Help Desk Backup Server

Help Desk Backup Server

When can I use the backup server?

• Bad Hard Drive

• Can't Boot to Windows

• Can't Access EZ-Snapshot

• Emergency Situations

What can I backup?

• School Documents / Homework / Projects

• Personal Documents / Pictures / Original Media

• Email / Favorites / Address Book

• NO Illegal Material / Software / Audio Files / Movies

• NO Files You May Re-Download (Installers / Lecture Notes / WebCT)

Policy and Disclaimer

1. Data Integrity: We cannot guarantee that data on the Backup Server will not be lost. We do our best to ensure data is saved, but we do not have redundancy systems in place to protect data in the event of the unforeseen. Critical data should be burned to CD.

2. Storage Space: We do not limit how much an individual user can store on the Backup Server. Please be considerate of other users, as we have limited space. We urge users to limit themselves to one gigabyte.

3. Privacy: We reserve the right to view a list of directories in order to determine space usage on the server. Otherwise, we respect the privacy of our users and will not view data stored on the backup server.

4. Security: The Backup Server is maintained by Help Desk Consultants who are students at RPI. Every effort is made to ensure the machine is secure, however we are unable to guarantee complete safety from unauthorized access. Faculty and staff should be aware of this fact before choosing to backup sensitive information.

5. Duration: Backup data will be held for a maximum of two weeks. An email will be sent to the user at least three business days prior to the data being deleted.

6. Server Use: Users are prohibited from using their account on the Backup Server for any purpose other than temporary storage of files. Any attempt to abuse this service may result in the user's account being disabled.

Contact Information

• For assistance backing up or retrieving files, users may consult the Help Desk at x7777,, or in person at the VCC.

• Other questions, comments, suggestions, or requests for help should be directed to

• Serious customer service or security concerns may be addressed to the Help Desk Manager, Pat Valiquette. He may be reached at, by phone at x6723, or at the VCC Help Desk.

How do I get my data back?

1. If you are off-campus, you will need to connect via the External VPN in order to access the Backup Server. Instructions on installing the VPN client may be found at the following website:

2. Open a web browser and go to the following website:

3. Click "WinSCP 3.4 application", saving the file on your Desktop. If this version is not available, choose the link for the more recent version.

4. Double-Click the file on your Desktop to run WinSCP.

5. A WinSCP connection window will open. For server, type "". For user and password, enter your RCS userid and the password the consultant had you enter when your account was being created.

6. If a Yes/No dialog pops up, click Yes.

7. If you are asked for a password, try entering the same password again.

8. If you do not remember your password or are unable to connect, contact the Help Desk at x7777 or

9. The right hand side of the window displays the files you have on the backup server. You should be able to drag these to your Desktop, or elsewhere on your computer. There will be some system files that you did not backup. You can ignore these files, and do not need to copy them to your computer.

10. After you have finished copying your files off the server and are sure you no longer need the files on our server, please send an email to indicating that we may delete your files. This will free up space for other users who need to backup files.

11. If you have any problems copying your data off of the backup server, you may contact us at


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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