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United States Constitution: SCAVENGER HUNT!

Directions: Using the book provided (or find the United States Constitution online if you are absent), read and find the answers to the questions below.

1. What are the first 3 words of the Preamble? ________________________________________________

2. Articles I, II, and III setup the rules for the three branches of our government. List which article sets up which branch of our government:

❖ Article I =

❖ Article II =

❖ Article III =

3. Article I. A bicameral house is created in Section 1. What are the names of these 2 houses? _________________________________ and __________________________________________

4. Using information in Article I Section 2, answer the following questions:

❖ How often are representatives in the House elected? ______________________

❖ What are the qualifications for becoming a member of the House of Representatives?

❖ How does each state determine how many Representatives they will have? ______________________

5. Using information in Article I Section 3, answer the following questions:

❖ What are the qualifications to be elected a member of the Senate?

❖ How long is the term of a Senator? _____________ Who is the President of the Senate? ________________________________________

❖ Section 7.1 says all bills for raising “revenue” begin in which house? (revenue means taxes taken in by our government) ___________________________

❖ Read Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 This is known as the Necessary and Proper Clause. Find the part of this clause that refers to “necessary and proper” and write the ENTIRE sentence in the space below.

Article II. Using the information in Section 1, answer the following questions:

6. Who is the head of the Executive Branch? _______________________ How long is this person’s term length in office? _____________________

7. What are 3 qualifications of becoming a President?

8. In Section 4, for what crimes can a President and Vice President be removed?

Article III. Using the information in Section 1, answer the following questions:

9. Read Section 1. Using context clues, what do you think “inferior courts” means?

Now looking in Articles I, II, or III, answer the following:

10. Which branch has as the power to declare war? _____________________ Which branch has the power to tax? _______________________Which branch employs the head of the military? _________________

Who has the power to make treaties (with approval only)? ____________________ Which house holds the power of impeachment? _________________________

11. Article IV. This is called the Full Faith and Credit Clause. Read Section 1 and Section 2. This says we will give “full faith” and “credit” to which level of our government? _____________________________

12. Article V. What fraction of votes are needed to propose amendments? _______________________ What fraction are need to ratify amendments? ________________________________.

13. Read Article VI, also known as the Supremacy Clause. Which level of our government holds the most power…or is “supreme”? ________________________________________

14. In Article VII, how many states were needed to ratify (approve) the Constitution? ___________________

15. Finally, find the Amendments sections. How many Amendments in total are there? _______________ The first 10 Amendments are called The __________ of ____________.

|Implied vs Expressed (or Enumerated) Powers |

In the Constitution, some powers granted are specifically listed and detailed. These are known as enumerated or expressed powers. Others are vague and not specifically listed, but assumed. These are called implied powers.

16. What power do you know is expressed? (for example, to “coin money”) Write one or two examples here:

15.What power can you think of that is implied? (For example, for Congress to have the power to regulate illegal drugs). Write one or two examples here:


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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