“Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge”

Region “B” Northeast Region FEBRUARY 2010 PA Chapter “O”


“As I See It”

Well another season is slowly coming to a close, I think. And time for us to start thinking about the riding season which lays ahead. I again took a look at the schedule and I am really excited about what we have on the agenda for this summer. It has a little bit of everything for everyone. There is everything from mystery rides to week long adventures. So shine up the chrome and check the tires and fill up the tank because we are heading out first light. I jest but I am really serious when I say we are going to have some real riding enjoyment this year to take part in.

Thanks to all your suggestions and especially George and Sue's work on setting up the schedule with the staff. We are in for some real summer fun. I can't wait for the end of May and our trip to Rolling Thunder. I really enjoy that trip. All of you who had the opportunity to join in can verify that it was a good time.

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010

I was very happy to hear from Dave that the gathering went off without a hitch. I apologize for not being there. But Mother Nature is playing games with my roof in Edinboro. The freezing and thawing is causing me some real problems. Be that as it may I will be there for next months gathering, We will have some very important information to pass along so hopefully everyone will once again join in to make some decisions that need attending to. So mark your calendars for the 14th of March our next breakfast /meeting. Hopefully we can go there on a motorcycle. Hey, no harm in wishing right?

Till then stay warm and healthy and make sure you have your Monkey Butt powder ready for some really great times.

Ride safe as always and I'm looking forward to seeing you all on the 14th.

Bob & Bev Long

GWRRA PA Chapter “O” Directors 2009/2010


Our Chapter Directors, Bob and Bev Long, could not be with us at our February gathering due to some winter issues at their summer home in Edinboro. So on behalf of them, Wendy and I would like to thank each and every devoted member for taking the time to attend what was to be a very informational meeting.

Several items were discussed and among those was the proposed trip to Nova Scotia. A meeting is scheduled to be held at my home during March to discuss the preliminary details of the trip. You will find details later in the newsletter on this meeting. Bring your ideas with you. No idea is too large or too small to be discussed. Just remember that the people in the group are going to try to satisfy as many ideas as they can. This invitation is open to any member of Chapter "O". The only request I ask is that if you are planning to come, please let Wendy or I know via email so we can have a head count. I will be sending out a bulk email to the membership a week before the meeting as a reminder. So if we haven't heard from you within a few days of the meeting then we can assume that you will not be coming.

As all of you know, this past winter so far has not been very nice to anyone; snow, snow and more snow. I was thinking the other day that if we don't get some good weather pretty soon, we won't be riding for quite sometime. I hope summer gets here quick. The next and first big event of our chapter deals with the Indiana Mall bike show scheduled in April. Complete details will be presented to the membership at the March gathering.

George and Susan have presented the chapter with a ride schedule that was based on all of your ideas so I am asking everyone to try and make as many rides and chapter events as you possibly can.

As I looked around the meeting room today, I could feel the closeness of the chapter members toward each other. I POSITIVELY now know for a fact that our chapter is growing closer and closer each and every time we meet and I think each and everyone of you deserve a large pat on the back for making our chapter what it is today. Congratulations to everyone.

Since the riding season is hopefully, just around the corner, some of you are probably going to replace your old worn tires with new ones. Have you thought about trying Dynabeads to balance your tires? If so, Bob Sweed has some available at a very reasonable price. You can even install them yourself. Just get in touch with him for the details.

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010

Please check the Chapter "O" website periodically for the latest news. I realize that the Chapter "O" YAHOO group page has not been used for the winter months. But since the riding season is closing in on us, the group will start to be active again. So please check there for members’ messages.

Till next month, stay warm, be safe and we will see all of you at the March gathering.

Dave "Dreamcatcher" Warheit and Wendy Taylor

Chapter O Assistant Directors 2009/2010


Hello from:  Diane and Bob,

Well the events from GWRRA this last month has really got things in an uproar. But as Diane and I sit and discuss these things we realize why we are part of the GWRRA and more importantly a part of Chapter O. I know we look at the leadership in Arizona and realize that part of our dues just go to make the millionaires there a little richer.

But we contribute every day to organizations that were started with good intentions like the Red Cross and others across the county. These organizations were started by good hard working people trying to do good for humanity. Then over the years their leaders got greedy running these organizations and have became very rich from their supporters. The GWRRA is none different.

We think that the Corporate leaders have lost touch with the membership and this in turn have caused places where that membership has ran a muck. But like it is in our country bad deeds of a few bring punishment to all. I think that Corporate heads need to look at and rethink their plan of education, safety, and Fun.

From the finding of our local leaders investigations one of the most important parts of the organization is missing the Group Educator. So I guess it is time now to refocus and get thing back to what they were started out as. It will be interesting if the leadership in Arizona can pull this off.  At this time it doesn't sound like they are off to a very good start.  

We know for the most part there are good benefits from the GWRRA. The Gold Book, Wing World, the Roadside Assistance, and the most important part of GWRRA to us is Chapter O.  GWRRA has brought together a very good group of Friends. It’s not because of something they do in a corporate office.

It is because of what everyone in our group brings.  This makes everyone an important part of our group. They bring friendship with them every time we get together whether it is a ride or meeting.  It is the friends that we have here. It is so nice to be able to go to a meeting and although we all love to ride, we have bound and found out so many of us have the same interest in other parts of our lives.

All though we are so different we are also have many things in common. I know whatever may lie ahead for our Chapter, Diane and I have been proud to be the chapter couple and will continue to do our best until the fate of Chapter O is decided.   

I know we have a very busy ride schedule planned for the upcoming summer. But Diane and I want to be there and share the good times and fun with the group as much as possible.

  I read a Quote "I hire a lawyer not to tell me what to do, But how to do what I want". Author unknown


Bob Sweed & Diane Edgar

Chapter O - COY 2009/2010

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010

Nova Scotia or Bust Information Night


Preparing For Spring

This time of year, it sure is good to get out and say “Hello” to all of our fellow riders in Chapter O. As always, there are changes – both good and bad. The bottom line is the fact that we all like to ride. In fact for most of us it is a passion.

The hardiest of our group are already venturing out. (You are tough.) The rest of us are waiting for the snow to melt and the weather to warm up a little more. While we are waiting, there are some things we can do so we are prepared when the warmer days arrive. All drivers should be thinking ahead and doing some routine maintenance for their safety and to increase the efficiency of their bikes. Check the tires. If they will need replaced, do some research and figure out which ones will work best for you and if you need to buy new ones, get them ordered. Remember that filters, both oil and air need changed regularly. The oil change and filter will help keep your motor running smoothly. The air filter will help your gas mileage. Check your inspection sticker and make sure you get inspected on time. Inspection is a safety issue which is important to you and the other vehicles which are on the road. It wouldn’t hurt to also check the oil level in the rear wheel differential.

On another note, there is something else everyone in Chapter O can do to help us do our job. The ride schedule is posted. If you are planning to go on one of the rides (and we hope everyone is planning on more than one), would you give us suggestions on what you want to see while we are riding? It would be easy to make a stop or side trip so nothing really “good” is missed.

We are looking forward to a wonderful riding year with all of you.

George and Susan Wick

Ride Coordinators 2009/2010

PA GWRRA Chapter O

Be sure to check periodically on the Chapter O website for upcoming events and updates

   Maintained and designed by Dave Warheit.

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge November 2008

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010


Wing Ding 2010 Goes to Des Moines, Iowa. They boast the largest climate-controlled skywalk system per capita in the world! Connecting meeting facilities, shopping, restaurants and entertainment, the extensive, 4 mile skywalk allows visitors to enjoy Downtown Des Moines all year long no matter what season it is.

Free motorcycle parking near the facility, and FREE shuttles from the downtown hotels.

If you are planning to attend, Region B would appreciate it if you would consider volunteering some of your time to help them fulfill some of their obligations. All volunteers receive FREE ICE CREAM and a Wing Ding Volunteer Badge along with lots of appreciation, thanks and gratitude from the Region Staff. Region Bis responsible for the Light Parade and the Grand Parade and helping Region E with Security Support as well.

NEW REGION POSITIONS.. John and Mary Knight has been appointed as new Region Newsletter Editors replacing Debbie Casale who has done it for the past 2 years.


Happy Groundhogs Day. Were not sure what’s to be happy about, since Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter! YUCK!!!! We were hoping to get ready for riding season early this year. Guess we will be using the heated clothing a little longer.

Finally the paperwork is completed. Thank you for getting this to us so that we could meet our deadline with getting it to the Region Directors. In January, were able to attend Jeff and Nancy Landis first gathering as Chapter Y’s Directors.

We were impressed with the new ideas they, along with their staff have come up with. Looks as though they are going to have a great year on the J and N Express.

Later that night, we attended Chapter M’s After Christmas party. While there, we were given pictures and told to figure out the name of the Christmas Carol the picture represented… Mary, you got us all! Actually what started out as an individual thing turned into a great group effort at our table.

The next day, we attended Chapter L’s gathering. Jay and Debbie Keck, the new CD’s, did a great job. As soon as anyone walked through that door, they were warmly greeted and made to feel welcome. They have been coming up with a lot of new ideas. Chapter L is good hands with Jay and Debbie, and their ACD Jack Chamberlain. On February 6th we held the District Staff Meeting at the Hotel Carlisle. Despite Mother Nature throwing us a curve ball, dumping snow all over Pennsylvania, we had 65% of the people signed up to be at the meeting brave the snow and attend. Since most had over night reservation they arrived before the snow started to fall. Over night and into the day on Saturday there had to be at least 18” of snow on the ground at the hotel. It stopped around noon, just in time for everyone to go home. There were a few that stayed overnight on Saturday not knowing how the roads were going to be. We left after the meeting and had no trouble getting home. Route 81 going north from the hotel was clear all the way home. Penn DOT did a fantastic job keeping up with the snow and keeping the roads clear.

We covered a lot of information at the District Staff meeting. Here is brief summary of what we went over: We are very fortunate to have surrounded ourselves with a great team of officers who are doing a fantastic job. Remember the district officers are here to help and serve you, just as Chapter Directors, you are in the position to serve your chapter. Never loose sight of the fact that as an officer in your chapter your primary duties are to run the chapter and to serve the membership. This is not always an easy job and some of the problems you are faced with, the decisions and outcome will not always be easy to administer. Keep in mind that at times friendships must become secondary when you make your decision, which should be made with the best interest of the chapter.

Remember that as an officer you should use the resources available to you. Don’t be afraid to use members with past experience and your staff to help you. Come up with some new ideas. If you keep following suit with the same ideas and events year in and year out, your membership will stop coming around because their “have been there, done that” attitude will start to show and you will not see them any more. Don’t be afraid to make changes. Sometimes changes are the best thing to bring life into a chapter that has been declining in attendance.

All of you that have a Chapter Directors Guidelines book or an Assistant Chapter Directors Guidebook that has been around for a while and not recently printed off of the internet, (1/25/2010) THROW THEM AWAY! All of the information has been updated as of 1/25/2010; all of the officer change forms and the financial year-end report forms have changed. Most of you have the Internet so if you need to read up on something or print new forms for paperwork, go the “Officers Connection” web site to find anything you are looking for. All of the forms needed for officer changes and the end of the year financial reports are found on that web site also. The district has put a link on the District Web Site that has all of the forms

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010

needed for the officer changes and the financial reports. Plus there are complete directions included. There were quite a few chapters that used forms from 1999 that have since been changed by the home offices lawyers.

It is no secret that the number of members in GWRRA is falling. What can you do as a chapter to help this problem? – If we are going to continue to grow we must become more visible. As officers you know that you must wear your vest or proper attire which has the 4” patch on the front and the 10” patch on the back when you are conducting a gathering or attending a GWRRA function. Make sure members show their pride of belonging by wearing the logo as well. We will continue to keep the chapters informed on all new programs as they come out from the home office. There is someone always thinking of programs to offer you so that you have something new to offer your members. It is your position as the CD’s and ACD’s, decision to participate and keep your membership alive.

Get help by having a MED person with in your chapter. There is a whole book of knowledge available to help this person promote your Chapter and GWRRA.



We must have received all full registrations by August 20th. There will be no full registrations or banquet passes sold at the rally. There has been added a Saturday DAY PASS including the banquet for $35 as long as it is received by the August 20th date. This has been done for the members that maybe only can come to the rally on Saturday but don’t because they cannot come to the banquet that night.


We would like to see more participation in the events so we are going to allow day passes to compete with their chapters during the Friday morning events. Day passes will be allowed to participate in the Light Parade on Thursday evening. Day Passes will not be permitted to the Thursday evening dinner, Friday ice cream social and talent show or the banquet on Saturday unless they have purchased the special Saturday day pass before the August 20th date.


We are proud to announce that Chapter V has decided to work on having the games at the rally on Friday morning. After a brief discussion with chapter V it is evident that they will have some great games for all of the chapters to enjoy. We will get any information out to all of you as things progress in getting the games organized.


This is the main fundraiser for the district. This is how we pay for the district rally site and any of the educational programs that are put on with in the district. If your ADD has been to your chapter since the rally last year you should have heard a report as to how the rally made out financially.


We will again be giving your chapter a percentage of the money received from the sales of the tickets to use as you wish. The more you sell, the more you help the district and in turn help your chapter. Please do your best, if you do not sell the tickets you will hurt the chapters who really get the tickets sold by keeping the total sales down which in turn lowers the amount from which we take the percentage from to give back to the chapters.

If you have any ideas as to how the district can make this fundraiser work for both the chapters and the district, so that it is an easier sell let us know. We are always open for suggestions. Please turn in any sold tickets monthly to your assistant district directors.


We have made a change to the location of the hospitality room at the rally this year. The hospitality room will be located in the Pasquerilla Center. It will be open to any one with a full registration and anyone on a day pass. Because of the food laws we have made a promises to the Pasquerilla Center that no food will be taken out of the room. We will be asked to shut down the hospitality room if food is taken out of the room.


Our District Trainers, did an outstanding job in presenting the new Officer Certification Program that has been implemented by the home office. There were many questions after the presentation with most everyone going away with a positive attitude. This program will be a valuable addition in helping Chapter Directors, Assistant Chapter Directors, and anyone who at some time would plan on becoming an officer in GWRRA. If you missed the presentation, please make sure to contact Wayne and Kim Ferland to hear first hand about the program. Do not listen to anything you hear from someone who has not been at the District Staff Meeting because you may be getting misinformed.

The first class in Pennsylvania will be held March 6 & 7 in Mechanicsburg. We will be setting up more classes throughout the state in the next couple of months.

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010


With Mother Nature dishing out a major snowstorm Saturday morning in Southern Pennsylvania, our treasurer Marcy Gabriele was unable to make the meeting. We are hoping to be able to schedule a seminar at the rally this year so that the chapter treasurers can be informed of the changes with the paperwork for the year-end financial report.

The 2010 Keystone State Rally will once again be held in Johnstown. The dates of the rally will be August 26, 27, 28. Pennsylvania will be hosting the Region Couple of the Year Selection. This year’s theme will be A Carnival of Wings.

There is one major change in Friday’s line up. Friday night, we are bringing back the talent show. Miguel Lebron & Gracie Tirado, the District Couple will be in charge of this event. If you would like to entertain the membership, or simply show off your talents, please contact them at Our fundraiser for the District has been sent to all of the chapter directors.

We will continue the Cash Bonanza tickets. There will be (1) $2,000.00 winner, (1) $1,000.00 winner, (1) $500.00 winner, (2) $250.00 winners, and (10) $100.00 winners. As an added incentive the seller of the $2,000.00 ticket will get $100.00 and the seller of the $1,000.00 ticket will get $50.00. The tickets will sell for $5.00 each and we are asking that all of the chapters to support this fundraiser for 2010. In addition we will again be giving back 50% of the net profits, divided among the 23 chapters based on the number of tickets sold. The more tickets the chapter sells the bigger the percentage of the profit they will receive.

A design has been completed for the district t-shirt and a sample shirt has gone out to your Assistant District Directors to show at your gatherings. We have sent an order form to the Chapter Directors so that individual orders can be placed or the chapter can order as a group. We will not be having a rally shirt this year.

It’s not too early to get your Chapters Ad for the Rally Ad Book into Diane Heffelfinger. A Flyer has been posted on the Web site. The prices are the same as last year, $75.00 for a Full Page, $40.00 for a Half page and $25.00 for a Business Card size AD. Last year we had 100% participation by the Chapters and would hope to do the same in 2010.

Do not forget to submit a nomination for the SOMEONE SPECIAL AWARD. Nominations are to be submitted to us no later than July 17. There are many deserving members out there, so please take a few minutes and submit that member’s story to be considered for the Someone Special Award. We should receive entries from every Chapter. Please have the Chapter Directors turn in the Someone Special nomination. We will only accept one nomination from each chapter.

Hopefully, the new ROLL FOR THE DOUGH has hit the road with all of the chapters. This program began Nov. 1. By now, every Chapter Director has received a copy of the guidelines. Clair and Ruth Matter will be coordinating. They can be contacted at RollForTheDough@ or 570-998-9722. You need six members to participate in each visit. If you go to visit a chapter and another chapter is there, you all get a point, as long as you follow the guidelines. . So let’s get out there and start the fun by visiting another chapter.

As of right now Renee and I have not made a decision to attend Wing Ding this year. Let see if there is a chapter in Pennsylvania that can make up our minds for us by being selected as the Region B Chapter of the Year. If this happens we will definitely make the trip to cheer on one of our chapters. We were amazed this summer at Wing Ding, when we saw the enthusiasm the nominated chapters had. It was contagious to say the least. We would love to see one of our Pennsylvania chapters represent Region B. We have a lot of good chapters- chapters that are involved in various charities, love to ride, learn, and just have fun together. Sound like any of you? All the information is located on our District Website. Get the forms, fill them out, and get a copy to us, along with your ride schedule by March 1. That is all the Chapter Director or someone designated as the Chapter of the Year Coordinator from the chapter has to do. If you have any questions, we are just a phone call or email away.

Each and every chapter should have a Couple of the Year. Remember this couple should not be new members that have just joined your chapter to give them something to do. This couple should be picked for the special efforts that they have contributed to the chapter. They should be encouraged to be your couple. They have been chosen to represent your chapter because of all of the things that they accomplished. This position is an honor!

One very important, but often overlooked position within a chapter is the MED Coordinator. This person could be a valuable asset to your Chapter Director and Assistant Director. All of our new Chapter Directors and the ones, who have been around for a while, should think about having a MED person with in the chapter. A MED person could help you with CHOY program, get people moving in the Roll for The Dough, make phone calls or send cards to members you haven’t seen in a while, work on the Chapter of the Year award, the list is endless. And this takes some of the pressure off of the Chapter Director so that you can spend more time running the chapter. We feel every chapter should have one. If in doubt as to what they do, please contact Mort and Ruth Smith.

Happy Valentine’s Day

Tom and Renee

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010

Chapter O now has their own “Doughboy” couple. Larry and Colleen Powell are the official persons in Chapter O to contact for the new “Roll for Dough” program that started November 01, 2009. They are the ones to call when you are able and willing to travel to another chapter for a meeting, party, ride, etc. Hopefully they can coordinate other people to go at the same time so the chapter can earn points. To receive points you must have at least six people from your chapter holding GWRRA cards. Be sure to go on line and read about the program. You can reach Larry and Colleen either by phone or email. 724-334-2374 or lwpowell@



Indiana Mall—Indiana PA

April 25,2010 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

Bring baked good items for Bake Sale

Their will be a 50/50 chance to Benefit the Ride for Kids

Bring your bike or trike to the mall and show it off.

We know you are proud of it. Why not show others just how proud you are.

Ask a friend to bring his or hers too.

Doesn’t matter what brand it is. They are all great!

Good time to gossip, brag, and compare that “special” machine with the others.

So clean - shine - and enjoy in the fun !

Region “B”, Northeast Region, PA”O” Friends for Fun, Safety & Knowledge February 2010

|Date | Events for 2010 |

|Feb 26-28 to Mar |Daytona Bike Week |

|01-07 |Daytona Florida |

|Mar 14, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting |

| |Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant |

| |Gather: 8 am – Breakfast Meeting: 9 am |

|Mar 14, 2010 |Daylight Saving Time Begins |

| |Turn clocks ahead one hour |

|Mar 20, 2010 |Nova Scotia Planning |

| |Dave Warheit’s home 7 pm |

|Apr 04, 2010 |HAPPY EASTER |

|Apr 11, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting |

| |Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant |

| |Gather: 8 am – Breakfast Meeting: 9 am |

|Apr 18, 2010 |Fourteen Annual Blessing of the Bikes |

| |Murrysville Alliance Church |

| |Murrysville PA |

|Apr 25, 2010 |Chapter O Bike Show |

| |Indiana Mall – Indiana PA |

|Apr 25, 2010 |Blacklick Annual Blessing of the Bikes |

| |Blacklick PA |

|May 02, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting |

| |Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant |

| |Gather: 8 am – Breakfast Meeting: 9 am |

|May 02, 2010 |Seventeenth Annual Biker’s Blessing |

| |Word of Grace Parking lot |

| |German Hill Road, Tionesta PA |

| |Service at 3 pm |

|May 08, 2010 |Chapter O Ride to Denny’s Beer Barrel Pub |

| |Clearfield PA |

|May 18, 2010 |Chapter O – Mystery Ice Cream Ride |

|May 26, 2010 |Chapter O – Ride to Quaker Steak & Lube |

| |Sharon PA - Bike night |

|May 28-31, 2010 |Rolling Thunder – Washington, DC |

|May 31, 2010 |Washington DC to Gettysburg PA |

|Jun 06, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting – Chapter Picnic |

| |Bill Boyer & Nora Yount’s Camp |

| |Sigel PA |

|Jun 12-13, 2010 |Multiple Sclerosis – Escape to the Lake |

|Jun 15, 2010 |Chapter O – Mystery Ice Cream Ride |

|Jun 23, 2010 |Chapter O – Mystery Dinner Ride |

|Jun 24-27, 2010 |Thunder in the Valley |

| |Johnston PA |

|Jun 30, 2010 -Jul |Wing Ding 32 |

|03, 2010 |Des Moines Iowa |

|Jul 06, 2010 |Chapter O – Mystery Ice Cream Ride |

|Jul 11, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting |

| |Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant |

| |Gather: 9 am – Breakfast Meeting: 10 am |

|Jul 14, 2010 |Chapter O – Mystery Dinner Ride |

|Jul 17-31 – Aug 01,|Chapter O – Nova Scotia Trip |

|2010 | |

|Jul 22-24, 2010 |New England District Rally |

| |Gorham NH |

|Aug 08, 2010 |Ride for Kids |

| |Cranberry PA |

|Aug 10, 2010 |Chapter O – Mystery Ice Cream Ride |

|Aug 13-15, 2010 |Chapter O – Edinboro/Rock & Roll Hall of Fame |

| |Bob & Bev Long – weekend in Edinboro |

|Aug 22, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting |

| |Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant |

| |Gather: 8 am – Breakfast Meeting: 9 am |

|Aug 25, 2010 |Chapter O – Mystery Dinner Ride |

|Aug 26-28, 2010 |GWRRA PA District Rally |

| |Johnstown PA |

|Sep 07, 2010 |Chapter O – Mystery Ice Cream Ride |

|Sep 12, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting |

| |Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant |

| |Gather: 8 am – Breakfast Meeting: 9 am |

|Sep 18-19, 2010 |Chapter O – PA Grand Canyon Ride |

| |Little Grand Canyon in PA |

|Sep 29, 2010 |Chapter O – Mystery Dinner Ride |

|Oct 02, 2010 |Chapter O – Ride to Hartville Flea market |

| |Hartville Ohio |

|Oct 10, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting/Ride to Horseshoe Curve in |

| |Altoona PA |

| |Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant |

| |Gather: 8 am – Breakfast Meeting: 9 am |

|Nov 14, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting |

| |Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant |

| |Gather: 8 am – Breakfast Meeting: 9 am |

|Dec 11, 2010 |Chapter O – Monthly Meeting/Christmas Party |

| |Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant |

| |Gather: Meeting/Party |

Note: All Meetings will be held at Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant in Kittanning, PA unless otherwise notified. Breakfast at 8:00 am and Gathering at 9:00 am. .

For more information and updates on all rides and activities be sure to check the website. When more information becomes available, the facts will be included in the newsletters and the website.



|Chapter O | | | |

|Chapter Directors: |Bob & Bev Long |(724) 859-9582 (724)|long0549@ |

| | |845-1655 | |

|Assistant Chapter Director |Dave Warheit & |(724) 295-2396 |dwarheit@  |

| |Wendy Taylor |M(724) 316-5610 |wendywoo@ |

| | |(814) 764-3354 | |

|Chapter Educator |Bob Long |(724) 859-9582 |Long0549@ |

|Treasurer |Pete King |(724) 568-1345 |kgswdshp@ |

|Historians |Bob Sweed & |(724) 465-2421 |n3tgz@ |

| |Diane Edgar | |di4575@ |

|Couple of the Year: 2009/2010 |Bob Sweed & |(724) 465-2421 |n3tgz@ |

| |Diane Edgar | |di4575@ |

|Pins/Patches & Goodies Coordinator |Pete King |(724) 568-1345 |kgswdshp@ |

|Membership/Public Affairs | | | |

|Cards & Greetings |Ron & Carol Bevlin |(724) 463-9534 |cbevlin@ & rbevlin@ |

|Chapter O Ride Coordinator |George & Susan Wick |(724) 763-1775 |tenequip@ |

| | |M(724) 664-5856 |stitchnqueen@ |

|Chapter O Newsletter |Carol & Ron Bevlin |(724) 463-9534 |cbevlin@ |

|Chapter “O” Web Page |Dave Warheit webmaster | |   |

|Chapter O Photographer |Wendy Taylor |(824) 764-3354 |wendywoo@ |

|Assistant Chapter Photographers |Susan Wick |(724) 763-1775 |stitchnqueen@ |

| |Carol Bevlin |(724) 463-9534 |cbevlin@ |

|Region & District | | | |

|District Directors |Tom & Renee Wasluck |(570) 474-1014 |goldwing@ |

|NW Assist PA District Directors |Dana & Danise Hartle |(814)-938-7136 |DMHARTLE@ |

|District Educators |John Steele |(717)-259-9266 |wing90@ |

|2010 District Couple (Chp Y) |Miguel LeBron & Gracy |(215)-504-7094 |mlebrone@cntus. |

| |Tirado | | |

|District Web Master |Mike & Darlene Ammerman |(412) 795-6685 |Auwinger@ |

|GWRRA PA District Web Page | | |index.htm |

|GWRRA PA Download Page |Monthly newsletter |(412)-372-1210 |gwrra/default.asp |

| |Jim McClintock | | |

|Honda – Motorcycle Web Page | | | |

|GWRRA Organization |Main Headquarters | | |

| | | | |






Congratulations to Following: 02-21-2010 Meeting

Progressive Drawing Winner: Drawed several names but no one was present.

Mike Vehovic and Dan Artman So March money will be $15

50/50 Drawing: (1) Pete King (2) Jim Lux – donated money for “Ride for Kids” collection


Melvin & Marlene Long February 14 George & Susan Wick March 21

Bob & Cindy Hughes March 31

Happy Birthday

February March

Jonathan Pike February 09 Lisle Shoop March 05

Nora Yount February 24 Barbara Shoop March 25

Brad Blystone March 26

John Fox March 27

In Our Thoughts & Prayers:

All our friends and neighbors - who may be under the weather or suffering from aches and pains. If you know or hear of someone who has been ill or hurt – please notify your Chapter Directors.

Glad to see Larry Powell at the meeting after his recent surgery on his knee.


February 2010

Gold Wing Road Riders Association

Bob & Bev Long, Chapter Directors

1200 4th Avenue

Ford City, PA 16226










Second Sunday of month (unless noted)

Breakfast: 8 am Meeting: 9 am









For one of the best upholstering establishments in our area, try ......

Theresa’s Royle Allegheny Restaurant

411 Butler Road

Kittanning PA

(724) 545-7981

Contact: Tina

for all of your motorcycle needs and wishes.






A Golfer known for his bad temper walked into the pro shop and plunked down big bucks for a new set of woods.

The staff all watched to see what would happen after he used them for the first time, more than half expecting he’d come in and demand his money back.

But the next time he came in, the golfer was all smiles.

“They’re the best clubs I’ve ever had,” he said. “In fact, I’ve discovered I can throw them at least 40 yards farther that I could my last ones.”







Banana Nut Bread

1 box of yellow cake mix

1 egg

1/2 cup milk

1 cup mashed ripe bananas (about 2 medium)

1/2 cup chopped pecans (I used walnuts)

In a mixing bowl, combine cake mix, egg and milk.

Add bananas; beat on medium speed for 2 minutes.  Stir in nuts.

Pour into two greased 8-in. x 4-in. x 2 in. loaf pans.

Bake at 350 degrees for 40-45 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.  Cool for 10 minutes before removing from pans to wire racks to cool completely.  Yield:  2 loaves.

Geri Fox

When: March 20, 2010 Time: 7:00 pm

Where: Dave Warheit’s home Address: 111 Fourth Street, Freeport PA 16229

Home phone: 724-295-2396 Cell: 724-316-5610 Email: dwarheit@

What to bring: Suggestions of where you want to tour – stops on the way to and from Nova Scotia. Also, the estimated fuel mileage that your motorcycle gets.

The trip is to leave PA on July 17th. We know that work schedules will not permit everyone to come and go as they would like, so bring your schedule and see how things fit in.

This is a preliminary meeting to start and plan what could be an exciting and fantastic motorcycle trip. To have a well planned trip, there needs to be input from all. So mark your calendar – bring your ideas – and have a Saturday night out with the gang.

Let Dave or Wendy know if you are planning to attend on March 20th.




Ride for Kids Drawing

Winner of a Handmade Basket filled with Hot Sauce and Rubs:

Wendy Taylor

Winner of Homemade Cream Puffs:

Colleen Powell

The handmade basket was created and donated by Donna & Don Lloyd.

The cream puffs were baked by Pam Boyer. Wonder if she made extra for Art?

Each month two Chapter O members will donate something to be chanced off for the Ride for Kids Charity to be held on August 08, 2010.

Lets see if we can top last years total donation.


Looking for your favorite recipes.

They can be simple or hard – only require

ent is that they are “Good”.

Let’s see how many we can come up with in 2009.

What I am hearing about the previous recipes – is that they are REALLY GOOD.




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