If you can answer most or all of these questions then you have enough knowledge to sit the Nazi Germany exam.

NOTE, these questions test your knowledge only, you will still need to use your skills of source analysis and explanation to do well in the exam.

There is also an answer sheet so you can test your friends!


1. What year was the Treaty of Versailles and what were its key points?

2. How was the Weimar constitution organised?

3. What was Article 48?

4. What was proportional representation?

5. What was the ‘stab in the back’ myth?

6. Who were the Friekorps?

7. Who were the Spartacists and what did they try to achieve?

8. What and when was the ‘Red Rising’ in the Ruhr?

9. What and when was the Kapp putsch?

10. What and when was the Munich putsch?

11. Give details of the three problems that affected Germany in 1923.

12. Who was Stressemann, when was he around?

13. What did Stressemann do to solve the crisis?

14. What was the Dawes plan?

15. Who were George Grosz, Otto Dix and Fritz Lang?


1. When did Hitler join the Nazis?

2. What does ‘Nazi’ stand for?

3. Who were the SA?

4. What happened in 1923 to change Hitler and the Nazis approach?

5. What approach did Hitler change to?

6. What is ‘Mein Kampf?’

7. What started the Depression in 1929?

8. How many people were unemployed in Germany by 1932?

9. Who were the Nazis main rival political party during the Depression?

10. What was it about Hitler’s style and skills that made him so popular with voters?

11. What sort of promises did the Nazis make to people before elections?

12. What else about the Nazis impressed voters?

13. What messages did Nazi propaganda give voters in 1932?

14. Why did fear of Communism make many moderate Germans vote for the Nazis?

15. What role did Von Papen, Von schleicher and President Hindenburg play in Hitler’s becoming Chancellor?

16. When did Hitler become Chancellor of Germany?

17. How many Reichstag seats did the Nazis win in the July and November elections of 1932?


1. What threatened Hitler’s power and position as chancellor in 1933?

2. When was the Reichstag fire?

3. Who was blamed for the fire and how did this help the Nazis?

4. How many seats did the Nazis win in the 1933 election?

5. How did the Nazis ensure they did so well in this election?

6. What was the Enabling Law and when was it passed?

7. What month in 1933 were all political parties banned?

8. Why did Hitler feel that he had to choose between the German army and the SA?

9. When was and what happened on the Night of the Long Knives?

10. What happened to Hindenburg in August 1934 and how did Hitler react?

11. What did Hitler make the army do in August 1934?


1. Who was Heinrich Himmler?

2. What was the SS?

3. What were concentration camps used for?

4. What were the Gestapo?

5. How did the work of the police and courts change?

6. In 1933 the number of crimes carrying the death penalty was 3, what was it by 1943?

7. What did informers do?

8. Who was Josef Goebbels?

9. How were German newspapers affected by the Nazis?

10. What happened at Nazi rallies?

11. What were the book burnings?

12. What did the Nazis do regarding radio?

13. How did the Nazis use cinema?


1. Why wasn’t there much opposition to the Nazis?

2. Which former political opponents of the Nazis continued to oppose them?

3. What did they do?

4. What deal did Hitler make with the Catholic church?

5. How did Hitler start to change the Protestant church in Germany?

6. Who was Dietrich Bonhoffer?

7. Who were the White Rose Group, what did they do and what happened to them?

8. Who were the Edelweiss Pirates, what did they do and what happened to them?

9. What were the Swing groups, what did they do and what happened to them?

10. What month and year did the army make an attempt to blow up Hitler?

11. Name the German army colonel who organised this bomb plot.

12. Why did the bomb plot not succeed?


1. What did the Nazis mean by Aryan?

2. Who did the Nazis class as ‘undesirable?’

3. Who was Gertrude Scholtz-Klink?

4. What did the Nazis want from German women?

5. Why did the Nazis have to alter their plans with regard to the role of women in German society?

6. What were the Nazis three main aims for the German economy in 1933?

7. What were the three key problems facing the Nazis economic aims in 1933?

8. Who was Doctor Schacht? What did he do? What happened to him?

9. Who took over Nazi economics in 1937?

10. What was the Four Year Plan?

11. How successful was it?

12. What does ‘indoctrinate’ mean?

13. Why were young people so important for the Nazis?

14. What were the two main ways the Nazis aimed to get through to German children?

15. What sorts of activities were provided for boys and girls of the Hitler Youth?

16. How did the Nazis alter what was taught at school (give an example)?

17. Who was Robert Ley and what was the DAF?

18. What did DAF workers do?

19. What was ‘Beauty of Labour?’

20. What was ‘Strength Through Joy?’

21. Who was Ludwig Muller?

22. What was ‘The Faith Movement?’


1. What did the Nazis call for within days of taking power?

2. What were the Nuremberg laws and when were they passed?

3. When was and what happened on Kristallnacht?

4. How many Jews were murdered in the Holocaust?

5. What was the ‘Final Solution’ and when was it agreed?

6. Why did so few Jews resist the Hololocaust?

7. Why didn’t other countries try to stop the Holocaust


1. What were the years of the Second World War?

2. What year were Olympic games held in Berlin?

3. Why was Hitler disappointed at the Olympic games?

4. What style of buildings did German architecture aim to mimic?

5. What sorts of works would you see in the ‘House of German’ art?

6. What sorts of works would you see in the ‘Degenerate art’ collection?

7. Which was more popular?

8. Who was Albert Speer?


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