Texas Almanac Pronunciation Guide

Texas Almanac Pronunciation Guide

Texas' rich cultural diversity is reflected nowhere better than in the names of places. Standard pronunciation is used in many cases, but purely colloquial pronunciation often is used, too.

In the late 1940s, George Mitchel Stokes, a graduate student at Baylor University, developed a list of pronunciations of 2,300 place names across the state.

Stokes earned his doctorate and eventually served as director of the speech division in the Communications Studies Department at Baylor University. He retired in 1983.

In the following list based on Stokes longer

list, pronunciation is by respelling and diacritical marking. Respelling is employed as follows: "ah" as in the exclamation, ah, or the "o" in tot; "ee" as in meet; "oo" as in moot; "yoo" as in use; "ow" as in cow; "oi" as in oil; "uh" as in mud.

Note that ah, uh and the apostrophe(`) are used for varying degrees of neutral vowel sounds, the apostrophe being used where the vowel is barely sounded. Diacritical markings are used as follows: b1le, b0d, l2t, r5se, r4ll, 7ak, br?d, f?t.

The stressed syllable is capitalized. Secondary stress is indicated by an underline as in Atascosa -- 0t uhs K? suh.


Abbott -- ? buht Abernathy -- ? ber n0 th4 Abilene -- ?B uh leen Acala -- uh K? luh Ackerly -- ?K er l4 Acme -- ?K m4 Acton -- ?K t'n Acuff -- ? kuhf Adamsville -- ? d'mz v4l Addicks -- ? d4ks Addielou -- 0 d4 L" Addison -- A di s'n Adkins -- ?T k4nz Adrian -- ? dr4 uhn Afton -- ?F t'n Agua Dulce -- ah wuh D"L s4 Agua Nueva -- ah wuh ny? ? vuh Aiken -- ? k4n Alamo -- ?L uh m7 Alamo Heights -- 0l uh m7 H?TS Alanreed -- ?L uhn reed Alba -- ?L buh Albany -- AWL buh n4 Albert -- ?L bert Aledo -- uh LEE d7 Alexander -- 2l 4g Z?N der Alfred -- ?L fr2d Algoa -- 0l G? uh Alice -- ? l4s Alief -- ? leef Allen -- ? l4n Allenfarm -- 0l4n FAHRM Alleyton -- ? l4 t'n Allison -- ?L uh s'n Alma -- AHL muh Alpine -- ?L p5n Altair -- awl T?R Alta Loma -- 0l tuh L? muh Alto -- ?L t7 Altoga -- 0l T? guh Alvarado -- 0l vuh R? d7 Alvin -- ?L v4n Alvord -- ?L vord Amarillo -- 0m uh R4L 7 Amherst -- AM herst Ammannsville -- ?M `nz v4l

Anahuac -- ?N uh w0k Anderson -- ?N der s'n Andice -- ?N d5s Andrews -- ?N dr?z Angelina -- 0n juh LEE nuh Angleton -- ?NG g'l t'n Anna -- ?N uh Annona -- 0 N? nuh Anson -- ?N s'n Antelope -- ?NT uh l7p Anton -- ?NT n Appleby -- ? p'l b4 Apple Springs -- 0 p'l SPR?NGZ Aquilla -- uh KW?L uh Aransas -- uh R?N zuhs Aransas Pass -- uh r0n zuhs P?S Arbala -- ahr B? luh Arcadia -- ahr K? d4 uh Archer -- AHR cher Archer City -- ahr cher S?T 4 Arcola -- ahr K? luh Argo -- AHR g7 Argyle -- ahr G?L Arlington -- AHR l4ng t'n Arneckeville -- AHR n4 k4 v4l Arnett -- AHR n4t Arp -- ahrp Artesia Wells -- ahr tee zh' WLZ Arthur City -- ahr ther S?T 4 Asherton -- ?SH er t'n Aspermont -- ?S per mahnt Atascosa -- 0t uhs K? suh Athens -- ? th2nz Atlanta -- 0t L?N tuh Atlas -- ?T l's Attoyac -- AT uh y0k Aubrey -- AW br4 Augusta -- aw GUHS tuh

Austin -- AWS t'n Austonio -- aws T? n4 7 Austwell -- AWS w2l Avalon -- ?V uhl n Avery -- ? vuh r4 Avinger -- ? v4n jer Avoca -- uh V? kuh Axtell -- ?KS t'l Azle -- ? z'l

Diacritical markings are used as follows: b1le, b0d, l2t, r5se, r4ll, 7ak, br?d, f?t. The stressed syllable is capitalized. Secondary stress is indicated by an underline as in Atascosa -- 0t uhs K? suh. TEXAS ALMANAC ?.


Bagwell -- B?G w'l Bailey -- B? l4 Baileyboro -- B? l4 ber ruh Baileyville -- B? l4 v4l Baird -- b0rd Bakersfield -- B? kers feeld Balch Springs -- bawlch or bawlk SPR4NGZ Ballinger -- B?L 4n jer Balmorhea -- b0l muh R? Bandera -- b0n DR uh Bangs -- b0ngz Banquete -- b0n K t4 Barclay -- BAHRK l4 Bardwell -- BAHRD w'l

Barker -- BAHR ker Barksdale -- BAHRKS d1l Barnhart -- BAHRN hahrt

Barnum -- BAHR n'm Barry -- B? r4 Barstow -- BAHRS t7 Bartlett -- BAHRT l4t Bassett -- B? s4t Bastrop -- B?S trahp Batesville -- B?TS v'l Batson -- B?T s'n Baxter -- B?KS ter Bay City -- ba S?T 4 Baylor -- B? ler Bayside -- B? s5d Baytown -- B? town Beasley -- BEEZ l4 Beaukiss -- b7 K?S Beaumont -- B? mahnt Bebe -- bee bee Beckville -- BK v'l Becton -- BK t'n Bedias -- BEE d5s Bee -- bee

Beehouse -- BEE hows Beeville -- BEE v4l Belcherville -- BL cher v4l Bell -- b2l Bellaire -- b2l ?R Bellevue -- BL vy? Bellmead -- b2l MEED Bells -- b2lz Bellville -- BL v4l Belmont -- BL mahnt Belton -- B?L t'n Benarnold -- b2n AHR n'ld Benavides -- b2n uh VEE d's Ben Bolt -- b2n B?LT Benbrook -- B?N br?k Benchley -- BNCH l4 Bend -- b2nd Ben Franklin -- b2n FR?NGk l4n Ben Hur -- b2n HER Benjamin -- BN juh m'n Bennett -- BN 4t Bentonville -- BNT n v4l Ben Wheeler -- b4n HWEE ler Berclair -- ber KL?R Bertram -- BERT r'm Bessmay -- b2s M? Best -- b2st

Bettie -- BT 4 Bexar -- BA ?r or b0r Beyersville -- B?RZ v4l Biardstown -- B?RDZ t'n Bigfoot -- B?G f?t Big Lake -- b4g L?K Big Sandy -- b4g S?N d4 Big Spring -- b4g SPR?NG Bigwells -- b4g WLZ Birdville -- BERD v4l Birome -- b5 R?M Birthright -- BERTH r5t Bishop -- B? sh'p Bivins -- B? v4nz Black -- bl0k Blackfoot -- BL?K f?t Blackwell -- BL?K w'l Blair -- bl0r Blanchard -- BL?N cherd Blanco -- BL?NG k7 Blanket -- BL?NG k4t Bleakwood -- BLEEK w?d Bledsoe -- BLD s7 Blessing -- BL s4ng Blewett -- BL" 4t Blooming Grove -- bl? m4ng GR?V Bloomington -- BL"M 4ng t'n Blossom -- BLAH s'm Blue Grove -- bl? GR?V Blue Ridge -- bl? R?J Bluff Dale -- BLUHF d1l Bluffton -- BLUHF t'n

Blum -- bluhm Boerne -- BER n4 Bogata -- buh G? duh Boling -- B?L 4ng Bolivar -- BAH l4 ver Bomarton -- B? mer t'n Bonham -- BAH n'm Bonita -- b7 NEE tuh Bonney -- BAH n4 Bonus -- B? n's Bon Wier -- bahn WEER Booker -- B" ker Boonsville -- B"NZ v4l Booth -- b?th Borden -- BAWRD n Borger -- B?R ger Bosque -- BAHS k4 Boston -- BAWS t'n Bovina -- b7 VEE nuh Bowie -- B" ? Box Elder -- bahks L der Boyce -- baw4s Boyd -- bo4d Brachfield -- BR?CH feeld Bracken -- BR? k4n Brackettville -- BR? k4t v4l Bradford -- BR?D ferd Bradshaw -- BR?D shaw Brady -- BR? d4 Brandon -- BR?N d'n Brashear -- bruh SH?R Brazoria -- bruh Z? r4 uh Brazos -- BR?Z uhs Breckenridge -- BRK uhn r4j Bremond -- bree MAHND

Diacritical markings are used as follows: b1le, b0d, l2t, r5se, r4ll, 7ak, br?d, f?t. The stressed syllable is capitalized. Secondary stress is indicated by an underline as in Atascosa -- 0t uhs K? suh. TEXAS ALMANAC ?.

Brenham -- BR n'm Brewster -- BR" ster Brice -- br5s Bridgeport -- BR?J p7rt Briggs -- br?gz Briscoe -- BR?S k7 Britton -- BR?T n Broaddus -- BRAW d's Brock -- brahk Bronson -- BRAHN s'n Bronte -- brahnt Brookeland -- BR"K l'nd Brookesmith -- BR"K smith Brooks -- br?ks Brookshire -- BR"K sher Brookston -- BR"KS t'n Brown -- brown Browndel -- brown DL Brownfield -- BROWN feeld Brownsboro -- BROWNZ buh ruh Brownsville -- BROWNZ v4l Brownwood -- BROWN w?d Bruceville -- BR"S v'l Brundage -- BRUHN d4j Bruni -- BR" n4 Brushy Creek -- bruh sh4 KREEK Bryan -- BR? uhn Bryans Mill -- br5 `nz M?L Bryarly -- BR? er l4 Bryson -- BR? s'n Buchanan Dam -- buhk h0n uhn D?M Buckholts -- BUHK h7lts Buckhorn -- BUHK hawrn Buda -- BY" duh Buena Vista -- bw1 nuh VEES tuh Buffalo -- BUHF uh l7 Buffalo Gap -- buhf uh l7 G?P Buffalo Springs -- buhf uh l7 SPR?NGZ Bula -- BY" luh Bullard -- B"L erd Bulverde -- b?l VER d4 Buna -- BY" nuh Burkburnett -- berk ber NET Burkett -- BER k4t Burkeville -- BERK v4l Burleson -- BER luh s'n Burlington -- BER l4ng t'n Burnet -- BER n2t Burton -- BERT n Bushland -- B"SH l'nd Bustamante -- buhs tuh MAHN t4 Butler -- BUHT ler Byers -- B? erz Bynum -- B? n'm Byrd -- berd


Cactus -- K?K t's Caddo Mills -- k0 d7 M?LZ Calallen -- k0l ?L 4n Calaveras -- k0l uh VR's Caldwell -- KAHL w2l Calhoun -- k0l H"N Call -- kawl Calliham -- K?L uh h0m Callisburg -- K? l4s berg

Call Junction -- kawl JUHNGK sh'n Calvert -- K?L vert Camden -- K?M d4n Cameron -- K?M uh r'n Camilla -- kuh MEEL yuh Camp -- k0mp Campbell -- K?M uhl Campbellton -- K?M uhl t'n Camp Wood -- k0mp W"D Canadian -- kuh N? d4 uhn Candelaria -- k0n duh L r4 uh Canton -- K?NT n Canyon -- K?N y'n Caplen -- K?P l4n Caps -- k0ps Caradan -- K?R uh d0n Carbon -- KAHR b'n Carey -- K? r4 Carlisle -- KAHR l5l Carlsbad -- KAHR uhlz b0d Carlton -- KAHR uhl t'n

Carmine -- kahr MEEN Carmona -- kahr M? nuh Caro -- KAH r7 Carrizo Springs -- kuh ree zuh SPR4NGZ Carrollton -- K?R `l t'n Carson -- KAHR s'n Carthage -- KAHR th4j Cash -- k0sh Cason -- K? s'n Cass -- k0s Castell -- k0s TL Castro -- K?S tr7 Castroville -- K?S tro v4l Catarina -- k0t uh REE nuh Cat Spring -- k0t SPR4NG Caviness -- K? v4 n2s Cayuga -- k1 Y" guh Cedar Bayou -- see der B? 7 Cedar Creek -- see der KREEK Cedar Hill -- see der H?L Cedar Lake -- see der L?K Cedar Lane -- see der L?N Cedar Park -- see der PAHRK Cedar Valley -- see der VA l4 Cee Vee -- see VEE Celeste -- suh LST Celina -- suh L? nuh Center -- SENT er Center City -- s2n ter S?T 4 Center Point -- s2n ter POINT Centerville -- s2n ter v4l Centralia -- s2n TR?L yuh Chalk -- chawlk

Chalk Mountain -- chawlk MOWNT n Chambers -- CH?M berz Chandler -- CH?ND ler Channelview -- ch0n uhl VY" Channing -- CH?N 4ng Chapman Ranch -- ch0p m'n R?NCH Chappell Hill -- ch0 p'l H?L Charco -- CHAHR k7 Charleston -- CHAHR uhls t'n Charlie -- CHAHR l4 Charlotte -- SHAHR l't Chatfield -- CH?T feeld Cheapside -- CHEEP s5d

Diacritical markings are used as follows: b1le, b0d, l2t, r5se, r4ll, 7ak, br?d, f?t. The stressed syllable is capitalized. Secondary stress is indicated by an underline as in Atascosa -- 0t uhs K? suh. TEXAS ALMANAC ?.

Cheek -- cheek Cherokee -- CHR uh kee Chester -- CHS ter Chico -- CHEE k7 Chicota -- ch4 K? tuh Childress -- CH?L dr2s Chillicothe -- ch4l 4 KAH th4 Chilton -- CH?L t'n China -- CH? nuh China Spring -- ch5 nuh SPR?NG Chireno -- sh' REE n7 Chisholm -- CH?Z uhm Chita -- CHEE tuh Chocolate Bayou -- chah kuh l4t B? 7 Choice -- chois Chriesman -- KR?S m'n Christine -- kr4s TEEN Christoval -- kr4s T? v'l Cibolo -- SEE b7 l7 Circle Back -- SER k'l b0k Circleville -- SER k'l v4l Cisco -- S?S k7 Cistern -- S?S tern Clairemont -- KL?R mahnt Clairette -- kl0r 4 T Clarendon -- KL?R 4n d'n Clareville -- KL?R v4l Clarksville -- KLAHRKS v4l Clarkwood -- KLAHRK w?d Claude -- klawd

Clawson -- KLAW s'n Clay -- kl1 Clayton -- KL?T n Clear Lake -- KL?R l0k Clear Spring -- kl4r SPR?NG Cleburne -- KLEE bern Clemville -- KLM v4l Cleveland -- KLEEV l'nd Clifton -- KL?F t'n Cline -- kl5n Clint -- kl4nt Clodine -- klaw DEEN Clute -- kl?t Clyde -- kl5d Coahoma -- kuh H? muh Cockrell Hill -- kahk ruhl H?L Coke -- k7k Coldspring -- K?LD spr4ng Coleman -- K?L m'n Colfax -- KAHL f0ks Collegeport -- kah l4j P?RT College Station -- kah l4j ST? sh'n Collin -- KAH l4n Collingsworth -- KAH l4nz werth Collinsville -- KAH l4nz v4l Colmesneil -- K?L m's neel Colorado -- kahl uh RAH d7 Colorado City -- kah luh r1 duh S?T 4 Columbus -- kuh LUHM b's Comal -- K? m0l Comanche -- kuh M?N ch4 Combes -- k7mz Comfort -- KUHM fert

Commerce -- KAH mers Como -- K? m7 Comstock -- KAHM stahk

Concan -- KAHN k0n Concepcion -- kuhn sep s4 ?N Concho -- KAHN ch7 Concord -- KAHN kawrd

Concrete -- kahn KREET Cone -- k7n Conlen -- KAHN l4n Conroe -- KAHN r7 Converse -- KAHN vers Conway -- KAHN w1 Cooke -- k?k Cookville -- K"K v4l Coolidge -- K" l4j Cooper -- K" per Copeville -- K?P v'l Coppell -- kuhp PL or kuh PL Copperas Cove -- kahp ruhs K?V Corbett -- KAWR b4t Cordele -- kawr DL Corinth -- KAH r4nth Corley -- KAWR l4 Corpus Christi -- kawr p's KR?S t4 Corrigan -- KAWR uh g'n Corsicana -- kawr s4 K?N uh Coryell -- k7 r4 L Cost -- kawst

Cottle -- KAH t'l Cotton Center -- kaht n SNT er Cotton Gin -- KAHT n j4n Cottonwood -- KAHT n w?d Cotulla -- kuh T" luh Coupland -- K?P l'n Courtney -- K?RT n4 Covington -- KUHV 4ng t'n Coy City -- koi S?T 4 Craft -- kr0ft Crafton -- KR?F t'n Crandall -- KR?N d'l Crane -- kr1n Cranfills Gap -- kr0n f'lz G?P Crawford -- KRAW ferd Creedmore -- KREED m7r Cresson -- KR s'n Crisp -- kr4sp Crockett -- KRAH k4t Crosby -- KRAWZ b4 Crosbyton -- KRAWZ b4 t'n Cross -- kraws

Cross Cut -- KRAWS kuht Cross Plains -- kraws PL?NZ Cross Roads -- KRAWS r7dz Crow -- kr7 Crowell -- KR? uhl Crowley -- KROW li Crystal City -- kr4s t'l S?T 4 Crystal Falls -- kr4s t'l FAWLZ Cuero -- KWR o Culberson -- KUHL ber s'n Cumby -- KUHM b4 Cuney -- KY" n4 Cunningham -- KUHN 4ng h0m Currie -- KER r4 Cushing -- K" sh4ng Cuthand -- KUHT h0nd Cyclone -- S? kl7n Cypress -- S? pr2s

Diacritical markings are used as follows: b1le, b0d, l2t, r5se, r4ll, 7ak, br?d, f?t. The stressed syllable is capitalized. Secondary stress is indicated by an underline as in Atascosa -- 0t uhs K? suh. TEXAS ALMANAC ?.


Dabney -- D?B n4 Dacosta -- duh KAHS tuh Dacus -- D? k's Daingerfield -- D?N jer feeld Daisetta -- d1 ZT uh Dalby Springs -- d?l b4 SPR?NGZ Dale -- d1l Dalhart -- D?L hahrt Dallam -- D?L uhm Dallas -- D? luhs Damon -- D? m'n Danbury -- D?N b2r4 Danciger -- D?N s4 ger Danevang -- D?N uh v0ng Darrouzett -- d0r uh ZT Davilla -- duh V?L uh Dawn -- dawn

Dawson -- DAW s'n Dayton -- D?T n Deadwood -- DD w?d Deaf Smith -- d2f SM?TH Deanville -- DEEN v4l De Berry -- duh B r4 Decatur -- dee K?T er Deer Park -- d4r PAHRK De Kalb -- d4 K?B De Leon -- da lee AHN Del Rio -- d2l REE 7 Delta -- DL tuh Del Valle -- d2l V? l4 Delwin -- Dl w4n Denhawken -- D?N haw k4n Denison -- DN uh s'n Denning -- DN 4ng Dennis -- D n4s Denton -- DNT n Denver City -- d2n ver S?T 4 Deport -- d4 P?RT Derby -- DER b4 Desdemona -- d2z d4 M? nuh DeSoto -- d4 S? tuh Detroit -- dee TROIT Devers -- D vers Devine -- duh V?N Dew -- dy? Deweyville -- DY" 4 v4l DeWitt -- d4 W4T Dewville -- DY" v4l Dexter -- DKS ter D'Hanis -- duh H? n4s Dialville -- D? uhl vil Diboll -- D? bawl Dickens -- D?K ?nz Dickinson -- D?K 4n s'n Dike -- d4k Dilley -- D?L i Dilworth -- D?L werth Dimebox -- d5m BAHKS Dimmit -- D?M 4t Dinero -- d4 N r7 Direct -- duh RKT Dixon -- D?K s'n Dobbin -- DAH b?n Dobrowolski -- dah bruh WAHL sk4 Dodd City -- dahd S?T 4

Dodge -- DAH j Dodson -- DAHD s'n Donie -- D? n4 Donley -- DAHN l4 Donna -- dah nuh Doole -- DOO l4 Dorchester -- dawr CHS ter Doss -- daws Doucette -- D" s2t Dougherty -- DAHR t4 Douglass -- DUHG l's Douglassville -- DUHG l4s v4l Downing -- DOWN 4ng Downsville -- DOWNZ v4l Dozier -- D? zher Draw -- draw Driftwood -- DR?FT w?d Dripping Springs -- dr4p 4ng SPR?NGZ Driscoll -- DR?S k'l Dryden -- DR?D n Dublin -- DUHB l4n Duffau -- DUHF 7 Dumas -- D" m's Dumont -- DY" mahnt Dundee -- DUHN d4 Dunlap -- DUHN l0p Dunlay -- DUHN l4 Dunn -- duhn Durango -- duh R?NG g7 Duval -- D" vawl


Eagle -- EE g'l Eagle Lake -- ee g'l L?K Eagle Pass -- ee g'l P?S Earth -- erth East Bernard -- eest ber NAHRD Easterly -- EES ter l4 Eastland -- EEST l'nd Easton -- EES t'n Ector -- K ter Edcouch -- 2d KOWCH Eddy -- E di Eden -- EED n Edge -- 2j Edgewood -- J w?d Edinburg -- D n berg Edmonson -- D m'n s'n Edna -- ED nuh Edom -- EE d'm Edroy -- D roi Edwards -- D werdz Egan -- EE g'n Egypt -- EE juhpt Elbert -- L bert El Campo -- 2l K?M p7 Eldorado -- 2l duh R? duh Electra -- 4 LK truh Elgin -- L g4n Eliasville -- ee L? uhs v4l El Indio -- 2l ?N d4 7 Elkhart -- LK hahrt Ellinger -- L 4n jer Elliott -- L 4 `t Ellis -- L uhs Elmendorf -- LM `n dawrf

Diacritical markings are used as follows: b1le, b0d, l2t, r5se, r4ll, 7ak, br?d, f?t. The stressed syllable is capitalized. Secondary stress is indicated by an underline as in Atascosa -- 0t uhs K? suh. TEXAS ALMANAC ?.


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