Fact sheet template (portrait) | Metro South Health

|Resources required: |

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|Copy of PPT Presentation (3 slides to a page) |

|Evaluation |

|Summary of 5CCCapabilities |

|Case Scenario |

|Reference List |

|Attendance Sheet |

|Self Reflection (Short Version) |

|Self Reflection (Answer Sheet) |

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|Individualism vs Collectivism (1 page only) |

|Assessment Tools |

|Impact of Culture & Language on Health Care |

|Diversicare Cultural Assessment Checklist |

|USB-Powerpoint presentation |

|Laptop |

|Data projector |

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|Room Setup Requirements: Whiteboard & marker pens, post it notes |

| |Total |

|Lesson Outline & Learning Activities |2 Hours |

|9.00 |Part 1 - Welcome | |

| |Outline | |

| |Training Objectives |60 minutes |

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| |Understand the impact of culture and language on individuals in health care settings | |

| |Incorporate cultural and language issues and knowledge into clinical practice | |

| |Learn how to elicit the cultural beliefs and values of the individual to ensure culturally safe | |

| |and responsive care is provided | |

| |Collectively share stories that enhance collegial learnings | |

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| |Setting the Scene | |

| | | |

| |Demographics | |

| |Culture and language in Clinical Practice – Why we need to know about culture and language? | |

| | | |

| |What does Qld Health expect of us? | |

| | | |

| |5 Cross Cultural Capabilities for Clinical staff | |

| | | |

| |Self-Reflection exercise (handout – short version) | |

| | | |

| |Understanding Culture, language and impact on health and clinical practice: | |

| | | |

| |Culture: | |

| |Iceberg (as refresh) | |

| |Individualism vs Collectivism (handout) | |

| |Health Beliefs (Western biomedical model/alternative/traditional | |

| |models) | |

| |Attitudes to Health care | |

| |Gender and cultural considerations | |

| |Pain, medications, visitors | |

| |Getting the cultural beliefs and values information that we need. | |

| |What information do we want? | |

| |What methods can be used? Patient records, data collection, observations etc. | |

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| |Cultural assessment (questionnaire samples/cultural questions to ask (Kleinman’s model) | |

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|10:00 – 11:00 |Part 2A | |

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| |Case Studies – Group work activity |20 minutes |

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| |Case Studies (Omar, elderly African gentlemen that experienced stroke and is about to undergo | |

| |rehab. Think scenario like this could provide the best opportunity for all allied health | |

| |disciplines to consider the case from their perspective. – to be finalised) | |

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| |Go through, discuss questions and present back to broader group. Consider MDT approach. | |

| | |10 minutes |

| |Discuss the findings | |

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| |Part 2B. |30 minutes |

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| |Quality and Safety Risks | |

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| |Adverse effects due to language and cultural barriers | |

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| |Minimise Risks: | |

| |Informed consent information | |

| |Language issues | |

| |Accessing Interpreters | |

| |Progress Notes – duty of care | |

|11:00 Conclusion |


Multicultural Support Team (Logan Hospital), Access and Capacity-building Team, Health Equity and Access Unit


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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