MEMORANDUM - University of Louisiana at Monroe


TO: Student Worker Supervisors

FROM: Financial Aid Office

RE: Federal Work Study Procedure for Summer 2006

DATE: April 12, 2006

As we prepare for the Summer 2006 term, listed below are the requirements for requesting your current student workers for the 04 work-study program.

Complete the Student Worker Request Form for returning students.

❑ This form is attached to your e-mail. Students must be enrolled at least 3 hours in a summer session to apply for 04 work-study.

❑ The student does not have to be enroll the entire summer to be able to work for the entire summer as long as the student will be returning for the fall semester.

❑ Any new student applicants awarded federal work-study for summer will be referred to our web site for positions available.

❑ This form must be attached to your student worker’s Summer Data Form (see next step below).

All returning students requested for the 04 work-study must complete a Summer Data Form.

❑ These forms will be available on our web site during summer registration. Make certain your students complete this form after they register for their classes.

❑ The Student Worker Request form must be attached to the student’s summer data form. Because of limited funding, we want your students to be awarded their work-study budgets.

❑ If the request form is not attached to the data form, your student worker will be placed on a work-study waiting list. If they are awarded, they will be notified through their ARROW account when their Work Authorization Forms will be available in the Financial Aid Office.

All student workers will be reviewed for Satisfactory Academic Progress.

❑ If your students fail to meet the minimum standards for Satisfactory Academic Progress, their work-study budget will be cancelled.

❑ You will be notified of the cancellation.

❑ If your students submit an appeal and it is approved, their work-study budget will be reinstated.

Supervisors will be sent their returning students’ Work Authorization Forms from the Financial Aid Office.

❑ All “new” student worker applicants awarded a work-study budget will be notified through their ARROW account from the Financial Aid Office about their Work Authorization Forms. No more letters will be sent in the mail!

Returning students working during the Interim period (May 21 – June 1) must be enrolled in at least 3 hours for the Summer I Session.

❑ The student’s work hours during this period will be paid with their Summer I work-study award. Note: Only returning students who worked in your department during the Fall 05 and /or Spring 06 semesters are eligible to work during the Interim Period.

Many questions have been raised about the hours a student can work if they are not enrolled for classes during one of the Summer Sessions.

❑ Student workers enrolled during the Summer Sessions can work no more than 20 hours a week.

❑ Student workers not enrolled during a Summer Session can work no more than 25 hours a week.

If you have other positions that need to be filled

❑ Please complete the attached “04 Work – Study Position Ads for Summer 2006” and return to me no later than 3:00 p.m., Thursday, April 27.

❑ These positions will be posted to our campus job web page for any new student applicants awarded federal work-study.

Any questions you may have about 03 work-study funds,

❑ Please contact the Student Payroll Office.


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