World War I - Mr. Schafer's History Page

World War I

Internet Scavenger Hunt

To begin this activity, first go to the following website:

Click on the different links to answer the questions.

Click on “First World War Timeline” and answer the following questions.

1. On what day was Archduke Ferdinand assassinated?

2. When did the Battle of the Marne begin?

3. What significant event happened on May 7, 1915?

4. When does the United States officially enter the war?

5. March 3, 1918, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed. What did this treaty do?

6. What date was the armistice (cease fire) signed?

Click on “military leaders”

7. What did John J. Pershing command?

8. What role did Henry Mitchell have during the war?

9. Explain the plan of Alfred von Schlieffen.

Click on “political leaders”

10. Who was the U.S. President during the war?

11. What did former President Teddy Roosevelt volunteer to do in 1917?

Click on “War at Sea”

12. What was the significance of the “Dreadnought”?

13. Who claimed victory in the Battle of Dogger Bank?

14. How many British ships sank at the Battle of Jutland?

15. Why were Battle Cruisers more desirable than Battleships?

16. What submarine tactic did Germany use to challenge British dominance of the seas?

Click on “Air War”

17. What is a “Zeppelin”?

18. How were zeppelins used in the war?

19. By what nickname was Manfred von Richthofen known?

20. Read about Frank Luke. What does it mean that he was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously?

21. What did Roland Garros develop to change the way dogfights would be fought?

22. How did Anthony Fokker improve the idea of Roland Garros?

23. Who was America’s leading flying ace?

Click on “Women at War”

24. Choose 1 women’s organization and explain its purpose.

Click on “Trench Warfare”

World War I was fought in trenches that stretched for hundreds of miles from the North Sea to Switzerland. After clicking on “trench war”, browse the links to answer the following.

25. Why were “duckboards” used?

26. What did trench rats feed on?

27. Explain “trench foot”.

28. How was trench foot treated?

29. Who was the youngest person to serve in the British Army and how old was he?

30. Why was body lice so hard to get rid of?

31. What was the job of “stretcher bearers”?

32. By1916, what was the main source of food for British soldiers?

Click on “Strategies and Tactics in the First World War”

33. What was the point of “tunneling”?

34. Why was using a “creeping barrage” dangerous?

35. Why would the use of gas be so frightening?

Click on “Art”, the go to “Artists, Cartoonists, Illustrators USA”

Choose 3 artists, click on their name, and answer the following questions about the cartoon associated with them: (Note, not all artists will have a cartoon associated with them?

36. What is the message of this cartoon?

37. What symbols are used in this cartoon?

38. What is the most striking image in this cartoon?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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