ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Teacher Resource

Flu Vaccine


1. What was the main point of the Flu Vaccine story?

2. What are the symptoms of the flu?

3. What is a virus?

4. How does the flu virus spread?

5. The flu can be really dangerous for some groups of people. Which groups are at risk?

6. The flu vaccine contains a little bit of the ______________.

7. How does the vaccine work to protect us from the flu virus?

8. Why do some people still get the flu even though they’ve been vaccinated?

9. The flu season just gone was one of the worst in Australia’s history. True or false?

10. What do some people think should happen in the future to better protect people from the flu?


Positive, negative or interesting?

Students will practice their note-taking skills while watching the BTN Flu Vaccine story. After watching the story, ask students to reflect and organise the information into three categories.

What information in this story was...?

• Positive

• Negative or

• Interesting

Students may want to watch the story again or download a copy of the Flu Vaccine transcript to assist them with this activity.

Class Discussion

Hold a class discussion about the information raised in the BTN story. What questions do students have (what are the gaps in their knowledge)? The following questions may help guide the discussion:

• What is the flu?

• How does the flu spread?

• What are the symptoms?

• Should the flu vaccine be compulsory to people at risk of getting the flu?

Use the following KWLH organiser as a framework to consider what they would like to know and learn.

|What do I know? |What do I want to know? |What have I learnt? |How will I find out? |

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Key Words

Students will develop a glossary of words and terms that relate to the kingdom of fungi and scientific classification. Below are some words to get them started. Add words and meanings to your glossary as you come across unfamiliar words throughout your research. Consider using pictures and diagrams to illustrate meanings.

|Influenza |Vaccine |Immunity |Virus |

|Disease |Bacteria |Symptom |Immune system |


Students watch the ABC Splash video How does a virus work? Using the information in the video and further research, students answer the following questions:

• What is a virus?

• How do viruses spread?

• Why do they make us sick?

• What are some examples of viruses?


History of Vaccines

Students match the scientist to the disease they helped prevent by playing the Pioneer Breakthroughs matching game The History of Vaccines website also has an interactive timeline which highlights significant events in the history of diseases and vaccines.


Understanding Vaccines

Students will investigate what a vaccine is and the impact they have had on controlling disease. They will then research the impact a particular vaccine has had.

• What is a vaccine?

• What vaccines do you know about?

• What vaccines have you received?

• How do vaccines work?

• What impact have vaccines had on controlling disease?

• Why are most vaccinations given in the early years of a person’s life?

• Why is it important to vaccinate against rare disease?

• What is the future of vaccinations? Predict what vaccines may be available during your lifetime

Students will investigate the impact a particular vaccine has had on controlling disease. Choose from one of the following:

Polio, MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, Hepatitis B or Chicken Pox.

• Describe the disease. What are the symptoms? Is the disease caused by a virus or bacteria?

• Who is most at risk of getting the disease?

• What impact did the disease have?

• How does the vaccine work? How often should a person be vaccinated?

• What impact has the vaccine had on controlling the disease worldwide?

• What are some interesting facts about the vaccine?


ABC News – Flu epidemic: Experts explain the reasons behind Australia’s bad season

BTN – Vaccinations


Episode 31

7th November 2017


Students will investigate how viruses spread and the impact vaccines have had controlling disease.


Science – Years 5 & 6

Scientific knowledge is used to solve problems and inform personal and community decisions

Communicate ideas, explanations and processes using scientific representations in a variety of ways, including multi-modal texts

Science – Year 7

Solutions to contemporary issues that are found using science and technology, may impact on other areas of society and may involve ethical considerations


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