Chapter 7- Review

Chapter 7- Review

Section 7.1

1) What is weathering?

2) What can contribute to weathering?

3) What is erosion?

4) How do weathering and erosion work together?

5) What are the two types of weathering?

6) What is mechanical weathering?

7) Identify the five types of mechanical weathering.

8) What is abrasion?

9) What is ice wedging?

10) How do plants cause mechanical weathering?

11) How do animals contribute to mechanical weathering?

12) How does the release of pressure contribute to mechanical weathering?

13) What is chemical weathering?

14) Identify the agents of chemical weathering.

15) How is chemical weathering different than mechanical weathering?

16) How do mechanical and chemical weathering work together to break down rocks?

17) What is surface area?

18) How does surface area affect the rate of weathering?

19) How does water chemically weather rocks?

20) How does oxygen chemically weather rocks?

21) What is oxidation?

22) How does carbon dioxide chemically weather rocks?

23) How do living organisms chemically weather rocks?

24) What is acid rain?

25) How does acid rain chemically weather rocks?

26) What factors affect the rate of weathering?

27) What type of rocks weather easily?

28) What are permeable rocks?

29) What types of climates contribute to the weathering of rocks?

30) What type of climates does not allow rocks to weather easily?

Section 7.2

1) What is soil?

2) How does soil dorm?

3) What is bedrock?

4) List the different materials found in soil.

5) What is humus?

6) What does humus do for the soil?

7) Rank the particles of soil from largest to smallest.

8) What is loam?

9) What is a soil horizon?

10) Describe the A-horizon.

11) What is another name for the A- horizon?

12) Describe the B-horizon.

13) What is another name for the B-horizon?

14) Describe the C-horizon.

15) What is another name for the C- horizon?

16) List the horizons starting at the surface and moving down into the Earth.

17) Which horizon forms first? Why?

18) Which horizon forms second? Why?

19) Which horizon forms last? Why?

20) What affects the rate at which soil forms?

21) Describe three things that living organisms do for the soil.

22) What is litter?

23) What are decomposers?

24) What are the main soil decomposers?

25) What are fungi and what do they do for the soil?

26) What are bacteria and what do they do for the soil?

27) What do earthworms do for the soil?

28) What do burrowing animals do for the soil?

29) List the soil types of North America.

30) Describe a tundra soil.

31) Describe a northern forest soil.

32) Describe a prairie soil.

33) Describe a southern forest soil.

34) Describe a mountain soil.

35) Describe a desert soil.

36) Describe a tropical soil.


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