Philosophy of Teaching - WCJC

Philosophy of Teaching

Portfolio-TECA 1311

You must submit your personal philosophy of teaching in your portfolio. This will explain the core ideas you think are most valuable in educating young children. Please include the date on which you wrote your philosophy. Following the guidelines and suggestions in your text, your philosophy should address your beliefs on the following:

1. how children learn

2. what children should be taught

3. how children should be taught

4. the conditions under which children learn best

5. what qualities make up a good teacher

If your beliefs are in agreement with the ideas of a historical figure or theorist we have studied, please indicate this. For instance you might write something to the effect that

I believe that the environment is crucial in shaping the intellectual development of the young child. This belief was promoted by John Locke, who believed that a child’s mind was similar to a blank slate and was very much influenced by influences in the environment.

Your philosophy should be well-thought out and organized with examples to support your main ideas. It should be about 2-3 typed pages, double spaced and is worth 20 points toward your portfolio grade.

Competency Profile

You will submit a profile of the competencies you possess at this stage of your education. Please photocopy the form on page 19 of your text, Morrison, Chapter 1. In the box provided to the right of each statement, rate yourself as either 3 (Full accomplishment), 2 (Good progress), or 1 (Need to get started). Include a brief statement defending your rating in the box and highlight statements which receive a rating of “1”. Include the date this was completed.

This evaluation is for your own growth. You will be grade as to your thoroughness on completing the evaluation, not on your final rating. This is worth 5 points towards your portfolio grade.

First Submission of the Portfolio

The first submission of your portfolio is due _________________. You must include:

• the philosophy paper (20 points)

• 2 observations summaries (10 points each-total of 20 points)

• competency profile (5 points)

• list of professional organizations (5 points)


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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