How do I delete a duplicate policy

How to Delete a Duplicate Policy

1. Search for the Policy by first clicking on Policy in the quick launch bar on the left side of the screen.

2. Next, type the number of the policy you wish to delete in the search field and click Search.

3. The system will populate (or bring up) a list of policies that match the search criteria entered. Select the policy you want to delete by clicking on the policy number. Special Note: If you do not know the full policy number, you may type the number or letter that the policy begins with (as we have done below with an "A") and click the search button as mentioned above. Instead of just one policy, you will receive a list of policies that match the criteria that you entered in the Search Field.

You can scroll through the populated policies in one of two ways: 1. Clicking on the up or down arrows with the left mouse button to the right of the names. 2. Clicking and holding on the scroll bar with the left mouse button and dragging down or up.

List of Policies that match the search criteria entered.

Scroll Bar

Up and Down Arrows

4. Once you click on the policy you wish to delete, the policy details will populate.

5. Click on the Action tab located on the task bar and a dropdown menu will populate. Select Delete Policy from the drop down list.


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