
-247650000June 17, 2020 Dear 8th graders,This is your summer packet for Science. This year we will be covering Physical Sciences. This packet covers a section on Natural Resources, Renewable and Non-Renewable Energy that you will need next year when we talk about energy. It also contains a section on the Human Impact on Earth’s resources and how we solve environmental problems. (Hint: This could tie in nicely with a STEM project) You will find the slideshows on my class page in the Document section and in your Google Classroom.This packet needs to be turned into me on the first day of school in September. You have the option of doing it online in your Google Classroom. This will count as your first test grade so don’t forget to turn it in.Enjoy your summer! I miss each and every one of you.Sincerely, Mrs. PowellNatural Resources, Renewable Energy, Non-Renewable Energy1. Natural Resources: Look at the slideshow about natural resources. Create a “resourceful” poster that shows the different types of resources, renewable, nonrenewable, materials and energy resources. Include labels on your poster. You can make your poster on paper, poster board, or in Google Docs.2. Non-Renewable Resources: Visit government websites (such as the Department of Energy) that describe non-renewable resources. Find out what the effects of burning fossil fuels has on air quality. Find out what regulations are in place to reduce the potential for negative impacts on the environment. Create a newspaper article talking about the effects of fossil fuels and the regulations to reduce negative impacts on the environment.3. Renewable Resources: Create a postcard that could be mailed to citizens in your community detailing the advantages and disadvantages of a specific renewable energy resource. Create your postcard in Google Docs and share it with me at cpowell5578@Name: ____________________________Human ImpactEARTH’S RESOURCESHumans depend on Earth’s ______________.Some resources are essential and we cannot ______________ without them. Some resources are important because we depend on them to live life the life that we do. Some of Earth’s resources are ______________. They can be ______________ through biological or chemical processes.Some of Earth’s resources are ______________. There is a ______________ amount of these resources. Once they are used up, they are gone ______________. What are five important resources that humans depend on to survive and live the way that we do?____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________FreshwaterHumans and other living things depend on ______________ freshwater. We ______________ freshwater to survive. Without clean freshwater, humans and other life forms (including plants and other animals) could not ______________. We also use freshwater for ______________, ______________ and ______________. AirHumans depend on clean ______________ that contains ______________. Humans (and other animals) need ______________ to ______________. Plants need ______________ ______________ to make their own food and survive.PlantsHumans depend on ______________ for many reasons. Plants produce ______________, which we need to survive. Plants are a source of ______________.Many plants produce substances that we use as ______________. We depend on plants, specifically trees, for ______________. We use wood to ______________ things.AnimalsHumans depend on other ______________ for many reasons. We use animals and animal products for ______________ and ______________. We ______________ animals to help us perform ______________, for ______________ and for ______________. Fossil FuelsHumans rely on Earth’s ______________ ______________ (coal, oil and natural gas) as a major source of ______________. We use the energy from fossil fuels for many things, including ______________, ______________, ______________ and ______________. HUMAN IMPACTWhen we use Earth’s resources, we ______________ the environment. We alter the natural ______________ of resources in the environment or the natural ______________ of plants and animals. What are 5 significant ways we impact the environment?____________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________DOMESTICATIONHumans ______________ or convert wild animals into ______________, submissive and gentle animals. In doing so, humans can ______________ animals in a variety of ways. We can use animals to perform ______________ (ex. plowing fields).We can use animals, such as horses, for ______________.We can use animals or animal products for ______________ (ex. eggs, milk).AGRICULTUREAgriculture is the ______________ of plants and animals for ______________, ______________ and other products. Agriculture involves converting large areas of ______________ habitats into a space used to ______________ plants or for ______________ to roam. Agriculture is key to sustaining human ______________ and ______________. MANUFACTURINGManufacturing involves the mass ______________ of ______________ or man-made products from ______________ resources. Manufacturing impacts the environment because it involves ______________ and using Earth’s natural resources.MININGMining is the ______________ of minerals, metals and other natural ______________ from Earth’s ground. These materials are used to ______________ many of the products we use today.Mining impacts the ______________ because it involves ______________ Earth’s resources from their ______________ environment.URBANIZATIONHumans require space to ______________. Humans can ______________ natural habitats into areas that are highly ______________ by humans. These areas are called ______________ areas. The process of converting natural habitats into urban areas is called ______________.NEGATIVE IMPACTHumans sometimes have a ______________ impact on the environment when we use Earth’s ______________.We can negatively impact the ______________ parts of the environment as well as the ______________ parts of the environment.For example:Humans negatively impact the environment when we use resources ______________ and/or ______________. Humans negatively impact the environment when we produce excess ______________ and/or harmful products that are ______________ to the environment.There are four major ways humans negatively impact the environment:____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________HABITAT DESTRUCTIONHumans ______________ large areas of ______________ habitats in order to cultivate ______________ and animals and build ______________.Humans cut down ______________ to harvest timber for the construction of homes. In the process, humans destroy native ______________ and the ______________ of many organisms. Destroying natural habitats displaces native ______________. If the animals cannot find another place to ______________, they can ______________. RESOURCE DEPLETIONHumans are consuming many ______________ (renewable and nonrenewable) ______________ than they can be replenished. We are very dependent on ______________ resources, such as fossil fuels. Once they are ______________, they are gone ______________.LOSS OF SPECIESHumans can harvest plant and animal products to such a great extent that they drastically ______________ the population of a species or cause the complete ______________ of a species.Destruction of ______________, especially ______________, can cause the loss of many ______________ species. Sometimes humans ______________ animals to such an extent that they drastically ______________ their population size.POLLUTION______________ fossil fuels produces harmful substances known as ______________. The introduction of pollutants into the environment is called ______________. Pollution ______________ the environment because pollutants have a ______________ effect on air, water and other natural resources. Pollutants can be ______________ occurring or ______________.Pollutants can be ______________, but not always.______________, ______________ ______________ and ______________ can be pollutants, although by themselves they are not ______________. Too much of a ______________ substance or the introduction of a non-______________ substance in an environment can ______________ the environment. In this way, the substance is a ______________.Pollutants can harm and even ______________ living things. They disrupt the ______________ and/or chemistry of the natural environment.There are three types of pollution:____________________________ ________________________________________________________WATER POLLUTIONWater pollution is pollution of the ______________. Pollutants that enter the hydrosphere ______________ around Earth through the ______________ cycle. In this way, water pollution “______________” throughout Earth’s entire ______________.Water pollutants can be absorbed by ______________ or consumed by ______________. Pollutants can cause ______________ or death when taken in by living things,There are three major sources of water pollution:____________________________ ________________________________________________________Waste Water Pollution______________, industrial ______________ and ______________ waste from farms is sometimes dumped into water. Waste acts like a ______________ and increases the growth of ______________ and ______________ in water. This is dangerous because:The growth of these organisms can cause oxygen ______________ in water. Oxygen depletion can be so ______________ that there is not enough oxygen for animals to ______________ in water.Some of these organisms can produce ______________ or cause ______________. If consumed, these organisms (or their toxins) can make people ______________.Chemicals & Water PollutionWater pollution can occur when toxic ______________ are dumped into bodies of water such as lakes, rivers or the ocean. For example:Some farmers use ______________ and/or ______________ that contain harmful ______________. They sometimes ______________ into water and pollute it. This can ______________ living things in the water or make water dangerous to ______________.Some factories dump chemicals, such as ______________ and ______________, into water. Although these are ______________ occurring, too much is ______________ and ______________ to aquatic organisms.Chemicals can contaminate ______________. This is concerning to humans because most of our ______________ water comes from groundwater. Sometimes ______________ are absorbed into soil and pollute groundwater. Sometimes ______________ for fossil fuels can cause harmful chemicals to be ______________ into groundwater. ______________ pollution is a common form of water pollution. Thermal PollutionThermal pollution involves the dumping of ______________ water into ______________ freshwater resources (usually lakes or rivers). Releasing large amounts of ______________ water causes the temperature of lakes and rivers to ______________. Warm water holds ______________ oxygen. This means there is ______________ oxygen for ______________ and other animals that live in water. As a result, some organisms may ______________ and ______________. ______________ and power ______________ are the most notorious culprits of thermal pollution.Some factories and power plants use water to ______________ their machines. Water ______________ heat very well. When it becomes very warm, it is ______________ into waterways and fresh ______________ water is pumped back to the factory or power plant. ACID RAINWhat is acid rain? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Acid rain forms when ______________ pollutants combine with water ______________ in the atmosphere. This results in the formation of acid rain clouds and ______________ ______________.Acid rain is ______________ to living and nonliving things.The acid rain that is released can be as ______________ as lemon juice. The more acidic the rain, the more ______________ it causes.Acid rain forms when fossil fuels ______________:Burning fossil fuels releases ______________ and ______________ gases into the atmosphere. The gases ______________ with water vapor to produce ______________ water vapor. The acidic water vapor condenses to form ______________ ______________ clouds.Acid rain clouds eventually become “too ______________ with water” and acid rain ______________ to Earth’s surface. Acid rain clouds can travel for ______________ of miles before they ______________ acid rain. Acid rain clouds usually do not ______________ acid rain in the same ______________ they form. Acid rain clouds usually form over ______________ areas. They move with ______________ currents. Often, the rain often falls in more ______________ areas.Why is acid rain dangerous?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________LAND POLLUTIONLand pollution is pollution of the ______________ (specifically, the ______________ layers of Earth - the crust or ______________). Land pollution most often occurs when pollutants are ______________ and/or ______________ in Earth. There are three major sources of land pollution:____________________________ ________________________________________________________LandfillsHumans produce a lot of ______________. Solid waste, or ______________, is made of everyday items that are discarded by humans. Much of solid waste is buried at sites known as ______________. Some garbage may contain ______________ chemicals. As it ______________, it can release those chemicals into ______________. The chemical can be absorbed by ______________ or can seep into ______________.PesticidesSome farmers use ______________ to protect crops from insects. Pesticides can seep into ______________ and disrupt the ______________ of nitrogen and other minerals. Some pesticides contain ______________ substances that can seep into soil and be absorbed by ______________. This can harm ______________ or organisms that ______________ plants. Pesticides can seep into ______________. The pesticides can ______________ the groundwater, making it ______________ to consume.Nuclear WasteNuclear power plants produce ______________ waste as a byproduct. It is dangerous because it releases ______________. Radioactive waste ______________ over time into stable and ______________ material. However, this takes ______________ of years.Radioactive waste is most often ______________ deep underground at disposal facilities. This is usually a ______________ way to dispose of the waste. However, there have been ______________ with radioactive waste ______________. Land contaminated with ______________ waste cannot be used for thousands of years. AIR POLLUTIONAir pollution is pollution of the ______________. Pollutants most often enter the atmosphere when we ______________ fossil fuels or other materials. These pollutants mix with ______________ in the air that organisms depend on. Pollutants can mix with ______________ vapor in the air, forming ______________ rain clouds and precipitation. Air pollutants can be taken in by ______________ or inhaled by ______________. This can negatively affect ______________ things. In humans, air pollutants can cause ______________ problems. Air pollutants are associated with ______________ change and destruction of parts of the ______________.There are three major sources of air pollution:____________________________ ________________________________________________________Burning Fossil FuelsBurning fossil fuels releases excess ______________ ______________. Too much carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can significantly ______________ Earth and change global ______________ change. Burning fossil fuels also releases ______________ and ______________ gases. These gases can combine with ______________ vapor in the atmosphere to form ______________ rain clouds and precipitation. Automobile ExhaustTrucks, buses and automobiles release ______________. Exhaust is a ______________ of burning fossil fuels. It is a mixture of carbon ______________, ______________ and ______________ containing gases and dangerous organic compounds. Exhaust contributes to ______________ ______________ and ______________. Weather can trap ______________ close to Earth’s surface. It reacts with sunlight to form a “______________” fog. This is called ______________. Smog can ______________ for hours or days. It can be very ______________, especially when inhaled by people with ______________ illnesses.Smog is most common in ______________ areas.______________ or chlorofluorocarbons are air pollutants. CFCsCFCs are chemicals that have been used as ______________ in refrigerators and air conditioners. They have been used as ______________ in aerosol cans and fire extinguisher and in the production of ______________ foams. When released into the air, CFCs ______________ high up in the atmosphere and destroy the ______________ layer.OZONE DEPLETIONThe ozone layer is a layer of gas called ______________ (O3). The ozone layer completely ______________ Earth. It helps protect Earth from harmful ______________ radiation (______________). The ozone layer ______________ Earth from UV light. UV light can cause ______________ and skin ______________. CFCs ______________ down ozone. This creates ______________ in the ozone layer.UV light is not ______________ where there are holes in the ozone layer and it can penetrate without ______________ all the way down to Earth’s ______________. Scientists are concerned about ozone depletion because ______________ UV radiation down to Earth’s surface could cause more ______________ ______________ cases. Increased UV light could kill ______________ in the ocean. Algae form the ______________ of many aquatic ______________ chains. Without algae, food chains are ______________. Algae in the ocean produce a large amount of ______________ on Earth. Without algae, oxygen levels in the atmosphere could ______________. Many ______________ to CFCs have been developed. They have ______________ CFCs as propellants and coolants. Unfortunately, CFCs ______________ in the atmosphere for years and their effects are not ______________ yet. GREENHOUSE EFFECTOrganisms on Earth needs Earth to be ______________ - not too hot and not too cold. Certain gases in the atmosphere help keep Earth warm. These gases are called ______________ gases. ______________ vapor and ______________ ______________ are two types of greenhouse gases. Greenhouse gases help trap ______________ on Earth. The trapping of heat by greenhouse gases is called the ______________ ______________.How the Greenhouse Effect WorksThe sun emits ______________ (light). Radiation travels across ______________ to Earth. Some radiation ______________ off Earth’s atmosphere.Some of the radiation ______________ Earth’s surface. Radiation that reaches Earth’s surface is ______________ by the land and water and ______________ Earth.Some radiation ______________ off Earth’s surface and back into ______________.Greenhouse ______________ trap some of the radiation that ______________ off Earth’s surface. They absorb the radiation, helping to keep Earth ______________. In a way, these gases create a “____________________________” around Earth. GLOBAL WARMINGIn recent years, the amount of greenhouse gases, specifically ______________, has ______________. More greenhouse gases means ______________ of the sun’s ______________ is trapped in the atmosphere. Data suggests that this is ______________ Earth’s average temperature. We call this phenomenon ______________ ______________.We often refer to release of greenhouse gases as ______________ gas ______________. What two human activities are blamed for the increase in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Many scientists are concerned about global warming because: An ______________, even just a few degrees, could significantly change ______________ patterns. This can ______________ affect organisms because organisms depend on ______________ climatic patterns. If climate ______________, they may not be able to ______________.An increase in Earth’s global temperature could cause ______________ of the ice caps at the North and South Pole. ______________ of the ice caps could cause sea levels to ______________ and cause ______________ along the coasts of every continent. Global warming is a heavily debated topic because:The predicted effects of global warming are ______________. Many scientists believe global warming will cause ______________ changes to climate that will impact all forms on life, including humans. Many scientists argue that we must take action ______________ to curb (lessen) our carbon dioxide ______________. They believe that if we don’t take action now, significant climate changes will be ______________.______________ CO2 emissions requires humans to make ______________ in how they live. Many people do not want to ______________ the way they live. Lessening our CO2 emissions will require the ______________ of new ______________. Producing new technologies can be very ______________. EVIDENCE FOR CLIMATE CHANGEThere are several pieces of ______________ that support global warming. Evidence is ______________ that supports a scientific idea.These pieces of evidence are important to scientists who argue that global warming is ______________.Data shows that the average ocean (sea) level is ______________. Data indicates that the sea level rose about _____ centimeters over the last ______________ years.Since 1880, Earth’s average temperature has steadily ______________. Most of the warming has occurred since the ______________. Earth’s ______________ and ______________ have both warmed over the years.______________ in the mountains all over the world have ______________ in size or “______________” to only the highest elevations.The ______________ sheets that cover ______________ and ______________ have ______________ in mass. The ______________ Polar Ice Cap (known as the Artic sea ice) has decreased in ______________ as well. DEBATE OVER CLIMATE CHANGEThe entire scientific community recognizes that Earth’s average temperature is ______________. However, scientists do not ______________ as to ______________ Earth’s temperature is rising. Some scientists believe changes in Earth’s temperature are ______________ due to CO2 levels in the atmosphere. They believe the increase in carbon dioxide is too ______________ to substantially ______________ Earth’s temperature. These scientists believe other factors, such as ______________ output from the sun or changes in ______________ and ______________ currents have a greater influence over Earth’s average temperature. Some scientists believe ______________ in Earth’s ______________ temperature are normal and have occurred over hundreds of thousands of years. In fact, evidence from ______________ cores shows that Earth’s average temperature has greatly ______________ over the years.HUMAN POPULATIONThere are more than _____ billion people on EarthThe population is expected to grow to _____ billion by 2100The global population is determined by two different factors:______________: the number of humans born each year______________: the number of humans that die each yearFor thousands of years the population of humans grew ______________. Now it grows ______________. It grows ______________ and faster each year. The human population growth began growing much faster after the ______________ Revolution nearly ______________ years ago.There are 4 important reasons why human population grows exponentially faster:New tools improve ______________ productivity. This allows more ______________ to be produced without requiring more ______________ to farm land.There are improvement to ______________ and ______________. This leads to a reduction in the spread of ______________ that used to killed peopleThe water supply is ______________ because of ______________ systems. Less people acquire deadly ______________ transmitted through ______________ water.New and better ______________ treatments increase the likelihood that people will ______________ disease that used to cause death.What are four major negative effects on the environment due to a large human population?____________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________RESOURCE DEMANDLarger populations require more ______________, ______________, ______________ and other resources. Therefore, larger populations put a greater ______________ on Earth’s resources. There is concern that humans are using Earth’s resources ______________ than they can be ______________. ENERGY DEMANDMore humans require more ______________. Humans depend most on ______________ ______________ to generate energy. There is concern that we are ______________ fossil fuels to the extent that there won’t be any left for ______________ generations. Furthermore, burning more fossil fuels increases ______________ emissions and the amount of ______________ in the atmosphereINCREASED WASTEMore humans produce more ______________. ______________ is water waste produced by humans. It is often dumped in waterways and causes water ______________. Humans produce ______________. Garbage is made of everyday items that are ______________ by humans. It is buried in ______________ and can cause ______________ pollution. Waste is produced while ______________ products that we use every day. This waste can be ______________. DEFORESTATIONHumans clear large areas of land in order to create more ______________ for more humans. Humans use this land to grow ______________, build ______________, ______________ roads and to ______________ factories and power plants.Humans usually cut down trees in forests in order to clear land. This is called ______________. Deforestation ______________ the natural ______________ of many species. This ______________ ecosystems and ______________ species from their home. If they do not find another place to live, they can ______________. Deforestation can lead to ______________ of many plant species as well. This is concerning because many scientists believe ______________ plants may contain substances that could be used as ______________ to treat diseases. HUMAN IMPACT ON SPECIESHow do humans have a negative impact on plant and animal species in other ways?____________________________ ____________________________INVASIVE SPECIESHumans have intentionally and accidentally introduced ______________ species into a new environment. These species are called ______________ ______________.Invasive species are harmful because:They have no natural ______________ in their new environment and easily ______________ native organisms for space, food and water. They ______________ ecosystems. They ______________ out and ______________ on native species, usually rapidly overpopulate and ______________ food chains.Once an invasive species enters a new environment, it’s very difficult to ______________ it. Humans have ______________ introduced nonnative species to help control ______________. They did this to help solve a problem “______________”, but instead, created an entirely new problem. Example: ______________ ______________ were introduced in Florida to control ______________ that fed on sugar cane crops. Instead, the toads overpopulated and consumed resources needed by native species. Most invasive species are ______________ introduced. Example: ______________ ______________ were accidentally introduced into the Great Lakes by ocean-going ______________. They out-compete native species for ______________ and ______________ and disrupt ______________ chains. DIRECT HARVESTINGHumans sometimes intentionally ______________ or remove a species from its habitat. This is called ______________ ______________. Direct harvesting threatens the ______________ and ______________ of a species. Removing large numbers of animals or plants can cause ______________ or ______________. ______________ is the death of an entire species. ______________ is risk of becoming extinct. Direct harvesting decreases ______________ (diversity of life).Some species are removed from remotes parts of the world and sold as exotic ______________ or plants. Examples: Reptiles (such as ______________ and ______________) and ______________ (sometimes ______________) ______________ are often captured and sold as pets illegally. Some species are ______________ for a specific ______________ part to make ______________, ______________ or decorative pieces. Examples: ______________ are hunted (illegally) for the ivory in their tusks. Baby ______________ ______________ are hunted (illegally) for their pelt (fur).______________ ______________ turtles are hunted (illegally) for their shells. BIOLOGICAL MAGNIFICATIONToxic pollutants can be absorbed by ______________ in the environment. Although they may be absorbed in ______________ quantities, the can become more and more ______________ in organisms in a food chain. The ______________ of toxins in organisms up a ______________ chain is called ______________ ______________ or biomagnification.Toxins are sometimes released into the environment. They most often enter ecosystems in very ______________ concentration and are absorbed by ______________. For example:Factories or water treatment facilities sometimes discharge toxic ______________ in very small amounts into ______________. ______________, water ______________ or filter feeders take in the toxins.______________ used in farming can seep into soil and be absorbed by ______________. An ______________ (often a herbivore) feeds on the ______________. It consumes the plant as well as ______________ within the plant. The herbivore ______________ toxins in the tissues of its body. Over time, as it eats more and more plants, the toxin ______________ up more and more in its body. An animal can accumulate ______________ times the ______________ of the toxin compared to the ______________.An ______________ feeds on the herbivore. It ______________ even more toxin in its body. Just like the herbivore, the toxin can accumulate ______________ times the concentration of the toxin compared to its food source - or ______________ times the concentration of the toxin in the ______________. This ______________ of the toxin increases again and ______________ at higher levels in a food chain. The animal at the top of the food ______________ the ______________ concentration of the toxin. The toxin can cause ______________ or ______________ in the top-level animal. Humans may feed on organisms with high concentration of ______________ and become ______________. The toxin usually only affects the function of the animals at the ______________ of the food chain because it has ______________ so much toxin. At ______________ concentrations (in organisms at lower levels of the food), the toxin does not have ______________ effects on the organisms.DDT & Biological Magnification______________ was the first widely used ______________. It was sprayed on crops to kill insects, pests and disease-causing mosquitoes. It was ______________ absorbed and stored in plant and animal tissues.Some DDT ______________ into rivers and streams at very low concentrations. It was absorbed by aquatic ______________.______________ ate the plants. Other animals ate the ______________. It accumulated and magnified in organisms of aquatic ______________ chains. ______________ birds accumulated high ______________ of DDT. The accumulation of DDT caused birds’ ______________ to become so ______________ that they broke before the next ______________ of birds could hatch. This caused the ______________ of many birds including the ______________ ______________.DDT accumulated in the body tissue of some ______________ as well. Humans ______________ vegetation sprayed by the crops as well as animals that accumulated DDT. DDT caused ______________ dysfunction in some affected humans. DDT was ______________ in the US in the early ______________. Many bird species have ______________ since then. The effects of DDT increased ______________ for use of ______________ pesticides and more ______________ method of protecting crops from pests. CONSERVATIONTo counter humans’ negative impact on the environment, we must practice ______________.Conservation is the wise ______________ of resources and ______________ of ecosystems and biodiversity.Conservation is important because it ______________ the natural environment.There are three major ways we can conserve Earth’s ecosystems and resources:____________________________ ________________________________________________________PROTECT RESOURCESHumans can ______________ land and wildlife different ways: In the US and other countries, national ______________ are established. National parks are protected lands where humans cannot ______________, ______________ or consume ______________. Countries also establish ______________ that protect wildlife and natural resources. These laws regulate ______________ and protect ______________ and ______________ species form harm. Countries also regulate the ______________ and release of ______________, industrial ______________ and air ______________ into the environment.USE RESOURCES WISELYHumans will ______________ need Earth’s resources. It’s important to use them ______________ and ______________. We should only use what we ______________ need and we should not ______________ Earth’s resources.We can use resources wisely by ______________ or ______________ resources.REDUCE ENERGY USEReducing our ______________ consumption has many positive impacts on the environment. Reducing our energy consumption reduces use of Earth’s ______________. The majority of our energy comes from ______________ fuels. If we use less energy, we use ______________ fossil fuels. Reducing our energy consumption reduces the amount of ______________ we release into the environment. Burning fossil fuels produces ______________ carbon dioxide and ______________ gases. If we use less energy, we ______________ less fossil fuels, produce less ______________ emissions and release less ______________ gases. SUSTAINABILITY______________ is using natural resources at a rate that does not deplete them. If we use resources too fast, they may not be ______________ for future generations. Sustainability is important in ensuring natural resources are not only available, but ______________ and ______________ in the future. Sustainably helps protect the ______________ of the environment and Earth’s resources. Sustainability is especially important in protecting ______________ resources, such as fossil fuels. Fossil fuels are always being ______________, but at a very, very ______________ rate - this is why we consider them ______________. It’s likely that we will ______________ run out of fossil fuels. If we use them ______________, we can continue using them for a ______________ period of time and thus, ______________ them for future generations. SOLVING ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMSThere are different ways we can help ______________ environmental problems.We can use ______________ in a way to lesson our impact on the environment. We can develop new ______________ equipment that increases food ______________ while using ______________ land. We can develop more ______________ cars that use ______________ fossil fuels and produce less ______________ emissions. We can develop ways to clean ______________ and ______________ of pollutants.We can develop ______________ energy resources. Most renewable energy resources produce no ______________. This solves two problems: it ______________ our ______________ on fossil fuels and lessens the release of ______________ in the environment.We can ______________ people about the importance in protecting the environment. There are laws and regulations that ______________ people to protect the environment. However, the best way to encourage others to protect the environment and resources is to ______________ them. Education increases ______________ about ecological relationships, limited resources and the long-term ______________ of pollution. This usually prompts people to ______________ ______________ ______________ of the environment.It will take ______________ effort from every person across the planet to help solve environmental problems. If we don’t take action ______________, we may have to make ______________ and life-altering ______________ in the future.The easiest and most effective way individuals can help solve environmental problems is to practice the three R’s: ______________, ______________, ______________.REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLEReduce means to ______________ using a resource or ______________ your consumption of a resource. By doing so, you reduce the amount of ______________ you produce and therefore reduce your ______________ on the environment. How can you reduce your use of natural resources or energy? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ means to use the same product over and over ______________ instead of ______________ it away after one use.How can you reuse products or resources?______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ means to discard a product in a way that it can be used ______________. Most humans recycle ______________, ______________, ______________ and ______________ instead of throwing them away. They are used to make new paper ______________, plastic ______________, soda ______________ or glass ______________. Reflection QuestionsHow are Earth’s resources important to humans and other living things on Earth? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________How does pollution negatively affect the environment? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What is the difference between global warming and ozone depletion? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What are ways human positively affect the environment? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ................

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