
Chapter 8 and 9 Extra CreditOn a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions:What did Marcus Garvey urge African Americans to do?Why was the NAACP formed in the early 1900s?List at least 5 popular consumer products of the 1920s.Zora Neale Hurston and Langston Hughes had what in common?Explain the Teapot Dome scandal.What did the Kellogg-Briand Pact set out to do?Why did the Fordney McCumber Tariff hurt European countries?Explain the purpose of the 18th Amendment. What Amendment repealed it?Explain how the Red Scare, the Sacco and Vanzetti case, and the rise of the KKK reflected concerns held by many Americans. Be sure to give an answer for each.How did changes in technology in the 1920s influence American life?What were some important African American achievements in the arts during this period?How successful was President Harding in fulfilling his campaign pledge of returning the country to “normalcy?” Give examples.Why was heavy funding needed to enforce the Volstead Act??For what reasons did rural areas not embrace the “Roaring 20s?”By 1927, how many consumer products were bought on credit? Why is this going to be a problem later on?From your “Hero” Chart, chose three “heroes” and explain why you think they are considered “heroes” of the 1920s.Explain how lives of women changed in the 1920s for each of the followingHousekeeping dutiesLeisure time activitiesCareerClothing/dressHow did high schools change in the 1920s?What justification was given for paying women less than men in the 1920s?Give 5 examples of how the automobile transformed America in the 1920s.Why is the economic growth of the 1920s considered a false sense of prosperity?Explain the Dawes Plan.Why did the U.S. have immigration restrictions after WWI?What were two goals of President Coolidge’s administration?Why have some argued that President Harding wasn’t fit to be President? ................

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