ESL conversation lesson on hacking


STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

|1) |What do you know about hacking? |

|2) |Why do you think hackers do what they do? |

|3) |Do you think hackers add to new technology developments? |

|4) |What do you think technology companies think about hackers? |

|5) |Are you worried someone could hack into your computer? |

|6) |What could you lose if someone hacked into your computer and how upset would you be? |

|7) |Do you always download security updates to protect your computer from hackers? |

|8) |Do you think large companies fear hackers? |

|9) |Who do you think is ahead of the game, the hackers or the software companies? |

|10) |What kind of damage could terrorist hackers do? |

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STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

|1) |Have you heard of any big hacking cases? |

|2) |Many companies hide hacking attempts against them because of public relations embarrassment. Do you think hacking is a bigger problem|

| |than we hear about? |

|3) |What punishment should a hacker receive? |

|4) |What do you think of the schoolchild hackers that get in the news? |

|5) |Do you think your computer is becoming less or more secure? |

|6) |Do you think it’s possible for a hacker to steal and take over your whole identity and life? |

|7) |Do you think a hacker could take over another country? |

|8) |Do you worry that hackers read your e-mail or credit card details? |

|9) |What question would you like to ask a hacker? |

|10) |What do you think his / her answer would be and why? |


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