The Great Gatsby

[pic]The Great Gatsby Chapter 7

Who says it? About whom?

___________________ I hadn’t seen him around and I was rather worried. ______________________

___________________ He’s not really speaking into the telephone. ______________________

___________________ My little sweetheart! ______________________

___________________ I’m right across from you. ______________________

___________________ You look so cool. ______________________

___________________ Her voice is full of money. ______________________

___________________ I’ve found out some things about this man. ______________________

___________________ You sounded well enough on the phone. ______________________

___________________ I just found out something funny is going on. ______________________

___________________ Forget about the heat. You make it ten times _______________________

worse by complaining about it.

___________________ That’s a great expression of yours. _______________________

___________________ What kind of trouble are you trying to cause in ________________________

my house?

← Quotes: Write down a quote, the page, and why it is important to this chapter. (page _____):

← Why it’s important:

← Give this chapter a title:

← Why did you choose this title?

The Great Gatsby Chapter 8

1. What did Gatsby tell Nick in the flashback portion of this chapter?

2. How did Tom and Daisy meet?

3. What does Gatsby’s gardener want to do? What was Gatsby’s reaction?

4. Describe the conversation between Nick and Jordan Baker.

5. What was happening at Wilson’s garage that day?

6. Who did Wilson blame for killing Myrtle? Why?

7. What happened at Gatsby’s house that day? Who do you feel is ultimately responsible?

A. How does Fitzgerald achieve a melancholic mood in the beginning of this chapter?

B. Who is Dan Cody and what is his significance in Gatsby's life?

C. How does Nick's statement "You're worth the whole bunch put together" show a

change in Nick from the beginning of the novel?

D. How does T. J. Eckleberg affect Mr. Wilson?

← Quotes: Write down a quote, the page, and why it is important to this chapter. (page _____):

← Why it’s important:

← Give this chapter a title:

← Why did you choose this title?

The Great Gatsby Chapter 9

1. How did Tom and Myrtle’s affair get covered up in the investigation?

2. Who did Nick call first? What was the result?

3. What was Wolfsheim’s response to Nick’s call?

a. What new character do we meet in this chapter? What did he show Nick?

4. Who showed up at Gatsby’s funeral to Nick’s surprise?

5. Describe Nick’s conversation with Jordan Baker.

6. How did Nick treat Tom later in NYC?

7. Why did Nick take care of Gatsby's funeral?

8. How was Jay Gatz's childhood schedule consistent with the adult Gatsby's behavior?

9. Who attended Gatsby's funeral? How and why is this significant?

10. What is the purpose of Nick's last meeting with Jordan?

11. Why does Nick call Tom and Daisy "careless people"?

← Quotes: Write down a quote, the page, and why it is important to this chapter. (page _____):

← Why it’s important:

← Give this chapter a title:

← Why did you choose this title?


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