ProWager MultiBetting System

ProWager MultiBetting System


7 Steps to becoming a




Staking Plan – Betting Types

Quinellas and the ProWager MultiBetting System

Quadrellas – Flexi Bets

How to bet on Quinellas – Quadrellas with the TAB instantly

How to increase/decrease the percent of your stake – when not to bet



The requirements for this application are as follows:

You will need a Computer with Internet access

You will need THE ODDS BROKER

1. Value

Betting today is very different from 20 years ago, and even five years ago. Times are changing rapidly.

What I am about to teach you wasn’t available until September 2011, and it will continue to change in the future. BUT THE PRINCIPLES OF WINNING WILL NEVER CHANGE, so the first concept you must learn is VALUE. You wouldn’t buy anything unless you thought it had good VALUE. For example, you wouldn’t go into McDonalds and buy a hamburger for $20. You know it is not good VALUE.

This concept of VALUE applies to any business, including betting on horses. You must know whether or not a horse is VALUE. If you do, you will still not be right all the time, and in fact you will be wrong more times than you are right. But that is okay. We are going to show you how to be wrong, yet still come out a winner.

The first question you may ask is, “How do I know the VALUE of a horse.” And the answer is, “You don’t!” But you can outsource this to people who do know. Gone are the days of completing forms and watching all the videos of races. Let the experts do it for you.

There are hundreds of websites and companies selling markets by subscription. We can let you know of a number of price assessors, but like you they will be right sometimes and wrong sometimes. Our experience will be able to direct you to the better ones.

You can choose to use these or you can choose to use the markets supplied by professional that we have contracted on your behalf. Just click on the button which ever state you want, and these will be downloaded into the ProWager Multi Program automatically.

You now know two important things:

1 You must know VALUE.

2 and You need to outsource this information. Or, you can do your own price assessment. It is up to you.

If you decide to purchase the markets, the cost ranges around $15 per race meeting. Of course prices can vary depending on the price assessor you choose.

2. Staking Plan – Betting Types

The next question is, “What do I do with these markets?”

If you only bet “win,” the markets need to be highly accurate. There is little room for error. This is not to say you can’t win, but you need to be well DISCIPLINED, HANDS ON and, above all, have a DEFINITE STAKING PLAN.

A far better way to use the market is MULTI BETTING where you have a bigger margin for error. More importantly, you get far more value most of the time. There are a number of MULTI BETTING types but for this particular exercise we are going to concentrate on two main betting types:



As in all betting, we need to discuss your:


Staking Plan

MULTI BETTING, like all businesses, can go through a lean period. When this occurs, we must make sure we can survive this time period. On the other hand, when we are having regular success, we may want to increase our STAKING plan. We will explain later when you should increase your STAKING plan on particular races.

In this lesson, we will learn to use our MARKETS in MULTI BETTING, and what percentage of our BANK we should be investing. We are not trying to turn a small amount of money into a large fortune in an instant. This is a process of building our wealth over time. A successful investor who knows how to build wealth also knows that it is TURNOVER and percentage of profit on TURNOVER that is important.

Here’s an example : If you have a BANK of $10,000 and invest 2.5% [$250] of this on 30 races a week, that will amount to $7,500. Do this every week for 40 weeks a year and your TURNOVER is $300,000. This is the big advantage of investing in horse racing: You can have a small BANK, risk 2.5% at any one time, yet have a huge TURNOVER.

If you only make 5% of TURNOVER you have made $15,000, which is 150% on your original BANK. However, if you had compounded it over 12 months, and kept investing 2.5% of your bank as you kept winning, your profit could be much larger. Ask yourself what happens if you were getting 10% profit on TURNOVER.

A staking plan takes all the guess work out of betting. Your staking plan tells you what to bet and stick to it.

Staking Plan: Recommended % of bank is between 2.5% and 5%, but this is entirely your decision. Be conservative initially as you build confidence in the software. Decide what percent of your bank you will bet each race. We are not giving you advice what and how much to wager, just the process.

Multi Betting: These types of betting offer better VALUE and more chances (or combinations) to WIN.

Quinellas and the ProWager Multi Betting System

Using your Market access prices, we will now introduce you to the ProWager Multi Betting System that does all the work for you.


Enter your own prices, or,

Use the prices available in the Prowager website. Or Select the markets and press go. Markets will automatically upload. Upon pressing “Submit,” the program calculates all combinations [based on the prices] and how many times each combination should be taken. Depending on your Internet connection, this process normally takes around 2 to 3 seconds. (To do this calculation manually it would take hours.)

The colours will come up on each horse in the race.

This then determines based on your prices and compares with the tote prices.

Purple colour is very good value.

Green colour is good value

Yellow colour is value

Blue colour is just under value

Red is for bad value.

This helps you determine how best to use the ProWager program and get the best value out of betting in he particular race.

By using the show button underneath the three betting types button, the program will recommend how to bet with the information in the program

You can use the quinella program or the new quinella program based on the above.

When you have selected which program you prefer for this race, click on the submit button

Now that you have all these combinations you will need to enter your STAKE. When this is entered you will be directed to another page which will show all the combinations and units [the number of times you have taken each combination] for your investment. You copy these combinations; go to THE ODDS BROKER in your account.Express Betting; and paste bets in the batch. Submit the batch and all your combinations are sent to your Account to the TAB you have selected. This normally takes less than 10 seconds. The ProWager Multi Betting System has copied your combinations in the exact format each TAB requires. I have personally taken less than 30 seconds to complete this entire process. Now, using this System, you have become a system MULTI BETTING punter and are on the way to making consistent profits.

Online demonstrations are available for this section.

You can also contact us via email for more information about the quaddie.

4. Quadrellas – Flexi Bets

|Top of Form |

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|[pic] |

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|A Quaddie requires you to pick four winners from four races nominated by TAB at the one meeting. A Quaddie dividend is determined by the amount of money in the dividend pool |

|amongst successful investors. |

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|The minimum investment for a Quaddie is 50 cents, however all dividends will be displayed for $1. Flexi and Mystery Quaddie betting is also available. |

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|Quaddie legs will be added to the ‘Race Info’ column on Today’s and Tomorrow’s Racing Schedules. Within a specific meeting, Quaddie legs will be marked as QL1, QL2, QL3 or QL4.|

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|Placing a Quaddie |

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|Placing a Quaddie online is easy. After selecting a meeting from the betting index page, click on the Quaddie option above the list of events for the meeting. An alternative |

|way to is to select a race in that meeting that is the leg of a Quaddie, and click on the betting link from that specific race. |

|[pic] |

|You are then required to input the amount you want to bet, ensuring that you click the Flexi option should you wish your amount to be the total spend. |

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|Then it's a case of inputting your selections for each leg. A minimum of one selection in each leg is required. |

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|Click picture to enlarge |

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|To calculate the amount you need to spend to receive 100% of the dividend, simply multiply the number of selections in each leg together.   For example, should you wish to have|

|2 selections in each leg of your Quaddie and receive 100% of the dividend, you will need to spend $16 (i.e 2 x 2 x 2 x2).   |

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|Quaddie betting is also available in Expert Betting mode. |

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|Bottom of Form |

This is where you can get very big returns for your betting dollar. In today’s world you can even bet a Flexi amount and cover a lot more combinations. This is how Flexi Betting works. What is Flexi Betting?

Imagine if you could have a Trifecta, First 4 or Quaddie without being restricted by your budget. Imagine if you could increase your selections without increasing your outlay. Imagine selecting 8,9 or 10 runners in a quaddie at a price you can afford.

You can stop imagining. It’s here – Flexi Betting: the revolutionary way of betting from the TAB.

Flexi Betting allows you to take a Trifecta, First 4 or Quaddie with multiple combinations that were previously beyond your reach.

With Flexi Betting, you can match it with the professionals who often take large combination bets. You can increase your chances of winning by having as many combinations as you want at an outlay to suit your pocket.

Flexi Betting in 4 Easy Steps

|Step One |Decide how much you want to spend. The number of selections you choose does not impact on your total spend. Once you decide how much you want to spend, |

| |that will be the total cost of the bet. For example, $15. |

|Step Two |Select your combinations. There is no difference here from the current way of betting. You still need to select the correct placings for a Trifecta, First|

| |4 or Quaddie. Let’s say that you wanted to box 5 horses in a Trifecta. This would normally cost you $60, for a $1 investment. |

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| |The Bet Placement section explains this area in more detail. |

|Step Three |After your bet is processed, the TAB calculates the percentage bet that you have waged. This percentage is based on what the bet would normally cost if |

| |you placed the bet for $1. We call it a Bet Percentage. |

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| |In our example, your percentage would be: |

| |$15 (the amount you choose to spend)/ |

| |$60 (cost of the bet for $1) x 100 |

| |= 25% |

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| |The Bet Percentage section explains this area in more detail. |

|Step Four |If successful, you will collect the percentage of the dividend that you have waged: |

| |Let’s say the winning Trifecta dividend is $200.00. |

| |Your collect will be: |

| |25% of $200 = $50 |

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| |The Bet Collect section explains this in more detail. |

Refer to TAB site for information.

This works similarly to Quinellas, except there are two stages.

Then, copy and paste to the ProWager Multi Betting System and click on Submit.

You will notice there are no decimal points in the prices shown. For example, $2.50 is shown as 25 and $15.80 is shown as 158. This format must be followed for the program to recognise these prices. These are the only manual adjustments you will be required to make.

Make sure you check your adjustments as any mistake can be very costly in MULTI BETTING. You must repeat the above for each of the four races in the Quadrella. When all are completed, go to the left-hand side and click on ‘Quaddie’. Make sure you choose the correct races designated by your TAB for the particular State you are betting in.

The program will work out all the combinations and the bands or area you should take. Do not worry what band is selected as this is built into the program, based on history.

You now click on ‘Submit’, then ‘Bet Strings’. To send these combinations to your TAB account, you can select either of these two options.

Paste your combinations to the Batch Area and click on‘Submit’


Click on ‘Quaddie’ and you will now see ‘Flexi Bet’ appear. This enables you to input the required dollar amount [i.e., your Stake] you wish to invest. Now paste your bets to the Batch Area and click on ‘Submit.’

As previously explained, you will get a pro rata percentage of the dividend to your outlay and normal cost. Always make a copy of your combinations. This copy will act as a receipt if you need to question the TAB about your combinations. It’s highly unlikely this will happen, but it’s good insurance for you.

You now have completed your first Quadrella, where the winning dividends can be massive. The value in this type of betting is greater than any other. The ProWager Multi Betting System you are using is unique and gives you every chance for success. This is one of the best programs specifically designed for Quadrellas. You don't have to be completely accurate, yet if you get one right you can still be rewarded with a fantastic result. All the required markets are available on the mornings of each race day, [radio, newspaper, internet, etc.]. Therefore you can send your Quadrella combinations to your TAB account at any time, leaving you to enjoy the rest of your day.

How to bet on Quinellas – Quadrellas with the TAB instantly

The previous lessons have reviewed the way you place your bets with the TAB over the Internet. But due to the importance of getting this done in a required amount of time -- sometimes at the last minute – here are some very important tips to follow.

1 First thing on the day of betting, open your TAB account and check your balance so you know how to assess your Stake. If you spend more than your balance, all of your combinations will not be accepted.

2 Follow the procedure shown to you for your Quadrella combinations.

3. You do not have to worry about any code bet as the ProWager Multi Betting System will do this for you.

5 Now click on the race you want on the left hand side, then paste your bets in the Batch Bet section. If you are taking a Quaddie, just click on the Race Number of the first leg of the Quaddie, which has been designated by the TAB for the State you are betting in. The Quadrella is normally held on the last 4 races on the program. This may change so always check on your TAB site for the designated races.

The TAB is very user friendly and is available for customer assistance at any time. You can deposit and withdraw monies over the Internet directly from and into your nominated Bank account 24 hours 7 days a week.

How to increase or decrease the percent of your stake – when not to bet

If you are to be successful, learning when to bet, when not to bet, and when to increase your Stake is crucial. It’s the difference from a professional and a punter. There is no guessing when to bet, just follow your plan.

We all know how to recognize punters. They go to the races with a bank of $500. They lay out $20 on each of the first few races. Halfway through the day they check their bank only to discover they have lost $200. They now have to get this amount back, so on each of the next couple of races they invest $50. Now they are losing $300. Even if they backed a winner they had to increase their Stake. They are either chasing their losses or betting under pressure. They now have less regard for the real value of their money. It always comes back to value. You must always respect the value of your money. . Here’s how:

Even though it may be difficult, you have to look at betting over a period of time, not on a day to day basis. This ‘I won today/I lost today’ mentality must go; if not, you’re likely to wind up losing. Give yourself a period of time, like 3 or 6 months, or even a year.

Say you are going to bet in 30 races a week for 40 weeks. That means you have 1200 races to invest in, so you do not need to win everyday; this is a process that takes some time. You are going to win x amount of times over the period you set. Of course, this does not mean you do not evaluate how you are going and make changes that need to be made. But remember: you have a Staking plan, a process and the tools to make a profit over time.

Every punter has bad runs and, fortunately, good runs. Either requires making necessary adjustments.

When to bet: Quinellas – It doesn’t matter how many starters as long as there is value.

Look at your favourite – the shortest price horse in your market. Is there value compared to the TAB price? If not, move onto the second favourite, then onto the third and fourth favourites if need be, always looking for good value. If none of the first 4 horses have any value, then do not bet. The only time you do not need to follow this rule is when the favourite is above $5. If this is the case, you bet regardless.

The only other rule about betting is: don’t bet on a heavy track. That’s because the markets are not normally accurate enough.

You should change your stake each day according to your betting bank. As it increases, you nominate an amount, normally 2.5% of your overall bank. If you have a bad run, you do likewise – decrease your stake – to 2.5% of your overall bank.

Remember: consistency and persistency are two of the big factors to becoming a winner.

If you have a big overlay [this means the tote or bookie price is greater than your price] on your first and second favourites -- or even your second, third and fourth favourites -- you should increase your stake by another 50%. For example, if you are betting $100, you should increase your stake to $150. If there are big overlays (nearly double) on any 3 of the 4 favourites, you can double your stake. Make sure you are very comfortable and confident of your markets before considering this tactic.

One special note of warning: the TAB market and the bookie market are the best judge over a period of time, but that doesn’t mean they are always right. As stated before, you do not have to be right all the time.


See for yourself if the ProWager Multi Betting System works for you – at NO UPFRONT COST. Because you have completed the Tutorial, the System is free for the first month.

You can purchase Hong Kong, Sydney, Adelaide, Brisbane and Victorian city meeting markets on our Website if you wish, or source your own markets. Online help is also available.

We want you to win consistently.

You can contact us on our email address for one on one tutoring. And for advanced users, information about betting on Trifectas and Exactas is also available upon request.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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