Samuel C. Certo - Verbundzentrale des GBV


Concepts and Skill-Building

Eighth Edition

Samuel C. Certo

Steinmetz Professor of Management Crummer Graduate School of Business Rollins College

I McGraw-Hill I Irwin


Preface iv

About the Author xx


Chapter 1 Supervision: Tradition and Contemporary Trends 2

Supervision: A Historical Perspective 4

Supervisors Should Focus on Efficiency 5 Supervisors Should Focus on Functions to Be Performed 5 Supervisors Should Focus on People 5

Types of Supervisory Skills 6

Classic Understanding of Management Skills 6 Modern View of Management Skills 6 Supervising a Diverse Workforce 7 Opportunities and Challenges 8 Subtle Discrimination 9

General Functions of the Supervisor 10

Planning 11 Organizing 11 Staffing 11 Leading 11 Controlling 12 Relationships among the Functions 13

Responsibilities of the Supervisor 13

Types of Responsibilities 13 Responsibilities and Accountability 14

Becoming a Supervisor 15

Preparing for the Job 15 Obtaining and Using Power and Authority 16

Characteristics of a Successful Supervisor 17 About This Book 18

Part One: Concepts 20 Summary 20 Key Terms 22 Review and Discussion Questions 21 Part Two: Skill-Building 22 You Solve the Problem 22 Problem-Solving Case: Refereeing the Referees of the Atlantic Coast Conference 22 Assessing Yourself: Is Supervising Right for You? 23 Class Skills Exercise: Recognizing Management Skills 23 xxii

Building Supervision Skills: Defining Your Role as Supervisor 24 Building Supervision Skills: Leading a Team 25

Part One Video Cases 27


Chapter 2 Ensuring High Quality and Productivity 30

Consequences of Poor Quality 33

Limited Resources 33 Higher Costs 33

Types of Quality Control 34

Product Quality Control 34 Process Control 35

Methods for Improving Quality 36

Statistical Quality Control 37 Zero-Defects Approach 38 Employee Involvement Teams 38 Six Sigma 40 Total Quality Management 41

Quality Standards 43 Guidelines for Quality Control 44

Prevention versus Detection 44 Standard Setting and Enforcement 45

The Productivity Challenge 46

Trends in Productivity in the United States 46 Constraints on Productivity 46

Measuring Productivity 49 Improving Productivity 51

Use Budgets 52 Increase Output 52 Improve Methods 53 Reduce Overhead 53 Minimize Waste 54 Regulate or Level the Work Flow 55 Install Modern Equipment 56 Train and Motivate Employees 57 Minimize Tardiness, Absenteeism, and Turnover 57

Employee Fears about Productivity Improvement 58

Part One: Concepts 59 Summary 59

Key Terms 61 Review and Discussion Questions 61 Part Two: Skill-Building 62 You Solve the Problem 62 Problem-Solving Case: Fast Food Is All about Service 63 Assessing Yourself: Test Your Personal Productivity 63 Class Skills Exercise: Defining and Measuring Quality of Service 64 Building Supervision Skills: Improving Performance 65

Chapter 3 Groups, Teams, and Powerful Meetings 66

Reasons for Joining Groups 68 Groups in the Workplace 69

Functional and Task Groups 69 Formal and Informal Groups 69 Getting the Group to Work with You 70

Characteristics of Groups 72

Roles 72 Norms 73 Status 74 Cohesiveness 74 Size 74 Homogeneity 75 Effectiveness 75

Teams 76

Stages of Team Development 77 Benefits of Teamwork 78 Leading the Team 79

Powerful Meetings 82

Reasons for Meetings 82 Preparing for a Meeting 83 Conducting a Meeting 85 Overcoming Problems with Meetings 86 Part One: Concepts 87 Summary 87 Key Terms 89 Review and Discussion Questions 89 Part Two: Skill-Building 90 You Solve the Problem 90 Problem-Solving Case: Peer Groups Help Eastman Kodak Employees Resolve Disputes 91 Assessing Yourself: How Do You Communicate as a Team Leader? 92 Class Skills Exercise: Meeting Participation Skills 93 Building Supervision Skills: Evaluating Team Performance 93

Contents xxiii

Chapter 4 Corporate Social Responsibility, Ethics, and Sustainability 96

Fundamentals of Corporate Social Responsibility 97

The Davis Model of Corporate Social Responsibility 98

Ethics in the Workplace 98

Benefits of Ethical Behavior 99 Challenges to Ethical Behavior 100 Differing Measures of Ethical Behavior 102 Code of Ethics: An Example 104

Ethical Behavior of Supervisors 105

Making Ethical Decisions 106 Supervising Unethical Employees 106

Treatment of Whistle-Blowers 108 Sustainability 110

Sustainable Organizations 110 Achieving Sustainability 110

Part One: Concepts 111 Summary 111 Key Terms 113 Review and Discussion Questions 113 Part Two: Skill-Building 114 You Solve the Problem 114 Problem-Solving Case: Scrap Metal Trips Up Stamford Supervisors 114 Assessing Yourself: How Ethical Is Your Behavior? 115 Class Skills Exercise: Supervising Unethical Employees 116 Building Supervision Skills: Decision Making 116

Chapter 5 Managing Diversity 118

What Is Diversity? 119

A Look at Our Diversity 120

Challenges to Working in a Diverse Society 121

Prejudice and Discrimination 122

Stereotypes 124

Sexism 124

Ageism 127

Accommodation of Disabilities 128


Implications for the Supervisor 129

Advantages of Diversity 129

Communication 130

Diversity Training 131

Legal Issues 133

Part One: Concepts 134

Summary 134

Key Terms 135

xxiv Contents

Review and Discussion Questions 135 Part Two: Skill-Building 136 You Solve the Problem 136 Problem-Solving Case: Cultural Diversity in a Cookie Factory 136 Assessing Yourself: Avoiding Age Bias 137 Class Skills Exercise: Managing Diversity 138 Building Supervision Skills: Providing Employee Orientation 138 Part Two Video Cases 139


Chapter 6 Reaching Goals: Plans and Controls 142

Planning in Organizations 143

Objectives 144 Policies, Procedures, and Rules 147 Action Plans 148 Contingency Planning 149 Management by Objectives 150

The Supervisor as Planner 152

Providing Information and Estimates 152 Allocating Resources 152 Involving Employees 156 Planning with a Team 157 Updating Objectives 157

The Supervisor as Controller 158

The Process of Con trolling 158 Types of Control 164 Tools for Control 165

Characteristics of Effective Controls 168

Timeliness 168 Cost Effectiveness 168 Acceptability 168 Flexibility 169 Part One: Concepts 169 Summary 169 Key Terms 170 Review and Discussion Questions 170 Part Two: Skill-Building 172 You Solve the Problem 172 Problem-Solving Case: MBO Clarifies Objectives at Edward Don & Company 172 Assessing Yourself: Are You a Planner? 173 Class Skills Exercise: Setting Goals 174 Building Supervision Skills: Controlling a Yacht-Making Operation 175

Chapter 7 Organizing and Authority 178

The Structure of the Organization 180

Organization Charts 180 Types of Structures 181

Authority 186

Line, Staff, and Functional Authority 187 Centralized and Decentralized Authority 187 Power, Responsibility, and Accountability 187

The Process of Organizing 189

Define the Objective 189 Determine the Needed Resources 190 Group Activities and Assign Duties 190

Principles of Organizing 191

Parity Principle 191 Unity of Command 191 Chain of Command 192 Span of Control 192

Delegating Authority and Responsibility 194

Benefits of Delegating 195 Empowerment 195 The Process of Delegating 195 Reluctance to Delegate 198 Part One: Concepts 199 Summary 199 Key Terms 200 Review and Discussion Questions 201 Part Two: Skill-Building 202 You Solve the Problem 202 Problem-Solving Case: Is Thor Industries Organized for Growth? 202 Assessing Yourself: Do You Delegate? 203 Class Skills Exercise: Networking 203 Building Supervision Skills: Delegating 204

Chapter 8 The Supervisor as Leader 206

Characteristics of a Successful Leader 207 Leadership Theories 208

Democratic vs. Authoritarian Leadership 209 The Managerial Grid 210 Contingency Theories of Leadership 211 Servant Leadership 214 Entrepreneurial Leadership 214 Choosing a Leadership Style 215

Leader Relationships 219

Supervisors' Relationships with Their Employees 219 Supervisors' Relationships with Their Managers 221 Supervisors' Relationships with Their Peers 223 Part One: Concepts 223

Summary 223 Key Terms 224 Review and Discussion Questions 224 Part Two: Skill-Building 225 You Solve the Problem 225 Problem-Solving Case Leadership Training on the Program at Insight Communications 226 Assessing Yourself: Could You Be a CEO? 227 Class Skills Exercise: Practicing Leader Relations Principles 228 Building Supervision Skills: Leading a Team 229

Chapter 9 Problem Solving, Decision Making, and Creativity 230

The Process of Decision Making 232

The Rational Model 232 Human Compromises 234

Guidelines for Decision Making 238

Consider the Consequences 238 Respond Quickly in a Crisis 238 Inform the Manager 239 Be Decisive yet Flexible 240 Avoid Decision-Making Traps 241

Tools for Decision Making 242

Probability Theory 242 Decision Trees 243 Computer Software 244

Group Decision Making 245

Advantages and Disadvantages 245 Using Group Decision Making 246

Creativity 248

Thinking More Creatively 248 Establishing and Maintaining a Creative Work Climate 250 Overcoming Barriers to Creativity 250 Part One: Concepts 251 Summary 251 Key Terms 253 Review and Discussion Questions 253 Part Two: Skill-Building 254 You Solve the Problem 254 Problem-Solving Case: Improvement Ideas from a Costco Cashier 254 Assessing Yourself: How Creative Are You? 255 Class Skills Exercise: Solving Problems Individually and in Teams 256 Building Supervision Skills: Learning from Mistakes 256

Part Three Video Cases 257

Contents xxv


Chapter 10 Communication: Theory and Modern Media 260

How Communication Works 262

The Communication Process 262 Hearing versus Listening 263

Communicating Effectively 262

Communicate from the Receiver's Viewpoint 264 Learn from Feedback 264 Use Strategies for Effective Listening 265 Be Prepared for Cultural Differences 267

Barriers to Communication 269

Information Overload 269 Misunderstandings 270 Biases in Perception 273

Types of Messages 274

Nonverbal Messages 274 Verbal Messages 276 Modern Media and Message Types 278 Choosing the Most Effective Message Type 280

Communicating in Organizations 282

Direction of Communication 282 Formal and Informal Communication 284 Gossip and Rumors 284 Part One: Concepts 287 Summary 287 Key Terms 288 Review and Discussion Questions 288 Part Two: Skill-Building 289 You Solve the Problem 289 Problem-Solving Case: Billing Department Supervisor Gets a Handle on Open-Door Policy 290 Assessing Yourself: Are You an Effective Listener? 291 Class Skills Exercise: Communicating Effectively 292 Building Supervision Skills: Interpreting Communications 292

Chapter 11 Motivating Employees 294

How Does Motivation Work? 296

Content Theories 296 Process Theories 301 Motivation Theories and the Law 303

Money as a Motivator 305

When Money Motivates 305 Pay Plans Using Financial Incentives 305 Secrecy of Wage and Salary Information 308


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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