Study Guide: First 6-Week Test - Winston-Salem/Forsyth ...

Study Guide: First 6-Week Test

Theme #1: Role of Religion

1. What was the Protestant Reformation? How did it impact settlement in America?

Europeans that broke away from the Catholic Church started getting persecuted. America offered religious freedom.

2. What was the Great Awakening? What role did Johnathan Edwards have in this movement?

Religion became important in peoples lives again. Edwards helped lead this movement with religious revivals.

3. How did John Winthrop shape the Massachusetts Bay Colony in terms of religion?

Winthrop believed that the laws should be based on religious rules. (Church & State incorporated together.)

4. How did Anne Hutchins challenge religious authority in her colony? Where did she move to?

She believed that people should interpret the bible for themselves. Moved to NYC.

5. How did Roger Williams challenge religious authority in his colony? Where did he move to?

Williams believed that Church and State should be seperate. He moved to Rhode Island.

6. Why was William Penn’s Pennsylvania colony so attractive to many immigrants?

He offered 50 acres of free land and freedom of religion and political freedom.

Theme #2: Role of Economics

7. What was mercantilism? Who benefited in this system? Who was taken advantage of?

Mother country takes natural resources from its colonies. Mother Country. Colonies.

8. What was triangular trade? Create a diagram explaining the system.

America ships natural resources to Mother Country. Mother country ships goods to Africa. Africa ships slaves to Ameria.

9. What were indentured servants? How did they contribute to the rise of the southern economies?

Poor Europeans who cannot afford passage to Americas and have to work off the fee to an American colonist.

10. What role did the Middle Passage have on the economics of the Southern colonies?

Provided African slaves to the colonists.

11. What were cash crops and what region relied heavily on them as their economic foundation?

Crops farmed for the strict purpose of making money. Southern colonies.

12. How did Alexander Hamilton believe was the best way to get the U.S. on the right economic track?

Create a National Bank and pay down the debt with excise tax on whiskey.

Theme #3: Immigration

13. What were the motives of people settling into Southern colonies early on?

Cash crops such as tobacco, indigo and cotton.

14. What were the motives of people settling into the New England colonies early on?

Manufacturing and shipping.

15. What colonial region had a greater diversity in the population because it attracted various immigrants?

New England Colonies.

16. What city became a cultural and political center of America during the colonial period?


17. What did the Proclamation of 1763 upset so many colonists and fuel the American Revolution?

Colonists could settle west of the App. Mts.

Theme #4: Native Americans

18. What did Christopher Columbus “bring” to Native Americans that they could not stop?

Disease. (Small Pox)

19. What happened between settlers and Native Americans in events such as the Pequot War and King Philip’s War?

Colonists were taking land from the Natives and not treating them right.

20. What is the difference between settlers and Native Americans in how they view land ownership?

N.A. do not believe that a person can own the earth.

21. How did most Native Americans treat Lewis and Clark on their expedition to the Pacific?

They worked with them. Helped them by providing guidance, shelter, and food.

22. What role did Sacajawea have in the Lewis and Clark expedition?

She helped them by guiding them and working with the Shoshone.

23. What was the name of the battle that Little Turtle was defeated at? Who defeated Little Turtle?

Battle of Fallen Timbers. General Anthony Wayne.

24. How did Tecumseh try to effectively fight the United States? Who defeated Tecumseh?

Create a confederacy of N.A.s. William Henry Harrison defeated Mr. T.

Theme #5: Government

25. How did the Magna Carta and the Enlightenment influence American politics?

MC = limits power on leader. Enlightenment provides ideas that people are born w/natural rights. (life, liberty)

26. What was significant about the Mayflower Compact?

Colonists signed a document that created a self-government created by the people.

27. What role did salutary neglect have on the relationship between the colonists and Great Britain?

Colonists learned to govern themselves without the help of the King.

28. How did the French and Indian War contribute to tensions between Great Britain and the colonies?

The F&I War doubled the debt of Great Britain.

29. What was Britain’s motives for passing the Navigation Acts against the colonies?

Force the colonists to bring all goods through British ports.

30. What was Britain’s motives for passing the Sugar Act? Stamp Act?

Help pay down the debt from the F&I War.

31. What was fundamental difference between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution?

A.O.C. created a weak federal government. Constitution created a strong federal government.

32. What was the Great Compromise and the Three-Fifths Compromise?

GC= Bicameral system (House & Senate). 3/5ths = Slaves could count towards population for representation.

33. Why did the Federalists want to add the Bill of Rights to the Constitution?

Protect individual rights.

34. What did Washington believe about political parties?

They could hurt American democracy.

35. What were the three fundamental differences between the Democrat-Republicans and Federalists?

DR= State govt, Strict Interpretation, Agriculture. FED= Federal govt, Loose Interpretation, Manufacturing

36. What did the Whiskey Rebellion prove about the new government under the Constitution?

Federal government was strong enough to enforce its laws.

37. What did Washington’s Farewell Address reflect about his belief in foreign policy?

The US should stay out of foreign alliances. Keep to ourselves.

38. How did John Marshall’s Supreme Court shape the new nation?

Created a stronger and stronger federal government.

39. What were three causes of the War of 1812?

1. Impressments 2. Guns to NAs 3. War Hawks

40. What was the purpose of the Monroe Doctrine?

Tell Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere.


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