Georgia Geography (chapters 1 & 2)

• States that border Georgia

• Georgia’s location in the world

o In which regions of the U.S. is Georgia located?

o In which hemispheres is Georgia located?

o On which continent is Georgia located?

• Rivers that form parts of borders with South Carolina, Florida, and Alabama

• How do the barrier islands protect the mainland of our state?

• The five geographic regions and answer the following:

o Which is the largest?

o Which is the smallest?

o Which regions are divided by the Fall Line?

o Which region is the most populated?

o Which region contains the most business centers?

• Size, location, and features of the Okefenokee Swamp

• Why did several of Georgia’s cities originally develop along the Fall Line? Name those cities.

Prehistoric Native Americans (chapter 3)

• What changes took place to change their lifestyles?

• List the 4 prehistoric cultures.

• Why do archaeologists find little evidence of the earliest cultures in Georgia?

• Why do prehistoric Native Americans begin to stay in more permanent settlements?

• Why do archaeologists think they believed in life after death?

• What characteristics made the Mississippian culture the most advanced civilization?

Exploration and Colonization (chapter 4, sections 1 & 2)

• Which European countries were the major colonizers of the New World?

• What role did Spanish missions play in the southeast? What was the first settlement?

• What was the impact of deSoto’s exploration on Native Americans?

• What was mercantilism?

• Describe geographic differences among New England, Middle, and Southern Colonies.

Colonial Georgia (chapter 4, sections 3 & 4; chapter 5, sections 1 & 2)

• Why is Oglethorpe important?

• Why was Oglethorpe interested in a colony for debtors?

• Which groups were not allowed in the Georgia colony?

• How was Georgia a buffer for colonists in South Carolina?

• What was the Charter of 1732?

• What was the name of the ship that brought the first colonists to Georgia?

• What roles did the Musgroves and Tomochichi play in Georgia’s founding?

• Name the location of Georgia’s first settlement. What is it now called?

• Describe the original design for the city of Savannah.

• Who were the malcontents?

• Who were the Salzburgers and the Highland Scots? Where did they settle?

• What events were related to the Spanish threat in Florida?

• Who were Georgia’s 3 royal governors?

• Explain the changes that took place when Georgia became a Royal Colony instead of a Trustee Colony.

Revolutionary Era (chapter 5, sections 3 & 4)

• What countries were involved in the French and Indian War? How do this war and the Proclamation of 1763 lead to the American Revolution?

• Explain the following acts passed by Parliament in England and how the colonists react to them:

o Stamp Act

o Intolerable Acts

• Why was Georgia less “anti-British” than many other colonies.

• Which Georgians signed the Declaration of Independence?

• What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence? Who was its primary author?

• Who were Loyalists? Who were Patriots?

• Who were these Georgians and what did they do during the American Revolution?

o Nancy Hart

o Elijah Clarke

o Austin Dabney

• What happened at the Battle of Kettle Creek and the Siege of Savannah?

Georgia between 1789 – 1840 (Chapter 6, Sections 2, 3, 4 & 6)

• What is a land grant university? Which Georgia university was the first?

• Who were the circuit riders and what religions were spreading so quickly during this time?

• Explain the Yazoo Land Fraud?

o Headright system

o Land Lotteries

• How did the cotton gin affect Georgia’s economy? Who was the inventor?

• Identify the following people and events that led to the removal of the Creeks and Cherokees?

o Alexander McGillivray

o William McIntosh

o Sequoyah

o John Ross

o Dahlonega Gold Rush

o Worchester v. Georgia

o Andrew Jackson

o Trail of Tears

The Antebellum Era (Chapter 7, sections 2, 4 & 5)

• Explain the importance of key events and issues leading up to the Civil War?

o States’ rights

o Nullification (South Carolina)

o Missouri Compromise

o Compromise of 1850

o Georgia Platform

o Kansas-Nebraska Act

o Dred Scott Case

o Election of 1860

o Alexander Stephens and the debate over secession

The Civil War (Chapter 8, sections 1, 2, &4)

• Describe the importance of these key events in the Civil War?

o Antietam

o The Emancipation Proclamation

o Gettysburg

o Chickamauga

o The Union Blockade of Georgia’s coast

o Sherman’s Atlanta Campaign

o Sherman’s march to the sea

o Andersonville

Reconstruction (Chapter 9, sections 1 &2)

• How did Reconstruction impact Georgia and the other southern states in reference to the following?

o Freedmen’s Bureau

o Sharecropping v tenant farming

o 13th, 14th and 15th amendments

o Henry McNeal Turner and black legislators

o Ku Klux Klan

New South (Chapter 9, section 3 and Chapter 10 sections 2,3 & 4)

• Explain the impact of the following during the New South Era.

o Bourbon Triumvirate

o Henry Grady

o International Cotton Exposition

o Tom Watson and the Populists

o Rebecca Latimer Felton

o 1906 Atlanta Riots

o Leo Frank Case

o County Unit System

• How were African Americans rights denied by:

o Jim Crow Laws

o Plessy v Ferguson

o Disenfranchisement

• Explain the roles of

o Booker T. Washington

o W.E.B. DuBois `

o John and Lugenia Burns Hope

o Alonzo Herndon

World War I (Chapter 10, section 1)

• What were Georgia’s contributions to World War I?

The Great Depression and the New Deal (Chapter 11, sections 1, 2, and 3)

• How did the boll weevil and cotton affect Georgia’s economy?

• What were some of the causes of the Great Depression?

• How did Eugene Talmadge influence Georgia?

• Why was Roosevelt (FDR) tied to Georgia?

• Discuss the following New Deal Programs and their impact.

o Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)

o Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA)

o Rural Electrification Act (REA)

o Social Security (SSA)

World War II (Chapter 11, section 4)

• How did World War II begin?

• What event pushed the United States to join World War II?

• Describe the Lend-Lease Act between America and its allies?

• What was the impact of the following on the war?

o Bell Aircraft

o Military bases

o Savannah and Brunswick Shipyards

o Carl Vinson

o Richard Russell

• How did the Holocaust affect Georgia?

Post World War II and the Civil Rights Movement 1945-1979 (Chapter 12, sections 2,3 &4)

• What were the roles of the following in their contribution to growth in Georgia?

o William B. Hartsfield?

o Ivan Allen

o Major league sports

o Ellis Arnall

• Describe the key developments and roles of the following during the 1940s and 1950s?

o Herman Talmadge

o Benjamin Mays

o 1946 governors race and the end of the white primary

o Brown v Board of Education

o Martin Luther King, Jr.

o 1956 state flag

• Analyze the role Georgia and prominent Georgians played in the Civil Rights Movement during the 1960s and 1970s. Include the following events:

o Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)

o Sibley Commission

o Admission of Charlyne Hunter and Hamilton Holmes to the University of Georgia

o Albany Movement

o March on Washington

o Civil Rights Act

o Election of Maynard Jackson as mayor or Atlanta

o Role of Lester Maddox

o Impact of Andrew Young

• Who was the person from Georgia who served as state senator, governor and President of the United States?

1980 to the Present (Chapter 13)

• Explain the effect the 1996 Olympics had on Georgia?

• Discuss the impact of the two-party system on Georgia.

• How have new immigrant communities contributed to the growth and economy of Georgia?

Government (chapter 6, section 1; Chapter 15, and Chapter 16)

• What was the first constitution of the United States and what were its weaknesses?

• Describe the weaknesses of Georgia’s Constitution of 1777(unicameral legislature that had most of the power).

• Describe the strengths of Georgia’s Constitution of 1777 (separation of powers).

• What was the purpose of the Constitutional Convention in 1787?

• What did Abraham Baldwin and William Few do at the Constitutional Convention?

• Why did the addition of the Bill of Rights lead to the ratification of the Constitution?

• Why did Georgia agree to ratify the Constitution?

• Explain both separation of powers and checks and balances.

• Describe the difference between rights and responsibilities of U.S. citizens. Give an example of each.

• What are the requirements to be a voter in Georgia?

• The official name of Georgia’s legislative branch is the ________________Assembly. It is made up of the _____________ of _______________ and the ________________.

• Who elects members of the General Assembly?

• What are the qualifications, term of office, and duties of Georgia’s legislative branch.

• How does a bill become a law? (What is the process?)

• Explain the purpose of the committee system in the General Assembly.

• What are the qualifications, term of office, and duties of Georgia’s governor and lieutenant governor?

• What are the major policy areas of the executive branch:

o Education

o Public Safety

o Transportation

• What is the difference between a trial court and an appellate court?

• What is the difference between criminal law and civil law?

• What is the difference between delinquent behavior and unruly behavior?

• What are the steps in the juvenile justice system?

• What are the consequences of the Seven Deadly Sins?

• Use the article and pie charts on p. 539 to determine the following:

o Georgia’s greatest source of revenue.

o Georgia’s biggest expenditure.

• Explain the purpose of county government.

• Most counties are headed by a board of ___________________.

• Explain the purpose of city government.

• Most cities are headed by a ___________________.

• Explain a special- purpose government. Give an example.

• How do political parties affect government?

• What is a representative democracy?

Economic Understandings (throughout the text)

• Describe an entrepreneur?

• How have the Interstate Highway System, Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport, and Georgia’s deep water ports and railroads contributed to Georgia’s economic growth?

• Explain the importance of entrepreneurs who developed such enterprises as Coca-Cola, Delta Airlines, Georgia-Pacific, and Home Depot.


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