Why Would I Want to Write - EdTech Leaders Online

Why Would I Want to Write?

by Sydney Donnelly Leggett

On any given day, walk into a middle school classroom and ask the students, “Why do you want to write?” Imagine the answers you might get:

“The teachers (or my parents) say I have to.”

“I want to get a good grade.”

“I have to know how to write before I go to high school.”

“Actually, I don’t want to write.”

Of course there are exceptions, but they are not usually the majority. No matter how many times a teacher explains the importance of a writing assignment, it can still get lost in the frenzy of the average school day. Just for a change, have your students read some reasons about wanting to write that come from the student’s perspective instead of the teacher’s. Each of the statements below is followed by examples of the type of writing assignment that would meet the individual’s purpose. Use this list with your students—perhaps they’ll add more great reasons!

Why would I want to write?

1. I want to write to tell somebody else about me and my life.

[biography, autobiography, newspaper interview]

2. I want to write to figure out what I really think about things.

[self-reflection, position paper]

3. I want to write to be powerful.

[persuasive essay, poetry, business plans]

4. I want to write to be able to speak to people.

[speech writing, persuasive essay, presentations]

5. I want to write because sometimes I don’t agree with people or the things they say.

[critical essay, critique, book/movie/food review]

6. I want to write so I can convince people of something.

[persuasive essay, speech, editorial]

7. I want to write so I can make up new people and send them on adventures.

[creative writing, narrative, storytelling, poetry, science fiction]

8. I want to write so I can prove something.

[informative writing, scientific essay or lab papers]

9. I want to write to describe something.

[poetry, short story, travel piece]

10. I want to write about how I feel.

[journals, self-reflection, letters]

11. I want to write about a movie (or TV show) I watched.

[book/movie review, newspaper article]

12. I want to write my own movie (or TV show).

[screenplay writing]

13. I want to write to tell other people about something I know.

[newspaper/magazine article, TV news script]

14. I want to write to make something change.

[persuasive writing, speech, action plan]


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