HANDOUT #3 Geography: the study of people, their environments, and their resources

1a) Human Geography: combines economic and cultural geography to explore the relationships between humans and their natural environment, and to look at the changes that shape human societies. Additionally human geography looks at communities around the world, helping us understand our present-day world. Human geography is characterized by the impact that government, business, language, religion, economy, population, and individual decisions may have on people and places near and far.

-Adapted from BBC/

1b) Physical Geography: includes places that are part of Earth’s space, large or small, that have been given meaning by humans. They include continents, islands, countries, regions, states, cities, neighborhoods, villages, rural areas, and uninhabited areas. They usually have names and boundaries. Places are characterized by their physical properties such as climate, landforms, soils, vegetation, and animal life. A place can be dramatically altered by events both near and far, while few places remain unchanged for long.

-Adapted from National Geographic

ASSIGNMENT: Each of the following documents relates to the physical and human geography. As a group you will be assigned one document, you will need to use the information in the document to answer the questions below. Use the main objects in the document , as well as educated guesses to try and figure out whether the document is old/ or new. You will also try to guess where in America the document is:

1. What type of document is this?

2. Does the document look old/new? How can you tell?

3. Are there any clues that show where this is or what this document is about?

4. Where do you think this might be?

5. Does this relate to human geography (was it made by humans?), or is this physical geography, or both? EXPLAIN.

2) When completed, it will present an object of public health, amusement and recreation, unmatched by any city in the world:

It is needed for:

1. Health. A million of people will soon be crowded on this island, and if these Lungs of City are not furnished, instead of the healthiest, this will become a sickly place.

2. Recreation. We want a place where all can enjoy the sweet breath of rural life, which this will furnish to tens of thousands by a walk of a few hundred feet.

3. For Driving and Riding. Our avenues will all be occupied by railroads for general travel, and our streets for business purposes. There will be no place left us for pleasure driving or walking in pursuit of health.

-The New York Times: June 4, 1853






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