Scientific Revolution

Chapter 7

New Thoughts


1. Aristotle

2. Clausius Ptolemy

3. Nicholas Copernicus

4. Tycho Brahe

5. Galileo Galilei

6. Isaac Newton

7. William Harvey

8. Johannes Kepler

9. Blaise Pascal

10. René Descartes

11. Francis Bacon

12. Gottffried Leibniz

13. Andreas Vesalius

14. Robert Boyle

15. Pierre Bayle

16. Edmund Haley

17. François Quesnay

18. Voltaire

19. David Hume

20. Charles-Louis de Montesquieu

21. Denis Diderot

22. Jean-Jacques Rousseau

23. Beccaria

24. Immanuel Kant

25. Paul-Henri Holbach

26. Madame du Chatalet

27. Madame Geoffrin

28. Adam Smith

29. Edward Gibbon

30. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Identify the authors and explain the significance of the following texts:

1. On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres

2. Conversations on the Plurality of Worlds

3. Principia

4. On the Motion of the Heart and Blood

5. The Starry Messenger

6. Two New Sciences

7. Émile

8. On Crime and Punishment

9. Two Treatises on Government

10. The Social Contract

The Spirit of the Laws

11. Candide

12. Discourse on Method

13. Essay Concerning Human Understanding

14. Encyclopedia

Identify the following concepts or events:

1. Geocentric

2. Heliocentric

3. Scientific Method

4. Epicycles

5. Empiricism

6. Copernican theory

7. Aristotelian world-view

8. Rationalism

9. Deductive reasoning

10. Inductive reasoning

11. The English Royal Society

12. Cartesian Dualism

13. Salon

14. “Dare to know”

15. tabula rasa

16. “Écrasez l’infâme!”

17. Encyclopedia

18. Deism

19. Scientific method

20. Enlightened absolutism


1. Compare and contrast the philosophies of Bacon and Descartes

2. Why did the Scientific Revolution take place? What were the necessary conditions and what had prevented those conditions from occurring earlier?

3. What did Isaac Newton mean when he said, “If I have seen further than others it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants”?

4. If you were to have lunch with Thomas Hobbes and you told him that you were in favor of Constitutionalism what do you think his response would be and why?

5. What was the role of the Catholic Church in the Scientific Revolution? Using specific examples state whether the various popes did or did not supported?

6. How did scientists of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries reconcile the role of God with the new scientific discoveries?

7. How did the Scientific Revolution affect the lives of the monarchy, the nobility, and the peasants of Europe?

8. What else is happening in Europe at the same time as the Scientific Revolution and how are any of these events related?

9. What is the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning and how did each idea become popular?

10. How did the Scientific Revolution alter people’s perceptions about the universe, God, and the role of man?

11. What did Copernicus discover, how did his views conflict with traditional religious dogma, and how did he reconcile the conflict without losing his life?

12. Compare and contrast the conditions that Galileo worked under to those that Newton enjoyed.

13. If you were to have lunch with Thomas Hobbes and you told him that you were in favor of Constitutionalism what do you think his response would be and why?

14. What was the role of women during the Enlightenment and how did traditional ideas prevent women from being even more involved?

15. Why did the enlightened monarchs try to associate with the philosophes and what did the philosophes think of the enlightened monarchs?

16. How did the ideas of the Scientific Revolution open the door for the Enlightenment?

17. Compare and contrast the philosophies of John Locke and Thomas Hobbes.

18. Defend or refute the statement “the Enlightenment simply an intellectual extension of the Scientific Revolution?”

19. Historian John Guy claimed, “There were actually three parts to the Enlightenment.” Describe how the political and religious ideas of the Enlightenment changed over time.

20. Did the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment change the world? If so, how? If not, why not?


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