Song and Mongol M/C questions.docx - Ms. Shin's Page

Caitleen, Faith, Gabby and Seb (?)What year did the Song Dynasty begin?9072061126 14042. What new crop did the Chinese learn to grow? ricewheatcottontea leaves3. Which religion was the Song Dynasty turned off by? ConfucianismDaoismLegalismBuddhism4. What did China adopt the use of?booksalgebrapoetrycoins5. Much trade during the Song Dynasty took place in…KoreaHong KongJapanChina6. Where did China import their fast-ripening rice from? VietnamIndiaSpainKorea7. How did traders ship goods to China? by footby riverby horse or donkeyon caravans8. Who was the (last*) emperor during the Song Dynasty?KonfuziHan FeiziTaizuKhubilai Khan9. What leads to artistic achievement?wealth + agriculture + educationwealth + education + urban cultureeducation + mathematics + tradeeducation + agriculture + urban culture10. What was the great poetry of the Song Dynasty written about? environment and artanimals and plantsfamily and friendslife’s pleasures and sadness11. What did the Mongols use to storm city walls? tntgunpowdercatapultsarchers12. What were the three main race groups in China? Chinese + Mongols + EuropeansMongols + Koreans + ChineseChinese + non-Chinese + VietnameseMongols + various races + Chinese13. Which group of foreigners did Khubilai welcome?MuslimBuddhistsJewsChristians14. Who formed a large army of Mongols? TaizuChinggisKongfuziHan Feizi15. Why was there rebellion against the Mongols?there was not enough foodhigh taxes demand of slavery increasedthe Chinese were forced to become Mongolian 16. Where did the Mongolians originate from? Himalayan mountainsAltai MountainsGobi DesertTakla Makan Desert17. What kind of shelter did the Mongolians live in?tentsstone houseshutsportable wooden structures Mateya and YashikaThe time of the Song Dynasty is also referred to as...The Golden Age of ChinaThe Silver Era of ChinaThe Chinese RenaissanceThe Rise of the Aryan2. What years did the Song Dynasty span? 907-1276709-67211400-1700750-12583. Who was the Song EmperorEmpress WuShi HuangdiLaoziTaizu4. The government was divided into which three parts? economy & finance, military affairs, and administration & justicecouncil of state, censors, and military affairseconomy and finance, military affairs, and censorsadministration and justice, military affairs, and council of state 5. The frames of the Song Dynasty buildings were made from what material?steelbronzestonewood6. Artisans carved what material? silverrubyjadeemerald7. Artists painted using brushes made from…human hair and bronzehorse hair and woodbamboo and horse hairbamboo and goat hair8. What was great poetry written about?life’s pleasures and foodluxuries of modern urban livingthe sorrows of lifelife’s pleasures and sadness9. Which religion did the Song generally disapprove of?ConfucianismDaoismLegalismBuddhism10. What new crop did farmers learn to grow? ricewheattea leavescotton 11. Who were the rulers of the Yuan Dynasty?ChineseMongolsEuropeansRussians12. What was illegal during the Yuan dynasty? beheading a Mongolmarrying someone of a different raceliving in a stone househaving Mongol servants13. What year did the Yuan Dynasty begin? 99713031127127114. What did Mongols use to help them storm city walls?ladderstheir extraordinary mountain climbing skillscatapultsprojectile explosivesNicci and JackieWhy did the Mongols not use cavalry effectively against the Song? Because the Chinese soldiers stopped themBecause of all the canals and riversTheir horses could not handle mountainous terrainThe soldiers were not trained well on horseback2. How old was Khubilai Khan when his father Chinggis died?161417153. Why did the Chinese often surrender to the Mongols? Their culture compelled them to obey their rulersThey did not have a choice since Mongols took over the trade routesPsychological terror overtook themThey knew they were outnumbered4. Khubilai Khan ruled a ________________ empire. violentpeacefulmodernmulticultural 5. What were the 3 “races” that Khubilai divided the population into? Mongols, Eurasians and EuropeanMongols, various races and ChineseIndian, Chinese and MongolsChinese, Foreigners and Mongols6. What did the Chinese traders use to ship goods on water? a sophisticated system of canalsbargesraftscanoes7. Who was one of the famous poets of the Song Dynasty? Li BoAnh FuMi PoFu Du8. What station of life was Taizu in, before he became an emperor?merchantgovernment officialphilosophersoldier9. Where did the Mongols live? North West ChinaSouth East ChinaNorth East ChinaSouth West China10. Government officials were selected based on... loyalty to the governmentexamination resultshigh position in societycitizen voteZablan and NaparanWhat materials did the Chinese use to construct buildings? wood, plaster, brick and stonebrick, stone, wood, tiles and plastermetal, stone, wood, brick and plasterplaster stone, gravel, mortar and steel beams2. What might a Jurcheon ransom entail? 50 million ounces of gold50 million ounces of silver1 roll of silkall of the above3. What did Chinese theatre include? fighting, acting, singing, dancing and musicsinging, music, reciting, dancing and actingmusic, acting, dancing and fightingacting, singing, music and dancing4. During which century did the Southern Song Dynasty begin?10th century13th century11th century12th century5. Where was Khubilai Khan’s capital city? JurcheonBeijingTaiwanHan HeJosalyne and Isabella During the Song Dynasty, even emperors were skilled _______________.rulerspainterscalligraphersactors2. Artisans produced beautiful _______________.paintings and potteryjewellery and porcelainjade carvings and porcelainwooden and jade carvings3. The Chinese developed a style of ___________ that has not changed much over time. danceagriculturepaintingarchitecture4. How many parts was the Song government divided into? 32545. During the Song Dynasty, the production of _______________ increased.cropsteasilkporcelain6. Kitchens built during the Song Dynasty were usually located ______________ from the main building. awayinsidebehindin front of7. There were many themes in Songartmusicculturetheatre8. Khubilai made ______________ the capital city of his empire in 1271TabrizBeijingHong KongWuhan9. In 1368, an entirely new Dynasty was founded.SongTangShangMing10. China became famous as a land of wealth. Westerners called this land _____________. CantonChina XanaduCathayNadia and MandyWhat flourished during the Song Dynasty? religiontrademathematicsgovernment2. Who was the man that became emperor at the age of 32? Shu HuangdhiTaizuKhubilai KhanYangGuifei3. What did the Song commonly trade? gunpowderricecottonall of the above4. Which part of China threatened the Song army? SouthEastNorthwestNorth5. The production of _________ became a very important part of Song society. tearicecottonfish6. Why were the Mongols able to easily conquer the Southern Song? The Song had no military at one point; the soldiers were commissioned to build the Great Wall. The Songs lacked strong leadershipThe Song had a small populationNone of the above7. Who taught the Mongols how to use catapults? Muslim martial expertsThe great Chinggis KhanThey devised a way for themselvesChinese experts 8. What continued to flourish as a result of Mongol political stability? the artsculturetrademathematics9. What caused the Chinese people to rebel against their Mongol rulers? harsh treatment of Chinese peoplegenocide of Chinese peopleenslavement of Chinese peopleboth A and B ................

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