Compound inequality are formed by two or more inequalities that are joined by the words "and"  or  "or".

The compound "and":

The "and" compound inequality solution are values that satisfy both inequalities.


-2 < x < 5  translates into -2 < x  and  x < 5

        3 is a solution because -2 < 3 and 3 < 5

        8 is not a solution because it does not satisfy both:  -2 < 8, but 8 not < 5

To solve compound "and" inequality, you solve each inequality and connect with the word "and".

To graph a compound "and" inequality:

1)   graph each inequality on the same number line. 

2)   the final graph solution will be the portion where both graphs overlap/intersect. When giving the final graph, show clearly only the portion that overlapped/intersected.

Recall:   The shading in the final graph indicates the real numbers that are the solutions of the inquality

EXAMPLES of Compound "and":

1)   Solve and graph:    3x - 4 > 8x + 6   and    1/2 x > -3


solve:                             -5x - 4 > 6                   x > -6

                                       -5x  > 10

                                          x < -2

The algebraic solution is   x < -2 and x > -6.


x > -6                -6                                                                                        


x < -2                                                                -2                     0

The final graph solution is 

                                                    -6                                     -2                  0

2)  Solve and graph:      -6   ≤  -2(1 - x)  < 6

-6   ≤  -2 + 2x  < 6

-4 ≤   2x   < 8 (add 2 to all three sides)

-2 ≤   x   < 4 (divide all three sides by 2)

-2 ≤   x   < 4 is the algebraic solution.

The original inequality can also be written as -6 ≤  -2(1 - x)  and -2(1 - x)  < 6 . You would solve as done in example 1. The algebraic solution is -2 ≤   x  and x < 4.


-2 ≤  x                           -2                                                                                  


                                                                  0                                      4

x < 4                                                                                                    

The final graph solution is  

                                                                    -2           0                            4

3)   Solve and graph:     5x - 12 < 13   and    3x + 6 < 12

                                      5x 5

               -5 is a solution because it satisfies x < 2

                3 is not a solution because it does not satisfy either inequality 

To solve compound "or" inequality, you solve each part and then combine with the word "or".

To graph a compound "or" inequality:

1)   graph each inequality on the same number line. 

2)   the final graph solution will be the union or combination of  both graphs.

Recall:   For the final graph solution, the shading indicates the real numbers that are the solutions to have a true statement.

EXAMPLES of Compound "OR":     

1)   Solve and graph:     4(x - 5) ≤ 2x - 20  or   7x + 1 ≥ 15

                                     4x - 20 ≤ -20              7x ≥ 14

                                        4x ≤ 0                        x  ≥  2

                                           x ≤ 0   

The algebraic solution is   x ≤ 0  or   x  ≥  2 .


                                                0                       2

2)   Solve and graph:    2 x  -  1  >  13    or    14 - 12x  < 6 - 8x

3 5 15

                                    10x + 3 > 13              14 - 4x  < 6

                                       10x > 10                     -4x < -8

                                           x > 1                          x > 2

The algebraic solution is   x > 1  or   x > 2.


                                              0              1              2

3)   Solve and graph:      6x + 25  ≥  55   or    12x  ................

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