MEDIA STUDIES 20 (Miss Ziola)

MEDIA STUDIES 20 - Mr. Kruppi

Hello and welcome to Media Studies 20. In this course you will be studying, interacting, and analyzing the different forms of media that exist in our society. This course will incorporate the six strands of literacy: reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and representing. Participation in this class will be key to your success as a large part of the class will call for small and large group discussions. Some of the objectives for this course are:

❖ Recognize and appreciate the role of mass media in communication, in contemporary society, and in your personal lives.

❖ Recognize the codes, forms, and conventions of the various mass media.

❖ Recognize the ways in which the various mass media shape their

messages, and construct a sense of what the world is and how it works.

❖ Analyze and evaluate the various mass media, including their sources, intents, and underlying values.

❖ Recognize the role and power of advertising in the mass media.

❖ Extend and apply your speaking, listening, writing, reading, viewing, and representing abilities.

❖ Extend and apply your abilities be designing and creating a media text.

Module 1: Media Awareness - September

➢ What is the media?

➢ Who controls the media?

➢ What is meant by “popular culture”?

➢ What are the different forms and mediums of media?

➢ What role do the media play in your personal life? In the world?

Module 2: Television/Netflix - October

➢ What role does television play in shaping our world?

➢ What are the different genres of television programming?

➢ How has television evolved over the years?

➢ What role does advertising play in television?

➢ Is television a positive or negative form of media?

Module 3: Film - November

➢ Study the different forms of film: documentary, cartoon, romantic comedy, thrillers, and drama.

➢ How do these forms of film differ?

➢ What is the role of film in shaping our world?

➢ Does film give an accurate or false image of what our world is like?

➢ How has film evolved over the years?

Module 4: Advertising - December

➢ Examine the different aspects of advertising: magazines, newspapers, radio, television, billboards, photography, the internet, etc.

➢ Examine the role of advertising in persuading audience.

➢ Who is advertising intended for? (audience)

➢ What are the techniques used in advertising?

➢ Compare/contrast the different mediums of advertising.

Module 5: Video Games - January

➢ Are video games responsible for increasing violence amongst children and teenagers?

➢ What is the appeal of video games?

➢ Who is the intended audience for video games?

➢ How do video games compare/contrast with other mediums of media?

Final Project

➢ Consider the modules studied during the course and choose one form of media to develop into a final project. This project will take the place of the final exam.

Course Evaluation:

Daily Assignments – 40%

Digital Portfolio (Wordpress) – 25%

Media Logs – 10%

Final Project – 25%




In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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