AP European History Summer Assignment

AP European History Summer Assignment 2012

Welcome to Mr. Quinn’s A.P. European History class, an accelerated and demanding introduction to European History and culture from 1450-present. Because this class is similar to a college freshmen-level course, students should expect, for example, that the reading and writing load will be heavier than most high school history classes. With that in mind, it requires seriously committed students who are willing to work far above the level required in a “regular” high school history class. To that end we prepared a summer assignment that will ensure that you are adequately prepared for the rigors of this course from day one. It is your responsibility to work on this assignment over the summer and come to the first day school with the assignment completed. Failure to do so may result in you being dropped from the class, more than likely it will result in an extremely low grade on the first quiz and exam. Lastly, to ensure that everyone does their own work, the summer assignment must be handwritten and in your own words (quoting or paraphrasing text is acceptable). You have the requirements and the assignment, go to it, and DON'T GET BEHIND!

Feel free to email us at anytime over the summer if you have any questions or concerns regarding the assignment!

Mr. Quinn

Email: cquinn@murrieta.k12.ca.us

Webpage: – teachers link (Quinn)

Required Course materials: Check out both from school library before summer break!

1. A History of Western Society (since 1300) Text Book, Eighth Edition

2. Sources of the Western Tradition – Primary Source Readings, Fifth Edition

I. ID-Sigs

Please use the format that follows. For each ID, you must include two significances.

ID-SIG Format

A. Identification-The ID is the traditional definition of a term. Who? What? When? Why? Always list the date when applicable.

B. Significance-This is the importance of an event or person. This may represent a far more encompassing concept or pattern. Included in the Significance would also be the effects of the event or person.

Sample ID/SIGs

Cesare Borgia (1475 -1507), Italian condottiero (soldier), nobleman, politician, and cardinal. Son of Pope Alexander VI of Spain.

SIG: 1. As the son of Pope Alexander VI, Cesare was instrumental in the consolidation of the

Papal States, and has been considered the prototype of Niccolo Machiavelli’s The

Prince – intelligent, cruel, treacherous, and ruthlessly opportunistic.

2. The name Borgia became synonymous with political corruption, including adultery,

Simony, theft, rape, bribery, incest, and murder

• All work must be hand written / titled and is due on the first class meeting!

Assignment: Middle Ages & The Renaissance (Chapter 12 & 13)

I. ID-Sigs:

1. Great Famine 11. Racism 21. African slaves

2. Black Death 12. vernacular literature 22. Christian Humanism

3. Hundred Years War 13. Renaissance 23. New Monarchs

4. Representative assemblies 14. Balance of power 24. Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges

5. Nationalism 15. Individualism 25. Royal Council

6. Babylonian Captivity 16. Humanism 26. New Christians

7. The Great Schism 17. Secularism

8. The Conciliar Movement 18. Renaissance Art

9. Parish 19. printing press

10. Peasant revolts 20. quantification

• All work must be hand written / titled and is due on the first class meeting!

II. Text Reading Essay Questions: (each essay approximately 1 page in length)

Chapter 12 pg. 379-406 / Chapter 13 pg. 413-446 Later Middle Ages & Renaissance

1. Describe the social and economic consequences of the Black Death.

2. Discuss the challenges faced by the Catholic Church in the 14th (1300s) and 15th (1400s) centuries.

3. Machiavelli suggested that princes needed to be both foxes and lions, both clever and fierce. To what degree and in what ways were the kings of France, Spain, and England foxes and lions during the 15th and early 16th centuries.

4. What characteristics of Italian cities in the 15th century created an environment that fostered the development of Renaissance culture?

III. Primary Source Reader Sources of Western Tradition (short answer questions)

• Write-out all questions!

Middle Ages and the Modern World (pg. xviii-xxi)

1. Identify ways in which the modern world is linked to the Middle Ages.

2. In what ways has Christianity influenced Western society.

3. Explain how feudalism led to the modern practice of limiting the authority of the head of state.

4. Discuss how the Medieval view of the individual’s relationship to the universe was different from the

modern view.

The Rise of Modernity (pg. 2-5)

1. How did the Renaissance individual differ from that of the Middle Ages?

2. Identify the two important differences between the period called the Twelfth-Century Awakening and the Renaissance.

3. The studies of Renaissance humanists included? How were they influenced by the ancients?

4. Contrast medieval art from Renaissance art.

5. In what ways did John Wycliffe and John Huss challenge the papacy and orthodox Catholic theology?

6. Identify ways in which the Reformation, exploration, and the commercial revolution impacted European society.

7. Discuss the various aspects of the modern state.

Petrarch: The Father of Humanism (pg. 6-7) & Leonardo Bruni: Study of Greek Literature and a

Humanist Educational Program (pg. 7-9)

1. What do historians mean by the term “Renaissance humanism”?

2. What made Petrarch aware that a renaissance , or rebirth, of classical learning was necessary in his time?

3. Why did Leonardo Bruni abandon his earlier course of studies to pursue the study of Greek literature?

4. What subjects made up the basic course of studies advocated by Bruni?

Pico della Mirandolla: Oration on the Dignity of Man (pg.10-12)

1. According to Mirandolla, what quality did humans alone possess? What did its possessions allow them

to do?

2. How doers Pico’s oration on human dignity exemplify the emergence of the new psychological outlook

of the Renaissance?

Niccolo Machiavelli: The Prince (pg. 12-16)

1. In what ways was Machiavelli’s advice to princes a break from the teachings of medieval political and

moral philosophers?

2. What was Machiavelli’s view of human nature? How did it influence his political thought?

• All work must be hand written / titled and is due on the first class meeting!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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