Stock Market Game - Mr. Davis' US History Website

Stock Market Game

Group Reflection


Group Members:

Class Period:

End of game ranking regionally:

End of game ranking AHS only:

End of game portfolio equity:


Please select 3 of the stocks in which your team invested. Using your graphs and game data from your online portfolio, fill in the following information.

| |Stock Name: |Stock Name: |Stock Name: |

| | | | |

|Ticker Symbol: | | | |

|Starting purchase price: | | | |

|End of game price (or price you sold | | | |

|stock for): | | | |

|Number of Shares held: | | | |

|High and Low while your team held the | | | |

|stock: | | | |

|Approximate date of High and Low: | | | |

|Total Net Gains or losses for this | | | |

|stock: | | | |

|How volatile was this stock? (look at | | | |

|graphs) | | | |

|What was the P/E ratio for this stock? | | | |

|Rank how well you feel this stock | | | |

|performed (1 being the best, 3 being the| | | |

|worst) and explain. | | | |


Please answer the following questions in full sentences, using paragraph form. There is no length requirement, but please answer each part of each question fully and completely.

1. How did your team decide what stocks to invest in? What were your reasons for choosing each of the 3 stocks you listed on page 1?

2. What overall strategies did your team attempt to utilize in order to be successful during the simulation?

3. What major difficulties or challenges did your team face during the simulation?

4. Look at your two current events printed during your last computer lab session.

a. Provide a brief summary of the main points of each article.

|Article Title: |Article Title: |

| | |

|Source: |Source: |

|Summary: |Summary: |

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| | |

b. Based on your findings, how do you think the events or information in each article influenced your individual stock holdings or the stock market as a whole?

|Influences on stocks/stock market: |Influences on stocks/stock market: |

| | |

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| | |

5. If you and your team were to ACTUALLY invest $100,000 in the stock market, how and why would you change your investments?

6. What were the most important things your group learned about the stock market and investing by participating in this simulation?

7. What are some suggestions or ideas you have about improving future students’ experiences in the stock market simulation?




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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