Earth Science Study Guide – Chapters 1, 22-25

Earth Science Study Guide – Chapters 14-16

Chapter 14

1. What is oceanography?

2. How much of the Earth’s surface is covered by water?

3. Name the four oceans.

4. Which ocean is the largest?

5. Which ocean is the smallest?

6. What is bathymetry?

7. What are the 3 parts of the ocean floor?

8. What are the 3 parts of the continental margin?

9. What is the flattest place on earth?

10. Define seamount and guyot.

11. Explain seafloor spreading and why it is important.

12. What is unusual about life at hydrothermal vents?

13. What resources do humans get from the oceans? What problems can occur from acquiring these resources?

Chapter 15

14. What is salinity?

15. What is the formula for salt in the ocean?

16. What affects salinity in the ocean? Why does it do this?

17. How do salinity and temperature affect saltwater?

18. Define thermocline and pycnocline.

19. Describe the 3 layers of the ocean.

20. How are marine organisms classified? Give examples of each.

21. What is photosynthesis and chemosynthesis?

22. What is a trophic level?

23. Explain food chains and food webs. Which is more efficient and why?

24. How can over fishing negatively impact an area?

Chapter 16

25. What are surface currents and how do they form?

26. What do ocean currents have to do with climate?

27. What is an upwelling and what do they do for life in the ocean?

28. Where do waves get their energy?

29. Why is the ocean like a conveyor belt?

30. What is a tide and why do they occur?

31. When do we have the largest and smallest tides?

32. How does abrasion work?

33. How do humans affect beaches?

34. How can humans influence the oceans both positively and negatively?

35. How can an oil spill affect life both on the ocean and on land?

a. salinity

g. photosynthesis

h. chemosynthesis

k. tide

l. density current

m. beach

n. barrier island


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