |

| | |AWAY from the |

| | |heart. |

| | |Capillary: thinnest blood vessel that connects arteries & vein |

| | |and where the actual exchange of materials take place. |

| | |Vein: blood vessel that carry blood high in |

| | |carbon dioxide TOWARD the heart. |

| | |Blood: carries food and oxygen to the body and take away waste |

| | |from cells |

| | |White Blood Cells: fight disease |

|Respiratory |take in oxygen and take out carbon dioxide and some water out|Nose |

| |of the body |Trachea: large tube that carries air to the |

| | |bronchi |

| | |Larynx |

| | |Bronchi: tube that connects the trachea and |

| | |lungs |

| | |Lungs: main organ of the RS |

| | |Alveoli: A tiny air sac where air exchange |

| | |takes place |

| | |Diaphragm: strong muscle below the lungs |

| | |that helps in breathing |

|Excretory |take out waste from the body |Kidney: main organ of the ES where urine is made |

| |*Perspiration (sweat): liquid waste that leaves the body |How do your lungs, kidneys, & skin remove (take away) waste from |

| |through the skin and helps control the body temperature |your body??? |

| | |Lungs: breathe out CO2 |

| | |Kidney: make urine |

| | |Skin: perspiration (sweat) |

|Nervous |controls ALL the activities of the body: it’s the “boss” |Brain: control center of our body functions |

| | |Spinal cord: connects brain with the rest of the body |

| |Two parts of nervous system: |Nerves: nerve cells |

| |1. Central Nervous system (CNS): made up of brain and spinal| |

| |cord, controls all activities of the body. | |

| |2. Peripheral Nervous System (PNS): made up of all the nerves| |

| |outside of CNS, and carries messages between CNS to the all | |

| |parts of the body | |

Cell Division----

| Mitosis |Meiosis |

|Plant and animal cells |Plant and animal cells |

|Body cells |Sex cell (gametes)—eggs and sperm formed in reproductive organs |

|Nucleus divides once |Two divisions of the nucleus |

|Genetically identical cells produced |New chromosome combinations produced with half (haploid) of |

| |chromosome number |

|2 daughter cells produced when completed |4 daughter cells produced when completed |

|46 chromosomes at the beginning of cell division (humans) |46 chromosomes at the beginning of cell division (humans) |

|46 chromosomes at the end of cell division |23 chromosomes at the end of cell division (humans) |

|(humans) | |



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