Web Design Project Checklist - Crater High School

Web Design Project ChecklistGo through your project with the following checklist to make sure you’ve completed the necessary requirements for the project. ____ Are all of the graphics used (including backgrounds) in your project saved in the images folder inside your folder?____ Are your web pages pointing to the graphics in the images folder inside your project folder instead of a folder someplace else?____ Have you created and linked a stylesheet to all your pages?____ Have you linked all of your pages and do they all work?Test the site in a browser____ Are your pages balanced with even spacing?____ Does the color scheme compliment the design?____ Does your home page grab attention and communicate clearly what the site is all about?Explain how your home page grabs attention and communicates the purpose of your site____ Have you run spell check (Commands>Check Spelling) on all pages?____ Have you put in a title in the title box for each of your pages?____ Are all your pages neat and "publishable?"____ Have you included the required amount of images for your pages? ____ Do you have a footer with your email and copyright information? Reflection QuestionsWhat do you like the most about your website?What would you like to learn more about in order to design a better website? What is difficult for you in designing a website? Do you think you’ve created a site that people will like both visually and functionally? ................

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