OHA 3460C COVID-19 Case Investigation: PRE-Interview Script

COVID-19 Case Investigation: PRE-Interview ScriptNO ANSWER leave messageHi, this is FORMTEXT ????? calling on behalf of FORMTEXT ????? County Health Dept. I’m trying to reach FORMTEXT [case first name] to discuss some recent testing that was done. Please call me back at FORMTEXT [your phone number] as soon as possible. I will be available until FORMTEXT ????? today. If I don’t answer, please leave a voicemail and let me know the best time to reach you. Again, this is FORMTEXT [your name] and my number is FORMTEXT [phone number].Notes: If you are rotating off duty, leave the county Health Dept’s phone # instead. If there is no answer and the person’s voicemail is full, note the date and time. Text one time if the person’s voicemail is unavailable. After that, try again at a different time/different day. Please try to complete a call three attempts within 3 days. If you are unable to reach the person within 3 attempts, please assign the case back to the county.For LPHAs operating under surge conditions: Text one time if the person’s voicemail is unavailable. After that, if no response, mail case letter. ANSWER verify speaking with correct personHello, my name is FORMTEXT ?????. I am calling on behalf of the FORMTEXT ????? County Public Health Department to speak with FORMTEXT [first name]. Is FORMTEXT [first name] available? Person on phone identifies themselves as case: I am calling to talk with you about some important health information and some recent testing that you had done. Is this a good time to talk? If No: Can I call you back later today? If not, when is a good time to talk? (Record date / time to call back.) Is this the best number to reach you at? [Record phone number, if different].If Yes: To protect privacy and confirm that I'm speaking with the right person, could you please confirm your last name and date of birth?Last name and DOB correct: Go to next page.Last name or DOB incorrect: Check ELR to see if it matches; ask case if they have been known by another last name. (note: 2 last names common among Hispanic/Latinx)If match, or DOB is off by one digit, make a note to update Opera record.If not similar/no match on either: end call, send note to lead.Case skeptical, or asks for confirmation of your identity/employment: I am calling on behalf of FORMTEXT ????? Health Dept. We do not ask for SSN, account numbers, or other financial information. You can confirm my position by calling my supervisor at FORMTEXT ????? [provide phone of Ops chief, who has case investigator list].Alternatively: “We have your DOB as FORMTEXT ?????, can you confirm that is correct?”Other Situations Person who answers is not the case, but case is available: Repeat intro (page 1) when case is on the line. Non-English speaker: Ask if case would prefer to speak in a language other than English. If yes: “I will call you back with an interpreter. Which language?” Call the Language Line, ask for FORMTEXT [name of language] interpreter, and provide access code FORMTEXT [specific to county, in SOP]. After you have an interpreter on the line, join call and proceed with interview. (Refer to the Language Line document for information on how to connect interpreter.) Case is minor less than 15 years old: “May I speak to the parent or guardian of FORMTEXT [case first name]?” Cases age 15-17 may opt for parent interview OR self-report. Wrong number: Do you know how I can contact FORMTEXT [case first name]?If No: Thank for your time. I will note in our records that this is not the correct phone number. If Yes: Record the correct phone number and try to contact the case there. Person with disability who cannot self-report: Verify that person speaking has power of attorney. Too sick to speak, or hospitalized and cannot complete the interview:IMPORTANT! If sick: “May I ask what symptoms you are having?” [note on case record] OR say: “If you have any chest pain that doesn’t go away, trouble breathing, disorientation or trouble talking, or bluish lips or face, please call 911 or go to the nearest emergency room immediately.”If hospitalized: Find out name of the hospital and the date of admission. See if spouse or family member can be interviewed if the case cannot speak. [Comment in the notes section; name and relationship with the client; ask if person has power of attorney/is able to complete interview on their behalf.]Pre-Interview Script for CONFIRMED case:I am calling today because the health department received a notification that you were recently tested for COVID. Has your provider been in contact with you to share your results?If No: You have tested positive for COVID-19 or Coronavirus. This means that they found Coronavirus in the sample you gave. I’m able to help answer questions that you may have and help you understand what this result means for you. (continue next section) If Yes (and continuation for No): We are contacting everyone with a positive test result to talk about what that means for you, to check on how you are doing, and to offer information on how to keep yourself and your family healthy and prevent the spread of coronavirus in your community. I also want to know if you need any resources in order to stay home. In order to do these things, I’d like to ask you some questions. Additionally, we inform everyone we are contacting that:Anything you tell me is private and confidential.I will NOT ask any questions about immigration or citizenship status. None of the information we discuss is shared with immigration authorities (or ICE).Health care and testing for COVID-19 does not count against anyone seeking permanent residence in the United States (also known as Public Charge).This call will take 20 minutes or longer. Please let me know if you need to stop the call and continue at another time. I am sure that you will have questions as we talk today, and I will do my best to answer them. Do you have any questions for me before we get started?Go to Data FormPre-Interview Script for PRESUMPTIVE Case:** If not already noted in Opera: please ask whether they have had close contact with a confirmed case within the last 2 weeks, AND at least 2 of the following symptoms: shortness of breath, cough, fever (measured or not), new loss of smell or taste, or chest X-ray indicating pneumonia). If no, stop interview.Public Health is communicating with people who have been exposed to the coronavirus and who now have symptoms. Have you visited a medical provider, or have you completed a COVID-19 test?If No: We suggest that you get tested. Do you have a provider you can reach out to for testing? (If not, refer to county for COVID testing locations. Encourage medical care as needed.) If Yes: I’m glad to hear you have gotten tested. Results are reportable to public health so the lab and your doctor should send us your results. We are contacting everyone who might be sick with COVID to check on how you are doing, and to offer information on how to keep yourself and your family healthy and prevent the spread of coronavirus in your community. I also want to know if you need any resources in order to stay home. In order to do these things, I’d like to ask you some questions. Additionally, we inform everyone we are contacting that:Anything you tell me is private and confidential.I will NOT ask any questions about immigration or citizenship status. None of the information we discuss is shared with immigration authorities (or ICE).Health care and testing for COVID-19 does not count against anyone seeking permanent residence in the United States (also known as Public Charge).This call will take 20 minutes or longer. Please let me know if you need to stop the call and continue at another time. I am sure that you will have questions as we talk today, and I will do my best to answer them. Do you have any questions for me before we get started?Interview tipsSpeaking slowly and clearly conveys that what you are saying is important. Allow enough time for someone to remember details and provide complete answers. Offer to repeat information or say it another way if you suspect a question was not heard clearly.Sometimes a response to a question may feel important epidemiologically – to find out where someone acquired COVID, where they might have exposed someone else, or remembering a previously forgotten detail. In these situations, you might ask “Tell me more about ___” or additional open-ended questions to allow the person you are speaking with to provide more information.People are often confused or afraid of what a diagnosis means, and/or anxious about covering bills or family responsibilities. Affirm that what they are feeling is normal, very understandable, and not unusual. Refer to local wraparound services, state resources, or direct them to call 211 or visit . If a person expresses unwillingness to comply with isolation, try using the following motivational interviewing techniques:Express empathy without judgment: “It can sure be frustrating…”Help them see the consequences of not isolating (family may get sick; the more COVID is spread, the longer our daily lives are constrained)Avoid arguing or other language/tone that might prompt defensiveness. Focus on and express interest in what is important to them.Affirm their autonomy.Take care not to use language that inadvertently conveys blame for acquiring COVID or exposing others. Believe that the person is doing the best they can under the circumstances.Build momentum by affirming the person’s strengths and what they’ve done right. For example, they left work when starting to feel ill, they sought testing when symptoms appeared, or they had groceries delivered.Avoid promising what you cannot personally guarantee: that they will be fine, or their family will not get COVID, or their course of illness will be mild.Always refer to OHA Investigative Guidelines and the OHA COVID-19 website for guidance and messaging.You can get this document in other languages, large print, braille, or a format you prefer. Contact the Coronavirus Response and Recovery Unit (CRRU) at 503-979-3377 or email CRRU@dhsoha.state.or.us. We accept all relay calls or you can dial 711. ................

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