Earth Space Systems Semester A 2006 Examination

Name: __ Date: _____ Pd:_____

Semester A Review Packet

Honors Earth Space Systems

For many of you, this will be your first high-school-level exam, so you need to be prepared to work hard in your studying in order to be successful. The information in this packet will help you prepare to do your best in January.

After School Review Sessions: (you may attend any, even if they are not with your teacher)

|Ms. Wingate |Ms. Weaver |

|Wednesday, January 5th |Tuesday, January 4th |

|Thursday, January 6th |Wednesday, January 5th |

|Wednesday, January 12th |Tuesday, January 11th |

| |Wednesday, January 12th |

In-class Exam Review Days:

Tuesday, January 11th (ODD ) and Wednesday, January 12th (EVEN)

Exam days:

|Thursday, January 13th – Periods 1 & 5 |Friday, January 14th – |Tuesday, January 18th – |

| |Periods 2 & 8 |Period 7 |

( NOTE: If there is a snow day on an exam day, be prepared to have the exams scheduled for that day when we return. For example, if there is a snow day on January 13th, periods 1 and 5 will have their exams on the 14th and all exams will be pushed back one day.

Homework from Review Packet:

| |Date ASSIGNED |Date DUE |Parent Signature when |Teacher Signature when |

| |even/odd |even/odd |DONE |TURNED IN |

|Pages 2-4 |Dec 9 / |Dec 13 / Dec 14 | | |

|Vocab review |Dec 10 | | | |

|Items 1-8 | | | | |

|Pages 5-7 |Dec 13 / |Dec 15 / Dec 16 | | |

|Items 9-20 |Dec 14 | | | |

|Pages 8-9 |Dec 15 / |Dec 17 / | | |

|Items 21-22 |Dec 16 |Dec 20 | | |

|BCR: Climate Cycle | | | | |

|Pages 10-11 |Dec 17 / |Dec 21/ | | |

|Items 23-26 |Dec 20 |Dec 22 | | |

|BCR Temp Differences | | | | |

|Pages 12-17 |Dec 21/ |AFTER BREAK | | |

|Items 27-35 |Dec 22 |Jan 3 / | | |

|BCR: Revolution, Rotation, Eclipses | |Jan 4 | | |

|BCR: Life of a Star | | | | |

|Pages 18-20 |Jan 3/ |Jan 5 / | | |

|Items 36-40 |Jan 4 |Jan 6 | | |

|BCR: Universal Gravitation | | | | |

Student Review

Honors Earth and Space Science Semester A 2011 Examination

Test Description Length: 2 hours Items: 56 SR (85%), 2 BCRs (15%)

|Unit |Approximate Number of Selected Response |

| |Items |

|H ESS Skills and Processes |8 |

|Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy |26 |

|Astronomy |22 |

|Totals |56 |

The vocabulary terms and objectives are grouped into units for your convenience. Some items may occur in multiple units during the semester. The vocabulary includes terms that students may encounter when reading examination items.

To prepare to study the vocabulary, next to each word, mark [pic]if you are confident you know the meaning of the word, mark[pic]if you are not sure of the meaning. Focus on the ?s when you study!

Skills and Processes



__data analysis

__dependent variable


__graduated cylinder


__independent variable


__pi graph





__sample size

__scientific model

__scientific notation


Fluid Circulation and Solar Energy


__air pressure


__angle of incoming solar radiation



__bottom current


__cloud coverage



__Coriolis effect

__density-driven currents

__El Niño

__energy budget

__energy transfer



__high pressure


__La Niña


__low pressure



__Northern Hemisphere

__prevailing winds







__surface current

__Southern Hemisphere

__water cycle

__wind-driven currents


__astronomical unit


__Big Bang

__black hole

__coronal mass ejection/solar flare

__degrees Kelvin


__elliptical orbit

__giant star

__Kepler’s Laws

__lunar eclipse

__main sequence star


__nebular theory

__Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation

__nuclear fusion

__planetary probe


__radio telescope




__solar eclipse


__star cycle





__white dwarf star

BCRs were put on the exam review sheets to encourage appropriate student collaboration and review of concepts in preparation for the entire exam (not just the BCRs).  Teachers should not address these BCRs during the course of their instruction and review with students other than highlighting their availability to support STUDENT review and to teach, model and encourage collaboration around the concepts. 

Students should be prepared to answer any of the BCRs included in the review. Teachers will select two of the options interspersed in the review questions below.

Upon successful completion of Semester A, the student should be able to:

Earth Space Systems Skills and Processes

1. form a working hypothesis.

A student plants bean seeds at various depths in soil, and measures how long it takes for them to sprout and how high the total growth is after 10 days. Write a possible hypothesis for this experiment. (Remember the format: If I change [independent variable] by [how will you change it], then the [dependent variable] will [increase/decrease/stay the same].)

2. test a working hypothesis.

Describe how you would test the hypothesis you wrote for #1.

3. select appropriate materials to conduct an investigation.

What materials would you need to conduct the investigation you described above? Make a list.

4. identify appropriate methods for conducting an investigation.

Taylor wanted to find out which brand of “C” batteries lasted the longest. He put one brand of “C” batteries into his radio. He put another brand of “C” batteries into a remote-controlled car. He timed how long each battery lasted before it ran out. What mistake did he make in setting up his experiment? How could he have improved his experimental set-up?

5. use relationships discovered in the lab to explain observations outside the lab.

6. analyze data to make predictions, decisions, or draw conclusions.

This picture shows an experiment that explores how the Sun heats up different materials. The boxes in the picture are filled with air. Use the information in the picture to answer then next two questions.


What is one conclusion you can draw from this experiment? (HINT: Look at the temperature for each of the different containers.)

If you want to build a tank to heat up water using sunlight, what color should the tank be? Support your proposal with evidence from the experiment.

7. interpret graphics such as maps, graphs, and satellite images.


8. describe trends revealed by data.

The graph above shows the results of an experiment in which scientists gave a growth hormone, gibberellic acid, to plants. Describe the trend(s) in the data.

9. use analyzed data to confirm, modify, or reject a hypothesis.

The scientists’ hypothesis was: If plants are given more gibberellic acid, they will grow taller. Was their hypothesis correct? Why or why not?

10. describe similarities and differences when explaining concepts and/or principles.

← will practice this with content below

11. use ratio and proportion to solve problems.

The formula for density is given in the box at right. Use it to calculate the answers to the problems below.

A sample of seawater has a mass of 25 g and a volume of 5 mL. What is its density?

A second sample of seawater has a mass of 64 g and a volume of 8 mL. What is its density?

You know that a sample of fresh water has a density of 7 g/mL and its volume is 8 mL. What is the mass of the sample?

12. express large quantities using scientific notation.

Express the distance from the Earth to the Sun, 150,000,000 km, in scientific notation.

Express the diameter of Jupiter, 142,984 km, in scientific notation.

The speed of light is about 3.0 x 108 in scientific notation. Express this as a standard number.

Solar Energy and Fluid Circulation

13. identify the most likely method of heat energy transfer by water in the atmosphere.

Describe the forms of heat transfer:

conduction -

convection -

radiation -

How can each of these methods transfer heat to the atmosphere?

14. describe how differences in the density of liquids affect circulation and movement of water.

Which is more dense, salty water or fresh water?

Which is more dense, cold water or warm water?

Will a more dense liquid tend to rise or sink?

Draw a diagram of how changes in density can create a thermohaline (density-driven) current in a tank of water. Think about the demo we did with a bag of hot water on one side of an aquarium and a bag of ice on the other side.

15. describe ways that the atmospheric and oceanic circulations influence each other.

What causes surface currents in the ocean?

Hurricanes tend to form over the warm waters of the equator. Why would this be the case? (HINT: Think about how storms form, and how heating a fluid like air or water affects its density.)

16. describe how pressure gradients affect atmospheric circulation.


17. describe the changes in pressure associated with altitude.

As altitude above the Earth’s surface increases, there is less pressure of air molecules above a point, so the pressure (increases/decreases).

18. given a map, predict the direction of movement of a low and high pressure area.

Winds tend to move away from ________________ (high/low) pressure areas and toward ________________(high/low) pressure areas. (Imagine air escaping from a hole in a tire to help you remember.)

In the Northern Hemisphere winds blow _____________________________(clockwise/counterclockwise) around a high pressure area and __________________________ (clockwise/counterclockwise) around a low pressure area.


19. explain how changes in solar energy affect atmospheric circulation.

20. use rainfall data to predict a characteristic of a geographic region.

Which of the three locations in the picture below will likely have the most rain and snow?


Which of the three locations in the picture below will have dry, desert like conditions?

(HINT: Think about the “rain shadow” of the mountains.)


A location receives heavy rain during the summer months, but is very dry during the winter months. What is this climate condition called? (HINT: Think about India.)

Why does this seasonal difference occur?

21. describe how the change from La Niña to El Niño affects the ocean and atmosphere.

Describe differences between normal condition and El Niño conditions, based on the diagram.

|Location: |Normal Conditions: |El Niño Conditions: |

|Water off the west coast of | | |

|South America | | |

|Peruvian current | | |

|Current between South America | | |

|and Australia | | |

|Area north of Australia | | |

|Winters in the Northern U.S. | | |

|and Canada | | |

|Winters in the Southeastern | | |

|U.S. | | |

BCR: A Climate Cycle

During 1997, Peru, on the west coast of South America, received much more rain than it normally receives. Rivers flooded and mudslides buried entire neighborhoods. There were many thunderstorms, indicating the atmosphere had more energy than normal.

Describe what happens to the ocean and atmosphere when the climate cycle in the Pacific Ocean region changes from La Niña to El Niño.

Be sure to consider the completeness of your response, supporting details, and accurate use of terms.

22. identify how ocean currents and wind direction are affected by the Coriolis effect.

The Coriolis effect causes winds and currents to bend or deflect. It is caused by the Earth’s movement, specifically its . At the equator, there is no deflection.

In the Northern Hemisphere, how are winds deflected? __________________________________

In the Southern Hemisphere, how are winds deflected? ___________________________________

On the diagram, draw how the winds and currents are deflected in each hemisphere by the Coriolis effect.

23. compare and contrast the effect of land and water surfaces on incoming solar energy.

24. describe how temperature near various surfaces changes through the day-night cycle.

BCR: Temperature Differences

Students investigate the rates of heating and cooling of different surfaces. They collect temperature data from the blacktop surface of a parking area next to a lake and the surface water in the lake. Each surface responds differently to energy from the Sun. Their results are shown in the table below.


|Time (Hours)|Blacktop |Water | |Time |Blacktop |Water |

| |Temp (oC) |Temp (oC) | |(Hours) |Temp (oC) |Temp (oC) |

|2 |23 |22 | |13 |29 |23 |

|3 |24 |22 | |14 |27 |23 |

|4 |26 |23 | |15 |26 |23 |

|5 |28 |23 | |16 |25 |23 |

|6 |30 |24 | |17 |24 |23 |

|7 |32 |24 | |18 |24 |23 |

|8 |33 |24 | |19 |23 |23 |

|9 |34 |24 | |20 |23 |23 |

|10 |33 |24 | |21 |23 |23 |

|11 |32 |24 | |22 |23 |23 |

Compare the rates of heating and cooling of the blacktop to the water in a lake. In your response, be sure to include

• the method of heat transfer from the Sun

• the rate at which each surface absorbs energy

• the rate at which each surface releases energy

• the methods through which each surface transfers energy to the atmosphere

• evidence from the table that supports your response

Be sure to consider the completeness of your response, supporting details, and accurate use of terms.

25. describe how Sun angle and length of daylight change from season to season at any location, and affect seasonal temperature changes.

|Type of Light |High or Low Angle? |Warmer or Cooler Temperature? |Focused or Spread Out? |

|Direct | | | |

|Indirect | | | |

What is the angle of the sunlight during winter? (high/low)

What is the angle of the sunlight during summer? (high/low)

How does the angle of the sunlight change as we move further away from the equator and toward the Poles?

What is the length of daylight near the equator all year?

What is the length of daylight in the mid-latitudes (ex: Maryland) during the winter? (long/short)

What is the length of daylight in the mid-latitudes during the summer? (long/short)

How many hours of daylight do the North and South Poles get in their summer? (none/24 hrs)

How many hours of daylight do the North and South Poles get in their winter? (none/24 hrs)

26. explain the cause of the Earth’s seasons.

Use your thinking for the responses above to explain why the Earth has seasons. Be sure to discuss Earth’s tilt and how that changes the angle of sunlight and number of hours of daylight during the different seasons, and the temperatures (high/low) that result. You might also consider comparing the changing seasons in Maryland versus a place near the equator versus the North or South Pole.


27. describe the organization and major components of the Solar System

What is the major difference between geocentric and heliocentric models of the Solar System?

Fill out the table comparing and contrasting the inner and outer planets. Use the first line as an example.

|Characteristic |Inner Planets |Outer Planets |

|Distance from Sun |Closer to sun |Further from Sun |

|Size | | |

|Composition (what they’re made of) | | |

|Surface | | |

|Moons | | |

|Rings | | |

28. apply Kepler’s Laws to the orbits of objects in our solar system.

Use Kepler’s three laws to correctly label the diagrams below.


|Kepler’s ________ Law |Kepler’s ________ Law |Kepler’s ________ Law |

| | | |

|Explanation-__________ |Explanation-__________ |Explanation-__________ |

|____________________ |____________________ |____________________ |

|____________________ |____________________ |____________________ |

|____________________ |____________________ |____________________ |

|____________________ |____________________ |____________________ |

|____________________ |____________________ |____________________ |

Use the diagram to answer the following questions.

Use the word bank to complete these sentences.

Day and night are caused by , while a year is from .

According to Kepler’s First Law, all planetary orbits are the shape called an ___________________. The more stretched out or flattened an orbit is, the more _________________________. A circle has an eccentricity of _____________.

In an orbit, is the closest point to the Sun, but is the furthest point from the Sun. According to Kepler’s Second Law, planets move at different speeds during their orbit. They move ___________________ when closest to the Sun and ___________________ when furthest away from the Sun.

Which planet will take longer to orbit once, Jupiter or Earth, according to Kepler’s 3rd Law?

Why is this the case?

29. follow the path of energy from the Sun’s core to its surface.

Label the six layers of the Sun in the diagram.


Describe nuclear fusion as it happens in the Sun’s core.

Describe the path of the energy in the Earth’s core as it travels to the surface and eventually out into space. Use as many details as you can about what is happening at each stage.

30. describe the processes that produce and distribute solar wind particles into space.

Give definitions of each of these terms

|sunspot | |

|solar flare | |

|prominence | |

|solar wind | |

|aurora | |

31. analyze the pattern of sunspots on the surface of the Sun.

32. compare and contrast solar and lunar eclipses and relate them to lunar phases.

Draw a diagram representing a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse.

|Solar Eclipse |Lunar Eclipse |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|Moon Phase: |Moon Phase: |

What causes us to see the Moon’s phases? _________________________________________________


33. compare and contrast the Earth and the Moon in their response to solar wind particles.

How do the Earth and the Moon react differently to solar wind

particles? Use the diagram at the right to give you some ideas.








BCR: Revolution, Rotation and Eclipses

Occasionally during Earth’s revolution around the Sun, an eclipse occurs. Whether or not the eclipse is visible from a specific location on Earth depends on many variables, including Earth’s rotation.


At which position on Earth’s surface (A or B) would you expect to see the lunar eclipse depicted in the diagram? Explain your reasoning. In your response, be sure to:

▪ Describe the role revolution plays in the occurrences of eclipses

▪ Explain how Earth’s rotation is related to visibility of eclipses from various positions on Earth

Be sure to consider the completeness of your response, supporting details, and accurate use of terms.

34. explain the origin of astronomical tides.

What causes the Earth to experience tides?

35. analyze the evolution of stars in terms to the relationship between gravity and nuclear fusion.

BCR: The Life of a Star

There are many variations in stars, including brightness, color, temperature, and mass. Hertzprung and Russell suggested that these variations showed that stars go through different stages.

Describe the life of a medium mass star, from the beginning to the end of its existence.

In your response be sure to

• Identify each stage of the star’s life in the correct order

• Briefly describe the important processes in each stage (gravity, fusion, expand, collapse)

Be sure to consider the completeness of your response, supporting details, and accurate use of terms.

36. classify stars into populations based on their color and brightness.

Use the Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram to answer the following questions.


Describe the temperature and brightness of a Supergiant. _________________________________

Describe the temperature and brightness of a star in the lower left of the diagram. ______________________

What type of stars do you find at the lower left?

What happens to the brightness of a main-sequence star as its temperature increases? ____________________

37. compare and contrast the evolution of sun-like and massive stars.

Compare and contrast the evolution of sun-like (medium) and massive (large) stars. (HINT: Think about how long each lives and how the life cycle ends for each type.)

38. explain the evidence astronomers use to support the Big Bang Theory.

What is the Big Bang Theory?

What evidence have scientists found to support the Big Bang Theory? \

identify the astronomical instrument best suited to a particular task in studying the Universe.

Fill in the table below describing instruments used to study astronomy. Explain its use and provide an example.

|Astronomical Instrument |Function |Example |

|optical telescope | | |

|radio telescope | | |

|spectrometer | | |

39. describe the advantage of satellite-based instruments and space probes over ground-based instruments in studying the Universe.

We study the universe in many different ways. Fill in the table with advantages and disadvantages of the methods listed below.

|Method of Study |Advantages |Disadvantages |

|ground instruments | | |

|satellites | | |

|space probes | | |

40. analyze the role of gravity in the formation of end-products of stellar evolution (e.g., white dwarfs, black holes).

The Universal Law of Gravitation says that all objects have a gravitational attraction to all other objects. This attraction depends on two variables, and .

Which will have a stronger gravitational pull if they are the same distance away, an Earth-sized planet or a Jupiter-sized planet? Why?

If a satellite moves further away from Earth, what will happen to the gravitational pull on it? Why?

BCR: Universal Gravitation

Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation states that any two objects exert a gravitational force of attraction on each other. Examples of Newton’s law can be found throughout the universe. For example, the Sun’s gravity affects Earth and other celestial bodies. The gravity of these objects also has an effect on Earth.

The extent to which gravity of any object affects another object is determined by many factors, for example distance between the object and the mass of the objects.

The Milky Way


Describe evidence found in our universe that celestial bodies are gravitationally bound. In your response, remember to include:

▪ Specific examples of consistent relationships between celestial objects

▪ Discuss how all bodies with mass are gravitationally bound

▪ Describe the relationship between mass and gravitational force

Be sure to consider the completeness of your response, supporting details, and accurate use of terms. Write your response on the lines provided on the Constructed Response Answer Sheet.


d = m


Isobars close together on a map mean the winds will be ______________ (stronger/weaker) because of the steep pressure gradient.

Circle a place on the map with weak winds. Put an X on the map where there are strong winds.

Earth’s rotation

Intended path:

Actual path:





1. At which point does Earth move the fastest? _______

2. At which point does Earth move the slowest? _______

3. Kepler’s ______ Law supports my answer.

ellipse rotation slowest perihelion eccentric fastest aphelion revolution zero

Word bank:




radiative zone

convection zone

What patterns do you notice?

Are we currently at a period of maximum sunspots or at a period of minimum sunspots?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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