Course/ Subject: Principles of Technology Grade: 9-12
Month: Sept-Oct (Communication)
Enduring Understanding
• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
• TV and video have dramatically changed the way we see the world.
• Communication Technology is the creative process by which we use graphic and electronic media to transfer information.
• Multimedia Communication is the combination of digital images and audio in a single product.
Essential Questions
• How is raw video footage compiled into a movie, commercial, or TV show?
• How is Audio and Video joined together in a project?
• How can I synthesize and present information using technology in a meaningful way?
• What is the benefit of video production to society?
• How can I use video production techniques to further my career in a technological workplace?
• How do we use words and images to convey messages?
• How will I use different software applications to manipulate digital images and audio?
|Standards |Curriculum |Skills |Assessment |
|3.4.10.A2. |Types of Communication |Define Communication |Completion of Video |
|Interpret how systems |Audio | |assignments |
|thinking applies logic |Video |Storyboarding | |
|and creativity with |Audio visual | |Completion of Graphic |
|appropriate comprises in | |Sequencing |assignments |
|complex real-life |History of communication | | |
|problems. | |Compare and Contrast past | |
|3.4.10.B1. |Communication system |communications to present | |
|Compare and contrast |Input |communication | |
|how the use of |Process | | |
|technology involves |Output |Edit with video editing package| |
|weighing the trade-offs |Feed Back | | |
|between the positive and | |Create visual descriptive | |
|negative effects. |Forms of communication |graphic | |
|3.4.10.C2. |Biological | | |
|Analyze a prototype |Graphic | | |
|and/or create a working |Wave | | |
|model to test a design |Telecommunication | | |
|concept by making actual | | | |
|observations and | | | |
|necessary adjustments. | | | |
|3.4.10.E4. | | | |
|Evaluate the purpose and | | | |
|effectiveness of | | | |
|information and | | | |
|communication systems. | | | |
|3.4.12.E4 | | | |
|Synthesize the effects of | | | |
|information and | | | |
|communication systems and | | | |
|subsystems as an integral | | | |
|part of the development of the | | | |
|Information Age. | | | |
Month: Nov-Dec (Power, Energy and Transportation)
Enduring Understanding
• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
• Everything has Potential Energy waiting to become Kinetic Energy
• Friction is the force that slows things down and wears objects out.
• Transportation Technology moves all the goods and people in a society.
• Societies will need to develop alternate forms of energy in order to keep pace with human consumption with consideration of environmental impacts.
Essential Questions
• How do you change one type of motion into another?
• How do friction and drag affect our everyday lives?
• How can we change potential energy into Kinetic energy?
• How can solving a problem positively or negatively effect society or the environment?
• What types of alternative power sources will be developed for the future?
• How will these power sources impact humans and the environment?
|Standards |Curriculum |Skills |Assessment |
|3.4.10.A1. |Energy |Define Drag |Completion of mouse trap powered car for |
|Illustrate how the |Kinetic | |distance |
|development of |Potential |Define Friction | |
|technologies is often | | |Documentation Packet to Include: |
|driven by profit and an |Motion |Compare and contrast Friction and Drag |- Sketches showing possible design |
|economic market. |Rotary | |solutions |
|3.4.10.A2. |Linear |Define Kinetic Energy |-Paragraph explaining why chosen design was |
|Interpret how systems | | |chosen |
|thinking applies logic |Momentum |Define Potential Energy |-Paragraph explaining how they would improve|
|and creativity with | | |their design if they had it to do again. |
|appropriate comprises in |Friction |Define Rotary Motion | |
|complex real-life | | | |
|problems. |Drag |Define Linear Motion | |
|3.4.10.B1. | | | |
|Compare and contrast |History |Safe use of Band Saw | |
|how the use of | | | |
|technology involves |Power |Safe use of Drill press | |
|weighing the trade-offs | | | |
|between the positive and |Machines |Safe use of Sander | |
|negative effects. | | | |
|3.4.10.C2. | | | |
|Analyze a prototype | | | |
|and/or create a working | | | |
|model to test a design | | | |
|concept by making actual | | | |
|observations and | | | |
|necessary adjustments. | | | |
|3.4.12.C2. | | | |
|Apply the concept that | | | |
|engineering design is | | | |
|influenced by personal | | | |
|characteristics, such as | | | |
|creativity, resourcefulness, | | | |
|and the ability to visualize | | | |
|and think abstractly. | | | |
|3.4.10.D1. | | | |
|Refine a design by using | | | |
|prototypes and | | | |
|modeling to ensure | | | |
|quality, efficiency, and | | | |
|productivity of a final | | | |
|product. | | | |
|3.4.10.E3. | | | |
|Compare and contrast the | | | |
|major forms of energy: | | | |
|thermal, radiant, | | | |
|electrical, mechanical, | | | |
|chemical, nuclear and | | | |
|others. | | | |
|3.4.12.E3. | | | |
|Compare and contrast energy | | | |
|and power systems as they | | | |
|relate to pollution, renewable | | | |
|and non-renewable resources, | | | |
|and conservation. | | | |
|3.4.10.E5. | | | |
|Analyze the development | | | |
|of transportation services | | | |
|and methods and their | | | |
|impact on society. | | | |
Month: Jan (Biotechnology)
Enduring Understanding
• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
• We can use Biotechnology to help conserve our world.
Essential Questions
• How is Biotechnology affecting us in our everyday life?
• How can biotechnology be used to lessen our impact on the Earth?
|Standards |Curriculum |Skills |Assessment |
|3.4.10.A1. |Bio Technology |Define Biotechnology |Worksheets |
|Illustrate how the |Blue - Marine | | |
|development of |Green - Agricultural |Compare the 4 categories’ of |Research Presentation |
|technologies is often |Red - Medical |Biotechnology | |
|driven by profit and an |White - Industrial | | |
|economic market. | | | |
|3.4.10.A2. | | | |
|Interpret how systems | | | |
|thinking applies logic | | | |
|and creativity with | | | |
|appropriate comprises in | | | |
|complex real-life | | | |
|problems. | | | |
|3.4.10.B1. | | | |
|Compare and contrast | | | |
|how the use of | | | |
|technology involves | | | |
|weighing the trade-offs | | | |
|between the positive and | | | |
|negative effects. | | | |
|3.4.10.E1. | | | |
|Assess how medical | | | |
|technologies over time | | | |
|have impacted | | | |
|prevention and | | | |
|rehabilitation, vaccines | | | |
|and pharmaceuticals, | | | |
|medical and surgical | | | |
|procedures, and genetic | | | |
|engineering. | | | |
|3.4.12.E1. | | | |
|Compare and contrast the | | | |
|emerging technologies of | | | |
|telemedicine, | | | |
|nanotechnology, prosthetics, | | | |
|and biochemistry as they | | | |
|relate to improving human | | | |
|health. | | | |
|3.4.12.E2. | | | |
|Compare and contrast the | | | |
|technologies of | | | |
|biotechnology, conservation, | | | |
|bio-fuels, and ecosystems as | | | |
|they relate to managing | | | |
|Earth’s resources effectively. | | | |
Month: Feb (Design and Applied Engineering)
Enduring Understanding
• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
Essential Questions
• How can solving a problem positively or negatively affect society or the environment?
• What does an engineer do?
• How are products designed and developed?
|Standards |Curriculum |Skills |Assessment |
|3.4.10.A2. | | |Test |
|Interpret how systems |Introduction to the different types of engineering |Compare the differences and | |
|thinking applies logic | |similarities of the different |Quiz’s |
|and creativity with |Elements of good design |types of Engineering | |
|appropriate comprises in | | |Projects |
|complex real-life |Design loop |Explain what make good design | |
|problems. | | | |
|3.4.10.B1. | |Define Design loop and explain | |
|Compare and contrast | |its purpose. | |
|how the use of | | | |
|technology involves | | | |
|weighing the trade-offs | | | |
|between the positive and | | | |
|negative effects. | | | |
|3.4.10.B4. | | | |
|Recognize that | | | |
|technological | | | |
|development has been | | | |
|evolutionary, the result | | | |
|of a series of refinements | | | |
|to a basic invention. | | | |
|3.4.10.C2. | | | |
|Analyze a prototype | | | |
|and/or create a working | | | |
|model to test a design | | | |
|concept by making actual | | | |
|observations and | | | |
|necessary adjustments. | | | |
|3.4.12.C2. | | | |
|Apply the concept that | | | |
|engineering design is | | | |
|influenced by personal | | | |
|characteristics, such as | | | |
|creativity, resourcefulness, | | | |
|and the ability to visualize | | | |
|and think abstractly. | | | |
|3.4.10.D1. | | | |
|Refine a design by using | | | |
|prototypes and | | | |
|modeling to ensure | | | |
|quality, efficiency, and | | | |
|productivity of a final | | | |
|product. | | | |
Month: March – April (Drafting)
Enduring Understanding
• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
• Technology is not an object or artifact but a process by which we solve problems.
• Technological design is a creative process that anyone can do which may result in new inventions and innovations.
• Mechanical Drafting is the means by which we use symbols and text to graphically represent designed products.
Essential Questions
• How does Technology effect/affect my life?
• What steps are involved in technological design and problem solving when creating inventions and innovations?
• How can lines drawn to represent symbols or objects be used to convey information or a message?
|Standards |Curriculum |Skills |Assessment |
|3.4.10.E4. |Sketching |Orthographic Projection |Completion of Drawing |
|Evaluate the purpose and | | |assignments |
|effectiveness of |Introduction to CADD |Isometric Projection | |
|information and | | | |
|communication systems. |2D Drawings |Architecture | |
|3.4.12.E4 | | | |
|Synthesize the effects of |3D Drawings | | |
|information and | | | |
|communication systems and | | | |
|subsystems as an integral | | | |
|part of the development of the | | | |
|Information Age. | | | |
Month: May – June (Manufacturing and Construction)
Enduring Understanding
• Technology is created, used and modified by humans.
• A technological world requires that humans develop capabilities to solve technological challenges and improve products for the way we live.
• Technological literacy is the ability to use, assess and manage technology around us.
• Technology is not an object or artifact but a process by which we solve problems.
• Construction and Manufacturing Technology are inter-related.
Essential Questions
• How does Technology effect/affect my life?
• How can solving a problem positively or negatively effect society or the environment?
• How do humans use Construction/Manufacturing processes to solve problems?
|Standards |Curriculum |Skills |Assessment |
|3.4.10.A1. |Manufacturing |Define Resources |Completion of |
|Illustrate how the development of technologies is often |Resources: | |manufacturing of a child’s|
|driven by profit and an economic market. |Renewable |Define Process |toy |
|3.4.10.A2. |Non renewable | | |
|Interpret how systems thinking applies logic and creativity with |Recyclable |Define Products | |
|appropriate comprises in complex real-life problems. |Process: | | |
|3.4.10.B3. |Primary |Compare and contrast Different | |
|Compare and contrast how a number of different factors, such as |Secondary |types of production types | |
|advertising, the strength of the economy, the |Products | | |
|goals of a company and the latest fads, contribute |Durable | | |
|to shaping the design of and demand for various technologies. |Non durable | | |
|3.4.10.C2. | | | |
|Analyze a prototype |Production types | | |
|and/or create a working |Mass | | |
|model to test a design |Custom | | |
|concept by making actual |Craft | | |
|observations and | | | |
|necessary adjustments. |Construction | | |
|3.4.12.C2. | | | |
|Apply the concept that | | | |
|engineering design is | | | |
|influenced by personal | | | |
|characteristics, such as | | | |
|creativity, resourcefulness, | | | |
|and the ability to visualize | | | |
|and think abstractly. | | | |
|3.4.10.D1. | | | |
|Refine a design by using | | | |
|prototypes and | | | |
|modeling to ensure | | | |
|quality, efficiency, and | | | |
|productivity of a final | | | |
|product. | | | |
|3.4.10.E6. | | | |
|Illustrate how | | | |
|manufacturing systems | | | |
|may be classified into | | | |
|types such as customized | | | |
|production, batch | | | |
|production, and | | | |
|continuous production. | | | |
|3.4.10.E7. | | | |
|Evaluate structure design | | | |
|as related to function, | | | |
|considering such factors | | | |
|as style, convenience, | | | |
|safety, and efficiency. | | | |
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