Higher Education Commission

RAPID TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER GRANT (RTTG)PROJECT TEMPLATE COVER SHEETProposal Reference No.(Not for completion by applicant)Title of Project:RTTG: Duration of Project:In monthsTotal Budget RequestedPKR millionInstitution NameInstitutional AddressStreet AddressCityCountryPrincipal InvestigatorNamePosition/TitleDepartmentTel. # (Office/Mobile)EmailCNIC/Passport No.Primary Industry PartnerNameCompany/OrganizationPosition/TitleTel. # (Office/Mobile)EmailPriority Sector as described in Call for Proposals Guidance TABLE OF CONTENTEXECUTIVE SUMMARYProject Overview (Max 500 words)It should clearly identify the Priority Thematic Area, and justify how the proposed project will contribute to fulfill the needs in response to COVID-19 pandemic in national context. It should identify the innovation in university developed technology research, the anticipated commercial application, the potential customer and the benefits to the customer and society. The Executive Summary should NOT include confidential information, but should provide the Evaluator with sufficient information to understand the potential impact of the technology on the marketplace. The broad project objective should be briefly described, as well as the activities to be undertaken to achieve the project goals. In addition, the roles of partners – in particular those from the commercial sector– that will contribute to the success of the proposed project should be identified. THE ACADEMIC TEAM AND SECTORAL COLLABORATORSCapacity of Project Team, Academic Partners & Role of Industry/ Sectoral Collaborators (Max 250 words)Identify the skills and capacity that the project PI, CoPI and key collaborators possess relevant to the proposed project. Describe the role of the team members – including any business/sectoral partners – in implementing the proposed project and bringing the innovation to market to address COVID-19. Indicate how the industry/sectoral partners will advance the technological innovation to bring it to market. Describe the co-financing that will be provided to this proposed RTTG project.Table: Academic CollaboratorsAll confirmed Academic Collaborators (if any) should be identified in this TableNameHighest Degree ObtainedPosition/TitleDepartmentMale/FemaleInstitutionTel. #EmailDisciplinary expertiseNameHighest Degree ObtainedPosition/TitleDepartmentMale/FemaleInstitutionTel. #EmailDisciplinary expertiseNameHighest Degree ObtainedPosition/TitleDepartmentMale/FemaleCitizenshipTel. #EmailDisciplinary expertiseNameHighest Degree ObtainedPosition/TitleDepartmentMale/FemaleCitizenshipTel. #EmailDisciplinary expertiseNameHighest Degree ObtainedPosition/TitleDepartmentMale/FemaleCitizenshipTel. #EmailDisciplinary expertiseNameHighest Degree ObtainedPosition/TitleDepartmentMale/FemaleCitizenshipTel. #EmailDisciplinary expertiseTable: Industry/ Sectoral CollaboratorsAll confirmed participants should be identified in this Table. Up to three (3) Letters of Commitment may be attached to the proposal. The primary industry/sectoral partner MUST submit a Letter of Commitment mentioning co-financing pany/Organization NameLocationName of CollaboratorPosition/TitleTel. #EmailAnticipated Contribution to Project GoalsAnticipated Annual Financial ContributionCompany/Organization NameLocationName of CollaboratorPosition/TitleTel. #EmailAnticipated Contribution to Project GoalsAnticipated Annual Financial ContributionCompany/Organization NameLocationName of CollaboratorPosition/TitleTel. #EmailAnticipated Contribution to Project GoalsAnticipated Annual Financial ContributionCompany/Organization NameLocationName of CollaboratorPosition/TitleTel. #EmailAnticipated Contribution to Project GoalsAnticipated Financial ContributionTHE IMMEDIATE APPLICATION, AND THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND SOCIETAL IMPACT OF THE PROPOSED INNOVATION IN ADDRESSING COVID-19Immediate Application, Public Health and Societal Impact on Priority Thematic Area (Max 250 words)Justify what is the innovation to be supported and what need does the innovation address? why the proposed innovation (and its commercialization) is important to addressing COVID-19 in local and national societal context and what broader benefits does it bring to Pakistan. Who is the anticipated customer, and has the potential customer been validated by the team? PROJECT DESCRIPTIONProblem Statement (Max 250 words)Clearly identify the current status of the innovation. What has already been accomplished? What must be addressed to move the innovation towards impact in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic? Methodology & Deliverables (Max 250 words)Describe how the RTTG funding will be used to bring the innovation forward in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic how the research and development plan will be accomplished over the duration of 6 months. Provide details on a specific, reasonable timeline with intermediate milestones. In addition to the technical issues, what are the commercial, legal and regulatory issues that must be addressed? Ethical, Commercial, Legal & Regulatory Considerations (If any) (Max 150 words)In addition to the technical issues, what are the commercial, legal and regulatory issues that must be addressed? In particular, describe how the proposed innovation takes into consideration the World Health Organization guidelines on COVID-19.The proposal should have a description of ethical considerations relating to the study. Document the issues that are likely to raise ethical concerns. It should also describe how the Principal Investigator is planning to address it and how he/she plans to obtain informed consent from the research participants. Required Resources & Facilities Available in the Host Institution and through Collaboration (Max 250 words)Describe briefly required resources (staff, materials, facilities etc) for the proposed project and mention whether these are readily available and if not how they will be accessible to accomplish the project work plan.Potential Risks Imperil to the Project Progress & related risk strategy (Max 150 words)Consider the potential risks (e.g. travel restriction due to Coronavirus epidemics) that could imperil the progress towards commercialization and briefly describe the strategy that will be used to minimize and address these risksIMPLEMENTATION TIMELINEAll projects selected for RTTG Funding will be evaluated annually on the achievement of outcome targets as part of project oversight. Develop a Gannt Chart to demonstrate how the project will proceed in a timely fashion and Identify major tasks and deliverables planned for each quarter of the proposed project. In all aspects, disparate activities for example research, market development, commercialization, should link together to result in a coherent work plan that achieves the objectives of the proposed project. 1st & 2nd MonthMajor Tasks and Deliverables 3rd and 4th MonthMajor Tasks and Deliverables 5th & 6th MonthMajor Tasks and Deliverables PROPOSED PROJECT BUDGETBudget Justification (Max 250 words)Complete the budget template. . Please refer to Budget Guidelines available on HEC Website for details of each budget head. Justify the proposed budget under each head/category:LIST OF REFERENCESCitations of prior work in the field that underpin the proposed Innovation strengthens a proposal. Principal Investigators are encouraged to include appropriate references, and to follow standard practices in citing references throughout the proposal. References should numbered sequentially, and listed separately. References should be reported in a standard form, and include: ?the names of all authors; the article and journal title; book title; volume and page numbers; and year of publication. If available, a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) may be provided.REQUIRED ATTACHMENTSCurriculum Vitae of the following individuals:Principal InvestigatorsThe lead collaborator from the primary industry/sectoral partnerUp to three academic collaborators who will contribute to the proposed Project. The CVs should be of a standard form (maximum two pages) and include the following information:Full NamePosition/TitleInstitutionProfessional Training/EducationChronological List of PositionsList of up to five publications related to the proposed project, in standard citation formatList of up to five activities related to the proposed project. These activities may include: technology transfer activities; patents; current or previous grants; teaching; collaborations; leading workshops/conferences; community outreach or engagement; consulting; etc.Additional Documents Required Later on: The following documents also required to be attached. However due to time limitation and impact due to COVID-19 restrictions the same may be submitted at the time of award of the project:Letter of Support (maximum two pages) from the University Vice-Chancellor. The letter should: confirm the institutional commitment to the proposed projectLetters of Commitment (máximum two pages each)From Academic Collaborators (maximum 3 letters)From Industry/ Sectoral Collaborators (maximum 3 letters) The letters should describe the how the collaborator will contribute in addressing COVID-19. Declaration Certificate duly singed and stamp by PI of research proposal, Director ORIC and Head of instituteEndorsement Form duly singed and stamp by PI and Co-PI of research proposal, Director ORIC and Head of instituteEthical Certificate duly signed by Ethical Research Committee of Institute ................

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