CHAPTER 4: THE FINAL BATTLE - Neverwinter Vault

Blackguard – Adventure Walkthrough



General note

For the alignment and class requisites, or for other generic notes, refer to the notes found at the beginning of Chapter One.

Henchmen note

The henchmen works just like they did in Chapter One. This time, however, there is a quest related to each of them. To get further information, refer to section 2.08, location 09.

Dropped Items note

The walkthrough lists almost everything a creature leaves behind when dead. However, keep in mind that your enemies won’t hesitate to use their potions or scrolls if need arises. So, sometimes you might not find everything is listed in the following walkthrough.

Killer Instinct note

During this chapter you should avoid to kill anyone unless they are hostile or unless you get an option to attack them during a conversation. If you do otherwise, you seriously risk to screw up the game.

Unique Items note

As you read the walkthrough, you may notice some items come with a complete description while others are missing it. The rule I follow is to describe only the items not included in the NWN official modules (NWN, SoU, HotU).

Some unique items can be obtained only by sheer luck, that is you must find them as a part of random treasure.

Besides a Bag of Holding, the unique treasures you may get during this chapter include: a Ring of Magic Protection (These elvish rings are very popular amongst wizards. Protection against evil magic is always a good thing to have. The ring grants the wearer the power to cast the Lesser Spell Mantle and the Spell Mantle spells. To cast the first spell two charges are spent; four charges are required to cast the latter incantation), a Statue of Hard Skin (These small statues are made of a material that looks like wood, but feels like stone. Its strange magic grants the one rubbing it the power of either the wood, or the stone. Using the statue to cast the Barkskin spell expends one charge. Casting the Stoneskin spells requires three charges), a Wand of Elemental Resistance (These wands have become popular since Taramir the wizard/blacksmith created them, due to his habit of always burning himself while working at his forge. As he was but a mediocre smith, Taramir's metal craft never improved, but at least he could work without his famous exclamation: ‘Aarrgg!! That burns!!’ The wand can be used to cast the Resist Elements spell. Each use consumes one charge), a token called ‘Mordenkainen’s Faithful Servant’ (Another of Mordenkainen's contributions to the magical arts, this token will summon a faithful servant holding a famous Mordenkainen's sword for a short time. It can be used once per day), a pair of Bigby’s Wondrous Gloves (After arguing for many hours with an old friend about the utility of some of his newly crafted spells, Bigby decided to make these gloves for his fighter friend to prove to him they could be useful in combat. This was the first time Bigby experienced the *squeezing* nature of his own spells. Of course, that resulted in another argument... At the cost of three, four or five charges, the wearer of the gauntlets can cast the Bigby's Interposing Hand, Bigby's Grasping Hand or Bigby's Forceful Hand spells), a Greater Horn of Blasting (This is a different version of the Horn of Blasting. It still appears to be a normal trumpet. It can be played to create three forms of ultrasonic attack. Spending one charge, the horn can be used to cast the Sound Burst spell. Spending two charges it can cast the Horizikaul’s Boom spell. With three charges, it can cast the Wounding Whispers spell), and a magical sphere called ‘Cloudweaver’ (The magic contained within these seals is very alien in nature. Rumours are that a mad wizard from the elemental plane of air created them. The sphere can be used to cast the Cloudkill and the Incendiary Cloud spells. The first use requires two charges; five charges are spent to cast the more powerful spell).



As you sleep, you experience another of your recurring dreams – dreams full of despair and violent death. This time, you stand before a group of frightened commoners and you take great pleasure in killing them one by one. Suddenly, the dream walker who sometimes visits your dreams appears on your side.

Again, he claims he has made his way in dreams for an eternity only coming when someone calls for him. As he questions you about your reasons to kill, the being steals a couple of your intended victims - making you somewhat angry. In the meanwhile, however, he reveals something about himself. He was once a mortal, a great knight of destruction who had given his soul to Talos. He was the god’s chosen and brought his will on Faerun. He died in the Year of Twelve Teeth... over a thousand years ago. He has served Talos ever since.

As you take another life, the dreamwalker asks if you think to be ready for your task. Of course, you think you are more than ready. You are now a blackguard... the dark powers are behind you. To prove your point you try to kill another commoner but something goes wrong. The dreamwalker says you still have much to learn. Your powers are still weak, easily defeated, countered with little effort. You must learn what true power is. As the dreamwalker blows up all the remaining commoners at once, he says you must follow Fargrak’s lead. The priest will raise you to a height of power even greater than his own. But for now... wake up. Fargrak is waiting for you.




When the dream ends, you awake at a campsite located near the river Surbrin, south of the hamlet of Mornbryn’s Shield.

If you’re playing with a character imported from the first module, your inventory will include all the stuff you’ve collected during the adventure. Throw a look at your diary, however, for it has been updated.

If you’re playing with a new generated character, your inventory will include the diary and the Skull of Talos – a gift from Fargrak when you became a blackguard.

The new entries of your diary read: ‘I have met with Fargrak. He's a priest of Talos, and seems very wise and powerful. I have now made the most serious commitment of my life... I will learn the Ways of Destruction and become a Blackguard. I will dedicate my entire life to Talos, provided that he helps me destroy my enemies. (...) I'm getting tired of doing errands for Fargrak... But, he's right when he says I should enjoy killing my victims. I will enjoy destroying Yartar for sure. (...) I went to slay the foreman at the iron mine, and ended up having to rescue him before killing the fool... Actually, I just killed everyone I saw at the mine... They all deserved to die anyway. (...) I'm enjoying being an assassin for the thieves' guild... (...) Hmph... I think Fargrak could have warned me that stupid thief would blow up... (...) Fargrak seems interested in some old writings about a passage to the Underdark beneath Yartar... Bah... I'm more interested in ruining this city than exploring in the ground. (...) I killed a Harper today... I wiped out a whole grove full of druids along with that fool... mmmmm, blood and death... The more blood I spill, more eager I am to kill HER!! - Waterbaroness, your head is mine!! (...) Huh... seems there's another thieves' guild in Yartar... (...) I am a Blackguard now! I can feel the dark power inside me... He was right! Now, I am ready to destroy them! Now, this city is doomed. Moreover, the Khalid poison is almost ready... just a few more ingredients. (...) I beat the crap out of that little bastard and shut down the Dark Hand guild. They were no match for me. (...) I found the Altar of Savil we read about in the ‘Secrets of Yartar’ book, and talked to a glabrezu. I am becoming more and more curious about this mysterious Dream Walker... (...) There is no turning back, ever... not after I killed all those children... I felt the power surge inside me as they screamed, and died. I laughed as I slaughtered them... They deserved it! They took my blood, so I took theirs. It's still not enough... Yartar, you have not yet begun to suffer! (...) We're on the road, now... on our way North. I feel good... This Khalid poison seems to work just as Fargrak told me it would; we watched two people die right in front of us on the road... I couldn't stop laughing... We are going north towards Mornbryn's Shield to build an army capable of turning Yartar to dust. Fargrak says the orcs of the Evermoors will do just fine. (...) We are camped near Mornbryn's Shield. The Dream Walker appeared to me again last night. He's still annoying, but I think he's on my side. He said he was once a mortal, and that he died in The Year of Twelve Teeth’.

Your mentor, Fargrak [NE, C25], is waiting for you in the northeast corner of the area. He says today you will begin your task in Mornbryn’s Shield. You have been traveling north for two weeks since that glorious day, when you put the khalid poison in Yartar’s well. The whole city must be nearly crippled by now.

When you tell him about the dreamwalker’s visit, Fargrak suggests you should let it be your guide when you strike the fatal blow to your enemies. You are a blackguard of the Lord of Destruction and, in time, you will learn to master more dark powers to appease your hunger for revenge, and quench your thirst for Yartar’s blood. Just let the power of your god flow through your veins.

Back to your task. You are here to build an army capable of razing Yartar to the ground. There are many orc tribes in the Evermoors; many of them have been at war against each other for many years. From these tribes, you will build an army. Then, with the blessing of Talos, you will crush the town of Mornbryn’s Shield and reduce it to dust. Attacking Yartar outright would be foolish. No orc clan has ever before gotten past the gates of the city. To make it worse, Triboar, once Yartar’s rival, is now allied to the Waterbaroness. They can gather a company of three hundred men in a single day. Yartar is weakening from the inside. The khalid poison is working and many people are dying as you speak. Now you have to destroy Mornbryn’s Shield so Triboar and Yartar think that a new orc war leader has risen in the Evermoors. They will have no choice but send their soldiers here. That’s when Yartar will fall.

The only orc clan in the Evermoors Fargrak has specific knowledge of, is the Broken Femur clan. They are located east of Mornbryn’s Shield, hidden in the hills. You should find them first. Just remember - the orcs are fierce warriors, but they are easily controlled if you use the one weapon that never fails agains them: fear! Make them fear you, and they will be yours.

Before to visit the orc clan, however, you should pay a visit to Mornbryn’s Shield. This is a little hamlet, its people being mostly fishermen, farmers, or craftsmen. How they survive so close to the Evermoors is a mystery. Fragrak heard there is a shine there, devoted to Mielikki, goddess of the woodlands. That must be true, because he can feel a strange power at work in the area. Explore the town, for you need to learn about its defenses, and also get some news about current events. You should report back to him once you learn anything of importance. Before you go, Fargrak warns you – until your plans are complete, it would be wiser not to kill anyone inside Mornbryn’s Shield, unless absolutely necessary. This is a small hamlet, and the reaction may be instantaneous. In time, you will have your fill of blood.

On your way to Mornbryn’s Shield, you will meet some ‘nature servants’. If you have taken the note found on the ranger’s body, you can return here and show it to Fargrak. This way you will get 400xp. Fargrak says he has always had troubles with the Harpers. It seems that the one you killed at the grove in the High Forest has attracted others to come looking for you. You should try to gain some more information about who they are, and where they are gathering. You will most likely have to wipe them out before any attack is attempted on Mornbryn’s Shield. It will be an entertaining little game. Most of all, they must not discover your presence here, else there will be even more of those pesky Harpers and foolish druids tromping about underfoot.

During this conversation, you have the option to ask Fargrak about his past encounters with the Harpers. Indeed, they have quite a history. When he traveled to Yartar, Fargrak knew they would eventually discover his presence there. That’s why he used the Hand of Yartar guild to hide. He gave the guild just enough information to keep them quiet, and then used his powers to gain respect by destroying some of their enemies. He used them, like you want to use him. By the way, you asked for his help, but never explained your reasons. Now, he would know more about your motives. You answer by telling him about your brother’s death. The whole city wanted him dead. They said he was guilty of many crimes, that he had killed many people. Then, the Waterbaroness gave the order to execute him. She did it ‘for her people’, claiming it was Tyr’s justice. Now she will pay... they will all pay. You don’t know about your brother’s crimes and you don’t care. He was the only one in that miserable place who treated you decently and you don’t care what he did. They killed him and you will kill them. All of them!

Fargrak says if the people of Yartar is aligned behind the Waterbaroness, then they are aligned with Tyr’s justice, therefore they deserve no less than utter destruction. Tyr is weak and his justice is for the weak. He splits everything two ways; with the ‘law’ or agains it. Executing a man in front of a whole city is ‘with’ the law, but breaking the skull of a beggar to end his misery is against it. It makes no sense. Only Talos’ law is the true law and only Talos deserves to be worshipped. Your revenge is worthy of Talos’ aid. Yartar will feel his wrath... it will be turned to dust. Now, you should pray for Talos’ favor. Do that and the Skull of Talos will be upgraded with the power to cast the Divine Favor spell once per day.

After you’ve visited Mornbryn’s Shield and acquired the information he needs, return here and report to Fargrak. To complete the quest you need to acquire six pieces of information.

After you’ve talked with the merchants Habdallal and Irlaraz, you can tell Fargrak about Beldora Thiiruin, the priestess of Lathander. She’s an old acquaintance of Fargrak. He has killed many of her friends and she has done the same to some of him. This time, she’s the one who will be destroyed. Just leave her to him.

After you’ve talked with Officer Gregor you can tell Fargrak about the three cities on alert. The priest says they have done exactly as he planned. This will work on your advantage. Now, you must draw their attention here, and soon after, you will feast on the Waterbaroness’ remains.

After you’ve talked with Simond Wetten, you can tell Fargrak about the town defenses. Fargrak says you must be patient. A strength can be turned into a weakness, if done properly. He will find a way to get your army into Mornbryn’s Shield.

When you’ve talked with Flanagus Gnarlybone, you can tell Fargrak about Mornbryn’s tomb. The priest had heard that story before and he believes you must find that tomb; though, he doesn’t think that just looking around will be sufficient. You should speak of it again later on.

When you’ve talked with Sall Wenseph, you can tell Fargrak about the gifts stolen from Mielikki’s altar. The priest thinks Mielikki has nothing to do with this. The thieves probably take the gifts right into Mornbryn’s tomb. This may assist you in finding the place, later.

When you’ve talked with Beldora Thiiruin, you can tell Fargrak about the ‘Heroes’ call’. The cleric says Lamir’s brother is a well known Harper. You must be extra careful.

Once all the six pieces of information have been reported to Fargrak, you get a reward of 600xp. The cleric says now you should focus on the orcs.

When you return here after you’ve got control of the Broken Femur camp, you find Fargrak as he fights against two druids [N, D10], two rangers [N, Ra10] and one fighter [NG, F8]. The fighter may drop a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds when killed.

Help the priest to slay the attackers, then talk with him. Fargrak says the people you’ve just slaughtered were Harpers. Though they are no match for you, they will soon notice some of their comrades are missing and will be alerted to your presence around Mornbryn’s Shield. You need to go somewhere else.

Tell Fargark about the allegiance you’ve made with the Broken Femur orcs and you will be given 1,500xp. The cleric says now you must gather more tribes to your cause. In the meanwhile, establishing yourself at the Broken Femur camp may be a good idea. He will prepare to move there at once. He will also send word for Gard, Harto and Klarah to meet you there.

Before you go, Fargrak says he has been thinking about the strange power he felt when you arrived close to Mornbryn’s Shield. Something very subtle, yet elusive. He thinks the whole village is protected by some kind of aura. He has never seen anything like it before. To learn more, you should talk with the local priestess of Mielikki, as he has the strong feeling that the followers of the Lady of the Forest are behind this. You should try to obtain more information regarding this strange aura.

The next time you need Fargrak, you will find him at the Broken Femur camp.


In most cases, when you leave an area you get a list of all the destinations you can reach from there so you can choose from them where you want to go. The first time you leave from here, though, your only choice is to reach the road leading to Mornbryn’s Shield.




This is an area exit. We won’t repeat it again, but keep in mind that when we list a location as ‘area exit’, whenever you click on the blue portion of ground you get a list of the areas you can choose to travel to. New areas will be added according with what you do or discover during your explorations.


Here are an old druid and a young druid. A ranger is standing a few steps behind the duo. The old druid introduces himself as Drifinus [N, D9]. His apprentice goes by the name of Gosgil [N, D4] and the ranger over there is Mokruik [N, R10].

They are servants of nature, on their way from the High Forest to Mornbryn’s Shield and they would like to know who you might be. Lie or tell them your name. In both cases, the druid say they are very sad. The young druid explains some very bad things happened to many friend of them in the High Forest. They were killed by some... evil force. Now they have to uncover who is behind this, so they’re going to the assembly... Gosgil cannot finish to speak for the old druid warns he must keep this secret. Ask what they know about this evil and the young druid will blur out that, according to the spirit of the woods, it may have something to do with the cult of Talos... Again, Drifinus silences his apprentice. Ask what they are going to do at this assembly. The old druid simply say they are going to contemplate nature and meditate. Gosgil, however, cannot keep his tongue as bay and adds many druids have spread out around Yartar in the hope of finding those responsible for the loss of their friend. The Harpers have been informed about this.

You cannot pry more information from the druids so you can leave – unless you prefer to make sure that all of them keep quiet... for eternity.

By the way, if you choose to don’t attack the druids, when you walk near the ranger he will recognize you, warning his friends about who you are. Then a battle will begin.

Once the trio has been dealt with, search their remains. The old druid drops a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds and a scroll of Call Lightning. Gosgil leaves behind a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds. The ranger drops a sheaf of Fire Arrows, a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds and a note that reads: ‘Drifinus, Our grove in the High Forest has been decimated, and Yartar is in crisis. We have reason to believe the evil responsible for this will strike again soon. Come to the secret grove as quickly as possible. N.’

Take the note, then go back to your campsite and show it to Fargark to get a reward.


Go east from here to leave this area.




As you walk about the village you may meet several people: thirteen commoners [N, Commoner 1], one little girl [N, Commoner 1], two little kids [N, Commoner 1] and twelve guards [LG, F13]. Don’t attack anyone! If you do, all the village inhabitants will immediately turn hostile and your game will be screwed up. The same advice applies to the people you may meet inside the local inn and tavern.

A couple of buildings (the sisters’ house and the captain’s house) won’t be shown on the area map and won’t be accessible until you’ve been told to go there.


When you want to leave Mornbryn’s Shield, go east from here.

Two guards standing near the town’s gate will welcome you in Mornbryn’s Shield the first time you enter the village.


Two men stand near the town barracks.

Officer Gregor [LG, F16] is the one in charge of keeping the militia on alert. Ask him why the militia is on alert to learn something is wrong in Yartar. He doesn’t really know the details for the captain is busy with the followers of Mielikki and didn’t tell them much of anything. He figures it must be something very bad to have Yartar, Triboar and Mornbryn’s Shield all on alert. Still, the orcs have been very quiet for years, and they haven’t seen any trolls for months.

This is one piece of information you should report to Fargrak when you return at the campsite.

Also, you can ask the officer about the places of interest in the hamlet. The well known inn ‘Maid of the Moors’ can be found in the western part of town. There is also the ‘Troll in Flames’, run by Flanagus. It might not be the finest tavern in the North, but it should be good enough if you want a drink or two. If you’re interested to buy equipment, you could try the foreign merchants who have camped next to the inn. They should have a good merchandise, but they’re very expensive.

Next to Gregor is Officer Mathyl [LG, F12], the man in charge of issuing bounty notices to adventurers willing to risk their lives for the safety of the community. If you’re interested, he has several current bounties.

Grut, a cruel orc of the worst kind, has been involved in three ambushes on travellers on the southern road in the last two months. His head is worth 4,000 gold pieces.

Frumugus is a very brutal giant. The local guards ran into him several times in the forest, and every time he managed to smash one or two of them before they could get clear of him. His head is worth 4,000 gold pieces.

There is a doppleganger working with the trolls. Since those creatures can take any shape at will, it’s very difficult to pin him down but he should be somewhere in these parts, waiting for a new victim to ambush. His head is worth 10,000 gold pieces.

Fraasrgh is an oddity of his own kind as he is a troll mage. They don’t know a lot about him, but some say he’s a human wizard stuck in the shape of a troll because of some twisted experiment gone seriously wrong. His head is worth 10,000 gold pieces.

Finally, there is an assassin troll by the name of Gargalal, who roams the Evermoors wreaking havoc. His head is worth 6,000 gold pieces.

For each head you bring to Mathyl you will get the reward we told above plus 300xp.

Once you’ve collected all six heads, Mathyl says you’ve cleaned up the Evermoors! The inhabitants of Mornbryn’s Shield now are safe (heheh). Now you should head over to Yartar where he’s sure they could use someone like you...


Standing next to a pen holding a few cows and oxen you will meet an old acquaintance of you, the monk Ern Hum [LE, M7]. Perfection is a long journe, and it has led him here. Fargrak has asked him to wander about this village and observe the people about here. Observe, and learn from them. When the time comes, he will be at your side. This is another, different way of achieving perfection... learn about someone, become his friend and, in time, take his life!

So far, he has learned many things. He knows the captain of the militia is a veteran warrior and he’s been staying in his house lately, not coming out for many days. He also knows that Beldora (the owner of the ‘Maid of the Moor’) closely watches everything going on in town and that she is much more powerful than she might look. There is alos Lara, a pure woman; she seems to have fallen in love with the farmer Gimmy and sometimes they meet at night near the Tip of the Shield. If you ever need more specific information regarding certain people... let him know.

Ern’s information will turn useful twice during the game.

When you’ve been instructed from Fargarak to find the woman in green who steal the gifts from Mielikki’s altar, Ern will tell you about two sisters who live in the southern house near the mill. He will also warn you they are very skilled rangers. The sisters’ house will be shown on your map after you’ve gotten this information.

Later on, you can ask Ern where you can find the captain of the militia. The monk says he lives just up the street to the north, next to the road going to the Keep. He did see other people going inside the house not long ago, but couldn’t identify them. Again, the captain’s house will be shown on your map after you’ve been told about it.


This place is quite famous in the north for his cuisine.


Markail the Guide [NE, F1] may lead you through the dangerous land of the trolls if you wish to go towards Silverymoon.

After you’ve paid a visit to the Black Bone clan encampment, you will need to travel to the trolls’ territory. To go there, your only choice is to come here to hire Markail. The guide will join you as your henchman so, if you have already a companion, you have to dismiss him/her. Markail cannot be considered a true henchman. You cannot instruct him about the tactics he should enact, you cannot look at his inventory, and so on.

To acquire Markail’s services you have to pay 4,000 gold pieces but you may persuade him to settle for 2,000 golds.


Habdallal [N, W15] and his brother Irlaraz [N, W15] are merchants who travel from town to town trying to make a living. They sell all kinds of equipment that could be useful for adventurers like you. Their prices, however, are not cheap.

Their wares include a lot of things. Among the most interesting, powerful, unusual – and expensive - items, they sell a pair of Bracers of Armor+3, a banded mail+4, a chain shirt+4, a small shield+4, Potions of Elemental Protection (These magic potions are very rare and powerful. Drinking it will grant you great protection against the elements), many high-level scrolls, a Death Ward (This necklace is very popular in the northern parts of the Sword Coast. It will protect the wearer against all forms of death magic), a Ring of Protection+3, a Ring of Might (These rings are forged by clerics of Tyr to assist adherents. The wearer of such a ring of might gains great prowess at unarmed combat), a full series of Commoner’s Wands (A wizard named Acabuk came up with the idea of making a set of wands that could be easily used by anyone, even a non-spellcaster. Even though the wands ended up being somewhat expensive, Acabuk still became quite rich, due to the broad nature of his potential clientele), Crystals of Confusion (These crystals are vey popular among villains. They tend to be used just before some mischief is carried out), and Globes of Magic Invulnerability (A mage somewhere north of Cormyr had the brilliant idea of creating these devices. They are very practical for use by non magic users to protect themselves against hostile magic. However, they have a single charge).

Besides to buy and sell equipment, the merchants have an useful information you can collect if they ask more about then. They say they come from the eastern desert, past they high woods. Usually, they don’t stay much time in the places they visit but this is a fine village and here lives a good friend of them, the high priestess of the Morninglord. Indeed, Beldora Thiiruin, the owner of the ‘Maid of the Moors’ is a high priestess of Lathander. She doesn’t mention it and she doesn’t really use her power except when trolls or orcs try to raid the hamlet.

This is one of the information you need to report to Fargrak.


This is the local inn.


This place won’t be accessible – or shown on your map – until a later moment.


This place won’t be accessible – or shown on your map – until a later moment.


Go south from here to reach the Tip of the Shield, a panoramic promontory.


Go north from here to reach the Shrine of the forest goddess.


Go north from here to reach the Keep.




This place would be a non-descript tavern if not for the bats [N, Animal 1] fluttering through the common room.

Beldora Thiiruin [NG, C18], the owner of this place, don’t mind them. Actually, they are her little pets and they take care of the insects while the clients eats.

Beldora says many travelers stop here to eat on their way to or from Nesme, Silverymoon, or even Yartar – at least ever since the troubles started there. Stay calm and ask her about those troubles. Beldora tells there is a crisis there. A terrible disease, like some kind of plague or poison. They don’t really know exactly what caused it. She heard that it has something to do with the water. Some even say that the water moves all by itself, as if searching for prey. The healers of Tymora and Tyr have been unable to cure anyone. People are dying every day. The poor Waterbaroness sent out a ‘heroes’ call’ last week, much like they did for Neverwinter during the plague, and Waterdeep during the drow attack. Now, many adventurers are heading towards Yartar, even famous people like Ospharles the Wise, Rok the Beastmaster and the great Nasgalvir de la Bora (it seems something happened to his brother Lamir...).

As you listen to Beldora, trying to look concerned, you can barely keep a straight face. The information you get should be reported to Fargark when you return to the campsite near the Surbrin.

If you’re interested, you can also buy Beldora’s special rations and potions (These special healing potions are made using the powerful medicinal mosses that are found near Mornbryn's Shield). The potions include Beldora’s Curative Elixir (it both cure disease and remove poison), Beldora’s Healing Potion (it heals 33% of your maximum hit points when used) and Beldora’s Ointment (it remove blindness and deafness). Prepared by Beldora, and intended for adventurers, Beldora’s rations have some curative properties added to them (they heal 75% of your maximum hit points. They are not usable in combat and you can eat them only once a day). Finally, she sells an unique item - Beldora’s Magic Bowl (A must have for every adventurer, this magic bowl can create once per day a good and healthy ration with some curative properties added to it).

Besides Beldora – and her pets – here are two commoners [N, Commoner 1] and a guy by the name of Simond Wetten [CG, F13]. Talk to Simond to learn about the orcs and the trolls of the Evermoors. The ors are at war against each others right now. Sometimes, they try to raid the hamlet, but the keep of Mornbryn’s Shield cannot be taken so easily. The trolls are everywhere in the Evermoors and theu just run after anybody they see. They’re stupid in general, but some of them are not and that makes them dangerous. He even heard there’s a doppleganger working for them who infiltrate human settlements to bring unsuspecting folks out to his friends. Like the orcs, they sometimes try to raid the hamlet but the local Keep is a powerful defense. Ask about the keep to learn it is surrounded by a ring of mist and it is wholly warded. There are all kinds of helmed horrors there, and they will attack anyone without the proper ward. Not only that, but the ridge around the village is like a natural rampart that orcs or trolls must get over before reaching the hamlet. Indeed, they are quite safe here.

When you return to your campsite, you should report to Fargrak what you’ve learned from Simond. This is one of the information the priest needs.




In the common room of the local inn there are three commoners [N, Commoner 1], two patrons [N, Commoner 1], two guards [LG, F13] and Flanagus Gnarlybone [NG, Commoner 10], the gnome who owns this place. Two more patrons are chatting in the corridor leading to the back door.

Flanagus can tell you this village takes its name from the rocky, horseshoe-shaped ridge that forms a natural rampart along the west and south borders of the settlement. This ridge had protected them from the violent flooding of the Surbrin and Laughingflow rivers since Mornbryn’s days. Mornbryn was a famous ranger who lived around 400 years ago. He fought trolls, orcs and rescued many communities from many perils. A noble hero, he would not accept the rewards of his deed in life though... Legend says that they were laid to rest with him at his passing, and that his tomb is somewhere under the hamlet. Many people have tried to find it, but no-one’s succeeded.

This is another piece of information you should report to Fargrak.

If you’re interested, Flanagus can sell you his famous drink – a brew called ‘troll ignition’. It earned its name during a troll raid. The gnome used a bottle on a troll, followed by a torch, and what a pretty fire that was to see... Since that day, it has become his official ale. If you prefer more common drinks, here you can buy ale, spirits or wine.


Sall Wenseph [NG, Commoner 5/Bd5], the man who stands in this room, is quite drunk. Let it have another drink and he says he plans to go to offer another gift to ‘Miekilli’ – after he stops drinking. Indeed, many folks offer gifts on her altar, and then the gifts are taken at night by the ‘Sisters Who Serve’, and given to ‘Miekilli’. Some say the gifts end up with Mornbryn. One thing he knows for sure, the gifts are not taken by any of Mielikki’s druids or rangers. By the way, they’re all gone off into some kind of ‘secret meeting’.

This is another piece of information you should report to Fargrak.


Here is a barrel holding random treasure of low value.


Here you can search two barrels to find random treasure of minor value.




This is an area exit. You should come here only once, that is the first time you travel towards the Broken Femur camp.


A couple of trolls [CE, Giant 8] wander about here.


Two grizzly bears [N, Animal 8] roam on this rise and they will come down to attack while you’re fighting the trolls.

04. ORCS

Three orc scouts [CE, Humanoid 6] equipped with crossbows stand atop this rise. At the bottom of the rise they have arranged a makeshift barricade by using ruined wagons and poles. When they see you the orcs immediately attack. You shout them you’re here to talk, but they don’t listen and continue to pelt you with their bolts. If you have a ranged weapon – or if you can cast ranged spells - bring them down from a distance. If you want to engage the orcs in a melee, keep in mind you have to open your way through the barricade (by bashing down a few poles and wagons) before you can reach them.


Go east from here to reach the Broken Femur camp.




Go west from here to leave this area.


The first time you come here you will be forced to kill seven orc scouts [CE, Humanoid 6] scattered in the portion of the area before the gate of the camp. You will try to tell the orcs you just wish to speak with their leader, but the fools won’t listen. So, they will pay!


The orcs found beyond the camp gate won’t be hostile – unless you attack them, of course. Don’t do that! After all, they are meant to be your soldiers.

Besides the special characters listed below, about the camp you may meet nine orcs [CE, Humanoid 6] and four orc brutes [CE, Bb9]. The brutes stay not far from the tribe’s leader and act as his bodyguards – actually, they are his brothers.


As his blacksmith likes to say, Grumush [CE, Humanoid 8/Bb3] - the leader of the Broken Femur clan - sometimes is stupid... no, wait... he is always stupid. When you talk to him, he simply says he’s the strongest here, so you should better be quick in telling him what you want if you don’t want to taste his axe. Whatever your answer, Grumush won’t seem pleased. However, he claims he will listen more of what you have to say if you prove your strength by fighting Grolsh - the clan’s champion - in the near circle of stone.

Agree to the leader’s request and go fight the champion. When Grolsh is dead, come back here and talk to Grumush. The orc seems uncertain about what he must do but his blacksmith suggests you could be good enough to save the clan’s shaman from the Uthgardt. Such a suggestion sends Grumush into a fit of anger, however – if only to get rid of you - he orders you to rescue the shaman.

When you leave this area you will get the option to travel to the Uthgardt barbarian territory. Go there, rescue the shaman, promise him you will kill Grumush, then return to this camp. Grumush won’t be happy to see you again and he will order you to go away. Instead, you should attack him.

When you attack the clan’s leader, the common orcs will stay neutral. The four orc brutes, however, will fight for their big bro to the death.

When Grumush dies you get 200xp. Don’t forget to search his remains, for he drops quite a few items. By searching his lifeless body you will get an Amulet of Vitality+2 (When Jacin Maltis, a petty lord in Sembia, paid for the crafting of an amulet to increase his health, he expected a tasteful necklace with a small, but precious gem mounted in it. When he placed the necklace around his neck and the diamond turned a gaudy blood red, he refused to pay the wizard who created it. The wizard simply smiled, and loosed a spell that instantly destroyed the noble. Copies of this amulet were found circulating months later in the distant city of Waterdeep. If you wear this necklace, your Constitution score will be raised of two points), two diamonds, the helmet called ‘Gluthtor’s Fury’ (Some say it came from the dead orc spirits of the Evermoors, some others say it was made by Gluthtor himself long before the Battle of Bloodrivers... Whatever its origin, Gluthtor led legions of orcs to battle wearing it. The helm sheds a red light in a 10 meters radius and grants the wearer darkvision and the power to cast the Ultravision spell once per day), the greataxe called ‘Gruumsh Hand’ (Orcs tell of a great hero who wore no armor, and how the god Gruumsh gifted him with an axe to protect him in battle. He eventually became the avatar of that fearsome deity, and broke his weapon into many pieces to seed it among the orc hordes. Other cultures don't recognize the tale, but orcs don't care. After all, their legends also say that all the other races are born of swine, and what are the opinions of pigs worth? This axe is a weapon +2 that grants the wielder a bonus +3 on the parry skill. It also cause 1d6 additional acid damage on hit - but only to humans), a Ring of the Ram (Pal Verbosh was the deadliest pirate of the Nelanther Ilses. While other pirate ships would work together to capture large, heavily guarded cargos, the Tight-lipped Sailor would wait and watch, then steal in and pillage from the other pirates. No one except Verbosh’s own crew ever lived to tell about it, because Verbosh put them all to the sword, then sank their ships. Finally, Verbosh and his fellow cutthroats bit off more than they could chew and were sunk by a fellow pirate, whose magical ring punched a hole in the Tight-lipped Sailor’s hull that sank the ship in only a few minutes. This rings grants the wearer the knockdown feat and, by spending one charge, the power to cast the Knock spell) and a Swordsman’s Belt.


After your first conversation with Grumush, you should come here to fight the clan’s champion. Many orcs already stand all around this circle of stones, eager to see the mighty Grolsh as he rips off your guts.

Grolsh the Champion [CE, Humanoid4/Bb11] is waiting for a challenger inside the circle and he’s ready to crush his victim’s bones. The orc is quite tough but if you take your time to prepare yourself you should manage to win the duel without too much troubles. To start the fight, just talk to him.

When Grolsh falls dead, the audience is apalled. The orcs are at short of words, obviously impressed by your great strength.

Before to leave the arena, search Grolsh’s remains to get an Amulet of Fire Resistance, a double-axe+2 and the Brute’s Ring (An old half-orc sorcerer crafted this ring for his chief, to help the chief lead the Teeth of Blood Clan against an elven army. It is said the strange power contained within that ring caused the wearer to fly into a rage in battle, gaining great strength, but at the cost of some attention to defense. Indeed, this ring grants the wearer a bonus +4 on his Strength score, but the wearer suffers a -2 penalty on his armor class dodge modifier).


Once you’ve rescued him from the Uthgardt barbarians, the orc shaman [CE, Humanoid 3/C3/S3] will return to the camp and you can found him here.

When Grumush is no more, talk with the shaman to get 200xp. The shaman says you’ve earned the respect of his clan. Now, he will begin to prepare the warriors for battle. In the meanwhile, you should go reunite the Black Bone and Red Axe tribes.

The Black Bone tribe is located north of here. Its members are fearless in battle and will follow you if you tell them that the Broken Femur clan is restored.

The Red Axe tribe is located near the northern mountains. They are strong and possess very good weapons. They will go to war with the Broken Femur anytime if you tell them Grumush is dead.

Long ago, the three tribes used to roam the land together, and no one could oppose them. They formed the Fury of the Evermoors.

As a side note, to avoid a possible bug in the module, you should go first to the Black Bone camp, then to the Red Axe clan.


Furrmash the Blacksmith [CE, Humanoid 6] is smarter than most orcs. You may even notice an alchemist’s apparatus standing near his forge! Indeed, Furrmash is a good craftsman who knows how to combine a powerful blade with the right poison. Once you’ve gained the control of the clan, he will be glad to sell some of his special brews to the killer of Grumush.

His choice of poisons include: Black Lotus Poison (One of the most effective poisons known is, without a doubt, the extract of the Black Lotus. Apply DC -16, 3d6 CON/3d6 CON, DC20), Deathblade Poison (A mix of various rare toxic plants make up this very effective poison. Apply DC -16, 1d6 CON/2d6 CON, DC20), Dragon Bile Poison (A mix of various rare toxic plants and reptile venoms make up this very effective poison. Apply DC -21, 3d6 STR, DC26), Large Scorpion Venom (The well known deadly venom from a large scorpion. Apply DC -14, 1d6 STR/1d6 STR, DC18), Medium Spider Venom (The venom of a medium size spider - very nasty. Apply DC -11; 1d4 STR/1d4 STR, DC14), Terinav Root Poison (The main ingredient of this poison is the terinav root. Apply DC -13; 1d6 DEX/2d6 DEX, DC16) and Wyvern Poison (The very rare, and very deadly, poison from a wyvern's sting. Apply DC -14; 2d6 CON/2d6 CON, DC17). All these poisons can be applied only on slashing and piercing weapons. They will stay on the weapon for an hour or until you hit someone.

By the way, Furrmash also sells the infamous orc beer. Unless youre an orc, it may as well be another kind of poison...

Later on, once you’ve been instructed by Fargrak to place a special blade upon the altar at Mielikki’s shrine, you must visit Furrmash and ask him the most valuable blade he possesses. This way you will be given a Ranger’s Blade. The Ranger's Blades are a set of short swords made by druids. Using some old nature secrets, woods from specific dead trees and leaves from very rare plants can be magically blended into a substance as hard as metal. Taken from a dead ranger, this is the perfect offering to Mielikki.


Once you’ve gained control of the Broken Femur clan, go back to the campsite near the Surbrin and tell your mentor the good news. To stay far from prying eyes, Fargrak [NE, C25] will decide to come here and set up a camp. From now on, this place will become your base of operations.

If you did as Fargrak requested the last time you’ve seen him at the camp near the Surbrin, you should have learned something interesting about Mielikki’s aura by talking with the priestess at the Forest Lady’s shrine. When you relate what you’ve learned to Fargrak, the priest seems concerned. Indeed, the whole operation could be compromised because of this. Of course, anything created can also be destroyed. That is the ultimate law of Talos. The power of Mielikki, however, is beyond mortal comprehension. You must look for more information regarding Mielikki and this strange aura. Somewhere in the village maybe... When the time comes, he will summon Talos’ power. The Lady of the Forest may be too powerful for you mortals, but she will pale before Talos.

The first time you talk with the priest after he has moved here, you will also get an option to ask him about Mornbryn’s tomb. Fargrak believes that there is more in that tomb than simply the ranger’s sarcophagus. The gifts offerered on the shrine’s altar seem to disappear, and he really doesn’t think Mielikki has anything to do with it. You should find that tomb. The secrets contained within may help you to unravel the mystery of Mielikki’s divine protection. Fargrak says you should ask the orc blacksmith to give you the most valuable sword he possesses. Then, you should go to the shrine of Mielikki and put the blade on the altar as a gift to the goddess. In the meanwhile, he will prepare a scrying spell and use it on whoever touches that blade. This will be your way into Mornbryn’s tomb.

This walkthrough assumes you try first to gather your army, then you go to explore Mornbryn’s tomb and start your search for the Ward Ring pieces. If you choose to do the quests in the opposite order, be free to try. If you manage to survive to the tomb’s dangers, later your life will be easier. In both cases, just remember to visit the Black Bone clan before you travel to the Red Axe tribal camp.

When you’ve persuaded the Black Bone clan to join your cause, come here and inform Fargrak. You will get a reward of 1,500xp. You will get other 1,500xp when the Red Axe tribe has sworn fealty to you. When all the three clans are under your command Fargrak says you have proven your valor in Talos’ eyes. The Fury of the Evermoors will once again roam the land, leaving destruction in its wake. All shall tremble before the might of Talos! Such an accomplishment deserves a reward of 3,000xp.

When the three orcish tribes have been reunited, you have the option to tell Fargrak he was right about the orcs. When you use their fear against them, they become easy puppets to control. The priest nods, but says you must stay vigilant. Those fools can betray you at any moment if you show them a single sign of weakness. He already killed two troublemakers while you were gone, burning them down. They have no resistance to fire, it seems. Which reminds him about the ‘test of suffering’. This is a test that any true follower of Talos must pass from time to time to prove their strength and devotion to the Lord of Destruction. It is a test of endurance where you explore the limits of your own will to face self-destruction. First, he will make sure you are healed completely, then you simply have to choose an element and face your destruction. If you survive, you get to continue your trial or abandon it. He warns you, however - the dark powers do not like when their blackguards abandon this test too quickly!

The elements you can choose from are acid, cold, electricity and fire. The test’s results will be different according to how much damage you choose to sustain. The best result will cause the Skull of Talos to be upgraded so you can use it to cast Darkness, Doom and Blood Frenzy twice a day instead than once. To do so you have to sustain at least ten elemental discharges. If you abandon the test after three or less discharges you’ve failed it – don’t expect any reward! If you give up after four or six discharges, the Skull will be upgraded so you can use it to cast the Darkness spell twice a day. If you abandon the test after seven to nine discharges, the Skull will be upgraded so you can use it to cast both the Darkness and Doom spells twice a day.

Once the Fury of the Evermoors has been restored, it’s time to explore Mornbryn’s Tomb. Go to Mornbryn’s Shield and put the Ranger’s Blade you got from the Black Femur clan’s blacksmith on the altar at the Shrine of Mielikki. Then, return here and inform Fargrak. In the meanwhile, the priest has completed his preparations for the scrying spell and now he’s ready to cast it.

When Fargrak casts his spell, a cutscene movie starts. You and the priest are standing near the altar of Mielikki. Of course, you are not really there, so no-one can see you - that’s the beauty of a scrying spell! After a few moments, a green-dressed woman approaches the altar. The little bitch takes the blade, then goes up the rise to the north. Follow her as she walks towards the westernmost stone circle. The Sister Who Serve stands at the center of the circle then, all of a sudden, she disappears. Apparently, there’s some kind of portal you can activate with the proper ward. However, you are not able to see more for something goes wrong and the spell is broken.

When the cutscene movie ends, Fargrak says the tomb must have natural defenses against magic. Mornbryn’s Shield is built over rocks containing much durneth, a very rare leaden stone that masks magical auras. That’s why nobody has ever found the tomb! Now, you should go to the village and ask Ern Hum about the Sisters Who Serve... maybe he knows something useful.

Ern will reveal where the Sisters live. Pay them a visit and you will find a ward to enter the tomb. Explore that place, then return here and report to Fargrak. When you tell him about the strange ward that blocks the passage to the deepest recesses of the crypt, the priest says you cannot do nothing, for now. It is clear there is more in that tomb than what you are expected to believe but you will deal with that after you’ve destroyed Mornbryn’s Shield.

Also, when you’re back from the tomb, you should show Fargrak the tome you may have discovered there (the book labeled as ‘Mielikki’s Protection’). The priest looks at the tome, then says you need to gather the three parts of the ring mentioned in the book. With the Ring in his possession, he will summon Talos’ power to destroy the aura around Mornbryn’s Shield.

After you’ve shown the tome to the priest – but only if the three orc tribes have been already reunited - you have an option to ask Fargrak about the tactics he has planned for your army. A direct attack from outside the village would be useless, as the orcs would simply die at the ridge. The same can be said for attacking the keep, as it’s wards are too powerful for the orcs to defeat in a frontal assault. If your memory is good enough, you should remember Fargrak once said a strength can be turned into a weakness. Well, what if you were to find a way to enter the keep? You could make your way to the northern entrance, where Fargrak and the orcs would be waiting for you. Then, you could use the keep’s backdoor to get the army into town. This way you will get your army inside the hamlet right through the keep!!

To enter the keep, however, you need a ward token. The militia captain of Mornbryn’s Shield should be your best target. Moreover, killing him could weaken the militia in the battle to come. Fargrak says you should talk to Erm Hum to get directions as to where the captain can be found.

When the captain is dead and the ward is in your possession, return here and inform Fargrak. Your mentor says now you must focus on the three Ward Ring’s parts. Indeed, you must destroy Mielikki’s protection if any attack is to succeed. He also suggests you to complete any unfinished business you may yet have here, as once the battle begins, you won’t have time for anything else.

To complete this chapter, you must attain at least five levels as a blackguard. By now, you should have already reached that level. If so, once you’ve found the ward token and you’ve informed Fargrak about it, you get a conversation option to ask the priest if the orcs are ready for the impending battle. Fargrak says everything is proceeding as planned, then he congratulates you for your improvements. He can feel you are now able to summon a succubus to your side. This is very good. Succubae can actually be nice folks when you get to know them. Some of them are very powerful, indeed. Just make sure to always give them someone to kill - that will keep them happy! Fargrak is very proud of you: your heart is full of hate, your enemies fear you, you control those weaker than yourself. There is still much to learn, but for your achievements thus far in the path of destruction you will now receive the Dark Blessing of Talos. When you take the blessing, the Skull of Talos is further upgraded so you can use it to cast the Circle of Doom spell once per day.

When you’ve recovered all three parts of the Ward Ring, come here and tell Fargrak the good news. For such an accomplishment you will get 1,000xp. Fargrak has already made preparations for the summoning ceremony. Only one more thing is requested and he needs you to get it for him. You may find this job quite... entertaining. Indeed, he needs a virgin to sacrifice – a mature but still pure female. You should find one and bring her here alive. Then, the priest will rip out her soul offering it in sacrifice to the dark powers. As a blackguard of Talos, you will help him with the ritual.

When you bring here Lara, Fargrak says while you were gone he has prepared everything necessary and assembled the Ward Ring. Now, it’s time for the Dark Ritual.

A cutscene movie starts to show the frightened Lara standing amidst the circle of stones where you fought Grolsh. She sobs and begs you to spare her life and she cries she doesn’t want to die. Fargrak, who has placed the Ward Ring into a special receptacle, tries to ‘cheer up’ the poor girl. No, she won’t be killed at all... Her life is too precious to be wasted that way. Indeed, her fate will be worse than death itself! Her soul will be given to Valshera, Queen of the succubae. She’s a very powerful being who knows a lot about the ways of destruction...

When everything is ready, one orc put the scared girl right at the center of a magical pentacle. You and Fragrak kneel at the circle’s sides and begin to chant the ritual’s litany: ‘Danesauree Gasadui hem... Danesauree Gasadui hem...’ At first, nothing seem to happen, then, Lara starts to scream, her body wracked by terrible spasms. Suddenly she litteraly blows up and an alluring demoness appears where the poor virgin stood. Valshera seems to be pleased by Fargrak’s gift – she will have fun tormenting and corrupting a soul so pure. When she asks why she has been called, Fargrak explains you need her help to destroy the abominable ward created by Mielikki to protect innocents’ souls. He beseeches the fiend to summon Talos’ power to destroy the ward and Valshera agrees to help... Fargrak knows well how to talk to a succubus! The demoness calls for Talos’ power until, in a showy display of magical effects, the ward is utterly destroyed. Before to say farewell, Valshera reminds now you must accomplish Talos’ will.

After the completion of the Dark Ritual, you get 1,000xp. Fargrak rejoices for the protective aura around Mornbryn’s Shield is now gone. The hamlet is one more step closer to its doom! If you have any unfinished business you should go and finish it. If not, the time has come for you to enter the keep. It would be wise to prepare well for the battle to come and equip yourself accordingly. Once you set foot inside the keep, there is no turning back.


When Fargrak comes here, he’s joined by his three followers you’ve already met in Chapter One - Gard, Harto and Klarah.

Again, they will be more than willing to follow you if you want them to join you. Just like in Chapter One, you can have only one henchman at a time. When you pick up a henchman, he/she will be automatically taken to your own level (if you choose Klarah remember to rest if you want her to memorize the new spells she may acquire).

When you need to dismiss a henchman, you can order them to wait you where you’re currently standing or to return to the Broken Femur camp.

Unlike Chapter One, this chapter features a special quest linked to each henchman. You should do all three quests, for they will earn you a good amount of experience and some powerful items you may find very useful.

The henchmen’s quests won’t be unveiled until you’ve reached 11 or 12 levels of experience. When your level is high enough, talk with the henchman to disclose his/her quest. To reach the area linked to the henchmen’s quests, just leave the Broken Femur Camp area (or any area you’re currently visiting) with the henchman on your side. Amongst the places you can choose to travel to, you will notice a new area. Choose to go there and the quest will begin.

This walkthrough details the henchmen’s quests in the subchapters just preceding the Keep area, however, you can do them before, if you wish. The henchmen’s quests may be quite a challenge, but once they have been completed you will find the other quests a lot easier.

Gard [NE, Bb], the Uthgard barbarian, says you can count on him if you need to destroy, kill or slaughter anyone. To disclose his quest, ask the barbarian if he has been in the Evermoors before. Indeed, he traveled throughout this lands many years ago and here happened something that he will never forget. Gard, however, will refuse to tell you more about that event until your level is high enough.

When the right time comes, ask the barbarian about the last time he was in the Evermoors and listen to his story. Gard grew up in a tribe very far from here in the North. He had a good friend there named Flargrim. They had many things in common and they decided to leave the tribe together to seek adventure. They discovered the teachings of Talos together and slaughtered many people. One day, the camped near a big hill in the southern part of the Evermoors. What they didn’t know, was the hill was the lair of a beast called Xilgramix. The monster attacked them during the night and the battle lasted for many hours. They hit the beast many times, but it seemed to be protected by magical means. At last, they gave up and decided to escape through the forest. That’s when Flargrim was wounded in the leg, and fell to the ground. Gard tried to come back to him, but it was too late. He still remember his friend’s last scream. Since that day, Gard has learned much about the ways of destruction. Now that he is in the Evermoors once again, he feels like it’s time to pay a visit to Xilgramix and make it suffer his wrath. Once you’ve listened to this tale, the next time you leave the area you are currently visiting you get an option to travel to the Xilgramix’s Hills. Of course, Gard must be on your side to get that option.

When he first joins you, Gard’s equipment includes an Amulet of Natural Armor+1, a Belt of Agility+2, a chain shirt+2, Gard’s Helmet (it grants the wearer – who must be of any evil alignment - a +1 bonus on the concentration skill and immunity to fear), a greatsword+1 and five Potions of Cure Critical Wounds.

If you need help to slit someone’s throat, Harto [CE, Ro] is right here. The rogue confesses he had a good time in Yartar last week. People were screaming, suffering and dying. It was a beautiful scene to watch - and also very profitable! But, the Evermoors too have their treasures... Ask him about those treasures to disclose his quest.

If your level is not high enough, Harto says maybe you can talk about it later on. When you have reached an higher level of experience, ask again. This time, Harto will tell you about a gem of great value, ‘The Eye of Xithraxar’. According to the legends, centuries ago it belonged to the mad wizard Zorinbro. For some reason, the insane mage locked himself in a dungeon under the Surbrin, a place protected by tons of deadly traps. Harto thinks there should be an entrance on this side of the river, not far from the road. Many people have tried to sneak in, but none came out alive. The treasure should still be there, waiting for you to get it... Once you’ve been told about the gem, the next time you leave an area with Harto in your party, you will get an option to travel to the hill next to the Surbrin.

When picked up for the first time, Harto’s equipment includes an Amulet of Natural Armor+1, a pair of Boots of Striding+2, Harto’s Gauntlets [Usable only by evil characters, they grant the wearer slashing damage resistance 5/- and a +2 bonus on the disable trap skill), five Potions of Critical Wounds, two short swords+1 and a studded leather armor+2.

In Yartar, Klarah [CE, C] witnessed the true power of Talos; it was very refreshing to see such mass suffering and death. She slept very well that nights, having dreams and visions of even more destruction and death. She must thank you for that. Also, as you are a blackguard of Talos, she’s at your service.

If you ask Klarah about her visions but your level is not high enough, the priestess simply says they are still very blurry and unclear. She sees an altar consacrated to Talos and a fallen priest – one who lost faith in destruction – doomed by his god. The visions are very confusing, but if she makes any sense of them, she will tell you.

When your level is high enough, talk with Klarah and ask the same question. Her visions are still blurred, but she thinks Talos wants her to go to the altar she sees in her dreams. According to her vision, a ruined temple of Talos should be found somewhere in the western parts of the Evermoors. She heard even its name, the ‘Temple of Blood’. The dreams had shown priests of Lathander as they killed Talos’ followers inside the temple, but Klarah cannot guess what that all means. She only wonders if Talos wants her to go there to investigate...

Once you’ve learned this information, the next time you leave an area with Klarah on your side you will get an option to travel to the Temple of Blood.

When you first pick her up, Klarah’s equipment includes a banded mail, Klarah’s Amulet (it grants the priestes one bonus spell for each spell level from 1st to 4th and the power to cast the Divine Favor spell once per day), a morningstar+1, five Potions of Critical Wounds and a tower shield.




Go south from here to leave this area.


A druid [N, D10], a ranger [N, R10] and an Uthgardt barbarian [CG, Bb7] patrol the road near the area entrance. Apparently, they were waiting for you for the ranger shouts ‘He’s him!’ when you approach. Immediately, the trio attacks.

When the fools are dead, search the ranger’s remains to find a sheaf of Ice Arrows, a longbow+2 and two Potions of Critical Wounds.


Two grizzly bears [N, Animal 8] roam about here.


A drawbridge gives access to the barbarian camp. If you really want to storm the encampment, just draw down the bridge and go foreward. Many archers stand atop the rises on the other side of the river, though, and they will pelt you with volleys of deadly arrows if you walk upon the drawbridge.

To avoid to be pierced to death – and to avoid to face all the camp’s defenders together - you should move away from here and look for another way to enter the barbarian settlement.


There are some nice fallen timbers near the river. You can use one of them to cross to the other side.

Before to cross the bridge, I suggest you to rest and/or prepare for a battle.


If you enter the camp by crossing the river using the fallen timbers, you will manage to go in unnoticed. Most warriors have been deployed near the camp gate, so the eastern part of the camp is almost unguarded.

Indeed, besides an ox, a cow and a few chickens, in this portion of the camp you will meet – and kill – only a couple of Uthgardt barbarians [CG, Bb7] plus six Uthgardt commoners [N, Commoner 1] and one Uthgardt child [N, Commoner 1].

When you walk near the central part of the settlement, however, your presence will be soon discovered and you have to be ready to face the village defenders: seventeen Uthgardt barbarians and a strong Uthgardt [CG, Bb7/F4].

Try to bring down the tougher barbarian first, then focus your attacks on the archers standing atop the two rises along on the riverside.

Once the warriors have been exterminated, you can relax and amuse yourself by slaughtering the remaining village dwellers - two Uthgardt commoners and one Uthgardt child.

When everyone is dead, search the strong Uthgardt’s remains to find an Amulet of Vitality+2, a warhammer by the name of ‘Bone Crusher’ ('Bone Crusher' was the name given this hammer by Herdon the Barbarian, who had sworn revenge on Gluthtor for killing Herdon's whole family in the Year of Shattered Skulls. Herdon intended to make sure none of the orc's bones would remain intact. Unfortunately, he never accomplished his misson. The hammer grants the wielder a +2 attack bonus, cuse 1d6 points of massive criticals damage, and when hits has a 50% chance – DC14 - to stun the victim for two rounds), a pair of Boots of Hardiness+1, a gold ring, a pair of Greater Gloves of Discipline, a Potion of Heal and a Potion of Ironguts.


When you’re done outside, enter the settlement’s barracks. This is the only accessible building in the area.


● Ground Floor



The barracks’ door is guarded by one Uthgardt barbarian [CG, Bb7].


The Uthgardt leader [CG, Bb12] is standing here, along with two Uthgardt commoners [N, Commoner 1] and one Uthgardt child [N, Commoner 1].

The leader is a tough warrior and bring him down shouldn’t be a breeze. Your efforts may be compensated by the loot you can get from his remains: an Amulet of the Long Death+1, a Cloak of Protection from Evil, a double-axe by the name of ‘Barbarian Fury’ (Known as the ‘Uthgardt Savage of the Evermoors’, the man that carried this double-axe was a well-known figure in the North. Those who saw him fight the trolls remember well his fury in battle. When he died, fire suddently appeared on the blade of his weapon. Some say he is still in there... waiting to fight more trolls. Usable only by barbarians, this weapon +1 – +2 versus giants – cause its victims 1d6 additional fire damage), a pouch of Dust of Appearance, one emerald, a Potion of Bull’s Strength, two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Potion of Endurance and a rusted key.

Random treasure of medium and high value can be found by searching two chests, an armor rack, a large weapon rack and a melee weapon rack.


Beyond this door there are stairs leading to the barracks’ basement.

● Basement



Go up these stairs if you need to return to the barracks’ ground floor.


Three Uthgardt barbarians [CG, Bb7] guard this room. When they have been dealt with, you may search one chest and three crates to find random treasure of low and medium value.

The door halfway the west door is locked. To open it you need the rusted key found on the Uthgardt leader’s body.

Go past the door to enter a prison. Here is a chest you can search to get random treasure of high value.


A locked portcullis [DC18] must be opened or bashed down to enter this cell.

Within the cell, you will meet the orc shaman [CE, Humanoid 3/C3/S3] you’ve come to rescue. He explains the Uthgardt ambushed him and that scum, Grumush, let him taken. According to the shaman, Grumush is so stupid he forces the orcs to fight among themselves instead of conquering the human settlements. No-one likes Grumush, if not his brothers and Grolsh. The blacksmith and the shaman would oppose him, but the rest fear him too much and the two of them alone are not strong enough to put him down. Tell the shaman you’ve killed Grolsh and soon you will reach an agreement. The shaman will help you in destroying Mornbryn’s Shield if you kill Grumush and his brothers. When Grumush is dead, the shaman will tell you more about other orc tribes you can bring on your side.

When the conversation ends you are given 600xp.

To make your life easier, a portal stands just near the shaman – WHY he didn’t use it?!. If you enter the portal you will be taken near the Uthgardt territory area exit.

The shaman won’t follow you, but you will find it at the Broken Femur camp when you arrive there. Once at the camp, prepare your weapons and go to kill Grumush and his brothers.




The first time you travel to the Black Bone camp you’re forced to go through this area. Go south from here if you want to go back or you want to travel to another area.


Here are one druid [N, D10], one ranger [N, Ra10] and a powerful warrior by the name of Kiriti the Great [CG, F6/Bb6]. When you approach the trio, the warrior recognize you and her attacks immediately, along with his friends.

Kiriti leaves behind a few items (however, he won’t drop his best equipment – an Axe of Ironfire and a Helm of Might): an Amulet of Natural Armor+1, a fire agate, a greenstone, two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds and a Ring of Clear Thought+1.

03. ORCS

A group of orcs is found across the bridge and they will try to kill despite you shout them you are here to talk.

The five orc scouts [CE, Humanoid 6] about here are led by a much tougher orc by the name of Grut [CE, Humanoid 1/Bb10]. After the battle, don’t forget to take Grut’s head. If you’ve agreed to help Officer Mathyl in Mornbryn’s Shield, bring him the orc’s head to collect the related bounty.

Besides his head, Grut drops three gems (a fire opal, a fluorspar and a greenstone), a double-axe called ‘Soul Taker’ (This weapon spent many hundreds of years in a tomb next to the soul phylactery of a powerful lich. The creature was eventually erased from existence, supposedly by another of its kind, but such close proximity to that concentrated evil has imbued this weapon with the very essence of night and the chill of darkness, energy that becomes deadly in combat. It is a foul weapon, and only an evil soul could stand to posess it. This weapon +2 causes 1d6 of additional cold damage and grants the wielder vampiric regeneration +2), two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Potion of Death Armor, a Potion of Endurance and a Ring of the Ram.


Go north from here to reach the Black Bone tribe’s encampment.




Go south from here to leave this area.


Before to reach the camp gate, you’ve to deal with seven orc scouts [CE, Humanoid 6]. The stubborn orcs won’t listen to your warnings and you should speak them in the only language they seem to understand - brute force.


The eleven orcs [CE, Humanoid 6] found about the encampment won’t attack you. Instead, they will just point you to their leader, Krasharum.


Krasharum [Humanoid 6/Bb6] is happy to learn about Grumush’s death and he would be glad to join your side if only his tribe wouldn’t be cursed. The trolls have stolen their sacred mask and they cannot go to war if they don’t recover it. The superstitious orcs believe they are unworthy of living without their mask and they are doomed to die in battle if they go to war without it. If you want to help them, Krasharum says the trolls live in a camp somewhere in the Evermoors. Unfortunately, he doesn’t know where so, they can’t recover their mask themselves.

To reach the troll territory, you must go to Mornbryn’s Shield. Once in the village, go speak with Markail. Hire him to guide you there. If you’ve a henchman, you will be forced to temporarily dismiss him/her so Markail can join you. When you leave the hamlet with the guide on your side, you will get an option to travel near to the troll territory.

When you return the mask to the orc leasder you are given a reward of 600xp. Now that his tribe has been finally freed from it’s ‘curse’, Krasharum is more than willing to join the Broken Femur clan and to wage war against Mornbryn’s Shield.




To reach this area for the first time, you must have talked with the Black Bone tribe’s leader, then you must have hired Markail, the guide who can be found in Mornbryn’s Shield, near the ‘Maid of the Moor’.


When you enter the area, Markail explains you are near the trolls’ territory. This place is dangerous, so you should be on your guard. There is a bridge ahead and you need to cross it. Once you’ve crossed the first bridge, however, you notice something strange. The ground is littered with bones and corpses. Obviously, something has happened here, but, what? As you turn towards Markail to ask your question, three trolls [CE, Giant 8] appear all around you. Also, Markail shapechanges in his true form. Indeed, he’s the doppleganger [CE, Shapechanger 10] Officer Mathyl may have told you about.

Kill the monster and the trolls, then grab the doppleganger’s head. Bring the head to Officer Mathyl in Mornbryn’s Shield to get your reward.

Now that you’ve learned where the trolls are hiding, you can leave this area, go back to recover your henchman, then return here to continue your way to the troll territory.


Go east from here to enter the troll territory.




Go west from here to leave this area.


This area is full of ravenous trolls. Besides the monsters we’ll list below, as you explore this place you may fight twentyone common trolls [CE, Giant 8] and ten troll berserkers [CE, Giant 6/Bb4].


By searching a corpse and three chests scattered about here, you can collect four Potions of Cure Critical Wounds and random treasure of minor, medium and high value.


Gargalal [NE, Ro6/Shadowdancer 4/Assassin 2], the infamous troll assassin, wanders about here. When the ugly monster is dead, don’t forget to grab Gargalal’s head. Bring the grisly trophy to Officer Mathyl in Mornbryn’s Shield to get your reward.


Here you will fight the troll leader [CE, Giant 11]. The monster won’t drop any treasure, however, standing along a ruined wall, you may notice a big chest. Both locked and trapped [DC26. DC0/30; Strong Fire], it holds random treasure of very high value, 3,000 gold pieces, two Potions of Heal and the Black Bone Mask. When you take the mask (that represents the orcish god Gruumush) you’re given 300xp.

Return the mask to the Black Bone clan’s leader and the tribe will join your side.


Magical wards surround this portion of the area. Be very careful and ready for a very difficult fight before to enter this place – you’re free to walk past the wards, but, once inside, you are trapped in. Indeed, there’s no way to leave this place until the troll mage is alive.

Fraasrgh [NE, W10] – whatever creature he might be - is glad to see you. Until now he has taken the body of a troll but soon he will have another host... Guess who?

Don’t understimate this monster or your adventure might end here. In addition to his array of spells, Fraasrgh is magically protected – there’s no way to damage him until you’ve destroyed the four rune stones around here. Well, it seems simply enough...

Just try to bash down a rune stone and you will immediately realize you cannot damage it. Instead, when you hit a stone, four black rune spirits [CE, Magical Beast 9] come out from the runestones. These creatures are incorporeal beings, very similar to a spectre. When one of these spirits is destroyed, it is replaced by a white rune spirit [CE, Magical Beast 9]. Slay this being, and another creature will come forth to fight you, this time an ancient rune spirit [CE, Magical Beast 10]. Each time an ancient spirit dies, a rune stone explodes.

Keep in mind that while you are busy fighting the spirits, Fraasrgh is let free to protect himself with his defensive spells and to discharge his harmful incantations.

That’s not all!! When all the runestones have been destroyed and Fraasrgh has been beaten down, you will realize you’ve just killed the monster’s host. Now, you have to deal with the real monster, a powerful Nether Realm spirit [CE, Magical Beast 10/Shadowdancer 10/S10] who appears behind you.

When the spirit is slain, an earthquake shakes the ground and a swirling black vortex appears to suck up the spirit’s corrupted soul. Also, the magical field around this place disappears forever.

Search the spirit’s remains to find ten diamonds. Then, search the host troll’s remains to get two diamonds, two Potions of Heal, three scrolls (Cone of Cold, Elemental Shield, Firebrand) and the troll’s head (Fraasrgh’s head should be brought to Officer Mathyl in Mornbryn’s Shield so you can collect the bounty for the troll mage).

To the north of the warded area there are a couple of alchemist’s apparati you can search to get a few random potions. To the east there is a locked and trapped chest [DC22. DC0/22; Strong Spike] holding random treasure of high value, 500 gold pieces, two diamonds, one emerald, one fire agate, one garnet, a Potion of Heal and a Potion of Invisibility.




To reach the Red Axe camp for the first time, you’ve to pass through this area. Go south from here if you want to leave it.


Ospharles Dimari [LG, M12], sometimes called ‘the Wise’ is one of the adventurers who answered the heroes’ call issued by the Waterbaroness of Yartar. Once again, he has been called to fight against evil and once again, his ancestors have guided him well. The monk cannot allow such a being to roam the land, so a fight is unavoidable.

This time, however, the monk’s wisdom won’t be enough to save him from death. Fighting the monk may be quite troublesome, though. When he has suffered a few blows, Ospharles calls for his ancestors’ help. While he teleports a few yards away, three ancestor spirits [LG, M8/Undead 1] appear all around you. When he’s hurt enough, Ospharles will continue to teleport out of range to heal himself and he may also summon one or two more ancestor spirits to help him. Concentrate your attacks on Ospharles, for all the ancestor spirits disappear when the monk dies.

By the way, I discovered Ospharles’ power only the second time I played the module. The first time, when the fight began, I used my magical gauntlets to cast a Bigby’s Grasping Hand spell. With Bigby’s arcane hand keeping him still, Ospharles was unable both to teleport himself away and to summon his ancestors. So, I killed him without too much effort.

When Ospharles falls, search his remains to get the gauntlets called ‘Wrath of the Yellow Rose’ (Also referred to as the Disciples of Saint Sollars, the Monastic Order of the Yellow Rose is known for its members' acts of great loyalty to their allies, as well as for bringing great destruction to their enemies. Monks of this Order frequently travel alongside paladins of Ilmater, serving as trusted guides and companions to these knights of the suffering lord. These gloves are a more powerful version of the standard gloves made by this Order. They grants an attack bonus +2 and cause the victim 1d6 additional electric damage and 1d6 additional fire damage), a Necklace of Fireballs, two Potions of Heal, a Potion of Owl’s Wisdom, a Potion of Speed, a set of Shining Light shuriken and a letter. The letter reads: ‘Ospharles, It has been a long time since I requested your services, old friend. But now, evil is strirring in Yartar, and the people are suffering. The Waterbaroness is overwhelmed by these recent events. I beg you, my old friend, to assist us during this crisis. We will be at our usual hidden grove near Mornbryn's Shield. N.’


Go north from here to reach the Red Axe camp.




Go south from here to leave this area.


Five ogres [NE, Giant 9] are found about here, mixed with nine orcs [CE, Humanoid 6].

Sometimes, the first time you enter the camp, a couple of orcs may attack you. Feel free to kill them - just be careful to do not hit the neutral ones.

If you try to speak with the orc leader, Kakatarak [CE, Humanoid 3/Bb4/F4], one ogre will shut you up, informing the orcs are nothing but slaves. The ogres don’t care about your quest. Instead, they wish to kill you...

Fight the ogres, then, when you’ve got the head of the ogre leader, return here and talk to Kakatarak. The chieftain won’t be relieved by the ogres’ demise. Instead, he says now his tribe is doomed. The ogres – who have taken away all the orcs’ weapons – obey to a powerful witch. Now she will send the whole ogre tribe to kill them! However, if you return them their weapons – and if you take care of the witch, the orc tribe will join the Broken Femur clan and will wage war to the humans.

After you’ve learned about the witch, the next time you leave the area you will got an option to travel to the Witch’s Woods.

When you return here with the witch’s ring you will get 600xp. Soon, the Fury of the Evermoors will return to roam the land!


The ogre leader [NE, Giant 12] stands here, together with two ogres.

When the ogres have been dealt with, don’t forget to take the ogre leader’s head. Then, you can go talk with Kakatarak (if you don’t have the head in your inventory, the orc leader will refuse to speak with you, even if all the ogres have been killed).

Along the rocky wall behind the ogre leader there are two chests you may search to find 500 gold pieces and random treasure of high value.




Go east from here to leave this area.

To come here the first time, you must have talked with the Red Axe clan’s chief by having the ogre leader’s head in your inventory.

This area is very dark, so, a torch might come handy.


Here are two ogre berserkers [NE, Giant 9/Bb2].


Two ogres [NE, Giant 9] and one ogre berserker patrol this area.


Go through this passage to enter a small cave complex.


● Witch’s Cave



Go north from here to leave the cave complex.

When you enter the cave you will be welcomed inside by a couple of ‘pets’ [CN, Magical Beast 6]. These beasts are wolf-like creatures much alike a worg.


One ogre [NE, Giant 9] and one ogre mage [NE, Giant 9/S5] inhabit this place.

When the cave has been made safe, you can search a barrel, two crates and two chests to find random treasure of minor, medium and high value, plus a Potion of Heal.

The fifteen racks in the upper portion of the cave hold the orc weapons. However, only one rack can be searched. It holds a sheaf of arrows, a sheaf of arrows+1, two double-axes, a double-axe+1, a light crossbow and a light crossbow+1. If you find these weapons useless, feel free to leave them here. Once the witch has been dealt with, the orcs will come to take their weapons by themselves.


Here are one ogre and one ogre mage. When they are dead you may search three barrels and a chest to get random treasure of low and medium value.

The door to the south is both locked and trapped [DC28. DC0/28; Strong Spike].


The hill giant Frumugus [CE, Giant 12] dwells within this cave, along with two ogre berserkers [CE, Giant 9/Bb2].

When the giant is dead, grab Frumurgus’ head. The next time you’re in Mornbryn’s Shield, bring the head to Officer Mathyl to get a reward.

The three crates in the upper portion of the cave hold random treasure of medium value.

The door at the far end of the cave is both locked and trapped [DC28. DC0/28; Strong Spike].


The floor of this cave is littered with corpses and bones. The only living being is an angry ogre berserker. The door along the north wall is locked [DC28].


This cave is unguarded. Random treasure of low value can be found within a couple of barrels to the northwest. The two chests in the southeast corner of the cave hold random treasure of medium and high value.

When you walk towards the chest, however, the witch will appear before you. She says she doesn’t know who you are, but you will never get out of here alive. Before to disappear, she summons a couple of dire bears [N, Animal 12] for you to fight.

The stairs at the center of the cavern lead down to the witch’s sanctuary. If you need to rest, however, you shouldn’t go there immediately. Instead, walk to the southeast corner of the cave. Just behind the two chests you may detect a hidden trapdoor.

Go through the trapdoor to reach a secret underground chamber where you can rest safely.

● Witch’s Sanctuary



If you go through the hidden trapdoor found in the cave where the witch has appeared you will reach this room. This is the only place of the whole complex where you can rest, so you shouldn’t miss it.

Here are also an armor rack and a large weapon rack holding random treasure of high value, a chest of gold with a random sum of money, and a trapped chest [DC23/23; Strong Sonic] with random treasure of very high value.

To return to the upper cave, just use the ladder in the southeast corner of the room.


Go up these stairs if you need to return to the cave complex above.

To the north of the room there are two bridges spawning a lava pool. Halfway along both bridges there is a gate. Trick is, when you walk on a bridge and move near a gate, that gate stays close while the gate on the other bridge is opened. To manage to go through a gate you need to be very quick - that is, you need to be hasted (either by using a spell, a potion or a magical item). If you’re not hasted, when you reach the open gate it shuts close, while the other opens.

If you’ve troubles to have your henchman follow you, once you are past a gate you can save the game and then reload it. The henchman will appear on your side.


This room is guarded by two stone golems [N, Construct 14].


A pit fiend [LE, Outsider 13] is found here, trapped inside a summoning circle. The honey-tongued baatezu is terribly sorry you have not been well treated in this place. He’s very happy to see you, though. Once a commander of the legions of hell, the devil is now enslaved by the witch’s summoning spell and reduced to a simple advisor – a position unworthy of his former status. To be short, he needs you to free him. Apparently you cannot defeat the witch as long as the fiend remains here. To free the fiend you have simply to destroy the near pedestal. Once the devil has returned to hell, his mistress would lose all the powers she stole from him. It could be enough to persuade you to free the fiend, however, you can do better. Tell the pit fiend you don’t trust him and he will offer you the things stored inside the two chests behind him. Tell the fiend you could take that stuff anyway and he will offer to give you a stone on which is engraved an infernal spell. With this stone, you will have the power to summon him to your aid, but only once.

This is an offer you can agree to. Bash the near pedestal and the pit fiend will be free. As the fiend vanishes, the Baatezu Stone he promised appears in your inventory.

The two chests in the northeast corner of the room hold random treasure of medium value. Many potions (of Aid, of Antidote, of Bless, of Cat’s Grace, of Death Armor, of Heal x2, of Lore x3, of Speed) and a bottle of spirits can be found searching the alchemist’s apparatus standing along the east wall.

05. TRAP

A trap [DC24/24; Strong Negative] has been placed just beyond the door that gives access to this corridor.


A dark warrior [CE, F8/Ro3/Blackguard 2] guards this hallway. When killed, he drops two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds and a bastard sword called ‘Bloodrinker’ (Thirsting for fresh blood, usually only a warrior intent on death and destruction wields such an evil blade. Some warriors claiming to be doing good have attempted to master the bloodrinker and use it for noble purposes, but more often than naught, they are found surrounded by carnage and death too horrible to bear. One such warrior was found in a cathedral, surrounded by the corpses of priests and resting on the end of his own blade, where he had thrown himself in a fit of guilt. Only usable by a blackguard this weapon +2 grants the wielder vampiric regeneration +2 and can cause wounding on hit).


A trap [DC26/26; Strong Fire] has been placed on the floor just in front of the door leading to this room.

Inside this laboratory you will meet an unfinished iron golem [N, Construct 16]. There are two levers sticking out of a small piece of metal on the right leg. You can hear a whisper coming from a hole in the head... ‘Must protect magic book’. You have a few options to interact with the construct, all leading to the same outcome. If you try to talk to the golem he become hostile and attacks. If you pull one of the levers you hear a strange metallic sound from inside the golem, as if something had just broken; the golem seems to move and then... it attacks. Sometimes the golem doesn’t turn hostile, but simply says he must ‘obey the Mistress’. Howerver, further interaction will cause it to attack. Finally, you can simply choose to attack the golem yourself.

To damage the golem you need a weapon +3. If you don’t have such a weapon, you may be in troubles. I was lucky to have Klarah on my side. As I stood between her and the construct to spare the priestess the golem’s mighty blows, Klarah took care of it with her spells.

When the golem has been destroyed, search its remains to find a tome by the title ‘Book of the Black Deeds’. No one knows where this book really comes from. Some say it was made by a group of evil necromancers, while some others would say the lich Vecna himself had written this book with the blood of a priest of Helm. The book almost seems to have a will of its own... Its pages are filled with strange markings. Some are written in langages unknown to man. Only an evil heart would be capable of unlocking its power. At the cost of one or more charges, the book grants the user the power to cast several spells: Animate Dead (2 charges per use), Contagion (1 charge), Evil Blight (3 charges), Fear (1 charge) and Infestation of Maggots (1 charge).

Before to leave the room, search the two chests along the south wall to get random treasure of high value.


When you walk here, the witch appears before you, simply warning that you, little insect, will die very very badly. Then, she summons a couple of fire elementals [N, Elemental 12] and orders them to cook you before to disappear.


The witch will appear once again when you move further along the corridor, if only to make you feel her power. This time, she summons four vrock [CE, Outsider 8] before to vanish in the thin air.


Prepare yourself for a fight, then enter this portal to reach the witch’s chamber.


This time, the witch [CE, W14] won’t avoid the confrontation. She has just had enough of you...

This match might prove to be quite hard to win, expecially if you’re not fully prepared. Besides to employ a wide array of powerful spells (including incantations such as Finger of Death, Chain Lightning and Circle of Death), the witch will create two simulacri [CE, W12] of herself to fight on her side. Apart from being level 12 instead than 14, the simulacri are exact replicas of the witch, so you will be forced to fight three mages at the same time.

When the witch dies, she leaves behind quite a few items: a pair of Boots of Reflexes+2, a Cloak of Darkness (This cloak resembles a tangle of thick, black cobwebs when not worn, but smoothes into a woven black cloak of coarse threads when donned. It allows the wearer to see in complete darkness, and protects the wearer from fear, as well as energy-draining attacks. As a trade-off, positive energy seems to be more effective against whomever wears this cloak. Indeed, this cloak grants the wearer a +3 armor class bonus, darkvision, immunity to fear, immunity to level or ability drains, and the power to cast the Darkness spell once per day. The wearer, however, suffers a 50% damage vulnerability. If you decide to don the cloak, don’t forget its drawback. If you happen to fight creatures who employ positive energy attacks, be sure to take it off!), a pair of gloves called ‘Gracious Death’ (Whoever crafted these gloves didn't seem to like spilling blood, but still wanted his enemies to die. The gloves also provide a small bonus against those who would wish to return the favor against the wearer. At the cost of one charge per use, the wearer of the gloves can cast the Finger of Death spell. They also grant a +1 bonus on the saving throws against death magic), a Horn of Goodness/Evil (This trumpet has two distinct tones that it can produce. The high ringing peal creates a magic circle against evil effect. The low rumbling moan creates a magic circle against good effect. In either case, the horn can be blown once per day), a Lesser Belt of Guiding Light, three Potions of Heal, a Ring of Spell Battle, a Scarab of Protection+2, the witch’s ring and the witch’s key. The witch’s ring doesn’t bear any power but you shouldn’t miss it for you need to bring it to the leader of the Red Axe clan as a proof of the witch’s death. When you pick up the ring, you get a reward of 300xp.


To enter this room you need the key found on the witch’s body.

Here are two bookcases holding random lorebooks and/or scrolls, two chests of gold with random sums of money, and a big chest holding random treasure of very high value, 3,000 gold pieces, two Potions of Heal, a Potion of Invisibility, a Potion of Lore and several gems (a diamond, an emerald, a sapphire, two rubies and a topaz).

To leave this place, just enter the portal in the southeast corner of the room. It will take you to the Witch’s Woods, not far from the area exit.




Leave from here to return to Mornbryn’s Shield.


An altar consacrated to Mielikki stands at the center of the shrine, continually bathed by a shaft of pale blue light.

If you cannot restrain yourself from spitting on the altar, be warned that doing so will make suffer a – temporary – curse.

Once you’ve learned about the gifts stolen from the altar and get the Ranger’s Blade from the Black Femur clan’s blacksmith, you must come here and put the weapon on the altar. Then, you must return to the orc camp and talk with Fargrak so he can cast his scrying spell.


A priestess of Mielikki [N, C14] stands next to the altar.

Besides to tell you a few information about the hamlet, the priestess sells a quite large array of equipment, including a lot of curative and restorative potions and scrolls.

When you’ve been instructed by Fargrak to learn more about the aura that protects the village, come here and ask the priestess. She says, indeed, the aura exists. It is a gift from the Lady of the Forest and works like a magical ward. Any orcs or trolls approaching the hamlet will have their vision blurred, so the local soldiers can easily defeat them. With this aura in place, the hamlet is safe from any evil the Evermoors can spawn. As to how it works, the priestess cannot say. The goddess’ powers are far beyond mortal comprehension.

When you’ve learned this information, you should go to the Broken Femur clan and report the bad news to Fargrak.


To discover this teleporter, you need to help Fargrak to cast his scrying spell. When the priest cast the spell, you will be able to watch one of the Sisters Who Serve as she take the gifts that have been placed on the altar. Then, the woman comes here, walks at the center of the stone circle and disappears.

To operate this teleporter you need a proper ward. You can find the ward when you pay a visit to the sisters who live in Mornbryn’s Shield, near the mill to the southwest.

When you have the ward, come here, walk at the center of the circle of stone and use the ward’s special power. This way you can enter Mornbryn’s tomb.




To enter this house you must have witnessed the outcome of the scrying spell that Fargrak will cast after you’ve put the Ranger’s Blade on altar at the Shrine of Mielikki. When the spell ends, Fargrak will suggest you to talk with Ern Hum. Travel to Mornbryn’s Shield and ask the monk about the Sisters Who Serve. Ern will tell you about the two sisters who live here. When you get this information, this building will be shown on your area map so you can find and enter it. Oh, before to come here, you should keep in mind Ern’s warning – the sisters are quite skilled rangers...

When you enter their home, the two sisters [NG, R12] will immediately ask what you are doing here. This time it seems you don’t feel in the right mood to lie, so, you just tell them you need their wardstone and you will kill them both to get it!

One sister drops a Skin of the Forest armor, a pair of Boots of Speed, a Lesser Blue Ioun Stone, a Ring of Elemental Resistance, a Swordsman’s Belt, a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds and a Potion of Heal.

The other sister leaves behind an Archer’s Belt, a pair of Boots of Speed, a pair of Bracers of Dexterity+4, an Elven Court Bow and three Potions of Cure Critical Wounds.


The chest inside this room holds random treasure of high value.


Here is a chest you can search to get random treasure of high value.


The door of this room is locked [DC18].

Two chests stand along the west wall. One chest holds random treasure of medium value. The other chest holds two sisters’ garbs, two daggers and the Mornbryn’s tomb ward. When you take the ward you are given 300xp.

This strange ward will open the passage to Mornbryn's tomb. Just go to the Shrine of Mielikki, walk to the teleporter you’ve discovered thank to Fargrak’s scrying spell, then use the ward’s unique power. You will be immediately brought to the ranger’s resting place.


● Level One



When you use the ward in the Shrine of Mielikki you appear in this chamber.

If and when you want to return to the surface, just walk to this place, then use the tomb ward’s special power.


A guardian spirit [NG, Undead 2/Ra11] stands at the far end of this bridge. The spirit will immediately sense the darkness, pain, hatred, death and destruction within you and will recognize you for what you are – a knight of darkness... a blackguard!

Darkness and hatred have no place in this sacred tomb. The spirits who inhabit this place won’t allow an evil being to walk within these sacred halls, so you should go away or else.

Your choice is obvious. The spirit seems displeased but he doesn’t attack. Instead, he vanishes into nothingness.

03. TRAP

A parayzing trap [DC22/31; Strong Acid] have been placed between the two big sphinx statues just past the bridge. Beware!

The door leading to the east chamber is locked [DC22]. Before to enter that room, be fully prepared for a tough fight.


Seven Mielikki’s follower spirits [NG, Undead 2/Ra11] guard this room. The spirits are equipped with longbows+2 and special arrows that cause 1d4 additional electrical damage and 1d4 additional divine damage.

Be very careful here, or you will be pierced to death. Also, if you happen to wear the Cloak of Darkness, don’t forget to take it off.

When you manage to destroy all the damn spirits, you can take your time to loot this chamber.

The four bags of gold, the three chests of gold and the two piles of gold scattered on the floor to the west of the room earn random sums of money.

Near the scattered coins there are two chests and two ranged weapon racks. The chests hold random treasure of medium and high value, one Potion of Heal and many gems (alexandrite, aventurine, amethyst, fire agate, fluorspar, emerald, diamond, ruby). The racks hold random treasure of medium value.

The barrel in the northwest corner holds random treasure of medium value, arrows+1, Fire Arrows, five Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Potion of Death Armor, two Potions of Heal and a Potion of Speed.

Each of the six coffins lined up along the east wall holds one gem (aventurine, greenstone, emerald, two amethysts, fluorspar).


There is a trap [DC18/26; Strong Holy] just beyond the portcullis leading here. More traps have been placed all along the corridor.

On your right there are two traps [DC14/26; Strong Holy] to disarm – or to trigger – before you can reach the stairs at the end of the hallway. Three traps [DC14/26; Strong Holy, Strong Negative x2] have been placed in the portion of the corridor to your left.


Both these stairs lead to the next level of the tomb, but to different locations.

● Level Two



You will arrive here if you go down the western stairs found on the level above.

Some strategy is required if you care for your life, for this level of the tomb is really dangerous.

Just for start, near these stairs you will be attacked by four Mielikki’s follower spirits and one animal spirit [N, Animal 4/Undead 2] (a falcon).

While you’re busy fighting the spirits, you will be exposed to a rain of magical arrows fired by four bow-wielding spirits standing to your north and east, at location 07. If you can cast ranged spells or if you have a ranged weapon, try to bring the spirits down before their arrows can cause you too much damage.


This place is guarded by a Mielikki’s follower spirit [NG, Undead 2/Ra11] and by two animal spirits: a falcon [N, Animal 4/Undead 2] and a powerful grizzly bear [N, Animal 14/Undead 2].

Beyond the door in the southwest corner of the room there is a flight of stairs leading to the next level of the tomb.


Just a warning: do NOT charge the creatures inside this room!!! Indeed, all lined up in a deadly row that starts just beyond the fence gate leading here, there are eight traps [DC18/31; Strong Fire] [DC22/36; Strong Electrical] [DC14/26; Deadly Holy] [DC18/31; Strong Acid + paralysis] [DC22/36; Strong Electrical] [DC14/26; Deadly Negative] [DC14/26; Strong Holy] [DC14/26; Strong Tangle].

If you or your henchman have a good score in the disable trap skill, turn invisible or resort to your stealth, then try to disable all the traps before you’re spotted. If you cannot disarm the traps, your best tactics is to leave this area, re-enter it by taking the other set of stairs and kill the three faerie dragons [CG, Dragon 6/S8] who guard the library from the other side of the fence wall.

Along the south wall there are three bookshelves. The westernmost shelf holds many lorebooks. Upon the central shelf there are a lot of scrolls (Ball Lightning, Bless, Bless Weapon, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Cone of Cold, Control Undead, Cure Critical Wounds, Death Ward, Endurance, Elemental Swarm, Feeblemind and Greater Restoration). The easternmost bookcase holds a few lorebooks, a copy of the book ‘Prayer to the Overgod’ and a Brooch of Shielding.

In the southeast corner of the room there are two chests and a bookcase. You shouldn’t miss this bookcase, as it is encased between two statues bathed by a magical green light. When you walk towards the bookcase, however, a guardian androsphinx [CG, Magical Beast 12/C6] appears behind you, replacing the sphinx statue standing at the center of the library.

The chests hold random treasure of low and medium value. The bookcase holds a single book by the title ‘Mielikki’s Protection’. The book is filled with descriptions of rituals made in honor of Mielikki. One paticular passage attracts your attention: ‘...the gift of protection. This ward will protect us against orc or troll raids. To prevent outsiders from breaking the spell, the Ward's key ring has been separated into three parts. One is located in the Great Urn of Mornbryn's Tomb. Only the magic words Motarek Zarak will unlock it. We hid the second one in the secret cave under the Tip of the Shield. The way in is hidden next to the strange boulder. The guardian there should protect it very well. The third one is in the safekeeping of the high druid of the grove. Mielikki protects him. With the key ring separated, our safety is assured...’

When you take the book, you are given 500xp. The next time you visit the Broken Femur camp, don’t forget to show the tome to Fargrak.


To come here you must take the eastern stairs on the level above.

The big sarcophagus standing to the south, is protected by one animal spirit [N, Animal 4/Undead 2] (a falcon) and two Mielikki’s follower spirits. It holds a random armor or shield of high value.


Two Mielikki’s follower spirits guard this room. Here - once the guardians have been dealt with, and once you’ve closed the door behind you – you can safely rest.

Within the three chests found in the upper part of the room there is random treasure of low and high value.


Be careful when you cross this bridge for three traps [DC20/22; Strong Sonic] have been placed along it. While you walk on the bridge - if your presence is noticed and if you’ve not killed them yet – you will be under the arrow fire of the spirits who guard the next location.


Five Mielikki’s follower spirits guard this chamber. Also, three stag spirits [N, Animal 10/Undead 2] will appear when you walk towards the western end of the room.

The three sarcophagi about here hold nothing but random treasure of minor value. The real prize can be found within the big urn at the center of the chamber. To get it, however, you must have read the book found upon the bookshelf in the southeast corner of the library. If you have read the book, when you approach the urn you will speak the magical words ‘Motarek Zarak’. Then, looking inside the urn, you will find a Ward Ring part. According to the book, the Ward Ring was split into three parts. This is the first part and when you take it you get a reward of 300xp. When you’ve found all the three parts you must bring them to Fargrak (along with the book) so he can reassemble the ring.


Take these stairs to reach the third level of the tomb complex.

● Level Three



You will arrive here if you go down the stairs found in the southwestern portion of the level above.

The room you enter is protected by a guardian lammasu [LG, Magical Beast 12/C7] and three animal spirits: one grizzly bear [N, Animal 14/Undead 2] and two falcons [N, Animal 4/Undead 2].

Besides the guardians, there is nothing here but two sarcophagi bearing an inscription: ‘Miridia Garila – The Touch of Nature’ and ‘Nasha Lavalandrad – Blessed by Nature’.


Two Mielikki’s follower spirits [NG, Undead 2/Ra11] guard this room. When they are gone you can search their sarcophagi to find two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds.

Most of all, here you can rest safely and I strongly suggest you to do so before to enter the chamber north of this room.


To reach this room you have to go down the stairs found in the northwestern portion of the previous tomb level.

Three animal spirits (a grizzly bear and two falcons) and a guardian lammasu are found here, along with two sarcophagi bearing an inscription: ‘Galrim Nosmim – Famous Druid’ and ‘Marcuus Dalbrinn – Famous Ranger’.


Before to come here, prepare yourself for what I repute the toughest fight of Chapter Two.

Standing on this platform to surround Mornbryn’s tomb there are five powerful elven and human spirits: Galrim Nosmim [NG, D12/Undead 2], Marcuus Dalbrinn [NG, Ra12/Undead 2], Miridia Garila [CG, W13/Undead 2], Nasha Lavalandrar [LG, F2/P10/Undead 2] and Mornbryn [NG, Ra14/Undead 2] himself.

When you manage to slay all the spirits, don’t forget to collect the items they drop.

Galrim leaves behind a pair of Bracers of Armor+5, a Ring of the Wood Elves and Mielikki’s Amulet of Blessing (This amulet was made by Larya, Priestess of Mielikki, for the druid grove of the High Forest. Only usable by rangers or druids, it shed a low blue light and grants the wearer to cast the Prayer spell twice a day).

Marcus drops a Cloak of Elvenkind, a sheaf of Mielikki’s Arrows (Enchanted by the power of Mielikki, these arrows explode with a flash of divine light and electricity upon impact, causing the victim 1d6 and 1d6 additional damage), and a powerful longbow called ‘Wrath of Mielikki’ (Usable only by good aligned characters, it grants the wielder a +2 Dexterity bonus, a +3 attack bonus and a +5 mighty bonus).

Miridia leaves behind an Ice Talon dagger and a Ring of the Efreet (This ring is always very warm to the touch. It was made by a mad conjurer to burn down his enemies, and it is said that the spirit of an evil efreet is bound within the ring. The ring sheds a low red light and grants the wearer the power to cast the Flame Strike, Flame Weapon and Wall of Fire spells – once or twice per day).

Nasha leaves behind a Shield of Lawful Defense (This shield was made by the strict and rigid Order of the Yellow Rose. It was imbued with special powers that give the one using it extra mobility and defense in combat. The shield works only for those of lawful bent. It sheds a low yellow light and grants the wielder a +2 armor class bonus, the mobility feat and a damage reduction +2 soak 5 damage).

Mornbryn drops a Belt of Stone Giant Strength, a longsword called ‘Fire of the Forest’ (This entire sword appears to be made of burning wood, yet remains as hard as steel. Just being near it, one can feel the powerful fey magic at work. Mornbryn received this sword as a gift after defending an elf village from evil orcs. Usable only by ranger, this blade +3 sheds a normal yellow light and cause to evil victims 1d6 additional fire damage) and a short sword called ‘Winter Tooth’ (This blade was given to Mornbryn during one of his adventures in the Frozen North. This blade was a masterpiece made by the blacksmith Farnash as a gift to Mornbryn for killing the white dragon Iltratrix. By using the dragon's blood in the forging process, the sword gained incredible power. This weapon +3 grants the wielder cold resistance 10/- and cause the victims 1d6 additional cold damage).

After you’ve spoiled your victims’ remains, take your time to loot the crypt. Within Mornbryn’s sarcophagus there are five gems of low value (alexandrite, aventurine, fire agate, fluorspar, garnet). Around the tomb there are five chests of gold and five piles of gold holding random sums of money.

Two more piles of gold and two more chests of gold are scattered on the floor in the northeast corner of the chamber, along with a couple of chests holding random treasure of high and very high value.


A magical field blocks this passage that leads to stairs descending further down. There is nothing you can do to break the field. To go through this passage you need the proper ward and such a ward won’t be found here. Just remember to inform Fargrak about this passage the next time you pay him a visit.

Keep in mind that you must actually click on the warded passage – like you would do to go through it – for your journal to be updated. Until then, the conversation with Fargrak won’t take place.

There is nothing else to do here. Time to return to the surface.




Go north from here to return to Mornbryn’s Shield.


The book that you should have found within the library on the second level of Mornbryn’s tomb (‘Mielikki’s Protections’), hints to a secret passage leading from this area to an underground cave where the second part of the Ward Ring should be found.

Once you’ve learned that information, come here and look at the ground near the odd-looking, striped boulder. This way, you should detect a hidden trapdoor.

Go through the trapdoor to reach the next area.


Once you’ve been instructed by Fargrak to find a virgin to sacrifice, you should remember what Ern Hum told you about a couple of lovers who often meet at night in this romantic spot.

By the way, after Fargrak has assigned you such a task, you can come here even by day. When you enter this area, the night will immediately – and inexplicably - fall.

Gimmy the Farmer [CG, Commoner 1] and Lara the Virgin [CG, Commoner 1] are exchanging pleasantries near the edge of the cliff. Indeed, Gimmy is just asking Lara to marry him. Together, they would be the happiest couple in all Faerun! Yes, they would...

Cut off the romantic idyll and inform the young lovers you are here to take their dreams away for you need to sacrifice the girl to the god of destruction. Of course, Gimmy won’t be happy to lose her future bride and will try to stop you.

Kill the fool and take his girl (when Gimmy dies, Lara the virgin – bound and gagged – will be automatically added to your inventory). As a reward for such a successfull abduction you will be given 300xp.

When you leave this area with Lara in your backpack, you will be immediately taken to the Broken Femur camp.




To come here you must go through the hidden trapdoor found in the eastern portion of the Tip of the Shield area.

To the east of this cavern, past the two stone bridges, there is a small cave where you can search four barrels, two crates and two chests. Within these containers you will find random treasure of minor and medium value. Inside one of the chest there is also a note that reads: ‘Falamil, The enchantments are done. The pillars protect them. Now, it is safe. I know you tend to forget things sometimes, but please don't forget to burn this paper after reading it. G.’


An air elemental guardian [N, Elemental 15] stands at the center of this cave, ready to attack if you enter the place it is meant to guard.

When you engage the guardian in a fight, however, you will discover that your weapons and spells have no effect on this creature. If you want to destroy it, you must find a way to make it vulnerable. And you should find it quickly!

Throwing a look around, you should notice a pillar stands on each side of this cave. These pillars are tagged as ‘air pillar’, ‘earth pillar’, ‘fire pillar’ and ‘water pillar’. Each pillar has 75 hit points and hardness 10 (16 fortitude save).

Currently you can damage only one column, that is the air pillar. Bash it down and the elemental will become vulnerable to your attacks. When it is killed, an earth elemental guardian [N, Elemental 15] will appear to replace it.

While the enraged guardian keeps throwing heavy boulders on your head, destroy the earth pillar, then attack the elemental. When it is slain, it is replaced by a water elemental guardian [N, Elemental 15].

Bash down the water pillar to make the elemental vulnerable to your attacks, then destroy the guardian. A fire elemental guardian [N, Elemental 15] will appear when the water guardian is gone and it will immediately start to target you with fire-related spells (like Fireball or Firebrand).

Hurry up and bash down the fire pillar, then destroy the fiery guardian. When you slay it, at last, the area is safe – and the passage to the next location is now open.


The door halfway along the passage leading here won’t open until all the four elemental guardians have been destroyed.

Search the altar in this cavelet to find the second Ward Ring part. When you take it, you are given 300xp.




This building will become accessible only when you’ve been asked by Fargrak to find a way to go past the magical ward that protects the keep of Mornbryn’s Shield. The priest will suggest you should ask Ern Hum about the captain of the local militia. Maybe he owns the ward token you need.

Once in Mornbryn’s Shield, go see Ern and ask him about the captain. The monk will tell you where the officer lives. When you get this information, this building will be pinpointed on your area map so you can find and enter it. Be fully prepared for a fight before paying a visit to the captain, though.

When you enter this house you find the captain [LG, F15] together with a couple of friends: one druid [N, D11] and one Harper [NG, Ro9/Harper Scout 5].

Of course, a fight is unavoidable. Kill your enemies, then search their bodies.

The captain leaves behind a Swordsman’s Belt, a greatsword called ‘Sword of Mornbryn’s Shield’ (This enchanted greatsword is said to have been accquired by Mornbryn himself during one of his many adventures. He took it from the body of an evil knight who once threatened the settlements Mornbryn protected, until Mornbryn managed to defeat him. It has been passed down to each new militia captain since that time, and has helped to defend the hamlet for the last 400 years. How ironic that it should now fall into *your* hands... perhaps now its original purpose can be fulfilled... This weapon +2 causes its victim 1d6 additional acid damage and 1d6 massive critical damage. It also grants the wielder a +2 Charisma bonus), and the Token Ward you need to pass the protective ring of mist around the keep without harm. When you pick up the ward you get 300xp.

The druid drops a club+2, a Ring of Animal Friendship, a Ring of Magic Defences and a map. This map seems to reveal the location of a hidden valley north of Mornbryn's Shield. When you take the map you get a reward of 400xp. Also, the next time you leave the hamlet you will get an option to travel to the hidden valley where the Harpers have set up their camp.

The Harper leaves behind a pair of Boots of Striding+4, three Potions of Heal and a short sword called ‘The Lucky One’ (This is a swashbuckler's blade that has seen endless use in grand fights against ‘big nasties’ sent forth by whomever. The Lucky Ones mercenary company commissioned these blades while still flush from their last big score. After their windfall they only adventured for the thrill of it, challenging each other to ever-greater feats of daring-do. Why are these weapons no longer with them? Sometimes the ‘big nasty’ wins. This weapon +1 grants the wielder improved evasion).


There is nothing here but a barrel holding random treasure of minor value.


Here you can search an armoire to find random treasure of high value.




To get the option to travel to this area, you must have the map that can be found by searching the remains of the druid you should have killed when you’ve visited the captain’s house in Mornbryn’s Shield.

Go south from here to leave the area.

When you enter the area, a cutscene movie starts to show a fairy fluttering towards you. When the sprites comes near enough, she turns into a winged female. This scene is a sort of deja-vu, if you remember what happened when you entered the deeper part of High Forest during Chapter One.

Once again, the nature spirit warns you to do not proceed further and to come back where you come from, for the dark side of nature shall never rule over this land. You’re not impressed so you tell the spirit her warnings weren’t enough to save her friends in the High Forest and they won’t be this time either. The spirit kneels and calls for her goddess, asking Mielikki to grant her the power to protect the land from Talos’ will. Apparently, the Lady of the Forest hears her servant’s cry for help and a magical aura envelops the spirit. When the winged bitch stood up she says she will be waiting for you, then she turns back into a sprite and flies away.


The whole area is choked full of Harpers, druids, animal companions and the like.

Besides the most powerful people that we list below, scattered throughout this area there are one black bear [N, Animal 3], two brown bears [N, Animal 6], two grizzly bears [N, Animal 8], two falcons [N, Animal 5], one leopard [N, Animal 3], one lion [N, Animal 5], one panther [N, Animal 3], one wolf [N, Animal 2], four druids [N, D10], five fighters [NG, F8] and three rangers [N, Ra10].

By looking at the sheer number and at the stats of your enemies, you should realize you cannot simply charge and whack them all to pieces. If you want to survive and win the day, you have to use some strategy.

One good tactics is to bring down your enemies from a long distance, either by using ranged weapons or spells. This way I managed to kill both the harper mage and the harper leader without they could hit me once - and when Rok managed to reach me, his hit points were near to nothing so I killed him with a single strike. Use your stealth or turn invisibile to avoid attracting too much enemies all together. Poison your blade(s) to reduce the toughest enemies’ strength, dexterity and/or constitution. Keep in mind that you should engage the high druid and the nature spirit in a melee only when almost all the other creatures have been slain.


Here stands a Harper mage [CG, W13]. When dead, he leaves behind a Potion of Death Armor, a Potion of Heal, a Ring of Spell Battle and a Staff of the Magi.

Near here there are two chests holding random treasure of high and very high value, 2,000 gold pieces and several gems (amethyst, aventurine, diamond, fire agate, fluorspar, sapphire).


The Harper leader [NG, F12] who stands here will drop a Lesser Blue Ioun Stone, a Potion of Aid, a Potion of Bless, two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Ring of Fortitude+4, a Ring of Resistance+3 and a letter. The letter reads: ‘Portam, Some of our men have been missing for a while. I fear the worst for them. It is clear to me that Mornbryn's Shield is their next target. We must discover their true intentions. We must prevent this evil from spreading like a disease. Wait at the camp for my orders. I have something in mind. Nasgalvir de la Bora’.

05. ROK

Rok the Beastmaster [N, Bd13] is one of the famous adventurers who answered Yartar’s call for heroes. When he’s no more, search his remains to find a Cloak of Fortification+3, a Harp of Pandemonium, two Potions of Critical Wounds, a Potion of Heal, a Tagget’s Talon dagger and a set of thieves’ tools+10.

Near here there is a chest holding random treasure of medium value.


Here is the High Druid [N, D14] of this grove.

When he dies, he drops a Hearth Shield, two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds, a Sickle of Holy Mourning, a Swordsman’s Belt and the third Ward Ring part. When you take the ring’s fragment you are given a reward of 1,000xp. When you leave the area, you should immediately go to the Broken Femur camp to give Fargrak the ring parts so he can restore the ring – before to destroy it altogheter.

Near this place you can search two barrels to get random treasure of low value.


The nature spirit [CG, 20] is waiting for you at the center of the sacred grove – but she will immediately come out to fight when she spots you. Thanks to Mielikki’s intervention, the spirit radiates an Aura of Blinding, an Aura of Stunning and an Aura of Unearthly Visage. Also, she can cast a lot of spells (i.e. Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm, Sunbeam, Sunburst, Heal and so on).

When she falls, the spirit drops nothing, however, her death provokes a violent earthquake and the whole area is defiled and corrupted. Large fires appear everywhere as Talos’ will prevails on Mielikki’s weaker one. The dark side of nature replaces the previous quietness of the grove. Thanks to you, destruction has won once again and now it leaves its inelidible mark on the land. Hurrah!




Go south from here to leave this place.

This area is related to Gard’s quest and you cannot enter it until Gard has told you about Falgrim’s death. Once the quest has been disclosed, you can come here only if the Uthgardt barbarian is on your side.

When you arrive here, Gard says he remembers this place very well. This is exactly where Falgrim died many years ago. The beast who killed his friend was very powerful and seemed to be protected by magical means. Many things must’ve changed since that day, but Gard still thinks strong magic is at work here. If you can’t crush the beast’s skull with your weapon, then you must find the secret of his invulnerability.


Xilgramix [CE, F12] himself is standing here and he doesn’t seem so scary or dangerous as Gard described him. When you approach him, he recognizes Gard and asks the barbarian if he’s come to avenge his friend. Gard is a bit perplexed, so Xilgramix explains he can take many shapes. This is the one he likes when he feels civilized. And what about poor Falgrim? Well, Xilgramix enjoyed so much that fight he even kept his body as a trophy. He’s now a very nice decoration in his cave... impaled on a stake.

Hearing this words, Gard goes in a rage. It seems a fight is unavoidable. When the battle begins, Xilgramix shapechanges into a big werewolf and attacks.

Your only choice here is to... run away. Apparently, there is no way you can damage Xilgramix. Unfortunately he won’t let you go and he will continue to follow you as long as you remain in this area. If you manage to outdistance him, an illusion – a small ball of glowing white light – appear near you. The illusion should act as a tracking device for Xilgramix. Indeed, if you destroy it, another appears to replace it. Soon, Xilgramix will reach you again. When you’re close enough, he assumes one of the following forms: the human fighter, the werewolf, a dire bear or a gargoyle. If there is a way to control Xilgramix’s shapechanging I didn’t find it.


Scattered about this area there are seven rune pillars. Each pillar has 60 hit points and hardness 15 (fortitude save 16 if you cast spells upon it). To make Xilgramix vulnerable to your attacks, you must destroy all the pillars.

Each time you walk near a pillar, however, four greater shadow mastiffs [CE, Outsider 10] will appear nearby.

Besides the twentyeight mastiffs - and Xilgramix – as you run throughout this place you must also take care of six greater worgs [CN, Magical Beast 9] stalking the area. Consequently, you may have a very hard time here. I’ve experienced this fight a few times and always I’ve been in troubles. If Gard should die – as he did each time I’ve run through this scenario – don’t forget to raise him up before to enter the cave.

Once all the seven pillars have been destroyed, you can finally turn against Xilgramix. When you beat him down, however, Xilgramix says you will meet him again soon, then he vanishes in the thin air.


An invisible wall blocks the passage inside this cave. The wall will stay in place until all the rune pillars have been bashed down and until Xilgramix is outside.

When the magical wall has gone you can enter the cave. However, you should be more than ready for a hard fight before to do that.




Go through this passage to leave the cave.


When you arrive here, Xilgramix appears before you. He says he has enjoyed the fight outside, but now you must face his true form.

As he speaks so, the human fighter disappears and a big black dragon replaces it! This is the true form of Xilgramix [CE, Dragon 20]. Also, when Xilgramix polymorphs himself, the door behind you shuts close and you won’t be able to open it until the dragon is alive. You must fight to death!

If and when you manage to slay the dragon, search his remains to find a skull trophy. Cleaned and polished, this is a worthy gift for Gard!

Give the skull to Gard (by talking with him) and he will be very happy. The trophy will remind both of you that anybody fool enough to cross your path will suffer Talos’ wrath no matter how many years you have to wait. Now that the lizard has got what he deserved, Gard’s hunger for revenge is satisfied. He will now help you satisfy yours. To compensate you, the barbarian will give you a magical necklace. You will also get 2,000xp.

Gard's Talisman comes from the barbarian's tribe, and can be quite useful in battle. The necklace grants the wearer the power to cast the Horrid Wilting spell. The talisman has only one charge remaining, though.

Before to leave this place, walk to the northeast corner of the cave to loot the dragon’s hoard. Random sums of money can be found by searching three bags of gold, three chests of gold and two piles of gold. Three chests hold random treasure of high value. One bigger chest, both locked and trapped [DC18. DC23/23; Average Spike], holds random treasure of very high value, 5,000 gold pieces and a Shield of the Damned (This shield is lighter than usual, and seems to move all by itself. This is due to the many tormented souls forever bound to the shield. Those lost souls will hate the bearer, but the powerful dark magics at work on the shield will force them to submit and protect the bearer, anyway.The shield seems especially effective against against ranged attacks. Only usable by evil characters, the shield grants a +3 armor class bonus, +4 vs. piercing damage). Finally, you can search the impaled body of Falgrim to get a magical greataxe called ‘Bloodthirsty’ (During the Year of the Realmsrage, many sacrifices to Talos were made on the Altar of Blood, all using this very axe. Each kill seemed to make the axe more and more thirsty for blood. After spilling blood for the 1001st time in Talos' name, the axe gained a will of its own. When it is wielded, a whisper can still be heard: ‘blooood...’ Usable only by evil characters, this weapon +2 grants the wielder vampiric regeneration +2 and can cause wounding on hit).




This area is related to Klarah’s quest. To come here, the priestess must have told you about her dreams and vision and - of course - she must be on your side.

When you arrive in this area, you spot a man and a dwarf chatting among themselves a few yards ahead. Apparently, they are waiting for a couple of Talos’ followers. Guess who? They came to this place because here is an ancient ruined temple once consacrated to the god of destruction. Simon, the son of the man, should also be nearby. The lad went into the woods to get something to eat.

Their dialogue breaks here for they suddenly notice your presence. They recognize you for the one they were looking for, so they attack immediately.

When dead, Fluik the Hunter [CN, Bb5/F5] leaves behind a pair of Boots of Striding+4, a chain shirt+3 and two Potions of Critical Wounds.

His friend, Parkim the Savior [LG, F8/Dwarven Defender 3], drops two Potions of Heal and a Scarab of Protection+3.


Once the duo above has been dealt with, the area is empty. You can only open one of these doors and enter the Temple of Blood.


After you’ve cleared both the temple levels, Klarah says you need someone to sacrifice to Talos. The son of the hunter you’ve killed before would be a perfect victim!

Leave the temple and come here to find Simon [LG, F1] waiting for his father. When you tell the young man that his daddy and Parkim are waiting for him inside the temple, he won’t seem convinced. To win Simon’s doubts, Klarah will resort to her charms, seducing the pretty boy until he agrees to follow her inside the temple. When he does, the screen fades to black. The next scene will take place near the Altar of Sacrifices.

Keep in mind that Klarah needs to be near Simon for the conversation can take place as described above.


● Ground Floor



Go through one of these doors to leave the temple.


Five statues of Lathander stands in the hall of the temple. Klarah says this is a disgrace... statues of the Morninglord in a temple dedicated to Talos! The priest of Lathander must’ve attacked the temple and done this, just as she saw in her visions. The priestess claims she won’t abide this defilement any further. You must find a way to remove this curse.

The statues can be destroyed by hitting them with weapons or spells. Each statue has 60 hit points and hardness 10 (fortitude save 16). If you hit a statue standing close to it, however, you will trigger a trap and you will be hit by a discharge of divine energy (alike the effect of an average holy trap). To avoid to be burned to death by the divine energy, you should hit the statues standing far from them.

Each time a statue is destroyed, one Lathander guardian [CE, Giant 14] will appear in the room, trying to prevent the restoration of the temple. These monsters, who appear like incorporeal frost giants, wield a powerful weapon - a Warhammer of Lathander. These hammers +5 cause 2d8 additional divine damage, 1d6 massive critical damage and have the power to knock (DC18) or stun (DC14, 75%, 1 round) on hit. Beware!

By the way, if you’re wearing the Cloak of Darkness, remember to take it off or you will suffer a lot of damage as the cloak makes you vulnerable to divine energy.


Another statue of Lathander is found inside this room. When you destroy it, a Lathander guardian appears nearby, ready to punish you.

The chest standing along the west wall holds two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds and a common broom. Even if you cannot guess its use, pick up the broom; it will come handy later.


Here is an unholy brazier but its flame has been extinguished. Surely, there must be a way to light it again.

The chest resting along the north wall holds an emerald and a twisted metal piece. Even you cannot divine its purpose you should pick it up.


Another statue of Lathander has been placed in this room. As usual, when you destroy the statue, a Lathander guardian is spawned forth to fight you.

When the guardian has been dealt with, throw a look around. Here is an unholy water fountain but it doesn’t function anymore. Looking underneath it, you can see the pipes are broken. You can fix the fountain with the metal piece you should have found inside the chest in the previous location. When you fix the fountain, unholy water starts to flow once again.

Before to leave the room, open the chest along the south wall to find a sheaf of Arrows+1 and three lumps of charcoal. Take the charcoal, then go back to the room with the unholy brazier. Use the charcoal’s unique power on the brazier to light it again. The lump of charcoal is consumed in the process.


Here is a unholy brazier you can light up again by using a charcoal piece upon it.


Again, use a piece of charcoal on the unholy brazier standing at the far end of this room to light it up.


A magical field prevents you to open the portcullis before this flight of stairs. The field will disappear only when the three extinguished unholy braziers have been light up again and when the unholy fountain has been fixed.

Prepare for a battle, then go down the stairs to reach the next level of the temple.


When you return here from the level below, after you’ve restored the temple and sacrificed Simon to the god of destruction, you will hear Talos’ laughter echoeing throughout the hall. Also, a couple of things will appear at the center of the chamber.

The scroll tagged as ‘Talos’ Writings’ seems to be made of living flesh. The runes on it seem to move slowly, like if this scroll was actually a living thing. You are unable to decipher what's on it, but while you hold it a warm feeling comes to you. The runes appear to shift, forming the word ‘Klarah’... Talk to the Klarah and give her the scroll to make her happy. When you do that you get a reward of 2,000xp.

The second gift is meant for you and it is really a great prize. Indeed, Darkness is the best weapon you can get in Chapter Two.

Very few people know the complete ritual required to create this pulsing tool of evil. It is known that the beating heart of the smith who forged the blade is required to quench it, as well as the blood from the sacrifice of nine virgins. It is certain that only the most dark and twisted souls can wield such a blade effectively. This sword has also a will of its own and can speak to its owner. Usable only by a blackguard, Darkness is a longsword+3 that causes 1d6 additional acid damage to her victims - plus 1d6 additional negative damage if they are of any good alignment.

When you pick it up, the sword flashes for a moment. You feel Talos’ power around it, as if this blade had been made especially to suit the cause of destruction. Then, the sword speaks and thanks you for clearing the filth of Lathander from this temple. ‘She’ is your reward and together you will bring destruction to this land, crush your enemies, and enforce Talos’ will upon Toril. No one will stand before you! By the way, she prefers when you use a tight grip, and swing her very hard. Oh... and don’t put her in your backpack. She really hates that!

If you like, you can speak with Darkness at any time to get her advices. This way you may be reminded that anything that is created can be destroyed, to use fear to better control your enemies, or that only the strong will prevail.

Darkness has also the habit to comment what she sees or to give unrequested advices. I found some of her lines quite amusing. If she bothers you too much, however, you can talk with her to decide how many times she can speak (often, sometimes, rarely or never).

● Altar of Sacrifices



Go up these stairs to return to the temple’s ground floor.


When you first come here, you see an armored man standing at the center of the hall. This fallen priest [CE, C13] is surrounded by eight fallen spirits [CE, F8], incorporeal beings alike an allip. The priest shouts they betrayed Talos and now they won’t let its temple to be restored.

Concentrate all your attacks on the priest for until he’s alive more fallen spirits will continue to spawn at the four corners of the room. If you don’t bring the priest down quickly enough, you will have to deal with a horde of these annoying creatures.

The fallen priest, besides a wide array of spells, wields a mighty weapon. The fallen priest mace is a weapon +5 that grants him freedom of movement and haste. It causes the victims 1d6 additional negative damage and on hit casts the spells Inferno and Infestation of Maggots. It’s a pity the priest doesn’t drop it when slain.

When the priest and all the spirits have been destroyed, you can search the hall for some loot. Random sums of money can be found by searching two bags of gold, three chests of gold and two piles of gold. Five chests hold random treasure of high value.


When you walk near the Altar of Sacrifices, Klarah tells the forces of destruction have almost finished taking over the temple again. She can sense the foul taint of Lathander slowly fading away. However, your work is not over yet. Now, you must re-sanctify the altar by destroying someone. You must find some unbeliever, bring him here and sacrifice him to your god. This would restore the ancient altar to its true purposed and would call out the sleeping powers of destruction, waking them up.

Where you can find a victim to sacrifice? As you recall the conversation you overheard when you entered the temple area you’ve a bright idea – how about the son of that fool hunter?

Go back upstairs and leave the temple. Not far from the area exit, you will meet Simon as he waits for his father. Klarah will persuade the lad to follow her here.

Once you’re back here, Klarah informs Simon you’ve killed his father. Now it is his turn! He will be sacrificed for the glory of Talos. As the young man screams for help, Klarah prays Talos and asks the god to receive this gift. The altar will once again serve his glory. Then, the screen fades to black.

When the game resumes, Simon is no more. However, someone else is here... Simon the Zombie! Handsome, isn’t he?

Klarah explains she’s not going to leave the temple unoccupied. Simon will stay here forever and he will keep things tidy. He only needs a broom.

If you’ve the broom you should have found on the level above the conversation will go on, otherwise you will have to go up, take the broom and return here. Once Simon has been given the broom, Klarah orders him to keep the temple swept for all eternity.

Now, you can go back upstairs to get your reward (Talos’s gifts won’t appear until Simon has not been given the broom).




This area is related to Harto’s quest. You can enter it only once the rogue has told you about the precious gem that should be kept in the hideout of the ancient mad mage Zorinbro – and only if Harto is your current henchman.

When you’re in the bottom part of the area, Harto says that, according to what he heard, this place should be full of traps of many kind. You should be very cautious.


Go through this passage to enter an ancient cave.


● Ancient Cave



Go through the passage to the west to return outside.

The room you enter is empty but there are eight dangerous traps [DC20/28; Deadly Spike] covering its floor.

The fence door leading to the next location is trapped [DC20/20; Deadly Holy].


Again, no-one lives here but you should take great care. The floor of this cave and of the lower half of the bridge leading north has been covered with thirtytwo (32!) traps [DC20/28; Deadly Spike].

Your goal here is the floor level found in the southeast corner of the cave. Pull the lever to unlock the gate found halfway along the bridge leading north.


Nine traps [DC10/22; Deadly Spike] have been placed on the floor of this cave.

The chest in the northeast corner is not what it seems. Indeed, the coffer is actually a mimic [CE, Aberration 10] who will jump to attack when you disturb it.


Go through this opening to enter a strange passage.

● Strange Passage



Go east from here if you want to return to the ancient cave.

This area is a sort of maze. Your goal is the gate at location 05. The gate is locked, though. To open it, you need to pull the three floor levers found throughout this place.

While you navigate the maze, you will be targeted by the burning arrows fired by pretty powerful skeletal archers. There are eight skeleton archers [NE, Undead 12] you’ve to deal with and you should try to bring them down from afar before they can cause you too much damage. When slain, the skeletons drop their remaining Arrows of Fire for you to take. So, the quickest you are to slay them, the more arrows you get. The skeletons’ positions are shown on the map above and marked with a ‘S’.

Also, as you move through the area, you should pay attention to six nasty freezing traps [DC20/30; Deadly Frost]. These traps are shown with a ‘T’ mark on the map above.

Finally, there are a few portals you have to enter to reach otherwise unaccessible locations. These portals are shown on the map above with a ‘P’ mark.

The first lever is very easy to reach. From the entrance point, go ahead a few steps, then turn north and follow the path to the next location.


Here is the first floor lever you must operate to open your way to the next level of the complex.

From here, go north, then follow the path to the west, then go south and east all the way, until you reach a portal at the end of the passage. Enter the portal and you will be taken to another portal, just south of the area entrance. From here, go west, north and west to reach another portal. Step into the portal to be taken to the next location.


When you’ve pulled this floor lever, leave the islet by entering the near portal. It will take you back to the portal you’ve entered to come here. From that place, go east and south to reach the portal found at the bottom of the area. Stepping inside it you will be teleported to the next location.


Here is the last floor lever you must pull to open the gate blocking the way to the next level of the complex. When you’re done, enter the portal at the other end of the islet to return where you came from. Now, you can walk to the gate.


The gate before this passage will open only once you’ve pulled all the three levers found in the area.

Behind the gate a guardian, a hulking bone golem [N, Construct 14], is waiting for intruders to slay.

● Ancient Underground



Going up these stairs you will return to the strange passage from where you come.

When you arrive here, you stand atop a raised platform. Immediately, you are charged by the four gorgons [N, Magical Beast 8] coming from the four corners of the room. Do not rush towards the monsters, though, for six traps [DC14/26; Average Fire] have been placed all around the platform’s bottom.

Be very careful with the gorgons. The breath of these bull-like monsters can turn you to stone. Indeed, is almost unavoidable for Harto to suffer that fate. Try to do not the same, or your game will end here.

In the bottom part of this room there is an alcove with a big statue depicting a black dragon. Behind the statue you may notice a chest.

To reach this chest you have to deal with the dragon statue, though. The statue won’t come alive, but, each time you disturb it - or each time you try to walk past it – you will trigger a trap [DC20/-; Average Fire]. This trap cannot be disarmed, so be sure to be protected from fire if you wish to bash the statue and survive. By the way, the trap’s fiery discharge will reach you even if you try to hit the statue from a distance. The statue has 150 hit points and hardness 12 (fortitude save 22).

It is mandatory for you to destroy this statue, even if you don’t care for the chest standing behind it. When the statue falls to pieces, search the detritus to find a key tagged as ‘Blood Key’. There seems to be a thin film of blood on the key that doesn't come off.

The chest behind the statue holds two Potions of Critical Wounds, a Potion of Heal and a Soft Stone Charm. Zorinbro had probably kept this charm close in case his gorgon pets did something wrong. If Harto has been turned to stone and you don’t have a Stone to Flesh scroll, by using this necklace you can return your henchman to life.


A ‘cute chest’ rests at the far end of this hall. Eight weapon racks stand along the side walls in the upper portion of the chamber, four racks on each side of the room.

If you walk towards the chest, eight animated weapons [N, F5] will appear above the rack, ready to attack. Each rack spawns forth one weapon (a scythe, a longsword, a halberd or a double-axe). Eight more floating weapons will be spawned forth each five rounds you stay in between the racks - or each time you touch or otherwise disturb one rack.

To disable this trap, you can destroy the racks. Each weapon rack has 40 hit points and hardness 5 (fortitude save 16). Each time a rack is bashed down, however, you will be attacked by the weapons spawned by the remaining racks.

Turning invisible or resorting to stealth, can help you to avoid this trap.

The cute chest is locked [DC18] and holds a lot of gems (at least one speciman for each type of gem).

When you’re done here, go through the door to the south. Careful, though, for it is trapped [DC20/25; Strong Sonic].


To open the door leading here you need the blood key hidden inside the dragon statue found in the entry hall.

Just beyond the door there is a zapping trap [DC18/31; Average Electrical].

At the center of the room, a few pieces of furniture (two tables, four chairs and two candelabra) stand between two large monster statues. A chest rests along the south wall.

When you open the chest, the pieces of furniture come alive and you will be forced to fight all the eight animated objects [N, Aberration 10] at once.

When the objects have been destroyed, throw a look inside the chest to will find 1,000 gold pieces and a stone ward (a token very much alike a sapphire).


The door leading here is locked [DC25].

Within this room there is nothing but a huge gelatinous cube [N, Ooze 4].

The passage to the south leads to a locked gate you can open only if you have the stone ward found in the animated objects’ room. Before to open the gate, however, prepare yourself for a very difficult fight.

By the way, to make things harder, there’s no place to rest about here.


The mad wizard Zorinbro [NE, W15/Undead 10], now a powerful lich, can be found in the southeast corner of this room. Reentful of your intrusion, he will welcome your arrival with a salve of devastating, harmful spells.

Do not waste your time in fighting Zorinbro. As any experienced adventurer should know, liches are never completely destroyed until their phylactery survive. Usually, a lich has only a phylactery. Zorinbro, however, boosts four separate phylacteries, each resting on a pedestal along the walls of the chamber. Each phylactery has 40 hit points and hardness 15 (fortitude save 25).

While you’re busy bashing down the phylacteries, you will be continuously targeted by fireballs launched by the seven flaming statues placed all around the room. To avoid to be incinerated, you should be quick to bash down the statues as well than the phylacteries. Each statue has 40 hit points and hardness 5 (fortitude save 16). Zorinbro, of course, is immune to fire.

When the four phylacteries have been destroyed, you can turn against the lich. When Zorinbro is slain, search his remains to find a Belt of Inertial Barrier, a Cape of the Fire Bat and a Staff of Power.

When the lich is gone, you are free to unlock the big chest [DC25] that stands at the center of the room, bathed by shafts of magical light. The chest holds 4,000 gold pieces, the Eye of Xithraxar gem, a Lens of Detection, two Potions of Heal, a Potion of Speed and a powerful magical armor called ‘Talona’s Wrath’ (This armor was made by Osgur the Black, for the glory of Talona. The armor was given to a dark warrior named Kalveron who, later on, was reputed to spread the plague in his wake. The armor is altogether evil; only those with the blackest of hearts may wear this armor. Usable only by a blackguard, the armor grants the wearer a +2 armor class bonus and divine damage resistance 5/-. Any weapon held while wearing this armor will gain the power to cast the Contagion spell on hit).

When you talk with Harto having the Eye of Xithraxar in your inventory, the rogue will immediately grab the gem. He says you can keep everything else you find but he wants the gem for himself. Harto knows this is not really a fair exchange, so he gives you a trinket he owns. Harto’s Ring grants the wearer the sneak attack feat (+1d6) and a +1 bonus on the move silently skill. Also, you are given a reward of 2,000xp.


Here is a portal you can use to leave this place. It will take you outside, on the hill near the Surbrin.




Go back through this passage to return to Mornbryn’s Shield.

The keep that protects the village is surrounded by a ring of gray mist. Ahead of you, a sign warns to do not cross the foggy ring.

To go through this ward unscathed, you must possess the ward token you can find by killing the captain of the local militia. If you try to cross the ring of mist without the token, fourteen helmed horrors [N, Construct 14] will appear to punish your trespassing. In a few rounds, your game should be come to an end – a bad end.


When you’ve got the token – and after you’ve helped Fargrak with the Dark Ritual to destroy Mielikki’s protective ward – you can enter the keep through this gate.

When you do so, you should have completed all the other quests – including the henchmen’s quests. Also, you should be prepared to face one of the most difficult fights of this Chapter.

2.32 – THE KEEP

● Level 1


01. EXIT

Leave the keep from here if you want to return outside.

When you enter the keep for the first time, do not open the door ahead if you’re not fully prepared for a battle.

Also, be warned you won’t be allowed to rest here!


Nasgalvir de la Bora [LG, P10/Champion of Torm 5/F5], famous paladin and brother of the guy you killed at the end of Chapter One, is waiting for you inside this large hall to put an end to your evil. By Tyr (Tyr? He’s a champion of Torm, isn’t he?), you will pay dearly for your crimes. Nasgalvir is also interested in finding Fargrak. Apparently, the Harpers have been looking for him for many years. Lamir had tracked him to Yartar. The Harpers know he seeks to recover an artifact hidden here. But – of course – they will never allow that. Now, you should prepare to face justice.

Equipped with some pretty powerful items - like a Holy Avenger sword, an Armor of Light (This armor bears the hallmarks of Dalduri the Blacksmith, well known among Tyr’s followers. This full plate armor was his last creation before he died. In honor for his work, this masterpiece had been taken to the high priest of Tyr to receive the Blessing of Tyr. Since then, the armor has fought many evils. Usable only by a paladin, the armor grants a +5 armor class bonus and immunity to death magic and level/ability drain) and a Shield of Truth (This shield was given by an astral deva to Varnan, paladin of Tyr, in the battle against Nokmarrt the Illusionist. Its power protected the paladin against the visions created by Nokmarrt. Varnan gave it back to the temple of Tyr after his quest. This tower shield grants the wielder true sight and a +3 armor class bonus) - Nasgalvir can be more than a nuisance.

To make things worst, when the battle begins, two paladins of Tyr [LG, P15], three Harper scouts [NG, Ro10/Harper Scout 5] and one militia soldier [LG, F11] will burst forth from the adjacent rooms to join the fray.

When Nasgalvir falls dead – or almost dead - a celestial being appears to take him away. The paladin, however, leaves a few things behind: two Potions of Critical Wounds, one Potion of Heal and a sealed note. The note reads: ‘Nasgalvir, What we have feared for many years cannot be denied now. The Cult of Talos knows about the artifact in our keeping. I would gladly take care of this myself, but I am overwhelmed with the crisis that has crippled Yartar. I am terribly sorry about what happened to your brother, Tyr bless him. He died trying to stop thoses villains. I mourn his loss. He was an example to us all. But, we must stay focused and absolutely find the villains behind this. We must find the one named Fargrak. Go by the blessing of Tyr, Belleethe Kheldorna’.

Each scout and paladin may leave behind two Potions of Cure Critical Wounds. All the keep’s soldiers drop a Potion of Cure Critical Wounds when slain.


To go past this locked door you need the proper ward token. It can be found upstairs.


Random weapons of low value can be found upon a couple of melee weapon racks standing along the south wall of this room. The two chests along the east wall hold random treasure of high value.


Seven militia soldiers are found inside these barracks.

In the northwest corner of the room there are four chests. They hold random treasure of low value and an iron key you shouldn’t miss.


The keep’s armory is guarded by four militia soldiers.

In the upper portion of the room there are one melee weapon rack holding random weapons of high value and two large weapon racks laden with common halberds.

The two crates to the south hold random treasure of low value.


Here are one militia soldier to kill and two bookcases you can search to get a few scrolls (Balagarn’s Iron Horn, Banishment, Flare, Freedom of Movement, Ghostly Visage and Ghoul Touch).


Random treasure of low value is held within an armoire standing along the north wall of this room. To get it, however, you have to deal with the three militia soldiers guarding the place.


To open this door, you need the iron key you should have found in the barracks, hidden within one chest.


Going down these stairs you will reach the keep’s basement.


To open the door ahead of you, you need the copper key that you may found in the keep’s basement.

The stairs beyond the door lead to the second level of the keep.


Once you’ve managed to open the warded door to the south, go forward to enter a passage that eventually leads to the back exit of the keep.

● Basement



Go up these stairs to return to the keep’s ground floor.

The room you enter is guarded by four militia soldiers [LG, F11].

The chest along the east wall holds random treasure of low value and a copper key. You need this key to reach the second level of the keep.


When you enter this room, a helmed horror appears to fight you.

Along the south wall there is a lever. A sign next to the lever reads: ‘Golems’. Pull this lever to deactivate the keep golems guarding the backdoor passage of the keep.

Random treasure of medium value can be found inside four crates and one chest.

Before to return upstairs, you may pay a visit to the room to the southwest of here. The prison, however, is empty if not for a chest holding a common whip.

● Level 2



Go down these stairs to return to the keep’s ground floor.

When you walk a few steps past the corridor’s bend, a helmed horror [N, Construct 14] will appear to bar your way.


Two militia soldiers guard this room. Also, a couple of helmed horrors will be spawned forth when you walk near the center of the hall.

The chest along the south wall of the room holds random treasure of medium value.


This room is protected by a fearsome guardian horror [N, Construct 14].

When the guardian has been destroyed, you can search three chests to find random treasure of high and very high value. Also, don’t forget to look inside the bag resting on a desk near the east wall. The bag holds random treasure of low value and the token ward you need to open the warded door downstairs.


A helmed horror will appear when you enter this place.

There is nothing here but two barrels holding random treasure of minor value.


The chest in this room holds random treasure of medium value.


Come here to search an armoire holding random treasure of medium value.


When you enter this room, a helmed horror is spawned forth to fight you.

Random treasure can be found inside a chest resting along the west wall.


This room features nothing but a chest holding random treasure of medium value.

● Passage



Go back from here to return to the first level of the keep.


Two helmed horrors [N, Construct 14] lurk in the side alcoves and will come out to attack when you walk here.


This room is guarded by two keep golems [N, Construct 14]. These constructs are invulnerable so you shouldn’t start a fight with them.

To deactivate the golems, you need to pull the lever found in the keep’s basement.


The two helmed horrors who wait in the side alcoves will try to stop you from proceeding further on when you walk here.


Go through this passage to reach the keep’s backdoor room.

● Backdoor



Go back from here to re-enter the passage you come from.


There are no enemies in this room. Besides a cow and an ox, here are only two crates holding random treasure of low value.


This door is locked. To open it, you need the token ward you have already used to enter the backdoor passage.




This is the keep’s back door. Once you’ve left the keep, you should look around for Fargrak.


When you walk here, a cutscene movie starts.

As you whisper Fargrak’s name, you discover your mentor is already here, albeit invisible. When the priest show up you inform him the way inside the keep is clear, then, you ask him if he came here all alone. No, Fargrak didn’t come alone. He waves his hands and a horde of orcs appears behind him.

When the cutscene ends, Fargrak [NE, C25] says he has brought the elite forces of the Fury of the Evermoors. The fifty orc elites [CE, Humanoid 10] behind him are yours to command.

Now, you should tell the priest about the sealed note and the celestial who saved Nasgalvir. When you do, Fargrak explains the Waterbaroness of Yartar has been charged by the Harpers with safekeeping a very old artifact – a long lost holy book of Talos, entitled ‘The Chanting Chain’. This tome was displayed for the first time by the Storm Prophet Tothur in the Western Shaar, in the the Year of the Tired Treant. It was when the priest of Talos Lagalos Indivvur, who lived in the city of Ormath, tried to bring destruction to all of Toril by unlocking the power contained in the book. History doesn’t mention all the damn Harpers who stormed in and stopped the ritual. The book has been in their keeping ever since. Fargrak doesn’t know the tome’s exact location, but he knows it’s in Yartar somewhere. The Harpers somehow found out that he knew their secret, and tracked him to Yartar. Lamir was a foo to think he could stop the priest. Time will come, when ‘The Chanting Chain’ will unleash its true power upon Toril, and all shall suffer the wrath of Talos. Soon, very soon, you will taste vengeance, and the Harpers will understand the true meaning of the word ‘failure’.

Thinking to Nasgalvir, Farkrak says it is very rare for celestials to meddle in the affairs of men. All the forces of light will align behind the paladin and the Waterbaroness to try to defend the book. They are afraid of its power. Fargrak never confronted a celestial personally, but he warns they can be quite a nuisance. Be on your guard!

Now, it is time for you to rest before the impending battle. Don’t bother to protect yourself by drinking potions or casting spells for you will be stripped from any protection you have when the battle starts.

Also, if your henchman has some items you want to bring in Chapter Three, this is the time to take them back. Indeed, from now on you will be alone – no henchman will be allowed to stand on your side.

When you’ve rested, tell Fargrak you are ready to destroy the village. The priest summons a tempest [CE, Outsider 1] to assist you. It will follow you during the battle to keep you informed about everything happening on the battlefield. Be mindful of anything it will say to you during the battle. Fargrak will go directly to the southern part of the hamlet and deploy most of the army there. You must take some soldiers and start in the northeast sector. You will know what to do...

The village has been split into five sectors for performance reasons. Each sector must be conquered when all enemies have been eliminated. Your orcs will spread quickly in the village, and each sector will start with fifteen orcs. They can be healed or raised, if they die. When you conquer a sector, you move to another one.

Many things will happen during the battle. The tempest will always follow you, but won’t fight. It will constantly keep you posted of what is going on around the battlefield. When that happens, pause the game and read what it has to say. Your journal is also updated everytime the tempest says anything.

Speed is also the key to win the battle. Don’t linger, as the enemy soldiers won’t.

As a last note, even though the village has been split into five sectors, the battle is still very CPU intensive. If it cripples your computer, change your video options to a less intensive setting.



When you say Fargrak you’re ready for the battle, a cutscene movie starts.

It is a rainy morning in Mornbryn’s Shield, and the villagers are busy with their daily chores. All of a sudden, a little girl calls for her mom and says there are monsters in the village...

As the villagers ran away and the local guards arrive to line up, both you than a group of orcs appear. After a hearthy laughter, you order the orcs to slaughter everyone, to leave none alive! Then, the battle begins.

● North East Sector



When the battle begins, in the area there are fifteen orc elites [CE, Humanoid 2/Bb11] and eighteen guards [LG, F13].

At first, the tempest informs the village’s guards are everywhere. The biggest threat is the tower on the southern part of the sector. You must weaken the enemy forces as much as you can.

Later on, the tempest warns a group of militia soldiers[LG, F10] have entered the sector to help the remaining guards.

Fight the soldiers until the tempest says a group of commoners [Vv, Commoner 10] are trying to reach the main gate to escape. You cannot allow this!

When the villagers have been slaughtered, the tempest says a some more guards are coming to this sector. You must destroy them.

Slay all the guards and the tempest will inform the enemy has given up this sector. You must now kill the remaining survivors.

When you’ve cleared the area from all the enemies, the tempest say the sector is conquered. Now you must proceed to the southeast sector of the village.


When this sector have been conquered, leave from here to reach the South East sector.

● South East Sector



When you enter this area, here are fifteen orc elites [CE, Humanoid 2/Bb11] already battling against four commoners [Vv, Commoner 10], five guards [LG, F13] and seven militia soldiers [LG, F10].

According to the tempest, the militia has a strong presence here. The orcs are unorganized and too thinly spread about. You must strengthen your position.

After some time, the tempest say the drunken bard of the inn and two of his friends have decided to go out and attack your orcs. You must take care of them. Run towards the inn and try to bring them down Sall Wenseph [N, B13] and the two unnamed guys tagged as ‘Sall’s friends’ [N, F14].

When the bard and his friends have been dealt with, the tempest say more militia soldiers are showing up everywhere. At this rate, the orcs will be overwhelmed soon. You must kill them quickly.

After a few time you fight the soldiers, the tempest says commoners have come out of the inn and decided to fight for their hamlet. You must slaughter them all.

Once the commoners are gone, the tempest informs the sector is almost in your control. Just wipe out the rest of the survivors.

When there are no more enemies around, the tempest says this sector is yours. Now you must go to the middle sector.


When the sector is conquered, leave from here to enter the middle sector.

● Middle Sector



When you enter this sector, your fifteen orc elites [CE, Humanoid 2/Bb11] are busy fighting two guards [LG, F13], eight militia soldiers [LG, F10] and four rangers [CG, R15].

The tempest warns there are rangers of Mielikki in this sector; they are too powerful for your orcs, so, you must take care of them.

After a few time, the tempest says some commoners [Vv, Commoner 10] have arrived in the sector. No one must be allowed to live.

Once the villagers have been wiped out, the tempest says the two foreign merchants who were hiding in their caravans have teleported out and are attacking the orcs. Run towards the caravan wagons and kill both Habdallal [N, W16] and Irlaraz [N, W16]. Be careful, though. They are very powerful mages!

When the merchants are dead, the tempest says guards and militia soldiers are coming from everywhere. The orcs will be overwhelmed if you don’t kill them quickly.

After you’ve taken care of the soldiers, the sector is almost yours. The tempest, however, warns some other rangers have come to try to take it back. You must destroy them and all the other survivors.

Finally, when you’ve butchered everyone, the tempest says the sector is conquered. The tempest feels Mielikki’s power at work to the north. The sector containing Mielikki’s Shrine is not yours yet; you must go there now.


When you’ve conquered this sector, leave from here to reach Mielikki’s Shrine.

● Shrine of Mielikki



Besides your fifteen orc elites [CE, Humanoid 2/Bb11], when you enter this sector here are six militia soldiers [LG, F10], five rangers [CG, Ra11] and the priestess of Mielikki [N, Cleric 14].

The tempest says this sector is tainted by the presence of Mielikki. You must kill her followers, especially the rangers and the priestess.

After the priestess and most of her followers are dead, the tempest says several druids [N, D12] are coming to protect their shrine. You are losing the battle here, so the tempest will sent word to Fargrak to send reinforcements.

While you’re busy fighting the druids and their pets, the tempest comes to warn Mielikki’s presence is still strong. She has unleashed her protectors and they are very powerful. However, Krasharum [CE, Humanoid 1/Bb13] from the Black Bones and Kakatarak [CE, Humanoid 1/Bb7/F7] from the Red Axe have come with more orcs to help you.

Be careful to deal with the eight nature elementals [N, Elemental 13] who come in the area as they are really dangerous. When a few elementals have been slain, the tempest says Mielikki’s presence is weakening but still strong around the altar. The goddess has sent other servants to protect it. The two Mielikki protector statues [CE, Giant 14] are directly linked to the altar. Run to the center of the shrine and bash down the altar. The altar has 100 hit points and hardness 8 (fortitude save 16).

The tempest soon approaches to warn more rangers [CG, Ra15] have come in a hopeless attempt to take back the shrine.

When the rangers are no more, the tempest says Mielikki no longer has any presence here. Her power is gone and the sector is yours. Now you must go back to the village and take the west sector.


When the sector is yours, leave from here to reach the western sector.

● West Sector



When you arrive here, your fifteen orc elites [CE, Humanoid 2/Bb11] are fighting against eleven guards [LG, F13] and six commoners [Vv, Commoner 10].

According to the tempest, most of the inhabitants have retreated to this sector and are hiding here. You must destroy their hope of victory by killing every guard you see.

After you’ve brought down most of the guards, the tempest says the commoners have no one to turn for help, so, they are taking up arms. Slaughter them all!

Chase and kill any villager you see around until the tempest comes to warn you the heroes from Yartar have come. Indeed, the famous Party of Light has entered the sector. The orcs are no match for them so you have to take care of them personally.

Be very careful for these guys are pretty powerful. They include one Light Party cleric [LG, C14], one Light Party archer [CG, F6/S1/Arcane Archer 7], one Light Party mage [LG, W16] and one Light Party paladin [LG, P7/Champion of Torm 8].

When the heroes are no more, the tempest says the last of the Mielikki’s rangers [CG, Ra15] have come. They must not be allowed to live.

Once the rangers have joined the heroes, the tempest says the last villagers have come out of the Maid of the Moors. Kill all the commoners and the hamlet will be yours!

At the end of this final killing spree, the tempest says Mornbryn’s Shield is yours. The orcs are taking care of the last few survivors. Talos’ will has been come. The tempest senses the presence of Fargrak and a strong servant of Lathander to the south. You must go to him.


When you’ve conquered this sector, you must leave it going south from here.

When you do, a cutscene movie starts to show Fargrak as he amuses himself by killing whoever comes near with his spells. Then, an old friend of the cleric show up to face him. Beldora Thiiruin, the priestess of Lathander, says she should have known Fargrak were behind such an evil. Fargrak seems happy to see Beldora. Indeed, he has waited a long time for this moment. The priestess asks Fargrak the meaning of all this madness and the Talossan replies this is only a part of what Tothur had foreseen. Beldora shouts the ‘Chanting Chain’ will never be his and the Storm Prophet shall never roam the land again.

When you show up, Fargrak laughs she’s wrong. He already has his champion... and he’s learning very fast.

Beldora calls for Lathander’s help, then a magical duel begins. The two priests cast spell after spell, until Fargrak prevails. Sure, Lathander is the beginning of all things, but Talos is the end of all things... and all good things must come to an end. Fargrak says goodbye to Beldora, then, with a last spell he destroy her forever.

● After the Battle


When the cutscene movie ends, Mornbryn’s Shield is nothing more than a ruin. Large fires are burning everywhere and a lot of impaled corpses can be seen scattered about. The surviving orcs are drinking and celebrating the victory.

You appear in the southwest corner of the hamlet. Before you is Fargrak, together with your friends and allies.

Your mentor seems in a trance and keeps muttering this was a work of art... a masterpiece of pure destruction, death and suffering. When you take him back to reality, he compliments with you, then he shows you a strange ward he found on Beldora’s body. He’s sure this is the ward to pass that barrier deep in Mornbryn’s Tomb. The ward has a pink seal of Lathander on it. When you look at it, you feel the same kind of magic on it as you sensed in the deep passage of Mornbryn's Tomb.

Fargrak says now you should go quickly to Mornbryn’s Tomb to find what lays beyond that door. He will meet you there when he’s finished organizing the orcs for the next stage of his plan. By the way, within the chest near him, there is some loot found about here. The orcs took much, but Fargrak saved some for you.

Inside the chest standing to your left you will find 10,000 gold pieces, two Potions of Bless, two Potions of Bull’s Strength and four Potions of Heal.

Before to leave, you may want to say goodbye to your friends.

Gard tells how he slaughtered all those commoners who were trying to escape onto the Tip of the Shield. Klarah has found a very refreshing experience to see this delightful massacre. Harto still remembers with pleasure how smooth were the throats of all those children he killed. The orc shaman swears the Evermoors haven’t seen a war leader like you since Gluthtor’s days. Finally, Ern Hum thanks you for this opportunity to bring him closer to perfection (this line actually ends Ern quest).

When you’ve rested, go north and leave the village to enter the former Shrine of Mielikki. Walk to the secret teleporter and activate the Tomb Ward to enter the tomb.

Descend to the third level of the tomb, then go through the warded passage to enter the next area.


● Strange Cave



This passage can take you back to the third level of Mornbryn’s Tomb.


Go north from here to enter an underground ruined complex.

● Unknown Ruin; Level 1



Go back from here to return to the previous area.

Before to enter the room ahead, take sure to be ready for a quite challenging fight.


Many outerplanar creatures guard this place and they will attack you on sight.

Be careful, for here are six astral deva [NG, Outsider 12], nine greater hound archons [LG, Outsider 10] and five greater lantern archons [LG, Outsider 8].

When all the celestials have been slain, you can search six chests to find random treasure of low, medium and high value.


A greater hound archon waits beyond the doors leading here, and a celestial trumpet [LG, Outsider 12/C1] stands at the center of the pit ahead of you.

When the trumpet dies, he drops a clestial ward. Do not miss it!


An astral deva, a greater hound archon and a greater lantern archon guard this chamber.

When they are dead, you can go down the stairs found at the center of the room to reach the next level of the ruins. To go through the magical field that protects these stairs, however, you need the celestial ward you can find by searching the remains of the celestial trumpet.

● Unknown Ruin; Level 2



These stairs will take you back to the upper level of the ruins.


Two pretty powerful creatures are waiting for you at the far end of this hall – a planetar [LG, Outsider 14/C1] and a silver dragon [LG, Dragon 22].

When a battle starts, concentrate all your attacks upon the planetar. Indeed, if you kill the silver dragon when the celestial is still alive, the planetar will resurrect the dragon!

If you find the planetar too tough, I suggest you to coat your blade with some poison. The planetar has no resistance to venom and once you’ve weakened him enough you may kill him in a few rounds. Then, you can turn against the dragon.

When the planetar dies, he drops a celestial ward. This ward is required to open the locked door found halfway along the north wall.

By the way, make sure you are not too near the planetar’s corpse when you fight the dragon. The dragon’s body won’t disappear after the beast is dead and if he happens to fall over the planetar’s remains you won’t be able to take the ward.

If you still care for treasure, in the southeast corner of the hall you may find random sums of money by searching two bags of gold, three chests of gold and three piles of gold. The three chests about here hold random treasure of high value.


Go through this passage to enter the final area of the module.




When you enter this area, a cutscene movie starts.

As you ask yourself what kind of place you have entered, Fargrak appears behind you to answer your question. This is the Underdark and this is also the way you will reach Yartar. Fargrak suspected this entrance to be here for a long time. His suspicions were confirmed from what it was written in the ‘Secrets of Yartar’ book. According to the priest, this passage will lead straight to Beldabar’s Rest.

When news will come about the fall of Mornbryn’s Shield, the leaders of the southern towns will think that a new orc war leader has arisen in the Evermoors. Both Yartar and Triboar will be forced to respond to this threat by uniting and sending their troops here. While those fools are all marching north, you will be marching south through the Underdark, along with the orcs. Then, you will strike Yartar from the inside, recover the ‘Chanting Chain’ and you will finally have your revenge.

Chapter Two ends here. Before to exit the module, do not forget to save your character. Still more destruction waits in Chapter Three, ‘The Doom of Yartar’.

Chapter Two Quest Summary

● Attack on Mornbryn’s Shield

This quest will take place during the raid on Mornbryn’s Keep [see 2.34]. When the battle begins, all the information you get from the tempest will be written down in your journal. Check it often if you’re not sure about what you have to do.

The quest ends when you’ve turned the pathetic hamlet to dust.

● Black Bone Tribe

The Black Bone tribe is located to the north. The Broken Femur orc shaman [see 2.08] tells you they would join with his clan if you go there and tell their leader that the Broken Femur tribe has been restored.

Things are not so easy, though. When you are at the Black Bone camp [see 2.12], you discover the key to securing the allegiance of the Black Bone tribe lies in finding a sacred mask of Gruumsh, the orc's god. The Black Bones are afraid to go to battle without it. Their leader, Krasharum, says that the mask has been stolen by trolls but that he doesn't know where the trolls currently are. You need to find someone more familiar with this area to help you.

In Mornbryn’s Shield [see 2.04] you can hire Markail the Guide. This guy can help you locate the trolls. The so-called ‘guide’ is in fact a doppleganger working with the trolls, and he will led you into an ambush at a bridge deep in the Evermoors [see 2.13]. Unfortunately for him, he and his allies thought they had a chance against you, until you taught them the depth of their error, that is... Now, at least, you know where the trolls are.

Fight your way into the troll territory [see 2.14], where you will find the Black Bone Mask. When you return the mask back to the Black Bone tribe, Krasharum tells his clan will be part of the Fury of Evermoors once again.

● Bounties

In Mornbryn's Shield [see 2.04], talk to Officer Mathyl. He is offering several bounties on various creatures out in the Evermoors. Before you destroy this miserable hamlet, it might be amusing to let them fill your purse...

The bounties are as follows: 4,000 golds for the barbarian orc Grut; 4,000 golds for Frumugus the giant; 10,000 golds for the doppleganger who works for the trolls; 10,000 golds for the troll magi Fraasrgh; 6,000 golds for the assassin troll Gargalal.

To collect a bounty, you must bring Mathyl the head of the creature you’ve killed. Once you’ve collected all the monsters’ heads you will feel very amused inside by listening the officer as he tells you Mornbryn's Shield is now ‘safer’...

Grut can be found on the way to the Black Bone camp [see 2.11]. Frumugus is found in the witch’s lair [see 2.18]. The doppleganger will reveal himself near the troll territory [see 2.13]. Both the troll magi and the assassin trolls can be found in the troll territory [see 2.14].

● Broken Femur Clan

The only orc clan Fargrak [see 2.02] has the location of is the Broken Femur clan; they can be found in the hills to the east of Mornbryn's Shield. You need to go there to start building your army. Fargrak also reminds you that fear will be the best way to control them. When you enter the camp of the Broken Femur clan [see 2.08], you appear to be far from welcome. The clan leader, a thick brute named Grumush, challenges you to fight his champion, one Grolsh, in order to prove your valor. You have the feeling Grumush is quite stupid and doesn't really know how to lead his clan. His request could work to your advantage; if you take out their champion, the rest of the tribe might respect, or even better, fear you. Indeed, when the bloody corpse of Grolsh lays at your feet you sense that the nearby crowd has suddenly changed their attitude towards you for the better...

After his champion is dead, you see fear in the eyes of Grumush. The other orcs don't really seem to like him. The orc blacksmith keeps talking even though Grumush threatens him. It seems that the clan's shaman has been taken captive by some nearby Uthgardt barbarians, and Grumush seems to look happy about it. Perhaps it would serve your cause to find the Broken Femur's shaman.

Fight your way into the Uthgardt camp [see 2.09] and enter the settlement’s barracks [see 2.10]. In the basement you will find the orc shaman. He is very upset at Grumush for leaving him captive and asks you to kill the stupid brute for the good of the clan. By killing Grumush in full view of the clan, you would gain respect. The shaman says he will rally the clan to serve your cause after Grumush is dead.

When you kill Grumush and his brothers in front of the whole clan, the other orcs seem to be very happy. Indeed, the Broken Femur clan is now yours to command. The orcs seem to respect you for killing Grolsh and Grumush, and for rescueing the shaman.

● Build Your Army

According to Fargrak [see 2.02], you need to build your new army from the various orc tribes of the Evermoors. This army will then destroy Mornbryn's Shield in order to draw out soldiers from both Triboar and Yartar. Fargrak tells you that, with the blessing of Talos, you will then be able to strike Yartar from the inside. Fargrak knows of only one of the orc clans – the Black Femur [see 2.08]; you will have to discover the location of the others.

When you tell Fargrak that the Broken Femur clan is now serving your cause, he says you should now focus on finding other tribes to add to your forces.

After the Black Bone tribe [see 2.12] has joined your army you should focus on the Red Axe tribe [see 2.16]. When the Red Axe tribe has joined your cause, informs Fargrak [see 2.08] that the three clans have been reunited. The Fury of the Evermoors is now yours to command.

● Divine Protection

Fargrak [see 2.02] senses a strange aura surrounding Mornbryn's Shield... something very subtle and elusive. He thinks the whole village could be protected by this aura, and that Mielikki's power is most likely behind this. He suggests you should pay a visit to the priestess of Mielikki to gain more information.

The priestess of Mielikki [see 2.19] confirms the existence of the aura around the village. It is indeed a ward created by Mielikki to protect the village against the dangers of the Evermoors. Speak to Fargrak [see 2.08] about this and he says that anything created can be destroyed. That is the true law of your god! Even though Mielikki is very powerful, she is no match for Talos. Fargrak asks you to look for more information regarding Mielikki and this strange aura.

In Mornbryn’s Tomb [see 2.20] you will find a strange book by the title ‘Mielikki’s Protection’. It seems to contain some kind of ritual to invoke Mielikki's power. This could be useful to Fargrak.

In the same tomb, you will also find a strange piece of metal that seems to be some part of a ring (Ward Ring part). You can feel the magic emanating from it and you wonder if this is not a part of the ring described in the book ‘Mielikki's Protection’.

Show the book to Fargrak, and he tells you to search for the other Ward Ring parts. Once you gather all three parts, Fargrak should be able to summon Talos' power to destroy the ward.

In a secret cave below the Tip of the Shield [see 2.22], you will fight a few elemental guardians, you will find the second Ward Ring part.

After slaughtering all of the harpers, druids, and rangers you find in the hidden valley where they had assembled [see 2.24] you will retrieve the third Ward Ring part.

When you bring Fargrak all three parts of the Ward Ring, the priest explains that to complete the ritual for summoning the power of destruction, you need to sacrifice a woman of pure heart; a virgin. You should remember that Ern Hum [see 2.04] mentioned a possible candidate...

By the way, you need to be at least a fifth level Blackguard in order to complete the ritual.

At the Tip of the Shield [see 2.21], during the night, you came upon a very cute couple... After killing the bothersome male, you took the girl, Lara, for use in the ritual. After you bring Lara to Fargrak, he loses no time in summoning the power of Talos to destroy the Ward Ring. Now that the aura is gone, the village will be at your mercy.

● Ern Hum

You meet Ern Hum in Mornbryn's Shield [see 2.04]. The monk says that Fargrak wants him to learn about the people and events here. He also says that if you want information about specific people of the hamlet, you can always ask him.

When you launch the raid on the hamlet, Ern Hum [see 2.34] will join the battle and he will kill many fools in his quest for perfection.

● Gard’s Quest

Gard [see 2.08], after talking about himself a little bit, tells you about his old friend, Flargrim. Flargrim was from Gard's tribe, and they had joined Talos' cult together many years ago. While traveling in the southern hills of the Evermoors, they had fought a powerful beast by the name of Xilgramix. They had fought the beast together for many hours, and Flargrim died that day. Since then, Gard has mourned his friend's death. The fury in his eyes when he tells this story makes the message clear enough; Gard wants revenge on Xilgramix, at any cost.

You find Xilgramix in a hilly area [see 2.25]. After you’ve made him vulnerable to your attacks you follow him inside his cave [see 2.26]. After a hard battle, you kill him, then rip out his skull and polish it up... as a gift to Gard. The barbarian will be very happy about Xilgramix's death and the skull trophy you give him. He will keep it as a reminder that whoever crosses you will suffer Talos' wrath, no matter how long it may take.

● Harto’s Quest

Harto [see 2.08] knows there is a great treasure hidden in the Evermoors. According to the legend, it is a gem of great value that belonged to a mad wizard named Zorinbro centuries ago. The mage built his domain under the Surbrin, but the entrance should be near the road [see 2.29]. You agree to look for the gem with the rogue.

When you explore his domain [see 2.30], you discover Zorinbro is still there, and still mad. After dealing with him and his many bothersome flamethrowing statues, you can take the ‘The Eye of Xithraxar’. Let Harto keep the gem... You consider beating the crap out of him for a moment, but let it go when he gives you a ring that could be more useful to you than the gem.

● Klarah’s Quest

Klarah [see 2.08] is having strange visions and dreams. She sees a lost ruin called the Temple of Blood, and a fallen priest of Talos. She also sees priests of Lathander killing Talos' followers. You agree to investigate this with her. The ruin is located in the werstern part of the Evermoors [see 2.27].

Upon entering the temple [see 2.28], Klarah freaks out. The temple ruin has been desecrated by Lathander's priests. The forces of destruction are no longer present in the temple. You agree to help Klarah restore this temple to its former glory by destroying everything the priests of Lathander left in the temple and to relight the unholy braziers.

When the upper level of the temple has been restored you feel the powers of destruction are now free of Lathander's curse. This seems to have dispelled the barrier that prevented you from going downstairs.

When you’ve cleared out the bottom level of the temple, Klarah says that, in order to give the Altar of Sacrifices back its true purpose and power, a sacrifice must be performed. You suggest to Klarah to use Simon, the foolish boy that should be found outside the temple. So, you re-dedicate the Altar of Sacrifice with Simon's soul. Klarah then turns him into a docile zombie to take care of the temple while she is away.

When you return to the temple’s ground floor, you find a magical sword and a scroll made of living flesh. You can see the name 'Klarah' forming on it. Give the Talos’ Writings to Klarah and she says you have fully restored this temple to its former glory by getting rid of the ghost of the betrayer, and re-sanctifying the Altar of Sacrifice. You have been rewarded by the forces of destruction with a gift of a new sword, while she received the writings. You feel a great sense of satisfaction... Talos' will is done!

● Mornbryn’s Tomb

In order to find the hidden entrance to Mornbryn's tomb, Fargrak [see 2.08] tells you to get the most valuable blade the orc blacksmith can provide, then take it to the Altar of Mielikki and place it there as an offering. Fargrak will then use a scrying spell to see who comes to take the offering, and follow them.

The orc blacksmith [see 2.08] gives you his most valuable sword... a blade taken from a dead ranger. It will be a perfect offering to Mielikki. Put the Ranger’s Blade on the Altar of Mielikki [see 2.19], then return to Fargrak.

By means of Fargrak's scrying spell, you are able to see a woman cloaked in shadow take the blade, and go to what must be the hidden entrance of Mornbryn's Tomb. You see her use a ward of some kind near to where the western stones are. In order to enter the tomb, you must determine the identity of this woman, and obtain that ward. Maybe Ern Hum can help you with this...

Ern Hum [see 2.04] tells you about two sisters who often go to the shrine late at night, and of the possibility that these two women may be the ‘Sisters Who Serve’. Their house is to the south, near the mill [see 2.20].

Kill the two ‘Bitches Who Serve’, then search their home to find the Tomb Ward you need to enter Mornbryn’s resting place.

After exploring Mornbryn’s Tomb for a time [see 2.20], you discover that your path is blocked by powerful magic. The passage to the deeper parts of the tomb is strongly warded, and you wonder why... When you inform Fargrak about the blocked passage deep inside the tomb, he agrees that something important must be hidden behind that strong warding magic. He says it could wait, though... you will deal with it after the destruction of Mornbryn's Shield.

When the hamlet has been turned into a smoldering ruin, Fargrak [see 2.34] shows you something he found on the body of Beldora Thiiruin. It seems that the Lathanderite priestess posessed a strange ward token with very special powers on it. It wouldn't be surprising if she were the guardian of whatever is hidden deep in Mornbryn's Tomb... Most likely this ward will open the passage.

Thank to the strange ward, you will be able to reach a hidden section of the tomb [see 2.35]; you can't really tell where you are... At last, you hear Fargrak coming up behind you [see 2.36]... Maybe he can answer your question.

● Red Axe Tribe

The Red Axe tribe is located near the northern mountains. The orc shaman of the Broken Femur clan [see 2.08] tells you that the Red Axes will go to war alongside his own clan anytime, if you tell them Grumush is dead, and the clan is restored.

There's a problem at the camp of the Red Axe clan, though [see 2.16]... it seems that a bunch of ogres have taken control of the orcs. It looks like the chief ogre is over on the nearby ridge... perhaps you should go show him who is *truly* in charge, here...

Kill the chief, then take the ogre’s leader head to show off your power to Kakatarak, the Red Axe’s clan leader. He tells you the problems aren't over yet. The ogres had been sent by a witch from the mountain. He said their weapons had been taken from them, and now they are at the mercy of the ogres. Maybe if you pay a visit to this witch, you could get their weapons back, so they can become part of your army.

Travel to the witch’s woods [see 2.17], then enter her lair [see 2.18]. When you kill the witch, take the witch’s ring as a proof of her death for the Red Axe leader.

When you give the ring to the orc leader and tell him their weapons are still in the mountain, he promises you his clan will once again be a part of the Fury of the Evermoors.

● Taking Over the Keep

According to Fargrak [see 2.08], the weak spot of Mornbryn’s Shield is also its strongest defense; the keep. If you find a way to get in, you might be able to deactivate its defenses and let the army through using the northern door. Fargrak tells you to find the captain of the militia and take his ward, which you need in order to pass through the ring of mist outside the keep.

Ern Hum [see 2.04] tells you the captain is at his home, to the north of the hamlet. Pay this gentleman a visit [see 2.23]. After a quick chat and a nice, refreshing slaughter, you now posess the ward token that will allow you to enter the keep. Inform Fargrak to prepare for the battle to come.

Fargrak say he will prepare the orcs for battle, and he will wait for you outside the northern door to the keep. You should take care of any unfinished business at this time, as once you enter the keep, the battle for Mornbryn's Shield will begin.

Enter the keep from the front gate [see 2.31], then take care of it’s defenders [see 2.32]. You will soon discover, the backdoor of the keep seems to be protected by a strong ward. You should search for the proper key. On the second floor of the keep, you will find another ward token much like the one you took from the captain. Perhaps this one will open the back door for you and your army...

As you thought, the ward opens that door. Outside the keep [see 2.33] you will find Fargrak waiting for you, along with the orcs. Now the battle can begin.

● The Dark Path

The dream walker comes once again into your dreams [see 2.01]. He tells you he was once a great knight of Talos, and that he died ages ago in The Year of Twelve Teeth. Later, you discuss the Dark Powers with Fargrak [see 2.02]. He tells you that you must let the power of Talos flow through you, and that in time, you will learn to summon his minions to your side.

During that conversation, you also tell Fargrak why you want to destroy Yartar... about how your brother was publicly executed by the orders of the Waterbaroness. Fargrak agrees that whoever aligns behind Tyr's justice deserve no less than destruction. One must worphip Talos, or suffer his wrath.

When you have reunited the orc clans, Fargrak [see 2.08] says you must endure the Test of Suffering, a challenge to evaluate your mettle in the face of your own destruction. After you have endured the test, Fargrak tells you that he would take care of organizing the orcs, while you prepare the battlefield.

When you’ve recovered the third part of the Ward Ring – and if you’ve attained at least five level as a blackguard - you receive the Dark Blessing of Talos from Fargrak. He also congratulates you on your achievements thus far. You are now able to summon Talos' minions to your side. Fargrak also informs you that the orcs are ready for battle.

● Unknown Enemy

On the road to Mornbryn's Shield [see 2.03], you meet some people who are obviously looking for you. It seems that the druids of the High Forest didn't like one of their groves being turned into a killing ground... Too bad for them!

You should tell Fargrak [see 2.02] about the note you find on the ranger’s body, regarding an unknown enemy who is hunting you.

When you return at your campsite near the Surbrin after the Broken Femur clan has joined your side, you find rangers and druids attacking Fargrak. It seems that these rangers are very good trackers... but very poor fighters. Fargrak dispatched them all... with of your help, or course. Fargrak agrees that you should move your camp to the Broken Femur clan village.

Later on, as you are traveling towards the Red Axe camp [see 2.15], you meet – and kill – a famous monk by the name of Ospharles the Wise. Strange... You used to play at ‘Ospharles and the villains’ as a child. Of course, you were always playing Ospharles, beating the crap out of your 'villain' opponents. It's actually a mark of distinction that someone as famous as he would personally come looking for you... and an even greater mark of distinction that you have defeated him. He was carrying a note... you are pretty sure you haven't seen the last of these wanna-be ‘heroes’ looking around for you.

When you visit the house of the captain of the Mornbryn’s Shield militia [see 2.23], you interrupt a meeting between the captain and several probable Harpers - and have a delightful time hacking them all to bits... There is a map on a druid's body, marked with an 'X' and the word 'camp'... maybe this is where your unknown enemies have hidden themselves.

After rampaging through the Harpers campsite [see 2.24], you find a letter upon the corpse of the Harpers’ leader. It seems that Nasgalvir de la Bora is the leader of this bunch of fools; most likely because you killed his brother Lamir.

When you enter the hamlet’s keep [see 2.32], you find Nasgalvir de la Bora waiting for you. A battle ensues. Then, you aren't quite sure what just happened... you were just about to finish Nasgalvir, when a celestial suddenly appeared and carried him out of your reach. Both then vanished. After wondering about this for a moment, you conclude with a single thought... ‘Bah! Run while you can, coward... I won't miss you next time...’ Before to be taken away, the paladin drops a sealed note.

When you tell Fargrak [see 2.33] about Nasgalvir and the celestial who helped him, and when you show him the sealed note you’ve found, the priest finally explains the real reason he went to Yartar before he met you. It seems that the Harpers had given custody of a holy artifact of Talos to the Waterbaroness... a book called 'The Chanting Chain'. Fargrak explains how he had used the Hand of Yartar guild to hide himself, and that many forces of good would now be opposing you both, if they suspect Fargrak is after the book.

● Visit Mornbryn’s Shield

Fargrak [see 2.02] asks you to go to Mornbryn's Shield and learn everything you can about the hamlet, as well as any news of recent events You are to report back to him everything you learn.

To complete this quest, you need to collect six pieces of information.

Yartar is in crisis! You feel so good when Officer Gregor [see 2.04] tells you about it... He also tells you that Mornbryn's Shield, Triboar, and Yartar are now all on alert.

From Habdallal and Iralaraz [see 2.04] – the two foreign merchants who have camped in the village – you learn that Beldora Thiiruin, the owner of the Maid of the Moors, is actually a high priestess of Lathander.

Flanagus Gnarlybone [see 2.06], the gnome who owns the Troll in Flames, tells you the story of Mornbryn... He had been a famous ranger of the North some 400 years ago, and he had done many great deeds. He would not accept the rewards of his deeds in life, and it is said that these rewards were laid to rest with him at his death, and that his tomb is somewhere under the hamlet.

Sall Wenseph [see 2.06], a drunk fool you meet at the Troll in Flames inn, tells you a story about Mielikki's Shrine. It seems that the offerings people put on the Altar of Mielikki disappear at night, and that someone called the ‘Sisters Who Serve’ would take them away, and bring them to where Mornbryn is... or to Mielikki herself.

From Beldora Thiiruin [see 2.05], the owner of the Maid of the Moors, you learn that The Waterbaroness of Yartar has recently issued a 'heroes’ call', much like rulers in trouble always do in such circumstances. Now, many adventurers are heading towards Yartar. You have a strange feeling that some of these fools will end up standing in your way.

Simond Wetten [see 2.05], a patron at the Maid of the Moors, tells you about the defenses of Mornbryn's Shield. He tells you about the ridge surrounding the village forming a natural rampart, making it hard for raiders to attack the village. Moreover, it seems the northern keep has many powerful defenses... The whole place is said to be warded by a magical ring of mist, and guarded by many helmed horrors.

All these information should be reported to Fargrak when you return to the campsite near the Surbrin river.


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