Parents Handbook Contents

Parents Handbook Contents

Information about the School 2

Head Teacher’s Welcome 3

Admissions 4

School Uniform 6

Routine Arrangements 8

Ethos and values 10

Curriculum, Organisation and Teaching Methods 11

Information about the School

Address Hanslope Primary School

Long Street Road


Milton Keynes

MK19 7BL

Telephone number: 01908 510245 (2 lines)


Type of School: Community School

Authority Address: Children and Young People’s Services

Milton Keynes Council

PO Box 106

Saxon Court

502 Avebury Boulevard

Central Milton Keynes


01908 253450

Head Teacher: Mr Ryan Fensham-Brown

Chair of Governors: Mr Nigel Stacey

Term Dates: See School Term and Holiday Dates sheet attached or see school website

Times of sessions: Linford Classes (KS1) – Doors open 8.45am

Foundation 8.55 am to 12.00 and 1.00 pm to 3.10pm

Years 1 and 2 8.55 am to 12.00 and 1.00 pm to 3.15pm

Salcey Classes (KS2) – Doors open 8.45am

8.55 am to 12.00 and 1.00 pm to 3.15 pm

Website Address:

School App: Visit your play store > search for Schudio School App > Install > Open > Search for Hanslope School > Select Hanslope school

Head Teacher’s Welcome

Welcome to our School!

My name is Ryan Fensham-Brown and I am extremely proud to be the Head Teacher of Hanslope Primary School. All of our enthusiastic children, staff and governors work together as a team to build a “family” that supports each other and has high aspirations for all those involved. Parents and visitors to our school often comment on the warm and friendly atmosphere that is evident here and how welcoming we are.

Our school website ( is designed to give you a glimpse of the range of opportunities available at Hanslope Primary School, as well as an insight into the things we consider important in the education of your children.

We aim for every child to have a happy and active education, in an environment that is caring and supportive. We strive to ensure our children leave us well prepared for life in modern Britain.

Our school tries to make sure each child’s learning journey is fun and our curriculum is immersive, engaging and inspiring. Equally, we aim to provide stimulation and structure so that all children are able to reach their full potential.

If you are a prospective parent looking for an admission place for your child, I would be delighted for you to come along and meet us in person and look around the school.

Best wishes

Ryan Fensham-Brown


Arrangements for visits from parents considering applying to the school

The school recognises that, due to personal circumstances, parents may be applying for a place at the school at different times during the school year. For ease of management of this process, the school adopts the following procedure:

For September intake, parents should, in the first instance, use the appropriate Open Days to view the school. Attendees will be given a tour of the school by the Head Teacher or the school’s Administrator. In-year admissions should contact the office to make an appointment. The Head Teacher is happy to meet with any parent on a one-to-one basis at a mutually convenient time should this be required.

Milton Keynes Council is responsible for admissions to our school. The Local Authority sets a limit each year on the number of children who can be admitted at the age of five (Foundation class) and at the age of seven (Year 3). Our admission number is 30 at age 5 and 15 at age 7, which means that Hanslope School will admit up to this limit each year.

Reserved Area:

Each school in Milton Keynes has a reserved area which for us includes all of Hanslope Parish and Castlethorpe Parish at age 8, except Milford Leys, Lincoln Lodge, and Bullington End and Leamington Farm.

Admissions Policy:

In Milton Keynes the admissions policy for all community and voluntary controlled infant, junior and primary schools means that children whose parents complete and submit an application form stating their defined area school as one of their ranked preferences will be given priority consideration.

One Point of Entry:

Admission for children at one point of entry and those aged 5, 6 or 7 at Key Stage 1 is subject to class size legislation. This is currently 30 pupils. A year group may be over-subscribed and so may not be able to allocate any more spaces. There is no guaranteed place. Please contact the Pupil Support Section at Saxon Court for further information. Admission/preference forms should be returned as early as possible.

Children transferring at 7+ (at the end of Year 2 ) from Castlethorpe Infant School:

Entry is in the September following their 7th birthday. You must complete and return the enclosed preference form to Castlethorpe School usually by the end of November in the year before transfer. The specific closing date is given each year in the documentation sent to each parent in Year 2 at Castlethorpe School.

Other Admissions:

Although our school provides places in the first instance for children living locally, parents from other areas frequently express a preference for their child to attend Hanslope School. The procedure for admissions from outside the reserved area is set out clearly in the Information for Parents booklet that the Local Authority issues each year. You are asked to note that places can only be offered the term before your child is due to start school. If you live outside Milton Keynes and wish your child to be admitted, then you should contact the Admissions Officer at the address below.


Children and Young People’s Services

Milton Keynes Council

PO Box 106

Saxon Court

502 Avebury Boulevard

Central Milton Keynes


01908 253450

Admissions Criteria

In the event of the school being oversubscribed, places will be allocated according to the Milton Keynes Council’s admissions criteria as published in the booklet ‘Primary and Secondary Schools in Milton Keynes Information for Parents’ which can be found on the Milton Keynes Council website ( and click on the schools admissions icon.


The school requires every child to be dressed in the following uniform. All items of clothing should be clearly marked with the child’s name.


• Long or short uniform trousers – plain black, grey

• Polo shirt – white or light blue with collar

• Pullover or school sweatshirt – navy (red in Yr 6)

• School Shoes (not boots) – plain black


• Pinafore dress or Uniform Skirt – grey or black

• Long or short uniform trousers – grey or black

• Polo shirt or blouse – white or light blue with collar

• Pullover, cardigan or school sweatshirt – navy (red in Yr 6)

• Summer dress – blue gingham or striped (this item is not compulsory)

• Shoes (not boots) – without heels, plain black

• Headbands – black or navy blue

PE Kit

• Plain black or navy shorts

• Navy blue T-shirt

• Plimsolls and trainers

• Plain (dark) tracksuit (winter only) – (Not Foundation Stage)

• ALL Hair must be tied up in a pony tail*

• No earrings to be worn during gymnastic lessons*

• Earrings must be taped up for PE lessons and sporting activities*

*This is a Health & Safety precautionary measure

All kit must be marked with the child’s name. The PE kit comes into school on a Monday and will be sent home on a Friday.

Additional uniform requirements

Foundation Stage Pupils – In the bottom of the PE bag please place a carrier bag containing a spare set of school clothes in case your child has an accident or gets wet while playing.

Outdoor Learning Clothing – To stay in school for the academic year.

Foundation Stage – Wellington boots, a drawstring outdoor learning bag containing a hat, a pair of gloves, waterproof trousers, waterproof jacket, tracksuit trousers and a warm hoodie/tracksuit top.

Years 1-6 – an outdoor learning bag containing a hat, a pair of gloves, waterproof jacket, tracksuit trousers and a warm hoodie /tracksuit top and wellington boots.

Continued overleaf:

Items which are not part of school uniform

• Training shoes, fashion shoes, jelly shoes or leisure boots

• Sports wear – e.g football kit

• Jewellery – except stud or small sleeper earrings

Items which have the school logo on them can be obtained from: Maisies, 60-64 Church Street, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5JW Tel: 01908 313313

Book Bags

Your child will need a nylon book bag which can be purchased from the school office at a cost of £7.00.


In the Linford Classes (Foundation, Y1, Y2) children should be brought to school and may go straight into class when the doors open at 8.45am. Doors remain open until 8.55am.

Foundation Class should be collected at 3.10pm. All other Linford children should be collected at 3.15pm by someone they are expecting. Any change to this daily routine should be reported verbally to the teacher or via the school office.

In the Salcey Classes (Yrs 3 to 6) when the whistle blows at 8.50am children line up on the playground and are led into school by their class teacher. Doors remain open until 8.55am. The first teaching session begins at 9.00am. At 3.15pm, the end of the school day, children may be collected by parents or other responsible assigned person on Salcey playground, teachers go out onto the playground at the end of the school day most days. Those who have parental consent are able to walk home independently. Children are told that if their adult is not on the playground at the end of the school day, they should return to reception and report it at the main office.

Session times

8.55am: School day officially begins, followed by registration

9.00am - 10.30am: Teaching sessions

10.30am - 10.45am: Break time

10.45am - 12.00: Teaching sessions continue

12.00 - 1.00pm: Lunch break

1.00pm: Afternoon registration. Teaching sessions resume

3.10pm: School day ends for Foundation Stage

3.15pm School day ends for Years 1-6

Late collection of pupils In the event of you not being able to collect your child on time at the end of the school day, due to unforeseen circumstances, there is a choice of 2 procedures which you can follow;

1. Make arrangements with another parent to collect your child, advising the school by phone of the name of the adult.

2. Contact the school by phone, advising us of the time at which you are likely to be at the school and your child will be escorted to the main school reception area and can be collected from this point. On entry to the main reception, please ensure you speak to a member of staff before taking your child off the premises.

Should you or an appropriate adult be unable to collect your child before 3.30pm, we ask that you contact Matt French at the 326 Club on 07776 097366 in order that your child can receive appropriate care.

If you know that you will be late collecting your child on a regular basis then please arrange for appropriate after school care.

Arrival and departure by car

Parents are asked to drop children off well away from the school gates. Please do not drive into school to deliver or collect children. The school car park is for school staff, professional visitors and deliveries only. The school has a policy of not allowing children in the car park unless supervised by school staff. Please, where possible, use the side streets or lay-by, keeping well clear of the zig-zag lines outside the main entrance.

Lunchtimes - Children either go home at lunchtime, bring sandwiches or have a school dinner. School meals are ordered and paid for online at least 1 week in advance from an outside catering service. Currently this service is provided by Radcliffe School.

As of September 2014, the Government implemented its Universal Infant Free School Meal(UIFSM) programme for all pupils in Early Years and Years 1 and 2. As such, all such pupils will be entitled to receive a free school meal every day. All other children in the school i.e. Key Stage 2 pupils, will be required to pay for meals unless they are eligible for free school meals as a result of being in receipt of certain benefits. Please speak to Mrs Hale in the school office for further information should you require it.

The school will need to be informed in writing or by phone of any change to your child’s lunchtime arrangements. Children who go home for lunch should not return to the school premises before 12.50.

Absence - When children are absent parents should inform the school by letter, via the school app or phone before 9.30 a.m. on the first day of absence and on subsequent days. We will follow up absences which are not accounted for.

Missing Children - If a child does not come to school for two weeks without prior arrangement from the parents/carers, he/she will be presumed ‘missing’ and the school will notify the authority.

Valuables - The children should not bring valuables; such as mobile telephones or unnecessary money into school since we are unable to accept responsibility for any damage or loss however incurred. If you would like your child to come into school with a mobile phone you must have prior permission from the Head Teacher Mr Fensham-Brown and it must be handed to the class teacher in the morning and collected at the end of the school day from the school office.

Medical care at school

Children who require some form of medical attention during the school day are seen by a qualified first aider. The school is restricted in what we are allowed to do in the treatment of minor injuries and parents should understand that whatever treatment is given is intended to be purely temporary pending the child's return home. When a child has a more serious injury or is unwell then the school will contact the parents, or in the event of an emergency will consult a doctor or hospital. Therefore it is imperative that the school keeps accurate records of emergency phone numbers where parents or friends can be contacted.

All Department of Health recommendations for exclusions from school for communicable diseases are strictly adhered to including the 48 hour rule for sickness and diarrhoea.

Further details of our policy on the administration of medicine (prescribed only) to pupils is available on request.

The School Ethos

The school’s ethos develops in the way in which we as a community approach our work. It is shaped and formed in the daily interaction between children, staff, parents and governors and deliberately guided through our vision, values and policies.

Our Vision

Our vision is to prepare each and every child for a lifetime of learning, within an evolving, diverse world.

Underpinned by a strong pastoral structure, a culture of learning is at the centre of our vision. We aim to deliver a broad, global curriculum with creativity at its heart. Independent thinking will be encouraged: an awareness of ecological issues and healthy lifestyles fostered; confidence and self-esteem nurtured; tolerance and good relationships valued; achievement in all its forms celebrated. Jointly, pupils and staff will be inspired by, and contribute to, the development of our learning environment. Motivation, support and challenge will ensure each individual fulfils their potential.

In an increasingly interconnected world, information technology will be integral to teaching and learning, enabling pupils to interact purposefully and effectively within a global community.

The success of our vision will be reflected in a safe and caring learning environment. Together, the high expectations of Governors and staff will deliver well-adjusted, confident and happy children ready for the transition to the next stage of their educational journey.

Hanslope School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

Our Values

Our values are regularly communicated to the children and our staff promote them in their daily interactions in school. Hanslope School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of all children and young people and expects all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment

Happiness - Teamwork - Good relationships - High aspirations - Creativity - Success - Celebrating individuality - Tolerance - Independence - Enjoyment - Safe, challenging working environment - Opportunities for a wide range of experiences - Collaboration


The Curriculum

In Foundation Stage, the curriculum is based on a document called ‘Development Matters’ and pupils achievement is assessed at the end of the school year against specific Areas of Learning. In Years 1-6, the National Curriculum (revised version implemented in September 2014) is taught throughout the school and covers the following subjects:

• English

• Maths

• Science

• Geography

• History

• Computing

• Design Technology

• Physical Education

• Modern Foreign Language (MFL)

• Music

• Art


• Religious Education

All subjects are taught to every year group, except MFL which is taught in our Key Stage 2 classes; the current language of choice is French. Other year groups may access less formalized language learning opportunities via topic work.

The school’s Creative Curriculum approach means that the national curriculum subjects are not always taught discretely; whilst English and Maths are studied very much as separate subjects, other areas of the curriculum are integrated, where possible into half-termly or termly topics. Computing has become and continues to be integral to our teaching, whether it is being taught as a discrete unit or whether it is being used to enhance or facilitate learning.

Sport plays an important part in our school through:

• The programme of lessons built into our Physical Education scheme of work. Each class has two hours of PE per week. In Key Stage 2, pupils have a block of swimming lessons for at least a term

• Extra-curricular activities, of which the school offers a wide range

The school keeps up to date with the range of sporting opportunities available in the local area by working in partnership with parents, coaches, local sports clubs, local school sports associations and other networks.


At Hanslope Primary School we recognise and acknowledge the important role that parents and carers play in a pupils’ education and the positive impact that learning outside of the classroom can have on child development and progress. For this reason, all pupils at the school are expected to undertake regular home learning activities.For all pupils this includes daily reading. Reading books are selected from the ‘banded’ book boxes and/or from either of our two libraries; KS2 pupils will choose the appropriate level of book as directed by their class teacher. Home-School Books include pages where reading activities can be logged and commented upon by the parent/carer and these should be completed daily. We use this information, in conjunction with our ongoing internal assessments, to determine the point at which individuals transition to the next level.

More formal homework is also set and this varies across the year groups (more information can be found on the school website under ‘Learning’ then ‘Homework Advice’:

Foundation Stage - pupils should practise their phonics daily (for 5 -10 minutes) using resources provided by the school; there will also be occasional topic based tasks which are set.

Year 1 – pupils should practise their phonics daily (for 5 -10 minutes) using resources provided by the school; maths / topic tasks will be set each week.

Year 2 – pupils should practise their keywords for 10 minutes; 1 piece of English, maths or topic will be set each week.

Years 3, 4 and 5 – pupils should practise their times tables (as directed by the teacher) and spellings (new ones will be set each week) daily; two optional home learning tasks can be chosen from the topic based projects published each half-term (see class pages on the website).

Year 6 - pupils should practise their times tables (as directed by the teacher) and spellings (new ones will be set each week) daily; there will be 1 piece of English and 1 piece of maths set each week plus occasional topic related tasks.

Children who have Education, Health and Care Plans are fully integrated into their own class.  They work towards a specially structured education plan which enables them to have full access to the normal curriculum and are supported alongside others by teachers and trained teaching assistants. 

On occasion, and where teachers deem it appropriate, classes will be grouped by ability for some aspects of the curriculum.  

Children’s progress is monitored by all staff in their day to day class work. The aim of the curriculum is to deepen children’s understanding of the different subject areas and where appropriate to provide stretch and challenge which enables pupils to master the objectives being taught. Challenge can be provided in different ways including: differentiated work, extension tasks, group work. 

Each class is led by one teacher, or in some cases job-share, who is responsible for the curriculum delivery to those children. 

The school is organised into stages – Foundation, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2.  The staff in each group plan their work closely together from agreed long and short term plans to ensure continuity and progression throughout the school; leaders of the different curriculum subjects monitor teaching and learning regularly to ensure that this is the case. 

Within each classroom the teacher will use a variety of individual, group and whole class teaching techniques appropriate to the purpose in hand. 

Details of optional subjects

Instrumental tuition

Opportunities exist for children to learn to play either a piano, keyboard, guitar, a stringed or woodwind instrument, from Y3 upwards. There is a yearly charge for these lessons.

Residential opportunities

We offer a residential opportunity for pupils in Key Stage 2. Financial support is available for families in receipt of certain benefits.

Summary of the charging and remissions policy 

The school recognises the valuable contribution that additional activities, trips and residential experiences can make to both a child’s learning and their personal and social development.

There is a policy for such activities which outlines when charges or remissions can be made and where voluntary contributions are generally requested.  

All documentation is available on the website for parents to see and download (find it by clicking on ‘Parents’ then ‘Policies’).


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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