Your computer is…

Your computer is…

Protected by Zone Labs Integrity Desktop!


Your system administrator has installed Integrity Desktop on your computer. Below are answers to some frequently-asked questions.

What is Integrity Desktop?

Integrity Desktop is security software that protects your computer against hackers, malicious e-mail attachments, and other Internet threats. If you use a laptop computer, Integrity Desktop protects that computer even when you’re working outside the office.

Can I change my security settings?

Yes. Use the Integrity Desktop Control Center to configure your firewall, program control, e-mail protection, and other settings.

Note, however, that your system administrator can also configure Integrity Desktop to automatically download settings from a central server. This means you may not always be able to allow the Internet traffic you want to. Contact your systems administrator if you have questions about downloaded settings.

How do I choose my settings?

To access the Integrity Desktop Control Center, double-click the Integrity icon in the Windows taskbar. Use the following panels of the Integrity Desktop Control Center to choose your settings:

• Overview provides general program status, product information including licensing information, and personal preferences settings.

• Firewall lets you open or close the “doors” to you computer. Choose one security level for networks you know and trust, and another for any unknown networks or computers you may come in contact with.

• Program Control enables you to decide which programs on your computer can access the Internet or your local network.

• Alerts & Logs lets you control the display of alert pop-up messages, and the logging of security events.

• Privacy lets you control the use of cookies, advertisements, and mobile code on your computer. (Note this feature may be disabled by your administrator.)

• Email Protection quarantines potentially harmful email attachments.

For help choosing your settings, see Integrity Desktop online help and tutorial.

What are the alerts I see on my screen?

The three most common types of Integrity Desktop alert are described below.

Firewall alerts (shown at left) tell you that Integrity Desktop has blocked a communication that didn't fit your security settings. Click OK to close the alert box.

Program alerts ask you if you want to allow a program on your computer to access the Internet or local network, or to act as a server. They offer you a Yes or No choice.

New Network alerts let you know that you have connected to a network. You can use the alert to put the network in the Trusted Zone (it is your home or business local network), or leave it in the Internet Zone.

What is the More Info button in the alert box for?

Most alerts contain an AlertAdvisor More Info button. Click this button to get more information about the nature and causes of the alert from Zone Labs AlertAdvisor.

What are the icons in my Windows Taskbar?

Integrity Desktop shows the following color-coded icons in the lower-right corner of your desktop.

|[pic] |Integrity Desktop is running and is enforcing security rules. |

|[pic] |Network traffic is leaving (red) or entering (green) your computer. |

|[pic] |The Emergency Lock (stop button) is engaged. Integrity Desktop is blocking all Internet traffic to and from your |

| |computer. |

|[pic] |The Internet Lock is engaged. Integrity Desktop is blocking Internet traffic to and from any program on your computer |

| |that has not been given pass-lock permission. For more information about Pass-lock, see the pass-lock permission topic in|

| |the Integrity Desktop online help system. |

I still have questions…what should I do?

To learn more about Integrity Desktop, refer to the online help system accessible from the Integrity Desktop Control Center. If you can’t find the information you need there, contact your systems administrator.



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