30 Days Video Guide- Muslim in America

30 Days Video Guide- Muslim in America


1. What do you know about the Muslim religion? Write three or more sentences for full credit. If you do not know anything about Muslims, write three questions you would like to have answered about the Muslim religion.

2. What do you think of when you think of a Muslim? Write three or more sentences for full credit.

3. How many Muslims live in the world? _

4. The holy book of Islam is called

5. According to a Muslim saying, "When there is a man and a woman alone------------is the third."

6. What is a Muslim place of worship called?

7. Most Muslims speak

8. A Muslim prayer leader is called a _

9. In chronological order list the three religions the film talks about that believe in one god as the core principal.

First: ----------------- Second: ----------- Thlrd: -------

10. One of the Five Pillars of Islam is prayer. Muslims pray ________times a day.

11. Most Muslims don't eat and don't drink

12. Name one thing you learned about Islam from this video that you did not no prior to watching it?

13. Name the Five Pillars of Islam.

14. Muslims are discriminated against in America. The stereotypes that people have about Muslims in America come from what a few Muslims did on September 11th when the World Trade Center was bombed. In the movie, Dave asks Muslims to apologize for September 11th. Do you trunk Muslims should or should not have to apologize for September 11th? Explain your answer by writing a paragraph (four or more sentences) for full credit



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