Snohomish School District

HelloID HandoutI IntroductionMany of you have probably been wondering why you have been getting emails from the District about HelloID. You may even have opened HelloID from the icon on your desktop to find a long list of applications in this program.Many of these programs you will recognize from having short cut links on your desktop and many of these programs you may not even know what they are. So why do you need HelloID if these applications’ links are already on your desktop, or you will never use all the programs listed in HelloID?Think of HelloID as a “My Favorites” page for applications. HelloID allows you to organize your applications, so you can eliminate almost all the short cuts on your desktop. In addition, students also have their own HelloID for organizing their applications, so you may have to help them to create their own HelloID favorites.II Creating your own favorites in HelloIDOver time, the Technology Department will be adding more and more applications to HelloID. They are already getting lots of requests to add lots of applications to HelloID, so it will become important for you to create your Favorites page in HelloID as well as to view All Applications in HelloID on a regular basis to see what new applications they have added to this tool.On the left-hand side of HelloID you will see a Favorites button and an All Apps button.The Favorites window remains empty until you add apps to it. To add your favorites to this window you need to move your cursor to the upper right-hand side of an app in the All Apps tab and click on the star image that appears in the box. Once the star is filled in this app has now been added to your Favorites window. Repeat process until you have selected all the apps you want under your Favorites. Click on your Favorites button and you will see the apps you selected for your personalized HelloID.Before closing HelloID double-click on each application you selected in HelloID to make sure they will launch in HelloID. When I first added apps to HelloID I selected a couple of apps that looked interesting only to find out I didn’t have access to these apps. To get rid of apps you no longer want in HelloID go back to the All Apps tab and unclick the star in the app box (the star will become an outline image). Once all the apps launch from within HelloID, then you can place all the short cuts of these apps from your desktop into the Recycle Bin.Now this last step is very important to follow. When you are finished using HelloID, then close the program while you are viewing your Favorites window. If you do this then the next time you open HelloID it will automatically open to your Favorites window instead of the All Apps window.III Accessing HelloID from Google ChromeDid you know you can access HelloID from Goggle Chrome? HelloID has an extension for Google Chrome, and our District has added this extension in Google Chrome. You can click on the HelloID icon in the Chrome browser found on the right side of this browser, and it will give you a dropdown menu of HelloID apps. ................

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